HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-02-22, Page 8Mr, and Mrs. Harold Lobb are shownat the Nassau Beach Hotel, in Nassau, the Bahamas during a recent visit. A dealer for Cockshutt Farm Equipment. Mr. Lobb was in Nassau for the company's annual convention, OBITUARIES CHARLES MITCHELL SHEARING BLUE RIBBON CLEANERS Cash & Carry Dry Cleaning Service Now . Open MEN'S SUITS $1.65 DRESSES $1.65 MEN'S or LADIES' COATS $1.65 SUBURBAN or CAR COATS $1.50 TROUSERS $ .85 PLAIN SKIRTS $ .85 JACKETS $ .85 AIR FORCE UNIFORMS $ .99 Pleated Skirts Extra 3 = FOR PRICE OF - Any Three Garments of the same price may be combined to take advantage of this special. MON. TUES, THUR. FRI..... 9:00 o.ryi, to 6:00 p.m. WEO. 9:00 o,rrt, to 1:00 p.m, SAT. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m NITE DEPOSIT bOoR AT FRONT OF STORE FOR YOUR AFTER-HOURS CONVENIENCE SO ALBERT STREET For Pree Pickup — Phone 482-9731 Opiestitt by Fiikhk Oftdfor4 in Aiith.vi Rir BEAVER LUMBER 227 Main Street, Exeter Phone 235-1582 ARE YOU A MEMBER OF Clinton Community Credit Union Limited For Members Only: Life insured savings — Life insured loans Chequing accounts with no service charges — Convenient hours — Current dividend rate 51/4% — JOIN TODAY — LARGE OFF-STREET PARKING LOT PROMPT GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIR We' will estimate the cost of your 'repair, guarantee satisfaction arid completion date, before you leave the store. N. T. Ormandy JEWELLERY The Square Goderich Announcing A ,change IN • STORE HOURS Effective WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6th CLINTON STORES WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Clinton Retail Merchants' Committee, R. B. Campbell, Chairman. 8-9 PRIM E at low budget prices RIB ROAST LB. PEAMEALED — BY THE PIECE BACON LB. FEAMEALED SLICED BACON LB. BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA 3 Les. $1. SLICED BOLOGNA LB. Blade, Chuck and Rolled Pot Roasts LB. FRESH SPARE RIBS LB. FRESH PORK La. FRESH Ground Beef \\\Ific 2, "5- 89c HIGHLINER COD — 14.02. FISH STICKS 2 PKGS. $1. SUPREME BRAND — 2.LB. BAG FRENCH FRIES 49c PRODUCE NO INDIAN RIVER — 56s GRAPEFRUIT 12. R $1. if Marshmallows 2. 69c He'STESS —P.02. BAS — REG. 69c Potato Chips SPECIAL 59c DARE'S NEW CHnFOLATE, NUT — 15Y4-0Z. BAG COOKIES 49c QUAKER — 5-LB. QUICK OR 72.02. INSTANT OATMEAL 73c McCORMICK 133i-OZ. PKG. Graham Wafers 2 69c GOOD LUCK — DEAL PACK MARGERINE 3 Los. 89c HEREFORD — 22-OZ. TIN Corned .Beef 59c CAMPBELL'S — 20-0Z. TINS Chicken Noodle, Vegetable Beef, Mushroom, NEW Chicken Rice SOUPS 3 TINS $1 .14-02. WITH PORK, OR IN TOMATO SAUCE HEINZ BEANS 5 R 89c LUCKY WHIP — 4.02. PKG. Dessert Topping 43c HEINZ COOKED — 11402. Spaghetti or Macaroni 3 49c 1-LB. BAG CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE 79c 28.02. TIN UTOPIA CHOICE TOMATOES 3 for 79c FOR CHICKEN OR FISH 24-0Z. PKG. SHAKE 'N BAKE 3 for 79c 9-0Z. — PECTIN ADDED WAGSTAFFE ASSORTED JAM & JELLIES 5 for $1 PLAIN OR FROSTED — 1I.O PKG. KELLOGG'S POP TARTS 2 for 89c REGULAR SIZE BARS, PINK OR WHITE DOVE SOAP 2 b4rs 41c 11.0Z, BOTTLE HEINZ KETCHUP 4 for 89c OUR I:111111 WEEKEND SPECIALS For 1111110A1,,`,, FEBRUAR Y 22, 23 , 24, 1968 GROCERIES WONDERFOOD 16.0Z. BAG ME 69c 65c 79c 39c 49c 59c 55c -VVantbig tractor features in a medium price tractor? • COCKSHUTT 1750 80 Certified PTO Horsepower / choice of hitche,s heavy duty drawbar, special. hitch drawbar, flexible 3,point hitch / Over./ Under Hydraut•Shift or Hydra.Power Drive for multiple work speeds / Dual Speed PTO / chaste of