HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-04-11, Page 3includes the Yictnrian era, 4 PPN,144ed lithograph, features ,4pring flowers surrounding ange10 young girl in a, PraY°4111 Pas° above a nest of Easter eggs! Today's Easter greetings still offer the traditional floral patterns andbrightly,clecorated eggs. Even the humorous Easter cards feature egg designs. And so it. Pea on year after year, the happy combination of the Easter himny and Easter eggs, to bring joy to children everywhere. The cards of Easter are as varied today as they could possibly be with illustrations of chicks and lambs and other animals, but the Central theme of bunnies and eggs is so dear to the hearts of children it remains the most popular combination of all and likely will for many Yeara to come. Catholicwome'n elect officers Mrs. Joseph Feeney, Min. ton, was elected president of St. Joseph's Council of the Catholic Women's League at its annual, meeting held in the church hall. Other officers elected for the coming year were, Mrs. Arnold Dale, first vice-president; Mrs. Joseph Flynn, second vice-pre- sident; Mrs. MichaelSemeniuk, third vice-president; Mrs. Ray Leduc, secretary, and Mrs. Ed • Florian, treasurer. Mrs. Arnold Dale, presided for the elections, and received the report of the nominating committee which consisted of Mrs. Eldon O'Brien, Mrs.Sem- eniuk and Mrs. W. B. 1Vianaw han. Members were reminded of the annual Florence Nightingale Tea which will be held at the nurses residence of Clinton Public Hospital Wednesday May 15. The public is invited to tour the hospital • and view the val.. cable equipment recently pur- chased by the hospital auxiliary. A display of interesting hob.' bies will be shown at the res. idence in connection with the tea. Volunteering to visit the On. tario Hospital in Goderich in May were Mrs. Arnold Dale, Miss Lucy Levy, Mrs. Eldon O'Brien and Mrs. Theo Flynn. Canvassers were requested to assist with the annual Red C ross drive in late April. An informative article on the new role, of •the. Catholic -Wow , men's League in the parish was read by VT. ft4 '1,440,sc 7k• Hospital women collect $475, The Women's Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital, met April 'The PQ members tent learned their winter fund raising Project- Yanishing'Par, ilea. • was lilting up to esPePta* tions and to date they hacinetted $4 70.-20 with mere exPeeted- It would be appreciated if those, who have had parties and not yet turned in their money would eentaet one of the fol. :lowing, Mrs. Bob MacLean, Mrs. Andy Petersen or Mrs, Jack Peck. The Auxiliary cannot say thank you too often to the many people who have done their part in contributing to the saccess of this project. The proceeds are earmarked to purchase a ,special type of stretcher which is versatile. When touring the hospital during open house, the after. noon of May 15, be sure to see the, equipment bought by the Auxiliary through your donar flops, and afterwards enjoy a cup of tea in, the Nurses' Resin 'dence. The other business concerned the bursary for prospective nurses or nursing assistants. The bylaws have been slightly revised and anyone in the corn. Triunity; regardless of age or sex, considering this kind of Vocation can make application now for the bursary through the guidance office of Central Huron Secondary School. All applica• tions will be treated conficl.' entially and assessed by the Bursary Committee who will be responsible for choosing the recipient. Porters Hit The Grace Church Sunday School executive held a meet- ing last Thursday evening at • the home of Mrs. Donald Har. cis. The superintendent Mrs. T. Sowerby, opened the meeting with an Easter reading, Scrip- lure reading and prayer, • The secretary's and treasur- er's reports were given. It was decided to have combined services for Easter Sunday and also Mother's Day. The Sun.( day School anniversary will be held early in June whenever a speaker can be arranged. Meeting closed with the Miz# Iptmmahi B wenaesdiecntjiooyneda.nd a pot luck 1c CENT SALE Quality &Service COMING SOON REXALL SPRING MORE THAN 350 ITEMS ON SALE WATCH FOR 'YOUR HANDBILL IN THE MAIL 10 DAYS SALE STARTS APRIL 18 10 DAYS NEWCOMBE PhdrIlldff Pliiiiiii-482:9511. PRE-SCR!' IONSrc uriwn, onto* UNIROYAL LAREDO TIRES The Rain Tire S RING SALE 695 x 14 white 695 x 14 black 825 x 14 white 825 x 14 black 855 x 14 white 855 x 14 black 815 x 15 white . 