HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-03-07, Page 7PlintenlqewSocerxt.'llwiredab :March:' 1908 4,••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••paw, WE. PICK UP. AND Diann* .004PrO Saturday 1042 Noon PHONE...48,s al91 TS °our Specie te HURON LAUNDRY .154 Beech Street, Clinton .Owned and OPtrated by Maurice and Joon 4fgrelik• t.i)LA tir; Concentrate your' *1‘1WEr with high analysis Aero' That's how you can pack more of the essential elements—nitrogen, phos. phorus and potash — into every ton of fertilizer you put on your fields. First chance you get, come in and discuss Item fertilizer requirements with our ex- perienced people. We'll explain fully the benefits of high analysis Aero Fertilizers. and, if you wish, show you around our, modern plant. You'll find your visit profitable. Serving the man whose business is Agrkulture. mRetedIredemaik Harristort Fertilizers Ltd. cLINTori Your local.. AERO FERTILIZER.: "CUSTOM BLENDER Loa WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS FOR 1968 R J H 43 And you can adjust the inside of your refrigerator just the way you want it with Snap-in Adjustable Shelves. (Even if l have a fat turkey, a watermelon and half a dozen tall bottles?) Glide-Out Rollers..,a Moving experience Any small housewife can move a fully- loaded Westinghouse refrigerator out for cleaning the waft and floor, Because hidden underneath there are non- marring polystyrene relief's. Sa TODAY AT Lets get wing First thing you know, Planting season will be here. And you know how much work that means for you. And for us, $O, why don't We get together now to plan your fertilizer requirementiforthe coming year. Makes sense, ' doesn't it? • Right now is the time to start thinking about the Aero® Fertilizers you're going to need very soon. c~c rw,vwnr r Salving the man whose business Is Agriculture. Rea'd Trademark Your local AERO FERTILIZER CUSTOM BLENDER ...... BRAISING RIBS ROLLED POT ROAST 16-oz, (Deaf Pack). Cheese Slices 69c 2-Lb. Box VELVEETA CHEESE $1.39 32-0z. Jar CHEES WHIZ $1.39 3-FRUIT or ORANGE-24-os, jars MARMALADE ... 49c ROUND STEAK or ROAST lb. 89c SWEET ROLLS lb. 55c • FRE SH BEEF SLOE FREH PORK MEAT BY-PRODUCTS MAC and CHEESE LOAF or CHICKEN LOAF lb. 490 FREEZER BUYS SIDES of PORK • ,33c lb. Processed 39c lb. STUART HOUSE - 12-Inch (25-Ft. Length) FOIL WRAP ..,,,,,, (deal pack) 2 rolls 69c COLGATE 100 ANTISEPTIC - 6.oz. SCOPE Mouth Wash .., ( deal pad() ea. 59c 100 TABLETS INSTANTINE (deal pack) $1.00 16-0Z. - BREAD & BUTTER - SWEET, MIXED SWEET WAFER A-- BABY kOtHER DILLS SUNKIST No. I 210's NAVEL ORANGES (Product of usA)3 doz. $1 HIGHLINER - PERTH FILLETS lb. 39c SUPREME BRAND KERNEL CORN FRENCH FRIES 2-lb. bag 49c LIPTON'S "- 60's TEA BAGS 79c ALLEN'S - 48.oz. „s APPLE JUICEI 3 tins $1 TOMATO JUICE 3 tins $1 31:;IAMIA Salad Oil 89c [ DOWNY 4;zundry Rinse 75c aiiPPING 'CORN 2 lbs. 29c E. D. SMITH 19-oz, tir0 RASPBERRY -- STRAWBERRY - PEACH - BLUEBERRY PIE FILLING 2 for 89c KRAFT PRODUCTS SAT. MARCH '7 8, 9 2 lbs. 79c lb. 39c lb. 43c lb. 49c MARK ET HENSALL- ONTARIO 3 for 89c: SPECIALS --- THURS., FRI., HEINZ PICKLES '• New -Record editor to ttend “)nvention Many Ontario weekly news. PilPer Puhlishers and their wives. Will be attending the line iii Ontario Weekly New. .s.apers convention to be held WS year at the Park Motor Hotel, 'HilikaraFalls, Ontario On March .8t4 and J. Q. McKnight of Me TillSonbt/IX News is COnVention Pheirmen Attending from, ,Clinton will be Graham Caney Rditor of the New&sRecord. Official Welcome Delegates will be welcomed en Thursday evening by A. Y, mc4ean. Mr. McLean is pub- lieher of the ,Seaforth Huroo Expositor and president . the association.. Arvid Lundell of Hevelstolte, B,C., president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associa- tion, will address the delegates, There Will be speakers on all aspects of weekly newspaper publishing during the business sessions. • Robert Stanfield, leader of the oppositien, will be the speaker at the banquet on Fri- day, evening- Winners of Competitions There was keen competition amongst all newspapers, par- ticularly ter the general excel- lence and photographic awards. General Excellence: Village under 1000 population: 1, West Lome Sun; 2, Zurich Citizens News; 3; Elmvale Lance. ' Towns under 2000 population: Rodney Mercury; Little Cur- rent Manitoulin Expositor. Ty- ing for third place are the Iro- quois Post and Belle River North Essex News. Towns under 3500 population: 1, Exeter Times-Advocate: 2, Wirigham Advance-Times; 3, New Hamburg Independent. Towns over 3500 population: 1, Brampton