Clinton News-Record, 1968-03-28, Page 8•Hullett,.Towilship_.$600V tea • 'ROolresjoi$00tplinkler,, 003 • iAH: TEAC.hBRS, FOR. HADRAL FRENCH $500 Allowance Above Category Kindergarten'and PrimatGrades 1968.69 salary schedule under negotiaf ion, t'o be , compar- able to •other boards within the Countll'a AOplicietions to ,include qualifications, experience and name of present principal and area superintendent. D. R. MILLER, B.A., Principal Hullett Central School, Londesboro, Ontario. Clinton NeYfat4e4Ord,7111irsdAY.,. March 28a 1.933 'II?, • • BUY and U5E. • And Help Clinton Lions Club In Its Assistance To CRIPPLED CHIL IN CLINTON AND DISTRICf HELP SEND YOUR DONATION TODAY CRIPPLED CHILDREN TO: D. W. CORNISH, USE tArre ,r 90 Albert Street, ezz.r CLINTON, ONTARIO. HELP CRIPPLEDUCHILDREN USE FOR EVERY OCCASION " K. .C. COOKE FLORIST 'CLINTON 4'.* 144*:), (4 ,4.4^-4•44 • ,r4/4.•-•''' P.•••••‘rt•II.Ort el 482-7012 61 ORANGE — CLINTON' ' ti- CLINTON LIONS EASTER SEALS COMMITTEE PROVIDES FUNDS TO LONDON CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S TREATMENT CENTRE Maynard Carrie, right, president of :Clinton Lions Club is shown here presenting a•$1,000 cheque to Lion Jack Antill of London West" • Lions Club to be delivered to the London and District Crippled Children's Treatment Centre at London, Ontario. On the left is Lion A. Laurie Coiquhoun, chairtnan of Clinton Lions Crippled Children's Easter Seals Committee, The money was excess funds in the Clinton Lions Crippled Children's accountand permission was received from the Ontario Society for Crippled Children to present if to the London Treatment Centre which services crippled children from seven counties in Western Ontario.,Lion• Antill, who is chairman of the speaker's committee of tendon, and District Crippled Children's Treatment Centre, was guest speaker at the January 9 meeting of Clinton Lions% , Clinton And District Handicapped Children Are Treated At The London And District Crippled Children's Treatment Centre Clinton Lions Club Easter Seals Committee Associated With Ontario fit Society For Crippled Children MAYNARD CORRIE A. LAURIE COLQUHOUN President Chairman Clinton Lions Club Easter Seals Committee DIA. W. CORNISH PAT NOONAN , Treasurer •Secrefary-TreaSUrer Easter Seals Committee '''Clinton Lions Club 'AM • A receipt for income tax purposes will be mailed to all donors of money.;'. 'to Clinton Lions Easter Seals flind, BUY EASTER SEALS HELP .• CRIPPLE( CHILDREN • •-.PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST C.H.S.S. -Auditorium Friday Mar. 29, 8p.m. Successful contestant wins all-expense paid trip on YOUTH PILGRIMAGE to the UNITED NATIONS Sponsored by the 1.0.00.F. Of Huron Dittricti*"107,,.. /4.•••••••1101•MIEw • • IMP TERM INSURANCE ON THE BEST TERMS at your service DAVID S. McDONALD OCCI DENTAL PHONE 235 ,0154 176 sA.NDEris 'STREET EAST EXETER, ONTARIO 11, THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU .• Famous last words "I'll get in and cultivate my, beans long before the weeds get too big • as long. as it dopsn't. Don't give weeds a chance t6 get ahead d you. Vefian stops annual grass and weeds this month — rain, or shine, Plan now to take the gamble out Or weed eontro1 next year . Usa Treflan, ELANCO PRC>eti("TS 131 Eli Lilly and Cotnnany (CanadO) Lintitdd, Sear borotigh, Ontario, MR. CASE VAN RAAY SHAMROCK CHEMICALS LIMITED R.R. 3, Dashwood, Ont. Hwy 135 at Wellington Road \ Phone 1374496 London, OM' Phone 438,5652 Find.$ newipopet ..