815 x 15 black • 4 • 4 • V • 845 x 15 white • • • • 845 x 15 black • 26.00 30.00 27.00 22.00 19.75 30.00 27.00 LIST SALE PRICE 34.80 16.75 30.95 15.00 44.60 • • • • 28.00 • • .36.95 • 48.55 43.15 • • • 44.60 • 4 • 4 • • • 39.65 48.55 43.15 • • • • ii44 fo Other sites at Big Savings At otors AFOreril Seafort PITON] 52114156 4...••••••4•40411,46..... 15b NO TICKETS SOLD AT THE DOOR ADM) T I A NCI 70 111101011,. II WAS CO iat Dons 7s13ranTdm;s30 ON THE SQUARE ;. ( FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT - Entertainment Is Our Business For The Last kon TONIGHT ivwxey Time Thurs., Apr. 11 ante NO PASSES SPECIAL ADMISSION PRICE $1.25 rr `tt4t kit tl Pt tt.t.1 , SPRING' CONCERT THURSDAY - APRIL 18 FRIDAY - APRIL 19 at 8:00 p.m. TICKETS SOc '- May be purchased from any pupil or telephone school - 482.3330 • soBIG!..sofivezy, s°0-Weina3fuzioie'' a a 4 k,<oa'a a s 4. • :k: 'ITFCHNICOJ,,OR ',lZ1rl1 ir • OMIrreilm.emmmt s6 0. '0 0 0 ••• .6 6 0. 0 6 6 0 AMERICA'S HERO! THURS., FRI." SAT. APRIL 18.19.20 Second Feature YGentle Giant (Ben) Starring DerMis Weaver & Vera Miles with 'a' bear named lien 2A.N Tartan--7.0o p tni. and10.00 pan. SHOW' TIMES: AIM Getitle Ben-x.30 m anTr! P" Only SAT, MATINEE at 2 p.nte,-Childroe 35t A PARAMOUNT PICTURE IN PANAYISIONIWID COLOR odurrivroiewAwea "".!".1!!!T.100A70"..Vrfo..Irra..amOrm,vrmr.0Prolre FOR EVERY OCCASION K. t. COOKE FLORIST CLINTON 482-7012 . . 61 ORANGE - CLINTON tf OW - FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE • , • , CLOUD "9" ROOM AT HOTEL -CLINTON ANNOUNCES SING-A-LONG Perhaps the biggest mystery to scientific minds is ,the won- ' der of Christian faith , that , indescribable something' which" quiets fears more easily than . anv tranquilizer ever produced " and puts souls so at .rest there' is no need to search endlessly . for answers which lead to more' and more questions, " nit- ":' • Fyadarov has faunit wh.at 'he claims to be a solution .to am other Biblical story-11A' wlfere' is the peace and thOilitepe keep People gOing? Tomorrow is Good Friday and FRIDAY AND SATURDAY' NIGHT , '1Ir: ,v•CP:14".qi .allDr,,jti44r911011 brier' t..1h.g. iltim/ • ' EAST SEPRe.Dcilai N NER SUNDSA.Y,7 APPIA. 14 RIL Reservations- PH.: 482-3421 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON . 'Box OffiC6 Opent 7.45-Show at 8.15 Weekend Shows Only - ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS Thursday & Friday April 11 and 12 • "CAPRICE" DORIS DAY With Richard Harris - In Color • AND - "THE QUILLER MEMORANDUM" George Segal, Alec Guinness and Santa Berger - In. Color . Cartoon • ••- Saturday Only April 13 "WHO'S MINDING THE MINT" JIM HUTTON Milton Berle and Dorothy Provine In Color - AND "GOOD TIMES" Sonny & Cher - George Sanders Color Cartoon Sunday Midnite April 14 "Ghost In The Invisible Bikini", TOMMY KIRK and BASIL RATHBONE 'Atid, Deborah Walley In Color - AND -- "HONEYMOON OF HORRORS" Color Cartoon 4:4,4 444: 4,44 4444' Coming Next WeedAkoemn i yl: ANC/ •""“ ' LOSERS" 11 anct "Minnesota Clay" il.,M4.41,.#1,444NNINI#444•44. "BORN iONE6 0 6 $ 0 1' ?! SE FOR SEE YOU DS YOUR ::Mlnaitti,Ktt,tN6fpF PERSONAL CAN _ , . Mi‘AcNAUC6Hinh, DEPkND LOCAL 2 E3 SERVICE X5 0363 ON DEALER E R QUALITY,' . . . '..: =t • 0)';;;;; ' . HURON BRAND , FIELD SEEDS AND GRASSES ' i HARDI-GREEN PASTURE MIXES NEW AND IMPROVED VARIETIES OF CLOVER -TIMOTHY -GRASSES For Your 1,001 FixUp •PPOjeCIS GAC International provides funds for fixing or furnishing, repair- ing or remodeling. Why wait? Stop in or oil Wolf pave the way with ready ASK GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORP., LTD, • I e LOANS UP TO $5000 CLINTON 7 Ralleabuty Shed E Phone 482.3486 Lcry o special Easter eggs. girds. and bunnies From My Window Science vs. F,• ith Shirley Keller ow Vhen Canadians Celebrate Star on SW:lay, April 14 a edOrainant feature of faintly „ty will be the Easter ,bunny ng with the traditional EaSe eggs, 1-lave yoc: ever wondered why e Easter bunny Wilds a bird's st and lays eggs? It's be. use the beAnY was once a ruickshank howered Mrs. Jack Hammond, Bay. id and Mrs. Ed