Guardian; 2, Grimsby Independent; 3, Till- sonburg News. Greatest Improvement: 1, Tharnesville Herald; 2, Elm- vale Lance. • Best Front Page: Grimsby Independent. Typographical Excellence: The Exeter Times-Advocate. Advertising Excellence: Brampton Guardian. Best Editorial Page: 1, Grims- by Independent; 2, Prescott Journal; 3, Exeter Times-Advo- cate., Photographic: Best Spot News Picture:4 1, Fort Erie Times Review, John Visser; 2, Aurora Banner, Ann 1VIeWilliam; 3, Brampton Guar- dian, David MacDonald. • Best General News Picture: 1, Grimsby Independent, Peter Brouwer; 2, Aurora Banner, Ann McWilliam; 3, Fort Erie Times Review, John Visser. Best Sports Picture: .1, Au- rota liannerr, Mike MeMnfralt, -Or Renfrew Advencer ,Prehkun. Johnston; 31 Exeter 'Nnet:Agi, vocate. Patten, Best Advertlaina i'leterev Aurora 'Banner, Pr Htlawarth rlavelle; 2, Nernarket Era; ltenfrew Advance, Orahani johns Oton. Winner of the Ontario», Hy‘, Awrcl, for PkivOlon conntri Correspondent is Mrs. Athel Maudo Queen, 82. Moistwe car- resPentlent of the Durham Chrontele.• _The Ontario Water Resources commission Award will be made to raster M. Russell of, the •Cobourg Sentinel Star, by D O r, James A, Ynnce, Chairmen of N.R.c, SRUCEFIELD Mr, and Mrs LindsaY Eyre Mr, and Mrs. Elgin. Thomson - have returned 'after a vacation in Florida. Attending the 25th anniVer;r sarY of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason of Windsqr were Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson and' their family. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broad. foot and Mies Helen Breattfoet of London spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs, John Broad.foot. ' Mr. and Dirr':71Itirry Lyndon of Toronto' visited on the weelrrr end with Mrs. Lyndon's mother Mrs. W. Haugh , and family. Mrs. Gordon ,Elliott lied Gaye visited with, relatives'n Bruce. filed and Clinton on Saturday. Miss Sharon Drudge of Oven Sound visited over the week,. end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith, Bluevale and friend Devalue. Elliott visited on Sunday with Mrs. H. Berry. KIPPEN 'Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Mellis accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bourke of Wroxeter visa, ited Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. J. I% Barnard of Nairn.% Mrs. Ruth Colton of Detroit Michigan spent a few,days with Mr. and Mrs. Vivan. Cooper. Rochus Faber. is holidaying a few weeks in Florida. ' Visitors during the week with Mrs. Long were' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowntree of Midland, Mrs. Joe. LeGard and daughter. of Downsview, Master Scott kyle has re. turned to his hOme in London after spending 10 days witishlit grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Kye and Jim, while his parents Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle were vacationing in Hawaii. _Che *OW POngregation of RnCec United Church received Seals last glindaY. 'Pose reo ceiving the seals were; Gold 85 percent, Arm Bail, Dana neo; Yvenne Bean, Shelley Gran8e Raymond Hildebrand, Faye, dildebrand, Gregory Hale • lain,: Andrew )(amnions, John OOPnialle, tarry Plaetaer, sherrY Plaetzer, Wanda Plaete , ' zer) :Lynn Turner, Glen Wight. Man, Marilyn Wightnlan, Mitre ray Wightrnan. Silver, 70 per. cent; Gary Ament, Shirley Atnent, Ricky Aroharehault, Douglas channieY, EldoliCham• _my, Lorraine chainney, Doug. Durnin, Allan Hildebrand, Keith Lapp, Marie Plunkett. ,60 percent, Larry•Chau/. ;neY• Paul ChanineY, David Howe, Donald Howe. The third meeting of the Auburn 4-H club for the spring project 'The Club Girl Enter-i tains" was held at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithby with the first vice-president, GailSeers ' charge. The minutes were ,read by Marie Plunkett in the absence of the secretary. The roll call was answered by each Member naming one thing they ',would appreciate in the guest room. The leader, Mrs. W. BradnoCk 'outlined the import, mice of hospitality in the home. Table setting and service were 'demonstrated by Mrs. Raithby. Brenda Ball and Brenda Archambault carried out the demonstration. Debbie Small and Barbara Chanuiey demon. strated good table manners The next meeting will beMarch 15 at '7 p.m. owing to examin. ations at the schools. The meet. ing was closed with the 4-H 'Creed. YARNA The Explorer Group of the United Church under the dir. ection Of their . leader Mrs. Bev 'Hill held a successful pan. cake supper last Tuesday even. lag. The proceeds go to, help support a Korean Child which this group has done for a num. ber of years. The March