HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-04-04, Page 5II P rinVit SITJOIL 41.,k: '‘r""1.'"/ ..1..1.,v1 141 eigq 9f(ITO 6 di! I CLINTON INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION DINNER MEETING April 10 th 7 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Speaker: MR. DICK LAPALME Of the Department of Economics & Development Trade and [Industry Branch TICKETS AVAILABLE From Paul Kerriaan Or Any Member Of The Industrial Commission. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN INDUSTRY PLEASE ATTEND BEST OFFER ON THESE SPRING SPECIALS 1-750 Gal. Beet)/ Liquid Manure Tank Used Six Months 1-750 Gal. Beaily Liquid Manure Tank Used Only For" Demonstrations 1-Universal Wagon New, with tires; can be used as a self-unloading forage wagon, manure spreader, grain box or self-unloading flat wagon. We also have a number of CHAIN HARROWS (4-way) of every size that have been used to demonstrate, I will accept any reasonable offer on any of these items. BEATTY FARM SERVICE CENTRE RusP Arther, Manager your way The fabulous travelling Idea-Centre from FORMICA Get ideas galore for your home from this stimulating mobile display. See the many beautiful, easy-care ways you can transform furniture, playroomi, kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms with Formica decorative laminates. Experts will show you how easily and inexpensively it can be done. Make a date to see the travelling Idea-Centre from Formica. -•••••••••• 1••••••• FORMICA . AIL • laminated plastic WED. & THURS., APRIL 10 &111 BALL MACAU LAY LIMITED Clinton BRAND AERO®v FERTILIZER SERVICE IS THE BEST ON can 'offer you top quality Aero Fertilizers- experienced personnel- modern spreading equipment and help you make your crop program more profitable. Come in and put us to the test, We know how good our service is -and we'd like you to find out, too. After all, we're in business to assist you in yours, We hope we'll see you soon. 1,A..111el I .43, Serving the man whose business is agriculture. Vieged Trademark loon 711' N,6-;- site, HARRISTON FLIZERS- LTD CLINTON Yaur local HERO ~FERTILIZERs J3° CUSTOM BLENDER ii Clinton News-Record, ThPirPclaY, April 4, 190 5 Two car winners MISCELLANEOUS LET US REPAIR •AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond, rings renewed and stones safely secured don't take ehanees. Expert work done reasonably tp your satls, faction. Watch nepairS and Pearl restringing.. W. N. Counter, tfh DAILY CAR RENTAL, reaSon- able rates- MegEE'S, Goderich. Phone 524-8391, Itfh PET STOCK FREE to good home, preferably a farm, one year old Spayed female dog, part collie. Goed watch dog, very good with chit, dren. Phone 492.4559. 14b GERMAN Shepherd pup, 2 months old, to be given away to good home. Phone 482-7611. 14p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Lottie LeOna Trewartha, late • of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, de- ceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned who died on the 31st day of December, A.D. 1967, are required to file full particu- lars' thereof with the under- signed on or before the 15th day of April, A.D. 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. , Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of March, A.D. 1968. E. B: MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitors for the said Estate. 13, 14, 1511 IN THE ESTATE OF Lenora Pearson, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 23rd day of January, A.D. 1968, are requited to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned en or before the 22nd day of April, A.D. 1968, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 29th day of March, A.D. 1968. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 14, 15, 16b IN THE ESTATE OF Charles Mitchell Shearing, late of the Town of- Clinton in the. County of Hums, MertchanLadeceased. ALL perbbts'.•'havingt!elaims against the Estate of the above- named who died on the 15th day of February, A.D. 1968, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 22nd day of April, A.D. 1968, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 29th day of March, A.D. 1968. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 14, 15, 16b AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of farm implements, shop equipment, tools and household effects from Lot No. 9, Bayfield Road North, Stanley Township, half-way between Bayfield and Varna, on Tuesday, April 9th at 1 p.m., the following: Implements: MR. 44 tractor with P.T.O. and pulley (A-1 con- dition); Seaman 5-foot rotary tiller with motor; Spraymotor sprayer with tank and power take-off attachment (used 2 sea- sons); Surge milker with one pail unit (nearly new); Woods electric grinder with pulley; rubber tire wagon; Beatty litter carrier and track; side delivery rake; set of drag harrows; buzz saw; 2 wheel trailer; bean puller; bean cooker; electro- pail; chain hoist; 1 row scuffler; blacksmith's forge with blower; blacksmith's tools; rip saw and table; line shaft; small air com- pressor; McCullough chain saw; carpenter's tools; vice; wrench- es; 2 jack-alls; other jacks; quantity of piping and fittings; quantity of • lumber; wagon, tongues; shovels; ladders; belts; ropes; logging chains; stock rack; fanning mill; galvanized water tank; quantity of cedar posts; 2 gates; garden hose; wheel barrow; root pulper; milk cans; apple packer; bushel hampers; tree pruners; stable brooms; brushes; windows and frames; 3 Waren electric brood- ers; electric fencer; set of Model A Ford wheels and tires; V.3 h.p. motor; ,1/4 h.p. motors; 1A h.p. electric drill; numerous other ,articles, Household Effects: Daven- port; sideboard; electric stove; cook stove; oil space heater; electric kettle lamps; table lamps; sewing nra. chine; 3 double beds, springs and mattresses; dressers and wash stands; Viewiex pictUre projector (new); radio; kitchen table and chairs; dishes; cooking utenSilS; numerous other ar• tides, Terms: Cash. Murray Grainger, Proprietor.. Edward. Elliott, Auctioneer, 13, 14b • PIANO TUNING: „.. )10*. 14410. :01904 be tuned and checked fqr moth damage and ether .49404 .reSnlartY,A. appreciate the continued. Legg of servicing many .of the instruments li.1.•this area. Qeerge W, CoN, phone 462-3479. • 7 r AUCTION SALE Of farm implements will be held for Wilmer Glousher, Lot 6, Con. 9, Hullett ToWnShiP, 0 miles east of Londesboro, 11,4 miles south, oh Saturday, April 6, at 1:30, Implements: Massey Ferguson 65 diesel tractor, with pulley; International B275 tractor with loader; Massey-Ferguson 300 combine with pick up and reels, bought new 1967, only harveited 200 acres, like new condition; Oliver '17-run power lift seed drill, like new; Kongskilde 11 ft. cultivator, new; Cockshutt 411 forage harvester with hay head; Gehl blower; double disc; harrows; Massey Ferguson 4- furrow plow;- Ferguson 3-furrow plow; New Idea power mower; John Deere 4-bar side rake; bale elevator and 1 h.p. motor; wagon and rack; grain box; Massey Harris No. 3 baler; (bale stooker; land roller; Clinton chain; cement mixer; grain auger; Case hammer mill; bean puller; Forney 180 amp electric welder; Hermon 2-unit milking machine; 4 hog feeders, new; gas tank; electric motors; 300 bales of straw; also a quantity of scrap metal including a model 21 self-propelled com- bine., NumerouS snail articles, Terms: CaSh. Farm sold. Allan Macintyre, Auctioneer, Phone 528-3519, LucknoW. 12, 13, 14b AUCTION SALE OF LAND PROPERTY SALE L-01596 6.860 of an acre of land, situ- ated at Pt. Lot 26, Concession , 8, Township of fiullett, County of Huron, located on the west' side of Highway 4, approximate- ly 114 miles south of Londes- borough, with' •access' via High- way, 4. Sale will take place on' the property at 2:00 p.m. local time. 'uesday, April .16th; 1968' TERMS: Full purchase price, (Cash or Certified' Cheque pay- able to the.Treasurer of Ontario) at time of sale. Furtherl, jaforniatiptv ;alloy. be °Alta:MO Arolltiou, THE AUCTIONEER:: Mr. Edward Elliott, Clinton, Ontario, or Department of Highways, Right-of-Way Division, 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario, • Telephone: 451-5400 (Ext. 241) Sale subject to reserve bid. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO. 14, 15.i AUCTION SALE Of farm implements, grain, cob corn and hogs will be held for .Alvin Wallace Lot 10, Con. 8, Morris Township, 11/4 miles miles north and 21/2 miles east of Blyth, on Thursday, April 11, at 1:30. Implements: John Deere A.R. tractor; Farmall H tractor with scuffler; four-wheel drive trac- tor (home made); four-wheel drive tractor with hydraulic loader; wheel disc with hy- draulic lift; 3-furrow plow; Oliver 4-furrow wide bottom plow with trip beams; Herggot cultivator; 'bale elevator; -New Idea one-row corn picker, near- ly new; Turner gravity grain box and wagon; Haban large capacity corn sheller, P T 0 driven, nearly new; chain har- rows; grain auger; 100-volt belt driven hydro generator; John Deere manure spreader; grain box with auger; John Deere hammer mill and belt; garden tractor; plastic water pipe; poultry equipment; hog feed- ers several rolls of page wire fence; wheelbarrow; grain box with auger for 1/2-ton truck; large poultry trailer; nests; snow blower; 200 gal. oil tank; colony house; number of pea- cocks. Numerous small articles. Hogs: 22 sows, chie May to July. Registered York hog; 65 weaner pigs. Grain and straw: 10 tons Mix- ed grain; 90 tons of good dry cob corn; 1,000 bales of straw. Terms: Cash. Allan. MacIntyre, Auctioneer, Phone 528-1519, Lucknow, AlViii Wallace, Proprietor, 12, 13, 14b ENGAGEMENT. ANNOUNCED Mr, and Mrs: Alvin liritot, R,R, 3, Clinton, are pleased to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Arlene Lillian, to Mr, William Gordon HullS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hayfield. The Wedding will take pike Saturday, April 27, 1968, at 3 o'clock in St. James' , Anglican Church, Mid- dleton. 1.4P CARP tl~ THANKS WW1 to thadk friends and relatives for visits, PANS and treats While I was patieat in St. Joseph's lies- Pital, LORNE RoDags, ;411 The family of the late Joseph H. Vodden, wishes to thank all those who assisted at the time Of their 'bereavement, A special thanks to the Rev. Grant Mills, pallbearers, flower bearers and the ladies of Ontario Street Church. - Sincerely ALVIN VOPDEN. 14P I would like to thank ray rela- tives, friends and neighbours for their many get well wishes, gifts, flowers and acts pf kind- ness during my recent illness. Special thanks to Dr. Walden and nursing staff on first floor. -MRS, JOHN LINDSAY. 14b The family of the late Josepn, Edward Sturgeon wish to con- vey sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbours for their thoughtful. ness during his illness and their bereavement. Special thanks for floral tributes, cards, letters and ' donations tq the Cancer Fund and to doctors, nurses, Rev, Beck, Dr. Mowatt, United Church Choir, U.C.W., pall- bearers, flower bearers, Ball Funeral Home and all who help- ed in any way.-MRS. MAUDE STURGEON AND FAMILY. 14b Mr. Wesley Vanderburgh and family wish to thank friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes, messages of sym- pathy and gifts of food; also Dr, Addison, nurses on second floor and the Rev. Mr. Wenham. 14b My sincere thanks to all those who remembered me so kindly with flowers, cards, visits, etc., during my recent stay in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and nurses and staff on the first floor.-GRACE MID- DLETON. 141 I would like to thank all my relatives, friends' and neigh- bours for, their many acts of kindness, flowers and cards in the loss of my dear husband, James D. Wilson. They were greatlyappreciated. Special thanks to the Rev. Dr. Mowatt, Dr. Oakes And staff of Clinton Public Hospital.-MRS, ANNA V. WILSON. 14b Sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbours for the many cards, flowers, gifts and visits while we were patients of Clinton Public Hospital. We express special thanks to Drs. Walden and Newland and the nurses and staff. - MARGARET AND WANDA FREMLIN. 