HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-04-25, Page 4CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES. (REVISED May 1, 1949) 'CASH RATE 3c -Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if no of pad within 10 days last insertion. REPEAT ADVS.' 2c Per Word , .4Inimunn 500 *DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display- 90c per inch Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. • DEADLINE Noon Tuesdnv DIAL 482-3443 Registered Nurses Required Excellent Salary Increments Paid for Years of Service Good Personnel Policies • Apply in writing to: G. G. MacKenzie, ,Administrator SEAFORTii COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Seaforth, Ontario 17b Outerwear FOR AN ACTIVE SPRING JACKETS Smart New Styles in this season's new shades, zipper or button styles. SPORT SHIRTS ASK FOR TERYCOTA This unordinary shirt short or long sleeves WASH SLACKS Hopsacks, Twills, and Worsted Weaves FROM 7.95 UP Pickett & Campbell Limited Main Corner, Clinton, unrano, Phone 482-9732 CUSTOM. WORK SERVICES; • TENDERS WANTE•D KLECTKOWIna Ltd. Sales and Service, Alvin Riley,. 524-6514, 1P.1. Lighthouse St., OPOPriPb. 1010 ELECTRICAL, plumbing and carpentry work. New install*. lions and repairs. s, J. Steffen 123 Erie St, Clinton, 432-9937: 8-1•71) :1:1r. M. W. RAITIIBY V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals • - • .„ m " m , . TENDERS TENDERS will be received for PAINTING the GRAND STAND at Clinton , Com- munity Park, until Friday, May 3rd, 1968. Work must tau completed by Fri- day, May 24. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars, phone Clarence Neilans, chairman, Clinton Con,- muniy Park Board, 482-: 9635, after 5 ppm. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED YI9WeCirekri)G13e(larlirteeenj Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1404 p4tfb 4 Clinton News.Rccord, 'Thursday, April 2501, 1068 ARTICLES FOR SALE REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expert lY done. All odd pl.'s around the home, Kitchen cupboards __a specialty, 'Phone 482.7676, Ken mcNairn, 52tfb CUSTOM WORK ARTICLE*, WANTED CUSTOM WORK. GIRL'S sidewalk, bicycle, in good condition. Phone 624-9013- ne 850-GALLON water troug h, made of 14." steel plate. Phone 524-6353. 17* THREE• PAIRS beige curtains, never been used; 2 pairs, 1 width by 95" long; 1' pair, 3 widths by 95" long. Call 482- 7677. 16, 17u 38 FT, cabin boat, sleeps 5, galley and head; Grey Marine eegine, very reasonable. Call 565,2827, Bayfield, "after 6. ,17p CLINTON CAB. Out of Town Trips 482-7011' • ALSO. GARDENS PLOWED. AND WORKED Call Geore. McGee We Specialize In . Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE. 46 King Street Phone 482-7652 Boarding PHONE 524.8573 Goderlch, Ontario etfb. BOARD • AND ROOM BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tfb . . . ....... `WATCH REPAIRis 4j,oti for experts. Our work assures yoer satisfaction. Coenter's Jewel- lery, goon County's Oldest 'Established Jewellery store, - tfb . TWO rooms available for board, cr. Would pack lunches. Phone 041 -9049, • 17p ROOM and beard for one. Mrs. Norman Holland, 289 Bayfield road Phone 482-7084; SPARE TIME INCOME REFILLING and cellecting money from NEW 'TYPE high quality coin operated dispens- ers in this area, No selling. To qualify you must hav e car, references, $600 to $2,900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent monthly in- come. More full time. For personal, personal interview write CANA- PEN DISTRIBUTING LIMITED, 302 Ouelette Avenue, Suite 404, Windsor, Ontario. Phone 766-4450. 