Florian, Clin• n, entertained at . a naiscel- eous shower last Tuesday ening at the home of Mrs. ih honour of their ece Mis# -Pierthena Cruick, rill; Tier 'forthcoming marriage • es place April 20. Thebrides teat's ehairwasidecorated with ink and idiite streamers. Following contests, Berthena ened her many and useful fts, after which she thanked for their kindness and in. ited everyone to yisit her in er new home. Lunch was served and those assisting, the, hostesses were, Mrs. Dennis Bisback, Mrs. Theo Saint, Mrs. Terry Elliott, Mrs; Jack Armstrong, Mrs. Wayne Pletch and Mrs. Paul McCool. • Read, sleep, eat and drink.. these were the pastimes while travelling by air. Another has been added .. you can watch TV. Movies are being shown on American Airlines Astrojet flights between Toronto and Los Angeles. Rear-projection screens are located within every five rows in the regular SCction, and every three rows in the first-class area. People in the aisle can. not block the unique overhead screens. The windows are coat. ed with a special non-reflective chemical 'that makes. shad-pull. ing or cabin-darkeningunneces. sary. This equipment was Installed in 707 Astrojets which cost more than throe million dollars. Four hours' of film can be shown with one -loading, which, means /that Othe f longest dElollyiw;.... wood spectaculars canbe shown to air travellers. What next? Why Suddenly, after'onehundw. red years, are political COnvenw tions the hottest TV programs of the year? Probably the quick. est closest answer is TV itself. he immediacy of being per. sonally visually involved in the p power struggle in the counw try. No matter what your pot. 'tics, you couldn't help but be aught up in the pathos of the d chief deposed. at the Con. ervative Convention last Sept. tuber. Who will win? Who will be ur next prime minister? Does t matter? The rising cost of iving matters. It must stop. nd, after the next general elec. tion, either Stanfield or the new Liberal leader must act. This country is going all to helll bird); according tereseAroheM The_ legend is that the Pr* Ina Easter bunny was a bird with brilliant plumage, the pet bird of BpStra (Goddess of Spring). But one day - to the delight of generations of childw ren since - Eostra changed her pet bird into a rabbit., From Eostra's name comes our word for Easter, and ‘lostra's rabbit has been build. ,ng nests every *spring for more than a thousand years, proudly filling grasp nests with gaily-coloured eggs. Through the centuries, the Easter egg has remained a line iversal symbol of spring and brightly decorated eggs have been exchanged as Easter greet. jags since the Middle Ages. But by the mid-1800s, plaques and cards with drawings of eggs began to replace the fragile eggs themselves. These keep. sakes, many of them elaborate and prohibitively costly, were the forerunners of our modern Easter greeting cards. Rare specimens of these early greet. ings are now housed in theHa.U. mark Historical Collection. Among the earliest known Easter cards were dainty, hand. painted sketches of eggs en. wreathed by spring flowers. Later designs from Edwardian England depict eggs with love. able little chicks and ducklings bursting forth with "Happy EasterI” One rare Easter card from VARNA The Varna UCW met Thurs. day evening in the Church base.- _meat. Mrs. John Ostrom led the devotional which was opened with a hymn. Mrs. Mervyn John. stOn read the scripture and Mrs, Gordon Johnston led in prayer. Mrs. J. .0stiom gave the meditation and the offering was received by Mrs. Ralph Step. henson and dedicated by Mrs. Charles Reid. A solo'was sung by Mrs. David Ostrom. Group three presented a skit on Japan "Let's Speak Peace." Mrs. Charles Reid president, conducted the business during which several calls to sick and shut-ins were reported. A $10 donation to the blanket fund for overseas relief was made and it was decided to have a Voiceless bake sale this month. Varna UOW will be responsible for the hospital cart during June, The meeting closecIr with prayer and group tvio. served lunch. Private Keith McLean, 4, a member of the 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry from Edmonton, is one of 900 Canadians on duty with the United Nations peace. keeping forces on