Clinton News-Record, 1968-03-28, Page 7Mr. AO Mrs. PP9PP 'MA444g 3 eturned last Sunday after at, tending- the TrOler4PRon wed. .ding at -TrinityPAgraP.P4orch. London and the Xecept1911.VIlich. followed at, the :§P*Ca Dwarfs restaurant. ,They-, also visited with. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Treble '49.449pf Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGee and - girls at "iSiotpr , 44.4. Mr. .and Mrs. Thom. son sand family at StrAttorsi. Kenneth •Friar, Patricia) cythnia and Michael of PaiSley spent the vacation week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,, Julien Pell*rg. Mr. 41.14 Mr0, PM' Branton and son clltiprqq?ent the week. endwith friends in xgeoom, The annual pancake supper of the Auburn United Church Sunday SchOol will be heldWed. nesday, April 3: Supper will be served from 500 to' '7:30 Ad• mission Will be $1.50 for adults and 50 cents for children. Pre.. schoolers will be admitted free. HOLMESYILLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sinith and daughter Lorraine of Lan. caster, Ontario, *ere guests of the_fomer's.aunt Mrs. J. B. MacMath for a few clays the past week. Mrs. Don Collier of. London was also a. recent guest with Mrs. MacMath. Mr. and Mrs. Delp Gray and sons Freddie and Fraser vise ited relatives at Montreal the past week. • Auxiliary honors • St.Pot Members of the Madeleine- Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's FreshYterian church were hos• tesa4 at a recent St. PatriCk P e Tea and Bazaar. The church actiA91 reoms were appropriately decorated in an Irish theme complete with shamrocks; The Explorers, with their leader, Mrs. Charles Fee, sold candy in an attracw tively decorated booth. Receiving zuests at the door were the president, Mrs, Bob Hornuth and Mrs. R. U. Mac. Lean. The bake table was Mats fed by Mrs,Frank !dutch, Mrs. George Yats, Mrs. Leroy Oesch and Mrs. Dick Jacob. Miss Mabel Harvey and. Mrs. Ron Rudd were in charge of the sewing table. Tearoom wait.. resses were Mrs. RonMcCann, Mrs. Bob Morgan, Mrs. Clap rence Neilans, Mrs. Gordon Shortreed„ Mrs. Bill Cook and Mrs. Bill Freeman, while Mrs. Royce Macaulay, Mrs. Howard Cowan, Mrs. Elmer Frey, Miss Beatrice Gibson, Miss Helen, Anderson and Mrs. Gladys Hog. garth were in charge of the kitchen. At the group's March meet. ing Plans were finalized for the Giant Rummage Sale to be held Saturday, April 6 and also for the visits to the Ontario Hospital. ,p1Aptoa.V.gw*R@Pqrq,.'T,Imrsclayl March g0119.00 ..1.1•••!,..,9•11••••••••'- PAID etit. GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES issued 3 to 5-Year term. r earn the above indicated Interest yabie half-yearly by cheque. a investment f o r a11 Canadian Insurance Companies `.:1,7and trust flaida FINAL 3 DAYS IN BUSINESS 'THAT'S IT' EVE-MAR STORES SEAFORTH ONT. 1 .00 2.00 3.00 SALE ITEMS UP TO $20.00 WILL GO FOR THE ABOVE-MENTIONED PRICES • LADIES' BETTER DRESSES 3 • 00 REG. TO 24.95 or 2 for 5 .Do REG. 5.95 71 PENMAN'S COMBINATIONS 2.00 LADIES' REG. TO 8.95 SKIRTS & BLOUSES 1.00&2.00 BOY'S AND GIRL'S REG. TO 7.95 JACKETS - M 100's OF OTHER ITEMS NAME HYOUR :OWN PRICE adiesfit;Girls Spring Coats loo NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED BER MARCH 30th — OUR LAST DAY OF BUSINESS of1.0614,•1,••11110•Ma • ....... - Kraft (6c Off Deal),':, PEANUT' BUTTER Duncan Hines Varieties) CAKE MIXES 100% Pure Corn Oil . MAZOLA Allen's Vitaminized APPLE il JUKE SAVE AN. EXTRA 4c AT 'Adr.P1 2 1/2 -LB JAR 85,e SAVE 9c PKGS 89? Reg. Price btl $1.01 — SAVE 12e 32-FL-OZ BTL 8 95,1 FEATURE PRICE! 3 48-FL-OZ TINS1.00 A&P Brand (Drip or Percolator Grind) SAVE 10c COFFEE CO "0% LOMB1AN 1-LB VAC PAC TIN jar Cashmere Reg. Price pkg 89c — SAVE 4c HEINZ SOUPS 110 8 FL OZ TINS 99? Heinz Strained (All Varieties Except Meat) BABY FOODS 8 43/4 FL °Z jARS 995e 81 'West St., Goderich Still in full swing our 41st Anniversary Sale ! THE EST FOOD VALUE EVENT IN TOWN ! SAVE 6c JANE PARKER ORANGE, 1.EMON OR BANANA CHIFFON each 16-0Z CAKE r CAKE PIE "LOOK WHAT 4951 WILL. BUY" J 1 .4\JANE PARKER PUMPKIN each FULL 8-INCH PIE SAVE 10c SHORT, RIB ROAST EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING YOUR CHOICE SHOULDER ROAST lb FRESHLY MINCED BONELESS, SOLID MEAT MAPLE LEAF WAXED CHUB BLADE STEAKS GROUND CHUCK BEEF BOLOGNA lb 3 9? it • PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND, WHITE TABLE STOCK, NO. 1 GRADE otatoes 5:;:bs 'NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&PI