17p 17 NOTICES FOR SALE BY TENDER . Sealed tenders, marked as to contents will be received by' Donald Haines, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ont., until May 15, 1968, for the sale of the Presbyterian manse in the village of Auburn, Property consists of a large cdrner lot, 1% storey rug brick veneer house with 3 bedrooms, sunporch, and bath upstairs; 2 large rooms kitchen and util- ity room downstairs, full base- ment, oil hot water furnace, also a garage, Inspection of same may be arranged for after May 1st by contacting above address. Terms of sale 10% of pur- chase price on acceptance of tender, balance on transfer of deed. highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 17-18 CANADA'S most dynamic Mutual Fund—American Growth Fund-20% income tax credit on dividends. Investigate before you invest, Financial planning. Fred (Ted) Stivauge, area rep- resentative, 77 John St, Sea- forth, Phone 527-1522. 47tfb CERTIFIED seed • • • potatoes, other garden and lawn seed 'in balk or package, fertilizer and chemicals and ' house plant specialties. M. W, Durst, ton Farm Centre, 482-9333. EXTERIOR PAINTING. Phone Gordon Charter, 482-9654. 14tfn AUTOS FOR SALE JACK'S Furniture- Repair , Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695, 4otfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair. Our 'Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Sine Repair, 71 Hamilton St„ Goderich. 1961 OLDSMOBILE, in good con- dition, radio, heater. Reasonably priced. Apply William Richard- son, Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. 17p 1961 PLYMOUTH 4-door sedan, loW mileage, egg shell blue. For further particulars phone 527-1324; Seaforth. .17b 15tfn BEAUTIFUL bowls, candle sticks, etc., hancl-crafted from walnut, • mahogany and teak. Ideal for gifts or souvenirs, On display at Jack's Furniture Re- pair Shop, at the rear of 84 Albert St., Clinton. TRT-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for income tax and T4's. Complete record prepara- tion and maintenance. Phone 482-9260. 2tfn 38tfb GO-CART track for sale or rent, located by CPR Clinton. Apply to Craig Cox. Phone 482-7303. 17, 18b USE OF DUMP TUCKERSMITH residents are to use the dump operated by Town of Seaforth. The dump Is located on south boundary of the town just off county road. Dump is open Wednes- day and Saturday from 1 to 5 p.m from May to. October and 'Wednesday afternoons only from November to April. No wire fencing, car bodies, concrete, stoves or refrigera- tors will be permitted. James I. McIntosh, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Tuckersmith 17, 18b ATTENTION FARMERS! 1959 CHEVROLET 1/2-ton pick- up; also '1948 3-ton Mercury dump truck. Both in good me- chanical condition, good •tires. 482-9166. 17b CHOICE young beef by the quarter or half. Also 1958 Chev- rolet 2-door, $135. Phone 482- 3221. 14tfb SAWDUST, suitable for bed: ding or mulch. Also wood for sale, slab wood delivered in' truck load lots, 6 cords, $24. Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, Ont. Phone 526-7220. 15, 16, 17b REAL ESTATE TWO-bedroom house furnace. Priced low. 6654.• with.gas Call 482- 17p FOR SALE 1962 VOLVO sports coupe; red, excellent condition. Phone 482- 7251, after 5, 17, 18b FOR SALE • FARROWING crates, with or without mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall. Phone 262-5282. • tf ORDERS for spring seeding re- quirements are being taken now. See your Purina Feed and Farm Supply dealer, Clinton Farm, Centre, for prices. 482- 9333, M. W. Durst. 8tfn OLD home, in good repair, suit, able for growing family, would duplex easily' for income. Extra building, lot. P.O. Box 247, Clin- ton, 17, 18p BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Renovations & Repairs • ROOFING • Asphalt and Metal PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT NOW AVAILABLE at Anstett Jewellers Limited — Portable, Typewriters and Adding Ma- chines, $5 down, $5 a month. 15tfn FEED barley for sale. Phone 524-9811. 17p HOUSE for sale; 3 piece bath; oil furnace, central location; $5500. Phone 482-7552. 