• , at th4+ )19100 MrS. t*Pinnleit Marelt 11 at VP P.m... The Pait WAS. lioswerea 13 lomoPers .a00 .Parlette Nay 'was.' ,plected as . the pew,. seereiall, Ara. Gehtrileli ed shout ,,SIgiriog. the 41.MilY. meal"'IV1VS„ -514%45! And :SPy- .eral ,of the other • InPniherS Made different, varieties et fancy sandwiches • ' The meet- ing closed w41.1 ."0.o0 Save .the Queen." Miss Sharon McBride of Satilt St, Marie is spending the .holidays with ,hor • PorentS Mr. and • Mrs, Edgar MeBride, Mrs. Rehert Palyrmple and Bonnie, Mrs.,• McBride and sharon of icippen, left on mon" day by for ,Jarilicia for, thp school bolidAY have re-., turned. Mr, ,and Mrs. George GA1-4, fith and sons, David and Tim, visited on Sunday with. Mrs, ff. Berry, Miss 14. $W4,11 and Mrs. P. Ham left on Sunday tor va. cation in Bermuda. Mr„ and Mrs. Lloyd Peter., son spent the weekend with Mrs. Peterson's parents Mr. 444 Mrs: Jim Henderson and. Ofor,.. don, Mr, and Mrs. Robert.F.other. ingham have returned home IneMbers of KTPPen VOW Sitteltded the Mareli lag in the church, sclioul rooin. The school 4'eQ01 MIS tatiteftit- ly decorated in St. Patrick's setting by the hostess Mrs, Jjoho, Aoclersett :and Mrs. Ralph Mrs, gdgar McPrido capably took. :devotional with the Mime 4Talciog Inventory..'i Mrs. ElilinQrSell Kyle pre' Sided for the buSinesS.session, Mrs. EmmerSon, Andersee.re, Period for tile visiting PPM' mittee. WaS decided tP Balk a bale in the month of May, For the program Mrs. 13,ti. sell Censitt Assisted by Mrs, Donald Stuart showed a film strip entitled "One half of one percent." This portrayed the work the church is doing in Japan, A discussion concern- ing the film wass held among members, Mrs, Stuart expressed thanks to all those taking part and to the president for continuing her duties as president until her replacement takes office in. September, The meeting closed with prayer. ' 11r• ,Thers enjoyed a social half hour lunch being served by Group 2, The third meeting of the Kippen entertainers was held Atilfil•itrortONT0!..1 Clinton Objective: $1200 Clinton Lions Club would like to collect $1,2013 this year for its crippied'.childijen's programt One-half the monies used for Clinton and district handicapped children. • their livecldiag trig to PrOefleld FlrePrigadevere called lea Pre at ICIPPell on S444;(*Y Pight 'Which completely deatr9YPd a ehieken barn at the home of Mr, D. motiseean, Mrs. NoPOra41 Long spent Tuesday Rev., and Mrs. D. A, MacMillan of 49ndon. Wo-HC14-.) ladies meet The Woile-Lo unit of Wes- ley-Willis church met in the ladies' parlour March 14. Mrs. Murph, the leader chair- ed the meeting and opened with a Poem "It Isn't the church,, )(nu," which was in keeping„ with the •theme of 'the worship service "I Will Build My Church" which was in charge of, Mrs, Stewart and her committee. Hymns 17, 277 and 446 were sung. The Bible reading was ' by Miss F. Jamieson from Matthew 16 verses 13.18. Mrs. Sinclair also read a portion of the ser- vice •atid responsive prayer was 'offered by' Mrs, Stewart, Mrs. Mowatt gave a very ,in- formative and interesting talk on cultures of Japan, Mrs. Dumont favoured with two solos "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" and "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling." Seventeen members answer- ed the roll call with a verse about Spring, There were three visitors present. Roll call for April will be answered with a verse about "Easter" or "The Cross," Twelve home and twelve hospital calls were recorded. The treasurer's report was read and reports from the so- cial and sewing committees were •also read The meeting closed with the 'mizpah benedic- tion. A lovely lunch and so- eta.' half-hbur was enjoyed by all. While ,etrippMg wallpaper from a clothes closet in A.Spare hedroomo Nfrs, .11arolci Pckireo of 114 3, Clinton uncovered an antique "newspaper dated PAry 1036-pAsted against the plaster, In the Phriatian Pnardian of that date be deciPliered an a-civertiSeinent ip the d.q, goods section, by the T, ga.ton. aPCI,Conll?anY? Terento aimed ciergYinen and their farollies;, "To ,Clergymen and their f4ntilies 10 ,percent diseettlit We ,often often see this advertised and often hear, it quoted, but hOw often do. Clergymen and their fairlillea 'realize this g91., den promise in hard cash or carry off their 10 percent dis. count dividend? Very eeldeni actually ,-, very often .seemingly any merehant doing business on the sound basiS of small profite and quick returns, or.spot cash, could not under the most favor. able circumstances