SAVE 'inc SHRIMP Cocktail sleeVe °( 4'02 les 99c All prices in this ad guaranteed throUgh Saturday, March 30th, '1968 3 • • MAPLE LEAF VAC PAC WIENERS - lb 5 3 MAPLE LEAF TRAY PACK. PURE , • PORK SAUSAGE lb 59? A&P Brand Frozen Price pkg 47c SAVE 8c COD FILLETS 16.oz pkg 3 9, E A&P Srand (Fried in Batter) Frozen SAV 4d PERCH FILLETS LAKE 12-oz pkg 49c Sou-Sea Brand Frozen SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY — CANADA'S FINEST "RED BRAND" STEER BEEF BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE. REMOVED lb lb 5 9 )1( Jane Parker BREAD 60% WHOLE WHEAT The March meeting ,of the Auburn Women's hiStitute ,the Auburn In the CeIntillinitY Kerns ,ortal hall With the president, Mrs. Donald Haines in, charge. The •Meeting was ,opened with the 9, cies_ the Mary Stewart cel. lect, and' 0, Canada with Mrs. Gordon „R„' Taylor at the piano. • . The minutes Were adopted, as read by Atte assistant 'Pecs ret.ary-.treasurer, Mrs,0 Gordon Chainney. She also gave the financial statement. Tea-towels • hemmed by Mrs., Ed. Davies. were pladed,in the han kitchen. It , was annonnced that the ;Freezer Forum will be held in 71inton on APril 171 and all ,adies the„ district are in.. vited to attend. •' • The members voted to have ' the`shOrt course on Hats -wide brims and for second choice, • Papier' Mache articles. • The .leader of the 441 club :announced that five Meetiags have been held with15 members and that the Achievement day will be.'-'held on May 25 In Auburn: Mrs. Frank Raithby was appointed delegate to the Rural Learning Association training school at Mitchell on March 28. The executive of West Huron :will Meet April 22 in Clinton to plan for the district annual -to be held at Beruniller May 30. Mrs. Leonard Arch.• arnbault, convener of the an. naval banquet, led in a discus. sion. The convener of the card committee, Mrs. Andrew Kirk. tonne' reported On cards sent and read the• thank-you notes. The public relatidns officer, ' Mrs. Wes Bradnock introduced the speaker of the afternoon, * Mr.' K. M. Strick from the de. partment of social and family services at Wingham; He gave r, an account of his work through. 'out the counties of Huron, Bruce -and Perth, and told about the many benefits that his depart. meat assist the needy citizens ili these counties. Mrs: Thomas Haggitt thanked Mr. Strick and on behalf of the members presented him with a gift. Mrs. Gordon Chamney sang a solo, Galloway Bay aces:Am. Panted by Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. • Thomas Haggitt reported on visits made to the shut-ins the past menth.. Reports of the conveners of ' "'banding committees were given • by$ Mrs. Arnold Craig, agri. --,culture-..and • ..Canadian _Mks. tries; Mrs. Leonard Archam. bault, citizenship and education; Mrs. Donald Cartwright (read by Mrs. Kirkcorineln, home economics; Mrs. Rupert Phil. lips, for health PO safety; Mrs. Fordyce Clark for historical row' search and current events; Mrs. Thomas Haggitt for resolUtions. Mrs. Gordon p, Taylor,'eur. ator, reported en Twpedsmuir history; Mrs. W. Bradnock, pub. lip relationS officer; Mrs, An. drew Kirkconnell rePorted that 84 carda had been sent. The collection was taken by Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs. Frank Raithby. The new slate of officers as •brought in by Mrs. Bradnock was accepted, as well as the reports of the conveners. After "The Queen', and. Grace a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Fordyce ?lark and HarrS7 Watson. The prize for the lucky chair went to Mrs. A. Kirkponnell. The new officers are as fol. lows: past president, Mrs. Don. aid Haines; president, Mrs. Frank Raithby; first vice-pre. sident, • Mrs. Leonard Archam. bault; second vice-president, Mrs. Arnold Craig; secretary. treasurer, Mrs. Bert Craig; assistant secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Gordon Chamney; district director, Mrs. Donald Haines; alternate, Mrs. Bert Craig; pianist, Mrs. William 3. Craig; card convener, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell; visiting committee Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Roy Daer, Mrs. Robert Turner; branch directors, Mrs. Roy 'Deer, Mrs. Torrance Tabb, Mrs.Norman McDowell, public 'relations officer, Mrs. Wes Bradnockp auditors, Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt; nominating committee, Mrs. Ed Davies, Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Wes Bradnock; agriculture