14b t11.1" A "WV) ELLIS-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ezra Ellis who passed away three years ago, April 7. "Many a lonely heartache, Many a silent tear, But always a' beautiful memory, Of one whom we loved so dear." -Ever remembered by wife and family. 14p BIRTHS TYNDALL-Arthur and Denyse are happy to announce the birth of their son, Ross Ed- ward, on March 21, 1968, at Royal Victoria Hospital, Mont- real First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyndall. TALBOT-To Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, R.R. 3, Bayfield, in Seaforth Community Hospital, Sunday, March-17, 1968, a son. DALE-To Mr. and Mrs Clar- ence Dale, R.R. 4, Clinton, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, March 30, 1968, a son. KUHAR-To Cpl. and Mrs.' E. J, Kuhar, Brucefield in Clinton Public Hospital, Sunda y, March 31,• 1968, a son. a.-.-" DEATHS VANDERBURGH -' Passed away in Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, March 27, Mrs. Wesley Vanderburgh, the form- er Mae Procter, Clinton, in her 82nd year. The funeral service was from Beattie Funeral Home on Friday, :March 29 with inter. ment in Clinton Cemetery. WESTON - Passed away in Seaforth Community Hospital on Monday, March 25, Orval V. Weston, of Seaforth, in his 84th year. The funeral service was from Box Funeral Home on Wednesday, March 27 with tem- porary entombment in. Pioneer Mausoleum, Seaforth. VODDEN-Passed away on. Thursday, March 28, Joseph Herbert Vodden, Clinton, in his 84th year, The funeral service was from Ball Funeral Home on Saturday, March 30 with inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. CHALMERS-Passed away at home on Thursday, March 28, Mrs, Robert Chalmers, the form• - er Anna Ellen Benninger, Blyth, in her 54th year. Survivors in- clude her mother, Mrs. Mary Benninger, Huronview. T h e funeral service was from Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, on Mon- day, March 31, with interment in Blyth Cemetery. Use Classified Ads For Quick Results body hanging in a clothes closet, and thickens even further a few ; minutes later when her seere! tary finds the cupboard'bare. This disaPPeariag body is the first of a series too, be rlisl covered in the closet, each providing an extra layer of complication to the plot as they „:•:. turn out to be bodies very - much alive. • The cast could hardly have been better chosen, Lola Mills was delightful as Jenny the maid, the erstwhile accomplice of a would-be di. amond 'thief. It was difficult at times to believe she is in real life the mother of three. In '! the play she was completely convincing as a naive and simple country girl. So effective was she, in fact, that one found oneself credulous when she eventually turned out to be a girl Joe Friday. What's a nice girl like you doing with a gun in a place • like this? As Randolph, Bruce Abbott was the classic hoodlum. Pencil moustache, black shirt and light tie - a rough edged Boston Blackie without Blaekie's sav- ing graces of charm and late]; ligence. Abbott would make a splendid East Lynne villain; voice, manner and physique are just right for the B.type gang. ster. Joyce Norman gave a solid dimension Of comedy to the role of Helen O'Toole, the real estate agent. `Big, • clumsy, gossipy, her dishevelled en. trance after being "attacked" was one of the highlights of the performance. Again, she was so convincing in her role it was difficult to, make the ultimate transition of credibil. ity when she 'was exposed as the mastermind of the "hot ice" plot, Elinor -Guthrie, by now' a pable quality' about• her. Per. haps a bit too much of`a lady to ,fit the stereotype of the mystery writer, but then, the author does have her capable of Ifainting, so the interpreta0 lion could not have been that far wrong, Shirley Dukes handled' the role of fashion designer LH. lien Seymour most profession. ally. She was suitably chic, and got a good boost from the ward. robe department in creating the proper image. Her