three Hydraulic Systems / Twin Fender Tanks holding 66 gallons / All•weather cabs / plus malty more. Set tad try the tigtrattor' features of the 1150 at: H. LOBB & SONS EQUIPMENT CLINTON 4824431 TIMELY TAX TIPS ..P11,4tottNow.010o9F01 fehr.P.r.Y .4.7,, 1904 The above kitchen is "Early American", one ,of the many distinctive styles de- signed by Hanover to suit the tastes of todays modern homemaker. Whether you are preparing to build a new home or re- model your present one consider the ad- vantages of a professionally designed kitchen. Free in the home estimates a- vailable without obligation and credit terms are available through BLACO (Bea- ver Lumber Acceptance Corporation). Phone or Write: VOl% VARIA1104 aE4TOCK'INQVP VittKER4 49EEeli KA011eg flitiOnCA •OF MOTIVE VE %004 OF COORTECY tOKKUNICArn:, ,ffEOW Qet",,;, RROPRI OBITUARIES SARAH ANN RIL.EY Sarah Ann Riley, 70, of Con. stance, diedSaturday, February 10 at Clinton Public Hospital after a four—month illness. A daughter of George Cook and the former Lucy Johnston, Mrs. Riley was born January 9, 1898 in Goderich Township. She was married January 9, 1918 to Joseph H. Riley. She was a member of Con. stance United Church and Lon. desboro United Church. Mrs, Riley is survived by sisters, Mrs. Torn(Jean)Riley, of Clinton, and 'Mrs, Frank (Mary) Riley, of Constance, Service was held Tuesday, February 13, at Ball and Mutch Funeral Home by Rev. Robert Schantz of Londesboro. Burial was in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Stewart. Dolmadge, Luther Sanders, John Jewitt, Ken Preszcator, Bill Dale, and Fred Buchanan. Flower bearers were Jim Preszcator and Verne,, Dale, Persons attending the funeral from a distance were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ellwood of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil P elley, Mrs. Ron Corrigan, Mr and Mrs, Harold Stone, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs: Bob Woods, of Gananoque, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Riley, of Ajax. Horeg to fourth instalment .0' timely tome ta4 tipg -04$ fered by the Ilews,•Seotwd to help readera solve the annual 1:11Ple• Q. What clo I do, if,after filing ray return I discover it is in error? A. It, after you, send in Your return, you have to Change Or add something do so by Writing your district taxation office. DO not file another return and do ilot write to the date centre in Ottawa, Q. Is it important to have every space completed on a return? A, Every applicable PeaCe should be completed because incomplete returns cannot be processed at the data centre in Ottawa. They are sent back to the district offices for correc, tion, a process that may in. volve actual contact with the taspaYer and only after such correction has taken plate, can the form be returned to Ottawa for processing, a delay which may well held up payment of ypur refund. Q. It appears from my T4 slip that my employer has not deducted sufficient Canada Pen. sign Plan contributions, may I pay the additional amount re. quired and claim the increased deduction? A. No, please do not make additional payments on your re.. turn, claim only the contribu- tions per T4 slips. If it appears that you have been under de. ducted, check with your em- ployer first, there may be legi. timate reasons for not deduc- ting full contributions. If you are satisfied that the required contributions have not been withheld, attach a note to your return stating that your em. ployer has failed to withhold sufficient Canada Pension Plan contributions. Q. May I treat