HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-05-23, Page 1Tenders „approved
for reconstruction
A nieciai weetingof the'rown
Conncil was held Thursday
.evening to consider tenders for
the paving and reconstruction of
certain streets An Clinton.
A tender of $05,889, submit.
ted by Lavis Contracting Corn.
pany l was accepted for the
reconstruction of Beech and
Whitehead Streets, Two other
tenders were received: $anco
Construction Limited,, of Lon-
don -$26,74'7, and Frank -Van
Russel and Sons, Fgt. 3, Liman
- U5,716,.
Council also .a.ek. Noted the
$8,893 Lavis tender for paying
James and Gordon streets. It
was the only laid received,
A motion that Province of
Ontario Residential Property
Tax R eduction be deducted from
the first installment of taxes
clue June 30 was passed.
Council approved Q. tender of
$422 frpm Herman's Men's
Wear for police clothing,
Joins News-Record
Robert Beavers, of Exeter,
has assumed reporting and edit-
orial duties with the Clinton
News-Record for the summer,
beginning with this issue.
Mr. Beavers, a student in the
department of Journalism at
the University of Western On-
tario, has worked with the West.
ern Gazette and the Sarnia
Gazette, and is a former bus.
Mess manager and columnist
with the Westminster College
paper, The Spokesman.
An active sportsman in the
Exeter and Clinton area, he
formerly reported high school
football games for the Exeter
times-A dvocate.
He is a son of Mr. and M.rs. ,
R. L. Beavers, Exeter. His
sister, Mrs. Stephen Brown,
is a teacher at Central Huron
Secondary School, Clinton.
Mr. Beavers succeeds Jim
'Couper, The announcement was
made by J Howard Aitken,
'vice-president of the Signal.
Star Publishing Ltd.
Conservative candidate
Robert E. McKinley, Zurich
area chicken hatchery operator,
was named Progressive Con-
serVative candidate for Huron
in the upcoming federal
election. tie Was tmopposed,
Mr. McKinley, who has re-
presented the Huron riding
since November, 1965, will be
opposed by Liberal candidate
Malt Edgar. Mr, McKinley de-
feated Mr. Edgar by 1,204 votes
in the last election,
Mr. McKinley is a director
of the Huron-Perth division of
the pOultry and egg marketing
board, Ile Is married and has
five children.
Guest speaker at the meeting
was Brie Winkler, MPP (Grey.
8outh), fernier federal member
for Grey--Bruce, Who resigned
his federal seatlasttallto enter
provincial obit-ties. Mr, Winkler
tritized Printe Minister Tru-
tleatt's proposed thangesin the
Criminal Code Which would
legalize abortion and horno.
sexual acts among consenting
adults over 21 years of age,
saying this was "tampering with
the basic traditionS of our way
of life."
The nomination meeting coin.
tided with the annual meeting
of the Huron Progressive Con«
servative A ssociation which
saw Frank Walkom, Goderich
succeed John Durnin of Auburn
as president.
Other officers elected were:,
secretary, Mrs. Douglas An.
drews, Clinton; treasurer, Jaek
Morrleaey? Creditern vice-pre.
sidents, Roy Cousins, tits Sels ;
Clayten Laithwaite, R111, God.
erich; Eddy Powell, RR I Wing.
ham, Fred Heaffian, RR 3Park.
hill; Mrs. Robert McCabb, RR
4 Goderich; and Barry Wenger,
Directors: Mrs. P. A, Thomp.
sem, Clinton; Valentine Becker,
Dashwood; James Donnelly,
Goderichn William Dale,
Clinton; Gordon Grigg, Clinton;
Robert Chaft e, Centralia; anti
/van Hearn, Ltican.
Thousands of people, many of them children and teenagers,
took advantage of sunny skies and warm temperature Tuesday
afternoon to eaten a glimpse or rrirrte minister toerre Elliott
Trudeau, who made a brief stop in Clinton on a whirlwind.
tour of southwestern Ontario. Above, the prime minister waves
to the crowd as he arrives in a convertible, accompanied by
Huron Liberal candidate Maitland Edgar, seen bending over
behind 'him , at left. - (Staff photo)
Men are welcome guests at the annual Florence
Nightingale Tea but few accept the invitation
and thereby miss seeing ail the lovely ladies.
However Duff 'aliorripson appreciates feminine
charms and good food and is shown here en-
joying both. Passing him the goodies is Mrs.
D. Palmer? while seated left to right are Mrs,
Ken Etue, Mrs. Orville Oke and Mrs. R. J.
Boussey, all visitors from Seaforth. Mrs.