and taking into consideration the neces. sary percentage required to meet the cost of selling, deduct this bait of 10 percent disCount without showing himself lip os an asker of extortionate prices, or without actually entailing a loss upon himself. "We do not offer 10 percent Discount to the Clergy - We could not do it without a loss. True, we' might, as a great many do, put on an advance of 30 percent and after making the necessary discount realize more than a fair profit, but that sort of business does not suit Us. We prefer to offer our Goods on their Merits, and you will soon feel that although you are paying the same prices as other people for our goods, you are receiving a much higher and better value for your money than you were wont to do under the old regime of the once potent .now itripetent, Magnet of IQ percent discount, We prefer to do A. 6 Vel'Y large business at small profit, than an inIMPriaP/Y Mali one atA large MAW And the Wiltertlaetrient pea to advertise a _line of ladies' hats Priced at 5..P-eente, P5-Pente, 70-Cents. HOW days! PORTER'S HILL -46 The Vnited Church Women of Grace Church met on Wed• npsday afternoon 'March 20 at the hoMeOf Mrs, ,chester sturdy The devotonat period was cop.( ducted by titre- William cox. The meeting openedwithahymn and Mrs. Cox led in prayer and read the Study loo)t eh,a4, ter on Mary Magdalene. The president, Mrs. Elgin Cox conducted the buiiness meeting. Roll call was answered by 10 ladies, Sem). tary's report and correspon. dence was given by Mrs; liam Townshend, and the fin. ancial report by Mrs. , Torn Sowerby. The annual July supper was discussed and Saturday, June 1 was the date set for a Bake Sale to be held In Coderich. A report was given on the Surprise Parties held during the past few weeks which proved most successful. . The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and the hos. tess served lunch, The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. liam Townshend. The committee in charge of the "Surprise Parties" held during the past fewweekS would like to thank all Who partici. pated in any way to help make them such a successful venture. Londe„SbOr9 • The variety ,Csn4it held Pri+, day evening sponsored by ,the BAP DOW was a deeideci.a0! PPre!PeFtiian and PitAr Aele tleas step, 4e4ag! solos, - andtitirr,yohltparppe9sQpie a4a P,p1414ttL3' bated te. 2111 enjoyable evening, Mrs, Bessie Pteele of Tees. water spent lag; week with her Mrat Ifareld. Livingstone. :Mr. and Mrs, Poh Pthhings iiidZaro:Ici:spent.ThttraciaY PTO, ing with Mr. And Mrs, Pert `Mrs. Ross Millson and fain... ily of Woodstock spent the lieollA• day week with her parents Mr.. And Mrs Pert $hobbrook. ' Mr, and Mrs. Harry McEwan and the rekileyedp1WiPthharillmQ0sP4e1 and Mrs, Webster. ani4d r•P' of TBoilrolnAtoll4rsPeeW41 the holiday week with their parents Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Wood. • :C ntonian club meets The March meeting of the Glintonia.n Club was held in the town hall on March 14. President 'Mrs. T. M, Fal. Goner opened the meeting and 16 members answered the roll call with a house cleaning hint. Mrs. Wise read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Frank Cummings gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Harold. Adams gave the flower and card re. port. Mrs. Mullholland won the mystery prize. Mrs. Frank Cummings conducted a Dutch auction on a pair of bedroom slippers and a covered cake pan. Mrs. Wilfred Coldough won the cake pan and Mrs. Russell Colclough the bedroom slippers, The next regular meeting will be at Mrs. Russell Colclough's home qn April 4. Mrs. Wise and Mrs. Hartley Managhan will donate articles for the Dutch auction. April hostesses are Mrs. T. M. Falconer. Mrs. George Glazier, Mrs. Frank Cum. mings and Mrs. Stewart Moodie. Ontario Objective: $1,400,000 Clinton Lions Club is` one of 231 service clubs in Ontario that is' assisting the Ontario Society for Crippled Children in raising monies to help Onta*rio's 12,000 crippled children.