the cost of clearing and breaking land as an expense? A, Yes, if you are in the business of farming. See page 7 of the Farmer's and Fisher. man's Guide for further details. J/ye heard a let -abort the registration of 04.001e prro..t4494§ tux -tle4ttotto4 purposes, .4-4 donor tosome charitiesr What know 0.90 NO? A.. Canadian Charitable or, .67411444900 issuing receipts for iricoMe tax purposes must he registered, and. all receipts issued for donations must show. the ragiatratian. nainber Of the orgartUtttion, If you have ire. calved a receipt which .doeSn't show this number,.. yon should get in. *WI withh th e erraniaa,,, bon and obtain a proper re. ceipt. Q., My rotund was delayed last year because I dirtl not attach a proper receipt for tuition fees to my return. What kind of receipt is required and what should it say? A, Most educational institn. tons in Canada issue a. special receipt for income tax purposes and you should make sure that this is the one you attach to your return. This receipt will show the period covered by the tuition fees and Will say what• part of the fees qualifies for deduction. (Not all fees paid to educational institutions qualify).. It does not matter when the fees were paid but you may not claim tuition fees covering a period longer than 12 months commencing in the taxation year. For example, if you have valid receipts for tuition fees covering the last half of 1966, the first and last halves of 1967 and the first half of 1968, you have a choice of claiming for I967either your tuition fees for the whole of 196'7 or your fees for the last half of 196'7 and the first half of 1968. You may not claim in 1967 tuition fees paid for 1966, even though you filed no return for 1966. Planners announced Six members of the newly established Seaforth planning board have been announced by town council. They are: A. Y. McLean, P, D. McConnell, Dr. John Turnbull, T. L. Habkirk, Carl Dalton and .Dr. J. C. Mc. Lennan. Charles Mitchell Shearing, 61 of 210 Princess St, E., Clinton, died Thursday, February 16,'at home after a long illness. A son of Mr. and Mrs. lam John Shearing, Mr. Shear. ing was born August 22, 1906 at Tillsonburg, He was married to the former Helen,Elizabeth Hunter. r Mr. Shearing lived in Clinton for 30 years. He was a grocer, and a book-keeper with Ellwood Epps' Sporting Goods, He was a member of Wesley Willis United Church, and of the Masonic Order and Shrine, Mr. Shearing is survivea by son William (Bill) Shearing of Morrisburg; daughter Mrs. James (Gail) Wilde, of Cooks. ville; brother Harry, of Till. sonburg; sisters Mildred, of Kearney; Mrs. Brime (Blanche) Bolster, of Toronto; Mrs. Harold (Dorothy) Poyntz, of London; and five grarkichildren. Service was conducted Sat. urday February 17, at Beattie Funeral Home by Rev. A. J. Mowatt. Cremation was in Woodland Crematorium within. terment in Tillsonburg Ceme. tery. 7Ntgnn VW, •SPUKIN • • • • r”ren.ol ,A14,T,. sergeant Albert Perfitt, 33, who resides with his wife Harriet and three children ,at Bldg. "3", Apt, 6, Adastral Park, practises public speaking daring a six week senior supervisor training course at Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario, Heis on course at the nation's largest military training Centre where more than 200 career and trades courses are taught. Among the subjects he studies end practises to make him capable of becoming a senior supervisor are communication of ideas, military writing, management techniques, leadership, general military knowledge, and drill. (Canadian Forces Photo)