Boussey's husband is Manager of the Clinton
(Muriel Trott Photo)
r .a
THE NEW ERA -.- 1710 YEAR No. THE cl.ft4TOR THURSDAY, MAY 23, Wag
Trudeau-mania 'NU, Clinton
h ospital open
Prime Minister Trudeau
stopped off briefly in Clinton
Tuesday afternoon, but spent
more time getting from the
platform to his car than he did
speaktng to the massive crowd,
assembled in the library park.
An.estimated 5,000 people
lined the streets, many elbowing
their way into the park to get
a closer look at the Prime
Mr. Trudeau, unruffled by the
noise 'and confusion in the
streets, slowly made his way
from his police escorted con- -
vertible to the speaking plat
form, smiling and waving to
the thousands of eager on-
Accompanying Mr. Trudeau
were Malt Edgar,HuronLiberal
candidate, and several news-
paper photographers and re-
Firecrackers exploded and
cheers filled the air as he step-
ped up to the microphone. He
noted that many of the smiles
and happy faces of the crowd
were 'a result of "the boys and
girls getting two hours off
"I'm glad so many , of you
boys and girls have turned out
today to see the Liberal caacli-
late who is a school teacher,"
The Federation of Ontario
Naturalists is conducting a
Bluebird Survey and would like
to hear from anyone who has
seen bluebirds this spring.
More bluebirds have been re-
ported this spring than since the
late 1950's, a FON bulletin
states. Many reports are com-
ing' in from, south-east and
south-western Ontario,
Once a common roadside and
orchard bird, the bluebird has
suffered several setbacks inthe
last decade or two. Starlings are
-strong competitors for nesting
sights, Severe ,apring storms
and 'cold weather in the southern
United States on the bluebirds'
wintering grounds have taken
their toll. More recently, a'
widespread program designed
to control fire ants has resulted
in millions of acres being
treated with deadly pesticides.
Bright blue upper parts, com-
bined with a reclish-brown
.breast, should distinguish the
bluebird from other Ontario
birds, The blue jay and indigo
bunting have much blue in their
plumage, but otherwise are
quite different.
Bluebirds build their nests in
tree cavities, old woodpecker
holes, rotted out fence posts and
bird' boxes, at heights from
three to thirty feet. The nest
is of grass, often mixed with
leaves, rootlets, hair, feathers
and leaves. The female will lay
from three to seven pale blue
eggs, which take about 16 days
to hatch.
If you have spotted abluebird
this spring, the FON would like
to know. Write to: Bluebird
Survey, Federation of Ontario
Naturalists, 1262 Don Mills
Road, Don Mills. List the
number seen, date and place,
and, if nesting, details of nest
sight, eggs, etc.
*** ***
Insurance for white beans is
now available, the Crop Insur•
ance announced last week.
Under the Bean Plan, crops
are insured for damage caused
by hail, wind, drought, frost,
flood, plant disease, insect in.
festation, excessive moisture,
and excessive rainfall.
Two optional types of protec-
tion are available-coverage to
70 per cent of the area average
yield, or a "disaster" coverage
at 45 per cent of the average
yield to protect a grower's out-
of.pocket expenSeS.
Insutance and indemnity are
based on a price established by
the Commission at six cents a
pound. The contract covers
losteS due to damaged beans or
foreign material in excess of the
pick allowance of two per cent.
The Cominissical will insure
white beetle: in Elgin, Huron,
Perth, Kent, Lambton, and
dleSex counties, and other areas
where the climate is Suitable'for
bean production. Premium rates
established mean that coverage
fox' out.of-peeket expenses can
be obtained for approximately
One dollar per acre.
1967 068
.May 14 65 46
15 16
16' '16 46
17 50 45
16 83 31
19 ,52 41
g0 55.
Rain .53,
63' 86
66 30
66 33'
66 30
60. 46
01 56
00 :31
Rain: ,26
the Prime Minister said. The.
word 'teacher' stimulated a
chorus of 'boos' from the
"Never mind the 'boos',"
lie quipped.
Mr. Trudeau compared the
general election to an examina-
"The general election is
like an examination period for
the politicians.
You think you have prob-
lems?" he said to the students,
"look at uS politicians, You only
have to answer a few questions
easy ones, asked by your
school board and your teachers.
"They are pretty easy if they
are compared to the questions
the candidates like Mr. Edgar
and myself receive at examina-
tion time.
"Democracy is a system
where the politicians have to
come before the people every
few years in order to pass
their examination, and we, in
order to succeed in this ex-
amination, must show the peOple
that we know the answers or at
least that we are willing to
study the answers.
"We have the answers to a
number. of things, the others
we must learn together,"
He cited Clinton as an ex-
ample of how Canada can work
as a nation toward unity. Many
people from all parts of the
country are living around Clin-
ton, particularly at the air base.