and Canadian industries, Mrs. Arnold Craig; citizenship and education, Mrs. Donald Cart. Wright; historical research and current events, Mrs. Fordyce Clark; home economics and health, Mrs. Robert J. Phillips; resolutions, Mrs. Thomas Hager gilt; curator of Tweedsmuir history book, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor; committee Mrs.Robert J. Phillips, Mrs. William qtraughan, Mrs. Oliver Ander son, Mrs. Wes Bradnock. Mrs. HaroldNicholsonofSea• forth and her grandsons, .Mas. ters Stephen and David Men.. heere of St. Columban visited , • last Friday with her 'sister, , Mrs. Wes Bradnock,Sheron and George and her atiot„,,BL'Irs,c har. les Straughan. Miss Jane Doran ofKitchener spent the weekend with her par. ents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doran and Michael. The March meeting of the. Clinton Junior Farmers was held, in the form of a Joint meeting at the home of Barbara Watkins. The roll call was an. Swered by 30 Pilesent. The mini utes of the previous meeting were •read and adopted andbills were paseecl and business dis. cussed. Bob' Hickey reported that everything was plumed for the dance on March 22 in the Auburn hall. The members -decided to enter the broomball contest at Centralia and selected a team to represent the Junior Farm. ers. A committee was set up to look after a Variety night program on April 26 in the Aubura hall with a dance follow. ing. The play "The Darkest HoUr" is to be presented at' the Blyth Agricultural Society Var. iety. Night. Ken Sproul then ga.ve a report of the Junior Farmer confer. ence held recently at Guelph where he was a delegate. Jill Bennett also a delegate read the past president's address given by Pat Kerr and gave a report on the girls' session. After the meeting was ad- yawned Harry Watkins took all the niembers on a hay-ride with his team of horses and wagon. Even though one or two lost their shoes everyone got wet and muddy a good time was reported by all. After the hayride Mrs. Watkins served a delicious lunch. The Auburn Baptist Church held a special service last Sun. day afternoon in charge of the Young People's Society of Clin. ton Baptist Church. Miss Nancy Anderson presided at the piano. Leading in the worship ser. vice was Miss Nola Lee. The scripture reading was read by Miss Deana Bellefleur. Duets were sung by Miss Shirley Dupee and Miss Ileana Belle. fleur accompanied by Mrs. R. Bellefleur. They sang "Open my Heart," "Illumine Me," "Saviour Divine" and "He Arose." The announcements and offer• tory prayer were given by Pas. tor Jack Heynen. The ushers were Michael McBride and Barry Welch. The message "The need for Love in the World," was •given by Miss Bonnie Riehl and Miss Shirley .DtnieefA `Solo (by fequeSt) "Hd Hideth My Soul" was Sung by Mrs. Mary Lee James. The benediction was pronounced by ,Pastor Heynen. SnndaY LPests with Mr. 444 Mrs. William. SPers, Gail.F4Y0 and Carol were Mr. and, Mrs. James, 131alt e and, Mrs. A. Bar. mer PPdellet?, Many young people frein this district attended the YeuthRellY in North Street United. Church, Gederich lest Sunday evening.. MisS Shirley Watkins ofsuni• merhill visited last Saturday With her triend Sheron Collins. James Jackson is a, pa.tient hi Victoria Hospital. HIS _many Meads 'wish him a speedy re.. covery, Master Paul Haggitt of Znrich spent last week with his grand. parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt and Stephen, Reg Sutton of Hanover, a former salesman fora Harrah ton firm, called on Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston last week. Mi. and Mrs. Thomas Hag. gilt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown, Goderich and Mrs. Ernest Patterson of Goderich attended the funeral of the ladies' sister, Mrs. Dancaa Ma.cIntyre in Detroit last Wed.' nesday, She was the former Ada Beadle and was born in the Auburn district. Greg Arthur visitedlastweek with his grandparents Mr.• and Mrs. Elmer Keller at Dublin. Miss Martie Koopmans spent the weekend with friends inSar. nia. Miss Judy Arthur of Owen Sound spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arthur and family. Mi. and Mrs. Gordon Naylor and family spent a few days last week in Toronto. PKG OF 8 ROLLS 85? FEATURE PRICE! Reg. Price loaf 25c — SAVE 10e 3 24-02 LOAVES 65? TOILET TISSUE Ready-Td-Serve (12 Varieties) Value-Priced! Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation 372 Boy St. 35 Dunlap St, 73 MINhoinis Toronto' Barris Orlllir