HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-02-22, Page 4cl1 tIton ,N}),„y8,43,,,seord„ Thorsoay, Fooroary 50% DISCOUNT ON ALL HOCKEY GLOVES AND SHIN PADS IN STOCK Save on a Demonstrator SNO-HAWK See It Today 40011149 Swab Ala* 80 King St. BEAUTIFUL bowls, candle sticks, etc., hand-crafted from walnut, mahogany and teak. Ideal for gifts or souvenirs. On display at Jack's Furniture Re- pair Shop, at the rear of 84 Albert St,, Clinton. 7tfn (11.1.17•911 •917A 119 • teleaMeleaeleVeteNSIeeitelWeaMealen POR THE WHOLE FAIVIO A Variety of CAKES, PASTRIES, COOKIES DONUTS, SWEET GOODS HOT BUNS SERVE BARTLIFFS BREAD Bartliffs Bakery Li tithed MORT and RESTAURANT :Rem ••• N. % •••••11.NO...6‘N.N1NN.N11.4.SO4 NO% 11.% TENDERS WANTED Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR Applications will be received by tire Township of Ilullett for the position of Warble Fly In- spector for the Township Of. Hullett: The rate of pay will be $1.50 per hour and 10c per Mile while . working. The successful applieaht must attend a School of Instruction . wherever one is available. The inspector must be thoroughly Conversant with the tame and tonditiorie of The Warble Fly Spray Act, and be capable or its enforeemcnt. Applicants Must be clearly marked aS to contents, and Must received not later than 6 o'clock .111atch 2, 1908, Lowest or any application not heceseatilat aeeented. HARRY F. nnoorr, Clerk-TreaSttrer, tondeSboto, Oht, 6.7-gh Warble Fly Program for 1968 Township of Tuckersmith Separate tenders for the fol- lowing will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5, 1968. 'Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: 1. WARBICIDE: For the sup- ply of approximately 600 lbs. of warbicide for Spraying Cattle for Warble Fly. Tender to state price per 15 lb. bag delivered to the Township' Shed in the Hamlet of Egmondville. Tender to state Chemical Supplier, and to be clearly marked "Tender -- Warbicide." 2. SPRAYING: For Spraying Cattle for Warble Fly. Tender to state price per head per spray. Work to be done under the direction of the Inspector in accordance with the regulations of the Warble Fly Act. Tender to be clearly marked "Tender ---,L. Warble Fly Spraying." 3. APPLICATIONS: For the position of Warble Fly Inspec- tor. The inspector will be paid mileage at the rate of 10c per mile while on duty. Applicants to state qualifications and hour- ly rated salary expected, Ap- plications to be clearly marked "Application --Warble Fly In- spector." JAMES I. McINTOSH, Clerk-Treasurer, R.R. 3, Seaforth, 7, 8 Township of Hullett 'WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS Farmers Save $ We Are Unloading: 13 - 52 - 0 18 - 46 - 0 AEROPRILLS (33%) Direct from Point of Production Cars will lie unloading regular fertilizer analysis at intervals during February AGRICO Fertilizer Contact Your Local Agrico Dealer or ROBERT TAYLOR, • Sales 'Representative R.R. 3, CLINTON —• PHONE 462.9144 Anfiyeriatis Ammonia Representative HAUGH EROS, illtUCIIIPINLII CLASSIFIED ADV. RATES (NEViego may 1, 1966) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75c 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. '2c Per Word Minimum 800 DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch , Birth, Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT THREE-bedroom house with bath, living and dining room, partly furnished. Oil heat. Bay- field area. Reasonable. Phone 565-5235. 8tfn A ONE-bedroom and a two-bed room, furnished, , heated apart- ment, self-contained with central location, 46 Princess St. West. Phone 482-9005, 8tfn SMALL furnished apartment, suitable for couple, or two shar- ing. Heated by oil furnace. Call 482-7855 or 482-9479. 8tfn DUPLEX, 3 miles west of Clin- ton at Holxnesville. Stove and frig, kitchen, living room, 2 bed- rooms, bath; oil furnace. Avail- able immediately. Phone 482- 6694. 6tfn MODERN apartment, self-con- tained, heated, furnished, 1 bed- room. Immediate,possession. Phone John Wise, 482-7265 or 482-9644. 