Clinton News-Record, 1968-04-18, Page 7The St. Mark's Anglican Church Guild met for their monthly meeting .at the home of Mrs, Sam Daer with a good attendance, Mrs. Andrew Kircennel/ Prod sided for the program which began with a poem, "Always an Easter."' The hymn, "The Church in the Wildwoor was sung with Mrs, Gordon R. Tay. for at the piano. The devotional, collect and lesson for the Tuesday in Holy Week was taken by Mrs. John Daer. Prayers were ledby Mrs, Thomas Haggitt. After singing the hymn, "Faith of our Path... ,Ors,” a piano solo, a medley of favourite hymns was pray• ed by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. The missionary topic was read by Mrs. Kirkconnell. It was an interesting account of the Rev. Peter Pang at the Good Shepherd Mission at Vancouver. This is the, only Anglican Chinese Mission inCanada. The hymn, "What a Friend WeHave in • Jesus" was sung and the reading, "A Song from Cal. vary" was read by Mrs. Kirk- connell, Mrs. Phillips played Mrs. Da.er's favourite song, "The Bells of St. Marys." The president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt took charge of the bus- Mess session. The minutes were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer. Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell the treasurer presented the titian. cial statement. The travelling apron received a penny for each letter in Easter Day. Roll call was answered by a favourite -hymn. After cor. respondence and business, Mrs.. Haggitt closed with prayer. Mrs. Daer served lunch. Miss Judy Arthur, nurse-in. training at Owen Sound is en. joying a week's vacation with her parents' and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur, Mark and Greg. Miss Margaret Sanderson, nurse-in-training at Victoria Hospital, London is enjoying a week's vacation with her par. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. IBE A BLOOD DONOR] The Easter thankeffering meeting of Knox PreSbyterian Women's Missionary Society was held in the church laPt Thursday evening with the Prey sident, Mrs, Wilfred Pander, son in the chair. Miss Minnie Wagner welcomed the &nests from all, the village charcheP. After the call to worship, Mrs. Sanderson welcomed the guests: The hymn, "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" was sung with Miss Margaret Sanderson of London as the organist. The ,scripture lesson, Matthew chap. ter 28, was read by Mrs. John Ballarn followed by the Easter meditation by the president. A duet, "Face to Face" was sung by Mrs. Norman McClin.. they and Mrs. Kenneth Patter. son accompanied by Mrs. 'Donald Haines. The hymn, "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross" was sung, and the offer.. ing was received by Miss Min. nie Wagner and Mrs. Roy Daer and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. Frank Raithby introcluc. ed the guest speaker, Miss Muriel Davis, missionary on furlough from Jamaica. Miss Davis was well knoWn here 14 years ago when she conducted daily Vacation Bible School in AubUrn. Miss Davis told about her work among the Jamaican people, which is sponsored by the Baptist Church. She also showed slides and told about the life and customs in that country. Mrs. Roy Daer thank. • ed Miss Davis for her inSpir• ing message and presented her with a gift. A duet, "Alone" was sung by Mrs. Donald Haines and Mrs. Wes Bradnock. After the closing hymn, "The Day of Res. urrection," and benediction, a social hour was spent in the Sunday Schbol room of the church, Expression of thanks was extended from Mrs. M. R. Roberts for the UCW of Knox United Church, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt for St. Mark's Anglican Guild and Mrs. Robert J. Phil. lips of the BaptistChurch. Mrs. Sanderson replied. Friends are pleased to know that James Jackson was able -te come home after a few weeks q; a patient in Victoria Hos. Loridon. Clinton, News-Aecord, Mr, and Mrs. :13a1Pit Jackson SlAre41, Murray and Ia epn,e Of. Mitchell and lloPert Paer of Pnderien' , spent Easter with their pareAts, Mr, and Mrs, John POr, Mr. and MrP*PAYt903APPtm son Of Copper Cliff YiPiteclovPr theweelOed with her parPPO, Mr., and Mrs, William Stranghan PO Ms father Mr?J. J, Robert. son. r:rhgriclaya. Aprit *V Mr. and Mrs, KOnald Pent. land Of North Bay visited with hernapther,„Mr Mrs. Charles ,$tratighan over the .gaster vac,, ation. Kenneth McDougall, Kenneth„, Scott and Donald Haines attenti..y ed the annual meeting of tho As, sociation of Assessing Officers of Ontario, District No, 4 at Clinton legion Hall last