17, 18b FOUR-bedroom farm house, water pressure, bathroom, cen- tral heating; 2 miles from Blyth. Apply Mason Bailey, Blyth, 523- 9338. 17, 18p For Complete VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service For our out-of-town customers, aware open Wednesday and Sat- urday afternoons for sales and Service... — .- bon Taylor -Motors Limited .main Street —. 'Exeter 'formerly Hunter-Duvar DIAL 235-1100 2tfb DRY cob corn; also corn scut fler for WD 45 Allis Chalmers tractor. Phone 482-7463. 17, 18b WEDDING GOWN — Size 10, floor length 'gown. Chapel train and matching headpiece. 482- 7318, after 6 p.m. 12tfn PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth ,damage and other defects reeularly. I appreciate the continuod privi- lege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 31t11- TWO-bedroom apartment, liv- ing room, kitchen with eating area and bathroom, free laun- dry-room facilities equipped with automatic washer • and dryer. Adults preferred. Phone 482-9227. - 17tfn Thinking of selling your. home? We have cash buyers for homes in Clinton„ Let Us Have Your Listing $8,500.00—Three bedroom one story stucco on Fulton St. Four piece bath, alumi- num windows, oil furnace, garage, recently • reno- vated interior, owner leav- ing Clinton. Occupancy August 1st. • $17,500.00—Four bedroom, 1% storey, near both schools, two baths, 2 car garage, all heat. Princess St., East. Would take mort- gage at reasonable rate with monthly payments principal and interest. Early possession. $8,750.0077-Holmesyillew bedroom frame :3)4404W., new gas, furnace, low taxes, near school. Lot 100' x 200'. Qualifies . for VLA purchase. • • FOR SALE Several hits of RED CLOVER SEED to plow down Some lots "have a trace of Sweet Clover The cheapest fertilizer you can buy. • Apply to . R. N. ALEXANDER at . the Seed Plant in Londesboro 17 FARM SERVICE CENTRE For all pressure systems and farm line needs PHONE 482-0561 ONE large crib, . 3 crib Sheets, . good condition. , Phone 482 • - 7222. • , 17b . , Mahlon Martin TROUT 'SEASON OPENS APRIL 27th Get. Your Tackle Requirements Now at ' • UCIL.....veed E ipt1 Salmon Eggs--65c, • Mepps Spinners-85c to $1.25 PHONE 262-5454 TWO-bedroom apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished, self con- tained. Phone 482-9005, 17tfn TAKE NOTICE TWO-bedroom apartment to rent unfurnished. Phone 482- 6675. ' 17tfn .••••••••••. EMPLOYMENT `WANTED 17 Rattenbury Street CLINTON "We Service what we sell", That a motion to amend our Administrative By-Laws to conform with Section 6 (1)' (f) and (g) of Regulation 523 under the Public. Hospital Act will be considered at. the annual meeting TWO-bedroom house with' gas stove; reasonable. Call 482-7160. • 17b BABY-SITTING, light houSe- work, sewing or mending by hour, day or week. Phone 482- 3844. ' • '17b STARTED Arbor Acre Capons, 3-4 weeks old. Available April, May and June. G. L. Martin, R.R. 3, Lucknow. Phone 395- 5273. 12tfn "Proudly Canadian" LARGE 5-roomed, self-con- contained apartment, bath. Available May 1st. Phone 482- 3475,,beforn.5:30 p.m. tfn ••••• HIGH school student will do summer sewing, ladies' and children's wear. Phone 482-7809. r t.';',17b-, • -.CLINTON .PUBLIC HOSPITAL 7. • t N't4 f0i9kimit, iii`ARCH )1 67 1.968L, wta n eR1 FOR RENT Johnston Spin-cast Reels $8.95 to $31.95 • Landing Nets—$2.30 to 44.00 Assorted sizes and lengths Fish Bags--$2.95 Rubber lined with screened ends Drop in and look around at the store that stocks your every sporting goods need. SlUntatit SOIX6 C‘INTON Cjeta . Sj O N 11.•010 King Street • 482-9622 EVINRUDE SALES &•SERVICE CHAIN,, SA S McCulloch, Homelite, ieferCd" "gni! rentals. J.- W. Peck Auto Elec-. tric, 54 King. St., Clinton, 482, 3851. tfn GOOD" great 'available for a numner of cattle; lots of water, Jae Holmes, R.R. 4, BruSsels, 37435. 