HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-04-04, Page 3FRIDAY AND SATURDAY.. NIGHT • )TORIuNTO Igo $0130T GALLERY April 1 to 10 Painting by Thomas F. Chatfield ROYAL ALEXANDRA THEATRE April 1 to 7 "Festival. of Carol's" CANADIAN . NATIONAL EXtlIBITION GROUNDS ,April 1 to 6 National Home Show O'KEEFE CENTRE April 15 to May 4 Canada's National Ballet MASSEY HALL April 4 A. Watts, piano concert April 1 0 Toronto Symphony Orch. April 11, 12, 13 White Heather Concert April 25 Eugene Orrnandy and, Philadelphia Orchestra April 27 T.S.O. Jazz Series with Benny Goodman ROBERTS GALLERY April 8 to 20 Paintings by M, Houstoun ODEON FAIRLAWN THEATRE Through April "Half a Sixpance" You'll enjoy Toronto more at the Lord Simcoe Hotel. It's in the heart of down- town, close to all Toronto feature entertainment and shopping. And the sub- way's right at the door. Sensible prices, special weekend rates, free -over- nig tit pa rkinga nd ihemorns are completely refurbished. ORD SIMCOE HOTEL University & King Sts. Tel; 362-1848 • ° "THE QUILLER MEMORANDUM" Saturday Only April 13 "WHO'S MINDING THE MINT" 'II "GOOD TIMES" . „ Sunday Midnight April 14 "GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI" and "HONEYMOON OF HORRORS" Quality &Service COMING SOON ri REXALL CENT SPRING 1C SALE ' MORE THAN 350 ITEMS ON SALE WATCH FOR YOUR HANDBILL IN THE MAIL 10 DAYS SALE STARTS APRIL 18 10 DAYS Phone 482:9511 PRESCRIPVIONS .Oision, Ontario FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is Our Business TONIGHT — THURSDAY — APRIL 4 20th Century-Pox presents "THE ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE" IN COLOR Jason Robards — George Segel — Ralph Meeker — Jean Hale (Adult Entertainment) Show Times: 7.30 and 9.05 p,m. moimminslookk FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY—April 5 to 11 NOW A MOVIE! EASTER SCENERY You owe it to yourself to come in and see our great selection of dresses for Easter and later, If your size is $ or 2436, or any size between, we feel sure we will have at least one you will approve of, 12.00 to SHOPPE •!•t.:. e .;1 tf • wordy officials optint go vernment • Officials six area counties et in PeclericItTueSdaY ter a n day workshop to dieetiss a Itleprint for lgeal g9vernrnent 0,-Organization, About 160 delegates frern luron, Perth, Middlesex; Pruee rev and Wellingten counties ttended the workplipp at the iarbonrlite Inn; sponspred by the.Association Of Qn tart°, G ono. ties- During the course of the cllS• eussion, delegates were teld police villages stionld be ON liShed and their administration should revert to the townships in which they are located. The statement_ cattle from Peeve Donald Rodgers, of Stirling, who was agreeing with a similar statement in the re, organization blueprint adopted ))3' the association Oeteber 25, His Call for abolitiOn ef police yillageS WAS unopposed by the delegates, who did not include any pollee village trustees; but which did include offieials re. presentatives of the separate Municipalities of London, Strat, ford, St. Marys; Guelph and Owen Sound. Mr. Rodgers said the ass& elation's committee on region. al government, which original. .ly proposed the abolition, had difficulty in justifying the con. tinuation of se many small municipalities. In ,Hastings County for ex. ample, he said, 25 of the 29 municipalities had populations in 1966 of less than 2,500. In Prey county, 24 of 27 munici- palities had fewer than 2,500 residents, Mr. Rodgers, one of several members of a panel discuss. ing the blueprint, also corn. mended the proposal that boon. dories of both counties and their municipalities be re. viewed every 10 years by the provincial minister of munici. pal affairs, He said individual counties or mrnicipalities should also have the right to request such reviews between 10—year intervals when neces. sary. Warden Theodore Isley of Waterloo County, another pa• nelist supported the associa. tion's stand on regional govern. ment. Ile said- every field of jurisdiction which could best be handled on a regional basis should be turned over to reg. ional authorities. He felt situations might vary from county to county and jur. isdictional fields which were obviously best handled on, a regional basis in one county might best be handled on a municipal basis elsewhere. Powers of the new regional governments should include all those, now allocated to county councils, plus many of those now belonging to individual munici. palities, he said. Other panelists included as. sociation director Michael Johnson, clerk—treasurer of Renfrew County; ex—warden Wilfred Gould of Ontario County; association second vice—president Ralph Hunter of Alliston; Reeve Archie C ecchi. rib, ail association director; and 'James R. Themson, assistant superintendent for the depart. ment of education. The association's annual meeting is to be held in Strat. ford in October. The date has not been decided. The announce. ment was made by association president Carl Bateman, clerk. treasurer of Hastings County, and Perth County Warden El lar d Lange, reeve of South EasthOpe Township. Clinton delegates were Reeve James Armstrong and Deputy. reeve Gord Lawson. Representing Goderich at the workshop were Dr. Frank Mills mayor, Reeve H. B, Such, Deputy—reeve Harry Worsen, and Town Clerk S her man Blake. "You cannot put a great hope into a small soul." Jenkin L. Jones. If you had driven by the Keller household one night re.. cently between the hours of five and six in the evening you might have noticed that a tent was rising frnm the inner con. fines of a trailer, If voti had stopped to investigate you would have learned fiat ma and Pa Keller had not taken leave of their senses — nor were