Wed. , , nesday. Mrs. John Neville and her son, Stanley McNeil, Mrs. Stan. ley McNall, Linda and John of Welland visited relatives and friends in the village last Sat. urday. Agriculture federation meets The Hullett Federation of Agriculture held their regular April meeting at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Lawrence Plaet. zer, with aa good attendance. The entertainment committee named at the March meeting, reported that they had made arrangements for a card party and dance, to be held in the Londesboro Hall April 19. Bill Gibbings reported on the County Federation of Agricul• ture meeting he attended re. cently in Clinton, at which meet- ing considerable discussion arose re the advisability of merging with the Ontario Farm. ers' Union, and, also, the im. portance of ? farmers to carry Workmen's Compensation. Lorne }hnting spoke on the recent develoPments concern. ing the Egg Producers' Market. ing Board. He urged all egg producers present to exercise their vote at the vote to be held in Clinton in the near future. It was decided to take a bus trip to the Chatham area this year during the firPt week of June. MIDDLETON - UNIROYAL LAREDO TIRES The Rain Tire RING SAL MRS. .1. MacKAY Secretary MATT EDGAR Funds Campaign Chairman answer your neighbour's call and 'GIVE to the Canadian Cancer Society E by W. W. Haysom your telephone manager Each year about this time I ask for your help. Help in keeping telephone service uninterrupted to you and your neigh- bourhood. ;You see, to protect our telephone cable from most hazards, we bury much of it underground. Some of it could be buried on your real estate. With the spring months many of us start home improvement projects — planting trees or shrubs; erecting fences or patiosz Before you swing into action with any such plans, could I ask you to give us a call at Bell Canada? We'll be happy to check, free of charge, to see if any cable is located on your property. Just give us a call at 114 and well get the information to you as quickly as possible. All it takes is a hefty thrust of a shovel or a • well-sunk fence post to damage buried cable, if by chance, you should chose a spot above that cable, This damage could disrupt regular telephone service, long distance, data-sending facilities or even emergency communications that might be transmitted by telephone wire. Just to show you what can happen to our carefully buried cable I'm including a photograph this month. LINES ........................... 695 x 14 white 695 x 14 black 825 x 14 white 825 x 14 black 855 x 14 white 855 x 14 black 815 x 15 white 815 x 15 black 845 x 15 white 845 x 15 black ••:UOF Although it looks like a piece ot modern sculpture, there was nothing very artistic about the mangled and torn wires left inside when a corn-binder sliced into it. A shovel or fence post might not complete as Tretty a job — but, it would be just as effective in • disrupting communications services. * * * Often in chatting to different subscribers in this area I am asked questions about telephone companies other than Bell Canada. Many people seem unaware that there are many in- dependent telephone companies which serve thousands of sub- scribers within Ontario and Quebec. In fact, at the end of 1967 there were a total of 241 telephone companies or telephone systems other than Bell Canada serving 425,484 telephones in the two provinces. Largest of these is Quebec Telephone which operates 138 exchanges and serves 125,625 telephones. Many of the companies arc quite small. Indeed, we refer to them as systems, for they have their own lines and telephones but they terminate on the switchboards of other companies, including ours. Usually these small companies or systems serve fishing camps, game clubs, mining enterprises or lumbering camps. In Ontario there are 113 telephone companies other than Bell Canada; in Quebec, 128 such companieS. Included in the figures is one company in Labrador, NeVirfoundland which serves 2,400 telephones. In our inthiOdiate area around Clinton there are 4 independent telephone companieS. As with Bell Canada, growth of the number of telephones served by the independent com• panics has risen greatly over the years. In 1945 there were 924 independent companies serving 189,343 telephones in On- tario and Quebec. • At the end of last year there were 241 independent companies serving 425,484 telephones. We Work Closely With the comPanies which provide service within the two provinces in which we also operate, Through our ossociation we all work to provide the best in communicati ills S'1'vir"'S to our subscribers. 