2tfn HOITSE FOR RENT in Breee. field. Available now, Phone 491- 3368. 50t.fb THREE-BEDROOM apartment, main floor, in Brucefield, oil heated. Phone 262-5047. 5tfn FOR SALE OR RENT RANCH style brick house in Bayfield, 3 bedrooms, full base- ment, oil heated Immediate pos- session. Apply Box 71, Clinton News-Record. 7, 8b ARTICLES FOR SALE BEEF and pork by the half or quart9r. Potatoes for sale. Phone 482-7578. 42tfb Fitt kit •I cePhoards, apiirex• 10 ft, Phone 482-9531. SIMpLICITY Washers now avail- able at 1'. A. Dutton Appliaticee, Brucefield, Open evenings, 8844 CURTAINS - Draperies Win- dow BlindS - Venetian Blinds. - Bamboo • Drapery Track, Drap- ery Pull Rods. Read y Made Draperies; Free Eatimates Given. iitwiNS DRY GOODS, tfb DINING room table and six leather-seated chairs ; also buf- fet; reasonable. Phone 483-9202. 81; BROADLOOM CLINTON'S. CELANESE CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area .Carpets. * Samples shown in your home, * Free Estimates, • Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. - 'Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST Hardware and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 5tfn SPRING FERTILIZER BUY NOW SAVE $1.50 PER TON In February Plus Cash Discounts Contact CLINTON FEED MILL 482-3484 7-8 AUTOS FOR SALE 1966 ENVOY Epic, 24,000 miles, A-1 condition; driven by elderly couple; reasonably price d. Phone 5234220, Blyth. 8b 1959 FORD Tudor, blue; radio: good condition, good tires. Best, reasonable offer. Phone 482- 9222. 8b, 1965 FORD convertible, red and white, V-8, automatic, radio, new whitewalls; 45,000 miles. Rea- sonable. Phone 527-0448. • 8p For Complete VOLKSWAGEN S0les and Service For our out-of-town customers, we are open Wednesday and Sat- urday •afternoons for sales and service. Don. Taylor Motors Limited Main Street — Exeter formerly Hunter-Duvar DIAL 235-1100 2tfb oiCFDsc. MERCURY Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-6271 Clinton Representative • GEO. CUTLER 482-9782 24tow 111aM O1)E.1.01.4 Ng, renovations, rooting. pod floor :laying, eliperC, w done, Ati odd jots around the home. Kitehen cupboards .F.Hei;Atty. Plana` Ken MeNairn, NM, ORTgot,Fotc .aoo geopral ,Shos Repair, Our Clintoo Depot at 45. Albert Street at Amsioes store, ilenies 'Sboe. nepairi, 71 Hamilton St,, Goderich, -380 •-• — CLINTON CAB 482-7011 Call George McGee Out of town trips a specialty tfb WATCH itEPAllt is. a job for experts, Our Work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewet- t Establi shed 518111:L7n Jewellery Shore. tfb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE. Sal/WORTH PHONE 527-1406 24tfb JACK'S Furniture Repair — Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Alh'rt Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. 40tfb CARPENTRY WORK—Complete building of recreation rooms, ceiling insulation, wall panel- ling, windows and doors, ex tenor siding and roofing. For all your carpentry needs, phone 262-5454, Mahlon Martin, 47tfb We Specialize In ... Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestrougbing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7651 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL clean chicken barns or catch chickens. Phone 482-7170. R. Muller, R.R. 4, Clinton, Ont.. 8p HELP WANTED REQUIRED: Part-time chef. Ap- ply Brix 81, Clinton News- Record, 8b HELP WANTED FEMALE PART-TIME general duty wo- man, Apply Box 82, Clinton News-Record. 8b YEAR-ROUND part-time work in local film processing plant. Apply in writing for further de- tails. Clinton News-Record, Box 491. 49tfb HELP WANTED MALE 63-YEAR-OLD FIRM needs man in Clinton area, for sale of GOODYEAR ROOFING LINE, complete BLACKTOP MAIN- TENANCE PROGRAM and other specialized INDUSTRIAL COAT- INGS and COMPOUNDS. Write M. P. DEITZ, President . . . Consolidated Paint and Varnish (Canada) Ltd., P.O. Box 39, Rosemount, Montreal, Canada. 7, 8b WANTED SADDLE, with or without riding bridle, for pony, Reasonable, in good condition. Phone 526-7591, Auburn. 