"We know that national unity
is possible because we know
that in a city like Clintonpeople
can live together and exchange
'.ideas together and be happy
together," he said.
Mr. Trudeau seemed to cut
the French portion of his speech
When one of the spectators set
off numerous firecrackers.
"The fireworks are a sign
that my speech is coming to
a close," he said •in a some-
what annoyed tone. "But" he
added, the familiar Trudeau
grin returning to his face,
"there will be bigger fireworks
on the 25th of June? when we
all celebrate together," •
Mr. Trudeau appeared de-
-lighted With the crowd's res-
...aP0r4Allowing his speecna He
remained on the platform
briefly, signing autographs, and
chatting with people around him.
One young spectator handed
him a Canadian flag which he
waved for a moment, then signed
his name„ while resting the
flag on the back of RCMP con-
stable Bob Moffatt, of Goderich.
Mr. Trudeau nearly lost his
balance as a myriad of auto-
graph seekers pressed toward
the platform. "There wouldn't
be any more people here if
it were the Queen," one
spectator commented,
As he descended, he was
swarmed, by hundreds of
spectators young and old - but
Mostly young, As in many of
his other stops, the persistence
of teenagers to get close to him
prevented Mr. Trudeau from
shaking hands with many of the
voters. One youth mounted a
friend's shoulders to catch a
better view.
The crowd, dotted with
"Edgar - Liberal" signs,
clustered around the Prime
Minister as he headed for his
car. He donned a sombrero
that was thrown to him by a
young girl. Smiling, he slowly
pushed his way toward his car.
And, as usual, he was kissed
by teenage girls along the way.
Mr. Trudeau reached his car
and waved to the throng, his
tanned face shining in the sun.
As he was leaving the town,
one yming observer remarked,
,,t like Mr. Trudeau. He's a
nice 'man."
Throughout Ontario May 12
is known officially as Hospital
Day, Annually around this date
the board of governors of the
Clinton Public Hospital hold
open house and in conjunction
with it the Women's Auxiliary
sponsor the Florence Nightin-:
gale Tea,
This delightful event which
took place this' year on May 15
attracted more than 200 guests
from Clinton and the surround-
ing area. Many of :the 'visitors
first took time to tour the
hospital,. where obliging staff
members graciously showed
them, among other • things,
equipment recently purchased
by the Auxiliary.
At the hospital they were wel-
comed by Board Member Mrs.
a community that is efficient
and economical to operate.
In 'order for sound decisions
to be made, it is necessary to
select goals, collect all pertin.•
ent information, analyse the
data collected, and prepare a
Plan to guide future develop-
Planning is the process of
making decieitnia based on a
Careful ettidy Of all available
information, Related measures,
such as Subdivision Control and
'zoning by-lawe, while necessary
for Implementation Of the plan•
ning process, are not in them.
Planning boards in Ontario
are established b operate' ithin
planning areas Milted' by the
Minister under section two of
the Planning •Act, There ate
three different types of planning
boards,- single independent, sub.
sidiary, and joint.
Single Independent planning
boards are set up Where the
planning area consists of part
or all of one MunielealitY, Sub.
sidiary planning boards are'
tablished Where the planning
William Norman, and Mrs. R.
U. MaeLean, Vice President of
the Auxiliary.
Across the road from the hos-
pital in the Nurses' Residence
Mrs. K. S, Wood and Mrs. C.
Epps had the tea room beauti-
fully decorated with numerous
colourful floral arrangements
and blossoming branches of the
apple and crab trees. At the
entrance stood a life size sketch
of Florence Nightingale, made
possible through the artistic
talent of Mrs. Millie Zablocki.
Mrs. Douglas Bartliff, Presi-
dent of the Auxiliary and Miss
Kathleen Elliott, Director of
Nursing, welcomed the guests
at the door, Tea Convener Mrs.
Victor Darasch hosted in the
Tea Room.
area consists of part or 'all
of one municipality that is in.
eluded within a larger area,
Joint planning boards are
established where more than
one Municipality is included
Within the planning area,
Members are appointed to the
planning board by the council
of the municipality or, in the
ease 'of a joint planning board,
by the council of the designated
Normally, the planning board
should be composed' of four,
six, or eight aienibers in ad.
dition to the head of the domicil
of the designated tnitnieipality.
While there Must be at least
one municipal countillot on
every planning board, 'and While
it is often thought to be a
good idea to include mote than
one, The Plain % Act rules
against a majority Of members
of a planning board being mein.
bors Of cenneil„
In the WO Of joint planning
beards, it is necesenry to re.
eelVe the Minister/a appreVal
to the appOintin ent of members.
The council of each municipal.
Mrs. H. C. Lawson, Mrs.