2441MV4WWW M0/it u urn and De istrict MRS. WES ORAPHOCK"--CcirresPIPOIO ''111911,0 52645,5 The Auburn, PPIT group ,tnet in the; §,IMORY POPO 'gi nl 9t Knox Presbyterian Church with. the preSidPnt, Shelley Sh 1 1e Gra nge in' charger After the gall to worship the hymn, -"Tae Day of KePtIrreef tien" Was Piing with :Betty Moss 4t the Mane! ThePri1400 lePe son was Matthew? ;OP* .20, read by Margaret Yetingblut. The offering Was .received by Marie Plunkett and ,;dedicated with prayer. MinnteP Were accepted as read by the secretary, Joyce Roberts .atherland? Mrs, M,' K. Roberts, conducted a Bible cadz, and a discussion took place as to how to take the devotional period of the UCW on April 24. plaas were made to have a panel on Faiths of the World. The meeting was closedby sing)? ing "Taps." Starting Sunday April 21 and continuing throughout the: sum. ; Mier months, serarice..in pt , „„ James': AnKi`calfr Chureli;;Miti.1.‘. Xatl 1 n dietOil, bP held at 9:30 a.ni. The Easter service of Holy Communion in St. James Church was well attended and in charge of the Rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison. The church had traditional Easter lilies and bouquets of daffodills. The fully-vested junior choir presented a lovely anthem, un. der the direction of the organist Mrs. Edward Wise. * * * Mrs. Ted Vrooman, Port Al. berni, ,B, C. has been visiting recently at the home of her brother William Stirling and renewing old acquaintances. * * * Mrs. Vroomann (nee Dorothy Stirling) was .an official B.C. delegate to the Liberal leader. ship convention in Ottawa, LIST 34.80 Mr. J. W. .MacLaren of ben. miller was the guest speaker at the ,Auburn Nprtimiltural Society meeting held last week in the Auburn CpmmunitY Mem° orial hall, The president Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor was in charge of the meeting which was opened with, "0 Canada," with Mrs. Donald Haines at the piano, Mrs. Tay. for welcomed the members and guests and the minutes were approved as read by the sec. retary, Mrs. Bert. Craig. A letter was read regarding the District meeting to be held in Wingham on April 30 and all members are requested to go. The members decided to have a bake sale, afternoon tea and white elephant table in the hall on the afternoon of May 1, The financial statement was given by the treasurer, Mrs. Wes Bradnock. A letter of thanks will be sent to the vii* lage trustees for the grant of $25 to help with the village flpwer-beds. The program consisted of an accordian solos by Eric Scott, "Rock of Ages" and "Tell me your dreams." The Highland fling and Sword dances were done by Sally Kerr and an an. cordian solo, "When the Saints Come Marching In," was played by Peggy Young. An interesting and informa. Live demonstration on the plant• ing of bulbs and seeds was done by Ross Robinson, He showed the proper way to transplant plants and how to grow ger. aniums from seeds. The guest speaker, Mr. Mac. Laren was introduced by Mrs. Russel Brindley. He showed many pictures of flowers that had been in his garden at Ben- miller and at Toronto where he and his wife lived before moving to Benmiller. His pie* tures of flowers and shrubs and the landscaping done around his hoMe overlooking the. Mait. land River were very interest• ing. Mrs. Arthur Grange thanked Mr. MacLaren for his address, and on' behalf of the society presented him with a gift, The door prizes went to Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. William Moorehead. Plans were made for the members to take care ..of the flower-beds. The high. ;way 11,9c144virs,k Norman, yell, Mrss... willfatVrrode bed, Arthur" Yeithigbfut,' 13Pn't zi Hamilton, Gordon Miller; the orge bed, Mrs. Bert Marsh, Mrs. Guy Cunningham, Mrs. James Jackson; the Ethelwyn bed, Miss Margaret Jackson, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, Mrs. Wil. Fred Sanderson, Mrs. Charles Scott; Hillcrest bed, Mrs. Gor. don Taylor. Mrs. Strati.' ghan, Mrs. Ed Davies° Coma munity Memorial Hall, Mrs. Arthur Grange, Mrs. Albert MacFarlane, Mrs. William J. Craig. Miss Margaret Jackson and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips will make out rhe schedule for car. ing for the Manchester Garden. After the singing of "God Save the Queen," lunch' was served by Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Albert MacFarlane and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. ‘1 .0 ..‘•••••• %%1 ..... NO IS THE TIME TO ADD. SILO EXTENSIONS SILO ROOFS Call or Write Now. GEORGE WRAITH BOX 95 GopiRicH PHONE 524-6511 tf ........ • \ 1"111/1111•..” N.N.A 11.••••• ReArreANCER with a check-up and a cheque WHEN CLINTON AREA OF HURON COUNTY UNIT TO THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY BEGINS ITS When your neighbour knocks answer the call and GIVE CANVASS IN CLINTOWANDA BEING CARRIED OUT BY STUDENTS OF CHSS HURON COUNTY OBJECTIVE $20,000.00 ,' TO THE GivE /1 SOCIETY 7 / CANADIAN `, CANCER ••• ••• ;\ VARNA FRED ,MPPV(M9,N1 Phone 402104 Special .Easter services. Were Id in the UMW Church San. y morning, and Friday evening th Rev, M. Morrison in rge, Special music was SuPPliedbY e choir under the direction the organist Mrs. 4obert irling. * * * The loPal Boy Scouts, under e direction of their leader r. George Whittle visited FB Clinton last Monday even. g and inspected the fire truck d viewed two films on fire revention. They were in. truPted by members of the ire department on the care of amping fires. Mr. Floyd McAsh, Hamilton, pent the weekend at the home' f his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. T, MeAsh. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Brubacker of rantford visited during the eekend with relatives here. * * * Mr. Charles Reid and Mr. Fred McClymont attended the district Orange lodge at Green' way last Tuesday evening, BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Archie Grit.. bins Toronto and Mrs. M. lice, Exeter, were Good Fri. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Neale, Lon. Ion and daughter Mrs. Patricia* Vlunroe and children Toronto spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson. Miss Sharon Burdge spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peter- son, Niagara Fills visited wer the weekend with Mr. and Ars: Jim Henderson and Gor. ion. Mr. and Mrs.; George Grif. IthStratford, visited on Easter with Mrs. H. Berry. Mr. and Mrs. James Burdge spent the weekend with Mr. 3urdge's parents and brother Com and family. Mrs. M, Adair and children Kitchener, Miss Helen Broad. foot, London, were guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Broadfoot for Easter. Mrs. Broadfoot is improving after her accident. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Israel and ily spent Good Friday with ier uncleardan,nt, andMr harles.B.aelling.; •."1:'k;;::1•1,:e.11141 TERM INSURANCE ON THE BEST TERMS at your service DAVID S. McDONALD OCCIDENTAL LIFE PHONE 235-0154 176 SANDERS •STREET EAST EXETER, ONTARIO 44 30.95 44.60 36.95 .48.55 43.15 ... • Seaforth M NISONSIONM SALE PRICE 16.75 15.00 28.00 • .44.60 39.65 48.55 43.15 26.00 30.00 27.00 22.00 19.75 30.00 27.00 Other sizes at Big Savings At tors PHONE 527-1750 SEAPORT!! Mr. And Mrs. James. Aitcliem son of Seaforth visited lastSun. day With their claeghter! Mrs. Kenneth. Scott, Mr? Scott?Keith, Wayne and Eric. Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Craig Spent the weekend with her stsa. ter, Mips Jean Hamilton at Oshawa. Master Michael Ha,ggitt of Zurich spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Stephen. Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Sheron and George Collins speME aster Sunday With Mr- and MI'S. Kan, old Nicholson and Gary, Miss Sheron Collins and George Collins attended the wedding of their brother, James at Bayfield United Church last Saturday. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor spent the Easter weekend in Brant* ford with her daughter, Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, Mr. Rathwell Michael and Janice. •••••.N.N.S........ •is 1111111 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to the CANADIAN- CANCER SOCIETY CANVASS In Clinton and Area On Monday, April 22 AND CONTINUES FOR THE BALANCE OF THE WEEK OF APRIL 22 TO 27 ONTARIO DIVISION OF THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY OBJECTIVE FOR 1963 — $3,000,000.00 In 1967 the Huron County Unit helped 75 patients. 50 volunteers do- nated time to makes adequate dressings and drove 25 patients to treat- ment centres. Each patient was visited and received gifts at Christmas and Easter. Many patients received drugs. Educational films were shown. Housekeeping and home nursing services were provided. A "Follow-up" Clinic is operated at least monthly at Wingham General Hospital where Mrs. D: S. MacNaughton has 10-12 volunteers assisting. CLINTON AREA OFFICERS OF HURON COUNTY UNIT OF CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HARVEY JOHNSTON President JOHN PENNER KEN FLETT Vice-President Treasurer 'FIGHT CANCER with a check up and a cheque