8p CASH in on buried treasure. We bey old gold and estate jewel. lety. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich. ntf PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO should be trmed and checked for moth damage and other defects rogulariy, appreelate the continued of. servicing Many of the instruments ha this anti. George W. Cox, phone 482.3870, 8301 Classified Ads. Bring Quick Results. MISCELLANEOUS LET US ltE,PAIR AND MAO yew' rings end jewellery like new, Diamond rings , renewed and stones safely Secured — don't Wee chances, Expert work` done reasonably to your satis- faction. Watch etePairs and pearl reetringing. W, N. Counter, tfb pmts. CAR 'RENTAL, reason- able rates. MegEE'S, Goderich, Phone 5e4-8391. • 3tfb FOR SALE SNOW BLOWERS with sealed bearings, roller shield, trouble- free feature for damp snow has been added. You will like it. Farrowing crates, with or with- out mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer. Hensel'. phone 262- 52o2. 1-13b CORN for sale; 1,00 • bales straw. How a r 4' Cartwright, phone 523-4409,'Blyth, 8-9p 6,000 BALES, gOod quality, first cut hay for sale. Phone' Blyth, 5234413. 6-9b USED FARM EQUIPMENT.: 830 Case with' Eagle Hitch 2010 John Deere With Loader 560 Cockshutt Row Crop—Diesel 400 Case, gas International Cultivator - 10 ft. John Deere Cultivator 8 ft. See these at • JIM CHALMERS R.R. 2, KIPPEN Phone Seaforth 527.0205 47tfb TRACTORS S—M-F "35" diesels with loaders 1-11-F "35" gas. 2—M-Y "50's" Hi-Arch gas. 1-e-M-F "50" Lo-Arch. 1—Cockshutt "30" gas. COMBINES 2—M-F Super "92" Combines. 1—M-F "300" gas combine, 1 year old. 1—M-F "410" gas. CORN PICKERS 1—New idea 2-row mounted with husking bed and shelter. 1—New Idea No.' "6" 2-row corn picker. , HALLMAN, SILOS Slab type or poured conerete. See VAN DALE for the best. in Silo Unloadere, and Bunk Feed- ers, Versatile SWathers and Grain Augers. , lohnSton Tudor Cabs—$225 Bennett Blades GEORGE WRAITH Yinir M-F and WRAITH •dealer Goderich Phone 5e4-6511 or 524-7002 49tfb Clinton CommUnity Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON . at 1:30 p m FOR SALE QUANTITY of baled hay and straw for sale. George Bell. Phone 565.2466. 8.10b , ORDERS for spring seeding re- quirements are • being taken now. See your Purina Seed and Farm Supply dealer, Clinton Farm Centre, for prices. 482- 9333, M. W. Durst. 8tfn SHELL CORN for sale, $52.00 per ton F.O.B., Brucefield or $55.00 per ton delivered vo farm. Hough Bros., Brucefield. Phone 527.0927. 8, 9b PUREBRED Holstein h e r d, registered and classified; 20 head, daughters of. Perseus, . Skokie, Baron and other Water- loo Unit sires. Will sell only complete herd. Harold Erb, RR. 2, Zurich. Phone 236-4774. ' 8b FORNEY welder, 180 amps: ...Warner Feed Cooker; also shell corn for sale, Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, phone 482-9155. . • ONTARIO hoe drill, 15-run, 3- year old, on rubber, grass seeder and markers. Call 482-7243, after 6 p.m. 8, 9b INTERNATIONAL 456 4-row corn and bean planter. Large fertilizer and seed hoppers. Ad- justable from 28 to 40-inch Good condition. Bruce Coleman, 527-1938 Seaforth. 8p For all pressure systems and farm line needs PHONE 482-9561 17 Rattenbury Street CLINTON ','Proudly "We Service Canadian" What We Sell" 8b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 80 YEAR-OLD HENS for sale, 60c each. Phone Jake Reder, 482-9166. 8b SERVICEABLE age purebred Lacombe and Landrace boars, market price, Townsend Bros., Seaforth. Phone 527-0096. 8b 14 PUREBRED Holstein heifers, various ages, from small calves to breeding weight; all from Waterloo Unit sires. Robert Gib- binge, R.R. 1, Clinton, 482-7002. 7, 8b THREE Yorkshire boors, about 4 months old and , 1 Landrace boar, 5 months; also cross-bred gilts up to Market size, all from top qnality stock. Contact fat Thotripsori, telephone 262-5417. Herdsmart for Hilhelre Farms, Varna, Gilt, G. L. Hill and Son, Props. 6-81) SERVICES ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil Valvoline Motor one and ge00pp cloilvood to farm equipment loaned, Gordoe Grigg. Phone 482-9411. 