voice, perhaps, could, have been a bit more brassy, but there was no glaring inconsistency' in her performance. ken Jones made a good has- band for her. A virile pretty. boy with more devotion than intelligence, his Lyle Rogers exuded charm as he smiled his way through the meanderings of the plot. -For this reviewer, however, Stan Dukes stole the show as the• salty sheriff - cum taxi driver ••-. cum dogcatcher. He had all the characteristic New England reticence, and pro.. jeeted the rustic role most ef! • fectively throughout. It was an outstanding performance and Well-received by the audience. The role of Philip Smith, the amnesiac private detective, is an elusive one, since the audi. ence virtually has to guess at what his part in the plot is supposed to be, until the very end of the play. Vince Can- ningha.m was up to the challenge of the part, and fitted well into the pattern, despite a • slight self-consciousness of move. ment and gesture. We did not really see enough of Dan O'Hagan as Crane Ham. mond's husband, Richard, al- though he seemed a trifle young for the role. •What we did see showed him as quite comple- mentarY to Mrs. Hack, It is unfortunate the author did, net give us more of lianirnOrld. It would be interesting to see what a rnale love-lorn Columnist is really like, We missed what might have been allamusing expose. The ,overall effectiveness of the production'was helped to no small egr e e by • Daphne Abbott's excellent set, Even with full cast •onstage, it showed no signs of strain, 'and was visually attractive throughout. French provincial furniture, Wall plaques and bullt.in liquor cupboard were consistent and effective. Al Goodfellow's stage management was well-polished. This is a play with many en- trances which need split-second timing, and it was apparent the cast was well-cued in this re- ,gard. A great deal of the play's inspa.ct relied on the proper pace being maiatained, and we - were seldom disappointed. Lightiag was never permitted to latrnde, and the difficult technitine of'Stage-black scenes Was circumvented Denise priestley's costumes were virtually faultless, al. though what we assume was a wig worn by Jenny was not as convincing as it should have been. The actress, fortunately, soon made us forget its, presence, in any case, so it was not a big impediment; What was essentially a comedy of the Agatha Christie genre, but with less incisive wit and character observation, was still a good evening of theatre, and a tribute both, to Mrs. Carmichael and her well. balanced and talented cast. 7'o To Win anything at bingo is ,considered lacky,Ve win a new car is the realization of a binge player's life time nmbition e put to win two new cars within six, morit14 aPprrach nirvana. .Mr,and Mrs,' Bill Austen completed the doable haul when the Austens won a 1968 meteor at a Lions Club Bingo in Kit. chener Memorial Auditorium. Saturday, March 30, The first victory cameSept. ember 8 as Mrs. Austen pielted up a 1967 Plymouth at Durham Kinsmen Bingo, THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LINE YOU 'HELPING PEOPLE LINE YOU • Pegasus: tr iumph as (cgrit.inpqo directress `'Exits ' Hon of memory, but mese are welloseasened Performer, pro. minor faults, as much due to vided a very effective perform! stilted writing as to the dire!-* ante as the abrasive, totally. tress °Hrl.ehwerhoPicet, it ors, urbanized secretary on the was a good scout for a male. She seeMed romp, which sustained itspace completely out of place in New and humour right up to 'the ;: England, as she should have. final .curtaia. well-chosea play It was much easier tq picture which made the audience feel at a New York literary at herne. agents' cocktail pa'ty, knocking (Exit The Body" unwinds in Whack with the best pf them, a fashionable ex.urban re^ well.orie nted interpretation sidence, hired by a woman mys. by Mrs. Guthrie, tery-writer as a retreat from the city,. Tillie Hack, as the mystery The ..plot begins to thicken writer, had a delightfully flaPe when she discovers a man's