E. W. Ryan, Mrs. Harvey
Taylor and Mrs. Wilmer Howatt
poured tea. The table at which
they sat looked most attractive
laden with fancy sandwiches,
cakes and cookies and centred
with an arrangement of daffo-
dils, yellow tulips and grape
hyacinths. Off to one side of
the room Mrs. D, Palmer's
chirupping yellow budgie bird
completed the spring-like Set-
This year the work of several
hobbyists 'was an extra attrac-
tion in which the guests were
very much interested. Mrs.
Beecher Menzies who was in
charge of hobbies had the work
(Cont, on Page 5)
ity within the planning area
should 'nominate its representa.
lives by resolution and ibtarard
to the clerk of the designated
municipality, The council of the
municipality will then formally
appoint the -members to the
planning board by by-law
and forward an application to
the Minister for his approval.
Members of the planning
board who are members of a
municipal council should be
appointed for one year, Other
members shall, On the first
appointment, be appointed for
One, two, and three year terms
of Office' 80 that one-third of
these members Will retire On
January 1 of the first year
following their appaiiitinent,
Citleithitd on J'anuar'y 1 Of the
second year, and orte.third on
jaitaar y 1 Of the thir,1 year,
Planning boards are strictly
advisory bodies: They cannot
legislate- or make policy dec.i
Wens, Their function toma.ka
recommendations to eo tifiell
based on a careful study of
•(Cont„ on page
The Clinton Lions Club has
made an application to form a
branch of the C anadian Arthritis
and Rheumatism Society in
Lion president Manar d
Corrie is chairman of the corn.
mittee in charge. Other mem.
bers are George Lavis, Ken
Fleet, Clayton Dixon, rville
Englelstad, and William Craw.
ford, A Medical advisor is to
be appointed from the local
medical association.
The Rotary Chin in Goderich
formed a branch of the CARS
over two years ago,
Clinton branch. will be affil•
iated with an area committee
located in London. On'' April 1,
a rheumatic diseases unit was
opened at Westminster Hospital
in London to 'serve 11 counties
n Western Ontario, At pre.
sent it is a 20 bed' unit, and
will be housed in the proposed
$35,000,000 University' of West-
ern Ontario hospital in 1971.
The prime purposes of the
new London unit will be the
treatment and rehabilitation of
specially selected arthritis pa-
education of medical and
health personnel and clinical
research on rheumatic dis.
Similar units exist in Tor.
onto, Hamiltbn, Kingston. Four
other proposed units are pend.
ing and clinical research on
rheumatic diseases, ,
Patients with arthritis re.
quiring special investigation
and intensive rehabilitation will
be referred to the London unit
by doctors throughout the seven
county area of Western Ontario.
The formation of the Clinton
branch was promoted by Lion
president Maynard Currie, He
invited Major Joseph I, Dolan,
(continued on page 5)
Forum here
June 5
Conestoga College of Applied
Arts and Technology is goingto
the people - to tell them what
the college is', and to find out
what they would like it to be.
A two week campaign of four
College Community Forums is
to be held in each of the four
counties the college serves.
The Forum will be conducted
in Clinton on June 5 at the Legion
Purpose of the forums is to
discuss with community lead-
ers, employers, potential
students ,and interested citizens
what the college is, the type of
education it provides, the kind of
graduates It hopes to produce,
the opportunities it offers to
both younger and older students,
and the services it can rendez'
to the community.
Dean of Educational Services,
Fred Snyder, emphasized that
the forums would be a two Way
discussion in which the college
would ask people how they felt
the College could serve them
The forums will include afilni
about the new community ea-
lege system, models and plc,
tures of the centime and its
planned program of growth, and
a question and suggestion period
in which the public would pat,
The college, While': Opened in
January of this year; is one of
nineteen colleges that Make
community college systeni 'in
Ontario. This IS the first time
it has gone to the public to
discuss the many abireites it can
offer to the community.
The first
More than 50 interested citia.
ens turned out at the community
centre Titesday evening for the
fitst in a series of three meet.
Inge to disease planning and
development on a countywide
basis in Huron County,
E A, Gomme, TOtoritia, of the
department of municipal affairs
community planning branch
spoke on ecnntattnity planning
and the proposed county plan.
fling board.
Reette H, B. Such Of Goderich
chairman Of the Huron County
industrial and tourism eon'.
Mittee chaired 'the Meeting, He
said it would take about two
years for' a plan for develops
inept to be accepted by Huron
County benneil,
To intatna readers of the tilt.
aSneeiS planning, this
p'eper Will outline"tottinitinity
planking • OntaidO in a two-
natf artiste.
Community planning is the
process through which the edit.
tfititiity decides What policies'
and Other measures ne.
teStary to produce aft etiViren.
Mat fer pleasant living and
ounty planning outlined
shown at Lions to form
arthritis branch house