16, 17b FARMHOUSE, divided into 2 self-contained, unfurnished apartments; oil heated;' each unit 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and• bath; 2 miles south of Bayfield' on Highway 21. Ap- ply Melvin Greer, Bayfield. 15tfn HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED cashier. Apply in person, Corrie's Red & White, Clinton, 17 PASTURE land for cattle with spring water, available to rent. Phone 482-3269. 16.17, 18p, Spring Fertilizer $6,000.00—Two bedroom sum- mer cottage, Highway 21, 2 miles north of Bayfield, furnished, hot water, show- er, heavy duty wiring. Goad beach! K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Real Estate Broker - HAL HARTLEY—Salesman 14 Isaac St., Clinton, Ont. Phone-482-9747 SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's largest realtor specializing in rural, town and vacation properties. No experi- ence necessary, we will train you. Excellent commission ar- rangement. For further informa- tion call or write Mr. Robt: Mc- Minn, Summer and Rural Pro- perties Departinent, H. KEITH LTD:, REALTOR, 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto' 12; 487-3333. 16, 17b TO RENT: 80 acres of cash crop land in Varna area. Call 482- 7596. 17,• 18b FURNISHED and heated two- bedroom apartment, private bath, laundry facilities. Close to uptown, available now. Phone 482-3329 at noon or after 5. In - BAG OR BULK. Popular Analysis and Nitrate A-1 PASTURE, can accommo- date 80 head of cattle, good water supply, good fencing. Harry Burgsma, R.R, 1, Port Albert, 529-7982. 17, 18b 17p • . BULK SPREADERS Available -APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, kit- chen, living room, bath, Phone 482-9766 during day. After 6 call 482-9585. 15b CLINTON FEED MILL CLINTON — 482-3484 tfn LIVESTOCK FARMS FOR SALE 175 acres, highway, clay loam, drained, bathroom and 'furnace in house, silo, implement shed and bank barn, 230 acres, Maitland bloc, self- drained, good barn and house, high producing farm, 175 acres under cultivation, 3 miles from Auburn. ONE-bedroom furnished, heated apartment, suitable for a couple. Phone 482-6685. C. Van Demme. l4tfb Nursery Stock ELEVEN black-white f aced cattle, suitable for feed lot or grass. About 700-800 lbs. Also 15 Holstein heifers, 400-500 lbs. Phone 482-3350, after 6 p.m. 17b HELP WANTED , • • • FEMALE . , TRACTORS 2—M-F "35" diesels with loaders 1—M-F "35' gas. 2—M-F "50's" Hi-Arch gas. 1—M-F "50" Lo-Arch. 1—Cockshutt "30" gas. • . COMBINES 2—M-F Super "92" Combines. 1—M-F "300" gas combine, 1 year old. 1—M-F "410" gas. FOR SALE Evergreen Trees — Shrubs and. Roses 17b ONE-bedroom apartment, large living room, kitchen and bath. Available April 1. Phone 402- 7702. lltfn FEMALE MACHINE OPERATORS FRINGE BENEFITS 2 WEEKS' ANNUAL HOLIDAYS PAID' STATUTORY HOLIDAYS GROUP INSURANCE PENSION PLAN TIME AND ONE-HALF FOR OVERTIME Apply in Person to ONE • Brownie uniform, size• 8. Mrs. Arden Noble, 206 Albert St., Clinton. 17b WANTED ARTICLES FOR SALE 6 Miles from Town—Low-priced, 2 storey home, modernized in- terior, large family kitchen, full basement, new furnace. Deep well. - 2% acres. W. J. HUGHES REAL ESATE 38 East St., Goderich, Ont Phone 524-8100 17, 18b TWO loads manure, Charles Hawgood, 482-7165. 17b SPRUCE and pine trees, suitable for transplanting; also a 'Ford- son- Major tractor and 2-wheel trailer with racks; baled straw. Phone 482-9836. 17b BROADLOOM SERVICES CLINTON'S • CELANESE CARPET CENTRE • Wall to Wall,Installations or Area Carpets. • Samples shown in your home. • Free Estimates. - * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for ?very room in the home. `Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST Hardware, and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 5tfn • CORN PICKERS '1,--New Idea 2-row mounted with . husking bed and *hello?. 