39tfly • SERVICES , . FIXP1'419.44 n plumbing and • ParPentry. 'Work; 'NOW:. installa- tions .011d .repairs, U. Steffen, • lga griP 40.7.9927, 44Th. Dr, 10, W. .RAITHBY B S.A., D,V.M.„. VETERINARY SURGEON barge, and Small _Animals Boor ding PHONE .344571- e9oerich,, .potari9 9(f h REAL ESTATE $12,500 00 — Good income pro- perty, three separate 2-bedroom apartments, all rented, 3 Ey the Owner does not live in Clinton and would sell to right person on mortgage. $8,750.00 — Holmeeville; 2-bed- room frame cottage, new gas furnace, low taxes, on payed road, near school, Lot 100 ft. x 200 ft. Qualifies fqr VLA pur- chase. $4,000.00 — 4-bedroom, 1.1e- storey, oil furnace, 3-piece bath, 2 blocks from main street in Clinton. Priced low for cash sale, $10,800.00 — 4-bedroom, 11/2 - storey, instil brick, new gas furnace and very modern kit- chen. Recently renovated. K; W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Real Estate Broker HAL HARTLEY—Saleeman 14 Isaac St_ Clinton, Ont. PHONE 482.9747 8h Ruth Van Der Meer SS Montreal St. — Goderich 524-787$ THREE-bedroom brick house, close to Square; $15,000. FOUR-bedroom red brick, gas furnace; $12,500. TWO-apartment house, large lot; $11,500. NEW 3-bedroom summer cot- tage, Brindle y's Beach; $11,000. SUMMER property a c r e a g e, south of Bayfield; $8,000. 170 ACRES Goderich township, half mile of river frontage; 80 acres can be bought separate- ly; $17,000. 100 ACRES, Ashfield township. 100• ACRES, Colborne township, dairy farm, herd, machinery, $40,000. 127 ACRES, Colborne• township. 148 ACRES, Ashfield township. 57 ACRES, highway property, large frontage, new. business building, large, modern brick house, 2 baths, garage, barn. Representing WILFRED Mc1NTEE & CO., LIMITED 7-8 0 TENDERS FOR ' POLICE CRUISER Specifications available at clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders• must be in the hands of the undersigned before 6 p.m., February 26, 1968. Town of Clinton, John Livermore, Clerk. 7, 8b Township of Goderich Warble Fly' Campaign Tenders are hereby called for the supplying of 600 lbs. of warble fly powder. Tenders to state a price per pound for 15- lb. bags and for 1 pound bags. Powder to be delivered to Holmcsville by March 23. All tenders to be in the clerk's hands by March 1. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. R E. THOMPSON, Clerk, doderich Township. 8 `TENDERS. WANTED, Prove, Tender. Township of . Tuckersmith For the .Crushing and hauling of opproxtrooteq g0,090 ci . yards of gravel to. Township E104ds in 1908; %" screen to be Used and the crusher to shovel-fed, contractor to ,supply all Xp• quirernents e•e eea a -r Y- 'The Toweship will Supply 10,000 yards of gravel, from one loca- tion and the contractor is requir- ed to supply the balance. Tender to state pit locations and the ap. proximate yardage to be -deliver- ed frem each. Work • to be completed under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways of Ontario. Tender to state price for com- pletion of contract by June 29, 1968. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender—Gravel" and must be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 5:00 p.m. on March 5, 1968- and will be opened and *considered on March 5, 1968. Tenders to be aceompanied by a marked cheque for $1,- 000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars, con- tact the undersigned. ALLAN NICHOLSON, Road Superintendent, Egmondville, Ontario. 7, 8b Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the spraying of cattle for Warble Fly Control in the municipality. Tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and must state the price per head per spray, The successful bidder must be fully covered for any damages incurred, with liability insurance, and also state what type of equipment will be used. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, and the tenders must be received not later than 6 o'clock p.m. March 2, 1968. CLARE VINCENT, Cierk-Treasurer, Box 293, Londesboro, Ont. 6, 7, 8 TENDERS 'WANTED SERVICE CENTRE SNUG -HARBOUR Goderich Ont. TENDERS WILL $E RECEIVED by the undersigeed for the sep- plying of all materials and con. struction of a proposed building to be located at •the .north •side of the Harbour. This is a general construptioo call And includes electrical work, plumbing and construc- tion. 4 marked cheque for 10% of the tender should' accompany the hid. Plans may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, 57 West Street. For additional informa- tion, Contact Councillor B IL Robinson, 61 Hamilton Street, goderich, Ont. Phone 524-8831, Tenders to be received by March 14th, 1968. The Harbour Committee re- serves the right to reject any or all tenders. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ontario. 8-9 Township of Hullett WARBLE FLY SPRAY TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Township of Hullett for the supplying of 750 lbs. of Warble Fly Spray Powder in 15 lb. bags, and 50 lbs. to be in 1 lb. bags. The tender will state the price per pound and also the brand name of the product. The successful bidder will de- 'liver the powder to the Town- ship Garage in Londesboro. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and must be received not later than 6 o'clock p.m. March 2, 1968. CLARE VINCENT, Clerk-Treasurer, Box 293, Londesboro, ant, 6, 7, 8 Hullett Township Tenders for Gravel , For the Hauling and Crushing yards of gravel to be put of approximately 20,000 cubic through a % inch screen. Work is to be done to the satisfaction . of the Road Superintendent, The contract to be completed by September 15, 1968. The tenders closing 6 p.m., March 2, 1968, must be accom- panied by a certified cheque for $500.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.' The accepted tender to be ap- proved by the Department of Highways. GEORGE HOGGART, Road Supt., R.R. ,1, Londesboro, Ont. 7, 8b CARD OF THANKS I *wish to thank relatbies, friends and neighbours for cards. visits and treats while I was in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to the Carollers at Christmas, Drs. Oakes and Ad- dison, Rev. MacLean and all clergy who stopped in with a word of cheer; also all nurses and staff on first floor who were so kind to me. Sincere thanks,—WM. BLACKER, SR. 8b I wish to thank friends and neighboers and relatives for cards and flowers and those Who visited me while I was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Varna U.0 W„ and neighbours who were so kind to my family. Your kindness will always be re- membered.—HELEN CRAIG. 8p ARTIC4S FOR 5411 CUSTOM WORK NOTICES T li,1 T W N. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE fop income 1,,x and rrs. Complete record prepara- lion and maintenance. Phone 482-9260. . • • 2tfn CANADA'S most dynamic Mutual Eiind—Ameriean Growth Fend-20c,e income tax credit on dividemie. Investigate 41-fre you invest, Financial planning, Fred (Ted) Savatige, area rep- res^.ntative. .77 John St., Sea-, forth. Phone 527-1522, 47tfb' NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIM ESTATE OF .4410E CIIIUSTINE PARKER, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Widow, Pe, ceased- ALL persons having claims against the F,state of the above. named, who died on December 11, 1967, are required to file full Particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of March, 1968, after Which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shell then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this: 6th day of February, AD, 1968. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, 7. '8. 91) SERVICES V.FIITROTTYX Canada tad,. Sales and Service, Alvin Riley, 594.'3514 153 Lighthouse Gederieh, 18tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Government Inspected Scales ,Cottle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH ,f0E COREY, gales Manager 'AUCTIONEER and AnPeaisers Licensed and Capable io selling all types of auction sales, truee Rathorell, Erticefield. Ph 7 b t n 482 8884. fb