Cyprus, Pte. McLean is the son of Mr, and. Mrs. Don McLean, Clinton, On. tario. (Canadian Forces Photo) United Rev. guest speaker An Easter Thankoffering sponsored jointly by the. U.C. W. of Ontario Street and Wesley Willis churches was held in Wesley.Willie United Church Sunday, April 7. Guest speaker was Rev. E. Emerson Hallman, home mis- sion superintendent of the Un. ited Church of Canada and mod. erator of the former Evangel. ical United Brethren Church. He spoke on the history of the E.U.B. Church and the union of that church with the United Church of Canada. Special music was provided by the Treble Singers, a lad.. ies' choir from Goderich, Taking part in the service were Mrs. M. Batkin, Mrs, M. Durst, Mrs. G. Potter, Mrs, B. Sutter, Mrs. G. Mills and Mrs. A.. Mowatt. kceceiving guests were Mrs. C. Elliott, Mrs. W, 13. Olde, Mrs. Wm, Murch, Miss K. McGregor. Ushers were Mrs. G. Wright, Mrs. H. Johnston, Mrs. T. Day. ies and Mrs. G. Dumont. HOLMESVILLE Master Donald Ashton is spending a few days with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Potter while his mother and new baby brother, Robert Douglas, are in hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris on the birth of their baby girl. Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 SHOW TIMES: Friday 8. Saturday-7.00 & 9.30 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 8.00 p.m.-Ono Show Each Night EVENING ADMISSION PRICES Adults, $1.25; Students 75c, Children, 50c SATURDAY MATINEE PRICES Adults, $1.00; Students, 75c; Children, 50c • 'T, thought .1'1,1 beard about au the theories concerning •clbrist's cleat]; on the cross nearly 2Qp,0- Years ago, The one which sitg. tasted that Jesus bad not really died but merely fainted was P. kind of halfway sensible result -of man's attempt to reason away the mystery of resurrection, but now a Soviet, scientist claims to have found a possible explana. 'atm for the JlIiblical story 'of Christ's ascension into 'heaven, E, Fyndorov• hopes to con- vinee Christendom that little green men from some' , outer- splice civil! za ti on whizzed through the lioly'Land so many c.e.nturies ago and grabbed- up the man Jesus to ca1ry him far /away into the /stratosphere in a marvellous trocketship de- signed by a . super-intelligent race on another planet. This happening, says Fyodorov, may have given rise to the myth that the Christ ascended in 'a cloud to _Ms Father, 'Fyodoro.v goes on to state -that many of the tales that have been passed on through the centuries may have had their origin in primitive man's awe- struck reaction to' the space- ships and technology brought to earth by visitors from su- perior civilizations. He calls these stories indirect evidence of actual visitations-likely be- cause lie has so far been un- able to produce any direct proof. • To tell you the absolute truth, :'Mr.-Fyodorov, the only persons who are likely to ascribe to such wild imaginative ideas are folks who are unable to put their faith in those things they can't understand. Since this week-end gasler it y1-0131 Ott '03 . A f'litin•it time to inject -gine serif-. otis thought for skeptics. like Vytulorov who want black and while answers for all things. Science has fOund thp, answer, to marry . p liltt what tt ca uses zlin i g cie swans, tl itestis how stars get their light,' Why' eyes c-an see, where many • diS-• eases get their sart, when life BLIilntotilstri\O,etIgh ll rho years of sttaor,, nanc,ed by billions of 'dollars, science can still not' 'lay to changing the seasons to suit • man's will; reaching a star; manufacturing or dopileathig a lta= eye; predicting with' foiling aceuraey the course a disease will follow iTr•varions` humans, ' whether it kill quickly or he suddenly arrest., ed; or fashioning a life from dust and knowledge.' Some things are baffling to science. Though men can com- prehend many wonders, they have been unable to provide the starter spark which controls all, That fete belongs to God. those who say that ehrt,4 di'ed and was • builed: 'Suilday''is Raster and roa:igired that Christ rose and iites, No, I didn't see it, *and yes, •it, hard to 'believe. But 'Willi God alt 'things are ' pos4ible`, , eve: Nth alt the m0010 ,411: cliOtPn .NOY§ApprO,...11wr$44b. MOO :O.