1—New Idea No. "6" 2-row corn picker. • HALLMAN SILOS Slab type or poured concrete. See VAN DALE, for the best in Silo 'Unloaders, and Bunk Feed- ers, Versatile Swathers and Grain -Augers. Johnston Tractor Cabs—$2311 Bennett Blades GEORGE WRAITH Your M•F and M-H dealer Goderleh Phone 5244511 or 524-7802 ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned. Gordon Grigg. Phone 482-9411. 39tfb FREEZER SPECIALS—Sides of beef,'53c lb.; hind• quarters, 63c lb.; front quarters, 45c lb.; beef chuck, 70-80' lbs., 55c lb. Cut, wrapped, quick-frozen, and de- livered at no extra charge. Ruby's Meat Market, Seaforth, Ontario, 527-0040. 16, 17, lab AUCTIONEER and Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield. Phone 482 3384 7tfb SERVICES EIGHT • window. sash 44% • in. high, 41 in. wide, $1 each. Phone 482-6685, Ceriel Van Damme. 16tfn TV AERIAL repairs and instal- lation. Phone 482-7021. Merrill TV Service, 215 Victoria St., Clinton, Ont. 17, 18 GARDENS roto-tilled. Phone 482-9555 after 5. 17b Ilighland Shoes SEAFORTH DEAD STOCK GOOD cooking Spys for sale '$2 per bushel in your own con- tainer• at the farm. Stewart Middleton, Phone 482-7525. 16, 17p MARLATT BROS. Please Phone Promptly 133 BRUSSELS ' LICENSE 390065 • 17tfn HELP WANTED- MALE CARPENTRY 482-7461 BOY'S junior bicycle; also balance wheels, Excellent con- dition: 44 Mary St:, 482-7806, 'after Friday. SPECIAL "New" Purina "Canned" dog food, 6 tins for $1.00. Available in either beef orliver flavour. Clinton Farm Centre, 482.9333. 17, 18b SUBSTANTIAL commission rate on sale of Goodyear roofing to industry! Be your own boss, with no investment. Proven sales plan shows you how to sell roofing, blacktop, -sealers and other industrial „mainten- ance products to commercial accounts, spending maximum of 3 nights per week on road. No deliveries or collections. You sell Material only and are not involved in application of same. Write our 64 year old firm to- day, for details. Consolidated Paint- and Varnish (Canada) Ltd., P.O. Box 39, Itbsernont, Montreal, Quebec. Attention M. P. Deitz, president. 17b SIMPLICITY Washers now avail- able at T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. Open evenings. •• 38tfb For all your carpentry needs call A. SHEPPARD 16tin CURTAINS - Draperies - Win- dow Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap- ery Pull Rods. Ready Made Draperies. Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS.. 5tfb Interior • Exterior PAINTING AND DECORATING Repairs • Carpentry JOHN HIGGS 21" T, V. A-condition $35.00 Phone 482-7552. 17b We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527.0770 FRANCIS HUNT 527-1946 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON C.C.M. girl's bicycle, large size, 482-9672. 17, ldb Brucefield 262-5297 lltfn ARTICLES WANTED TWO trailers,' 41' X 10' Pyra- mid; 42' x 10' Glendale. Both in excellent condition. Apply to Mrs. Becker, Trailer A-3, Becker'S Trailer Coat. 17, lab WANTED—Old authentic log ca- bin, approximately 24' x .18', logs must be in good enough condition to be torn down, trucked to new site , and re- erected, Write toBox 152, Clinton News-Record. 15, 16, 17p SAND, GRAVEL, TOP SOIL, EXCAVATING. Hunking Bros. Phone Blyth 523-4279; Clinton, 482-7634. 15tfn at 1:30 p.m. COURSES in pattern drafting non.. available by correspond- ence. For information write to: Walt-Ann'e Dressmaking and Pattern Designing School, 411 Main St., Exeter, Ont. thin TWENTY foot Hollywood trailer Vir "sale. 1962 model equipped wtth,gas stove, Water heater and furnace, electric re- frigerator Apply Bill Hol- land; 482.3245, lip LOST AND FOUND Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager LOST in Stanley Township, a 15" impleinent tire and rink. Eldon O'Brien; 482-3223. 17b GOOD used garden tractor with Cultivator, Bolen's preferred. Phone 523-9338. 17; 18p 1 caw