meeting of the United Church Women will be heId on Thursday evening of this week. .A special film on Japan will be shown, About 80 percent of the body is 1vater. All the processes on which 'life depends, take place in• fluid' digestion of food; carrying food and oxygen to the cells, building and oxidation of protoplasm and removal of wastes. xhe genera} Meeting Of the United Church, Women of Knox United church Was held * the Sunday school 1.00.1n of the church With Unit 2 in charge. mrs, Norman McClincheY Pre• - sided and opened the ;fleeting with Prayer, followed by a hymn The responsive reading was led by Mrs. Elliott Law and she also read.the scriPtkire lessen. - The ' offering was received by Mrs- Hen Hamilton and Mrs, Thomas cunninghain. A duet was sung by Mrs. Gorden Mo. Cliechey and Mrs. Norman Mc, ClintheY. The guest speaker of the afterneon was Miss Clara Mc. Gowan, director of the Huron County Children's Aid Society, She was introduced by . Mrs.. WilliaM Empey. Miss McGowan gave a very interesting address on her staff and social work they perform throughout the' county. She also spoke on the new offices on Victoria Street. Mrs. Lapp thanked Miss Mc.. ' Gowan for her informative ad. dress 'and closed the first part of the meeting with prayer. The business portion of the Meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. M. R. Roberts, The minutes were adopted as read by -Mrs: Bert Marsh in the absence of the secretary Mrs. Albert McFarlane. The treasurer, Mrs. Oliver Ander. son gave the financial state. meat. Two letters of thanks were 'read by Mrs. William Empey from Mr. and Mrs.. Stewart Toll for the bales sent to Nairobi in Africa. Lunch was served by the members of Unit 2. "Bear One Another's Bur. den" was the theme of the World Day of Prayer service held Friday in Knox Presby. terian Church, Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson, president of Knox Women's Missionary Society was the leader of the service when women from the four churches and Westfield joined the millions of women around the world in. this service. of prayer and commitment. Mrs. Sanderson introduced the pro- gram and gave the history of the author, Mrs. Rathie Sel• varatnam of Ceylon. Mrs. Don. aid Haines was the pianist and the ushers were Miss Minnie Wagner and Mrs. Alvin Leather. land: The ecripture lesson was read by Mrs. John Hallam: The leaders of the village churches, ,, MrS.'Frarik Raithby of the Bap. list Church, Mrs. M. R. Roberts. of Knox nited Church UCW and Mrs. Thomas lia,ggitt, St. Mark'S Anglican Guild, assisted in the program. Mrs.. Oliver Anderson and Mrs. Kenneth Mc. Dougall alio assisted in the Penitence Portion with Mrs, lteherts, A cLiiiiitette coniPosed Of Mrs. John Peer Mrs' Pert doe chananeY, mrs, Robert Ws1 Gordon B. Taye. lor and Mrs, Waliatn J. PrAig sang "Have Thin? Own WaY Lerd,n ' The theme "Pear One Another's Burden" was sPOlten on by Mrs. Wes Bradnock, She outlined the life of the prod.,. igal son end stated Oat the Fatherhood of clod is yearn3 ing for' the recoeciliatien be. tween the world and, Himself and stressed each to try to, lighten pot-here burden Miring this Lenten seesen, The sympathy of this come /nullity is extended to Mrs, Eldon MacLennan on the death of her mother Mrs. Leslie. Anderson of R.R. 1, Lucknew. Signalman Robert Young ,of Mitchell visited last week with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. He just returned from Puerto Rico where he was serving with the Canadian Armed Forces and is noW stationed at Kingston. Miss Helen Me,Nee and Miss Ruth McLean; nurses in train. ing at Victoria Hospital, Lon. don visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John ston and Miss Laura Phillips. Miss McLean is a grand- daughter of Mrs. W. B. HaW. kips who was known so well when her late husband was Church. Mr. St. Mark's Anglican Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Schmidt of Stratbroy, Miss June Mills and Byron Nixon of Long Branch spent the weekend with the ladies parents Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mills.. Tile Auburn COIT group held their girl's service for the World Day of Prayer at their meeting last week. The pres.' Went Shelley Grange led the service and the hymns were led by Betty Moss. Others tak- ing the parts wereSherry Plaet. zer, S heron Collins, Betty Moss, Marie Plunkett and the leader Mrs. W. Bradnock. Mr. and Mra. ThOnAs 4.01inw std'! -Visited with his Pieter. Mrs. Boy Farm who is a Patient in St. Joseph's Hospital London, last Sunday, # POOP your newspaper ads and Seep the savings In your own pocketbook.