they be, ing cast into the streetintlialse• shift quarters. In actual fact; we were ply putting up and taking down our newly purchased summer home — and like kids do when they get a new toy we were having a ball. I think I told you last sum. mer that we had been bitten by the camping bug, Little did Dave Beattie, past president of Clinton Kinsmen Club has been elected deputy—governor of zone B, Kinsmen district 1. He defeated Peter Ba.kelaar, Mount Forest,- at the annual zone conference in Goderich, March 26. Mr, Beattie has worked his way up in Kinsmen from trea. surer of the. Clinton branch in 1963 to second vice—presi. dent, first vice—president and president in succeeding years.. Show TimeS: /.30 and 'Sk.ae ADMIrTAWit lertrkx4r, isrbordrAor CR WO I think that TOY husband would begin his quest for a camping trailer between Christmaa and New Years. Ile aid thong14 Let me •tell you, it is difficult to get enthused over canvas and screening when icicles form on the tip of your nose when you walk outside the front (Igor,. With feminine charms I eon. vinced him to wait a few weeks to begin the serious search, but finally in mid—February I was dragged through the snowbanks to view the camping trailer which now occupies our garage, Since then it has been a strug. gle to prevent my man from answering the gall of the wild at the slightest 'provocation — and with the first nice day this spring it became an obsession He also was chairman of the building committee for the community centro. At the annual conference, Bert Clifford represented Clin• ton in the Gard Harbinsan speak. ing contest but lost to Clare Dolittle of Mount Forest. Rates increase on CCCU loans Shareholders borrowingfrom Clinton Community Credit Union Limited will face a one 'per cent interest rate increase after April 1. ' The CCCU also reports, "We have paid five per cent or bet. ter — current rate 5 1/4 per cent for the past three years on savings and this along with life insurance has been a good return." A new term deposit system will come into effect April 1 which allows members with more than •$2,000 in shares to receive interest rates of 5 1/2, 6 and 7 per cent for deposits in multiples of $100. The CCCU blames the rate increases for loans on the in- stability of the money market, and an increase in the interest on government loaned money. with him to See that tent grow to. Its full height. We bad never assembled a camping trailer before. That's the reason We had it tipside down on the first trial and SWAY—hacked. on the second at* ternrit. But after a little cuss. ing, and a hit of thought we had the .situation under control And were ready to assume the headaches of ,deciding on the vital eqnipment to make a tent ing,holida,y more enjoyable, ,Froro our vantage point in the empty tent we soon realized that mattresses and sleeping bags were in order— an expen. diture of several more dollars than we'd like to spend, no doubt. (More oatmeal and vege. table soup to stretch the bud. get, I thought) Then there was dishes and silverware and a stove and 4 lantern and a table and some chairs and a cooler anda.heater and at this point my eager beaver husband decided he'd had enough camping for the day perhaps the entire sum. mer. With heavy hearts we took down the canvas and poles, clesed up the trailer and plod. ded to the house. It is very possible that the tent site occupiedby theKellers in the Ontario trailer parks this summer will look a little strange. Stacks of newspapers will likely take the place of mattresses and sleeping bags will bo' old blankets rolled and folded to make a bed. The family will most often be ob. served as they huddle around their open fire for scrambled eggs served caveman style (Pre-cutlery) P-110. lights gut Will he oUserVed at the Setting of the min, Ptit vie, have the trailer and the tent to p oyes it. 'We know now how .to put it up and take it clown - and we have some of ie carnning Spirit left after figuring put the total bill for the gear, There's one bright feature-- we're still young and, if we save our trading stamps we may be able to have'a super heavy, duty flashlight next Season. NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE CLOUD f'9" ROOM Al HOTEL CLINTON ANNOUNCES SING-A-LONG. CLOUD "9" ROOM SPECIAL DINNERS SUNDAYS 7 P.M. nonirvotiono PK:4814M ,flinten. Nows-Rpgarc4. l'hgrOn.y., 41301 4, 1P0§. APRIL 30 WILL SOON BE HERE Meet that tax deadline with ready cash from GAC International. Stop in or call. You'll sleep much better on April 29. LOANS UP TO $ 5000 GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORP., LTD. CLINTON 7 Rattenbury Street E Phone 412-3486 Spring is here Keller BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN — CLINTON — Opening Friday, April 5 Box Office Opens 7.45 — First Show at 8.15 — Double Feature Each Evennig Weekend Shows Only Until May 9 FRIDAY and SATURDAY—APRIL 5 and 6 7A GIRL CALLED FATHOM" RAQUEL WELCH and TONY FRANCIOSA Showing at 8;15 p,m. Only In Color — SECOND FEATURE 'The St. Valentine's Day Massacre (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) JASON ROBERTS — GEORGE tSEGAL — RALPH MEEKER In Color Showing at 16;00 p.m. Only Cartoon nowrqrs.03~~44,..r.nr. Coming Next Weekend!, Thursday tind Friday —April 1 1 and 12 "CAPRICE ANO Local Kinsman new deputy-g ()venter Valley of the Dolls 26th OffitURY40)( Poi,s7,st A MARK ROBSON.DAVID WEISBArifP11001DiTi PANAYISIOir COLOR byl NO PASSES SPECIAL ADMISSION PKICO $1.25 SATURDAY MATINEE April 6th Only "YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS" Serial; "CANADIAN MIDUtitiEs vs, ATOMIC INgAliERS" CARTOON —Free Passes Giveaway—Show at 2.30 35e , Coming Next for 5 Days: 'The Happiest Milliailaire ASK GGC