HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-02-22, Page 3When you write a column like One you are in for all sorts of criticism, from Om folks who know you. That's wliy I am particularly careful how I choose ray words, It would he very easy to Offend the neet..cloor neighhour. And that's why I very often make my dear husband the topic of conversation in these columns. lie's a broad .should. ered dear who understands me and still likes me. But I'm constantly amazed at the number of readers who, rush to my husband's defence whenever he's the object of my literary wrath. Some people have gone $(4 far as to sug- gest that lie has grounds for divorce. With divorce laws much wider now, I may have cause to worry, so even though Valentine's Day is past, I've decided to make public my true feelings for Mr. Keller. - I eeally got to.know my hue, band after we were married, almost 14 years ago. Actually, girls, I doubt whether any Auxiliary assembles On Tuesday evening, Feb. ruary 13, members of the Mad. eleine Lane Aukillary of St. Andrews' Presbyterian Church assembled at the home of Mrs. Royce Macaulay for their. Feb. ruary meeting, The meeting opened with the singing of hymn 108, after Whieh Mrs. Cordon Short:reed the Scripture' LesSon and Mrs, Macaulay gave ,„4. wornqit's Prayer," A short talk on ?the origin of 'St. Valentines' Day was given by' -Mrs, Charles Fee. Roll ,call was answered by the name of ,a "Love Song." Several thank-you cards were read, also a letter froM the Auxiliary's secretary who 'is holidaying in California. The president, Mrs. Robert eiomuth reminded the group of the upcoming tea arid ' bazaar in the church March 16 and that the ladies should new be , looking up articles for eheruree . mage sale in April. It, was decided that the -.group wetted ,--makeeeorneerpno,vettoee teethe eprirearje -Sunday-eschool room. A newspaper article entitled "Volunteers in Women's Clubs Save City Millions" was-'then read by Mrs. Allan Graham. A contest conducted byeMiss Mabel Harvey was won by Mrs. Ronald McCann. Hostesses assisting Mrs. Macaulay with the lunch 'were Mrs. George Yeats and Mrs, Clarence Neilans. CHUCKLE The boss was exasperated with his new secretary. She ignored the telephone when it rang. Finally he said irritably, "You must answer the phone." "O,K,," she replies "but it seems so silly: Nine dines out Of tenet's for you." "I'm a self-made man." "Well you're, certainly big about it. Lots of men would blame somebody else." ' 1 R., LOS( Q...0 Al) D_4_119 0 0 0 (t. \Kornan ever is acquainted with a man until after shehas ironed his white shirt or filled bis thermee, It takes some day-to. day living to elnd gut what a man is like, and I stiPpeee it requires the earne kind of trial run to determine the thoughts of a woman. 1. was one of the lucky pries, After the initial try-out I found I was very fond of the guy I'd wed. He is kind for one thing, Not price did he ,scowl at me when there was no salt in the potatoes, and I pereem. her one time when the jam was too thin hp soothed me with the -immortal words, "Never mind, hortey. It will last longer." He's neat too. It was my Elect woman 'C-,of C head Mrs. Bernard Henderson, a nursing home operatoi, has been elected president of the peaforth Chamber of Corn. reerce. Other officers: past presi. dent, DPorlean Sills; secretary, Raymond J. Boussey; treasure er, Edward Taylor, Elected committee chairmen were Fred H, Savauge, retail merchants; Robert Read and Leonard Ford, industry; Clifford Broadfoot and William R. Smith, civic improvement; W.D. Stephenson, membership; A.Y. McLean, publicity. Summerhill ladies meet Ladies of the Summerhill ditib met at the home of Mrs. George Colclough for their Feb- ruary meeting. The meeting was in charge of the vice-president, Mrs. Clay. ton Ellis. ) The roll call was answered 13Y'20 members. 'efhank4ou notes were read feb‘fri MrS. Eph Snell and Harry It was moved to give the Hose pi 1 tary,,a0donatiOM !:4 ifWithe dialf of tile members will bring an article (to be auctioned and the remainderewill do the same for the April meeting with the pro. ceeds going to the Easter Seal Fund. The next card party will be March 15. The program consisted of a Valentine reading by Mrs. Fred Vodden. Mrs, Harry Watkins 'conducted a second name con. test won by Mrs, Pere Gib. binge. Karen Tyndall favoured the ladies with selections on the piano. The raffle was won by Sharon Ellis. The March meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clayton Ellis. The roll call to be the birthplace of your Grandfather. Those in charge of the pro. grain are Mrs. Pete Wester. hout, Mrs. Garnet Wright an Mrs. George Wright. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bill Jenkins, Mrs. Ross Lovel- and Mrs. Edith Lovett. The meeting closed with ThE Queen and Grace. 0 00200000 Ci.ftl.P.A.A.P.SISUUULL ATTENTION • KNITTERS MARCH SURPRISE STARTING FEBRUARY 22 Every One Dollar Spent on Knitting Wool You Have a Chance on the Following Prizes FIRST PRIZE Hand Made Baby Dress and Booties, value $6.50 SECOND PRIZE Deer Tapestry THIRD PRIZE Ladies' Hat, hand made FOURTH PRIZE Children's Hat, hand made value $3.98 value $3.91 value $2.98 Draw Takes Place 6 p.m. Saturday, March 30 MAKE YOUR SPRING SWEATER NOW ! I We Continue Our Selling-Out Wool Stock See Our Prices — Barlgains Clear.Out Shop CLINTON KNITTING CENTRE At AMting 55 Albert St. ttttt , • 100000 to 1411 II 6 If a tr 6-1$.cro dltetee- Clinton NeYeeellecerett Thursday,, February g?t POP Fidelity unit studies film Mernhere of the Wesley. Willis Fidelity Unit met in the Sunday school reorn February 1Q Miss Bertha Diehl Opened the meeting using the theme "That Your Joy May Be Following the singing of a hymn the leader continued with devo. tional thoughts. A Scripture pas. sage was read by Mrs. 3, Carter and Miss Diehl led in, respon. sive prayer, Continuing the study ofJapan, Miss Kate McGregor showed another excellent film strip, inviting questions during her commentary, It was learned that of Japan's 100,000,000 People, only 1/2 of 1 percent axe Protestant Christians, and insight was shown into various aspects of their life, including traffic, industry, homes schoOle and services by Christian work. ers.. Mies McGregor, unit leader, took charge for the business period. Reports were presen, ted by the treasurer, and vise iting, flower, and supply con. veners. Mrs. C. Holland re,. ported on the doll sewing proe ject, and ,had on display are tides already completed. Mrs. N. Holland, program convener, announced that the March meet. ing would take the form of a sewing meeting. Miss McGregor announced the World Day of Prayer meet. ing to be held in the Anglican Church March 1, and joint Thankoffering meeting with On. tario Street UCW in Wesley- Willis Church April '7, with Dr, Hallman, of the former Evangelical United Brethren Church, as speaker. Mrs. Holland read a letter from Mrs. AstlesofBlindRiver formerly of Clinton, telling of some of her work with the In. dians. The meeting was brought toe, close with prayer by the leader, and a social half hour was enjoyed. * * "Jack; why do you call that new drink 'ugly girl'?" "It has no chaser." * • * * Employee: "Boss what about that pay raise you promised?" BOSS: "Glad you asked, It becomes effective when you do," Constable and Mrs. Gerald. Shaddick And Tommy spent the weekend at the borne of Gerald's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaddick. Gerald le in Aylmer taking a 10-Week course at the Police College, after which 'he will be a First. ClassConsta.ble, * * * Mrs. Artbur B. 4aunder4 of Sarnia and sons Derek and John visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunningbame,Rat. tenbury Street, West, last week. end, * * * Mrs, Frank Cummings has just returned from a 10-day visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ken . Cummings of Two Mountains, Quebec. CLOUD "9" ROOM SMORGASBORD SUNDAYS I - 7 PAS. 1041/11001$11111 PN.:41112.3421 P • ,I,••lf• tf' NOW FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT THE CLOUD "9" ROOM AT HOTEL. CLINTON ANNOUNCES SING-A-LONG ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY arid SATURDAY NIGHT CLINTON PERSONALS Children with adults Admitted Free Afternoon Programs 1.30 p.m. Daily Tuesday, Feb. 27 "Helping Your Soil to Help You" Wednesday, Feb, 28 "Management Facts for 'Profitable Corn Production" Thursday, Feb. 29 "Growing Beans for Profit" Friday, Mar. 1 AUCTION SALE Seed Grain, Potatoes, Turnips LADIES AFTERNOON THEATRE PROGRAMS Tuesday, Feb. 27 2:15 p.m.: Hair Styling Demo, Wednesday, Feb. 28 2:30 p.m.: Educational 3:00 p.m.: Cooking Demo. Thursday, Feb. 29 2:15 p.M.: Floral Arranging 3:15 p.m.: Roll-On Embroid- ery Evening Program Tuesday, Feb. 27 • 8:00 p.m,: Crowning Fern.' Show Princess Baking queen itc Princess 8:30 pan.: Fashion Show Wednesday, Feb. 28 '7:30 pan,: Jr. Arhateur Contest 8:3b P.M.: Elementary School Square Dancing Thursday, Feb. 29 8:30 pm,: Athiot ratmeranla Onfariolt Premier Pairrn Machinery Display Western Fairgrounds LONDON FEB. 27 to MAR. 1 Open Daily 10:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Closes Friday, Mar. 1 4:30 p.m. Admission 50c SATURDAY MATINEE Only — Feb. 24th "OREGON TRAIL" Show Tithe; 2,3o 0,m, CARTOON --FREE PASSES GIVE AWAY CHILDREN 35c SERIAL: "MOUNTIES vs. krOmic INVADERS" Coming NiC01 'WHO1 MINDINd. tat MINT" Fito. TORONTO cuivir N AIN TO Askabout convenient departure $3 ft and return times *40 Pot bill:intuition, phone the local CU Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL Clinton Recreation Committee's 2nd Annual CLINTON'S 1968 ICE QUEEN WILL BE PICKED AT THIS ANNUAL CARNIVAL 7,30 p.n!. GIRLS HOCKEY Stratford Girls vs. Clinton Senior Girls RNIVAL Clinton Community Centre !DAY, FEB. 23 Prizes For Best Costumes and Speed Skating Races • GIRLS BEST COMIC COSTUME—any acre • BOYS BEST COMIC COSTUME-,-any age 46 GIRLS BEST DRESSED COSTUME--any age 41 BOYS BEST DRESSED COSTUME--iiny BOYS RACE* 6 and under BOYS RACE-- 6 and under BOYS RACE-12 and under 'OYS RACE-14 and under GIRLS RACE-,- 6 and undet GIRLS RACE— and under GIRLS RACE-,-12 and under GIRLS RACE I4 and 'mike • °LOW COUPLE, MAN fit WIFE • OLDEST MALE SKATER • mow FF mt o r skiTER Public Skating for Remainder of the Evening OTHER Abmistiorqs! AbULTS SOci CHILDREN 154 ALL PERSONS IN COSTUME AbfvtirlID FREE Ctn.. delehra deeereted Prneee Vliteet Cletreh, Saturday teeeteher 20 (9r the wedding.of arbara jean, slaughter of M r, Mrs. delni W. Hendee-sell, rheetteht end Lloyd: scary, soli t tdr.and Mrs, A, Peterson, a til ' 1 teti, PataX10. Reverend E, Donald Stuart fficiated with Miss Berbera wan at the ergeen eeeeen,)miy. g Mrs. Fred MacGregor, the oloiet. Given in marriage by her ther, the bride, wore a full. ength Aline gown of brocaded feta with.detachable train eceding from neckline and a pp tier veil of white tulle lesion with tiara head piece. he carried a cascade bouquet f red and white ropes, Miss Janet Hendereon was er sister's maid of honour at. red in a yellow sheer over affeta empire waist dress, with natching floral headpiece. She tarried bronze mums. The best man was Alan Pet. erson," brother of the groore. :fellers were Gordon Hendee. pen and Gordon Peterson, tkuxiliary convenes The regular monthly meet. ng of the Adastral Park Women's Auxiliary was held en Monday in the Community ientre. The president, Mrs. rue Hester called the meet. mg to order, welcomed all the Ladies present and then intro. lud'ed' the' inerebers of the new executive. The minutes of "the previous meeting were read and the trea. surer gave her "repoet. The president reminded the ladies that the meetings should be conducted following Parliamene tary procedure. The conveners of the various committees were • called upon to present their reports.- - Mrs. Shirley Dukes, ways and means convener reminded the ladies of two spring pro- jects; the Tea„and Bake Sale in April and the Rummage Sale in May. • • Mrs. Tillie Hack, Huronview cohvenor, reported that the monthly visit to Huronview had been most enjoyable as they were the first visitors since the home had been quarantined. The W.A. decided to forward their semi-annual remittance to theCanadian Save the CM1d. -rt seemed incomplete, a re. few is to be made and rought orth at the March meeting. After• the meeting adjourned very interesting and inform. tive talk on "Memory Train. g" was presented by Capt. . Driscoll. ippen Mr. and Mrs. AlexMcGregor companied by Mr. and Mrs. lgin Thompson have gone to lorida for a vacation. ilrpther$ of Ow bride and quoin, The elnirch eerier wee decor. rated with Pini5 and Wtiite. The hiPther 'of the bride were a OIVOT•WhitON sheath with black and rust' accessories high, lighted by a corsage of red roses. The ereeliel e !nether wore apink sheath with black aCC0 eze. orsles and a corsage of pink r Showers were given for the bride by neighbours andA-ends at the Brucefiele UnitedChurcli and by Mrs. Harold Johnston aunt of the bride and by woe, hers of the staff of Port Col. borne High School. Mr, and Mrs. Peterson presented the bride elect to friends and re. Jail/es at a party In their home. For travelling the bride wore a lime green sheath with gold accessories. The couple are residing in Niagara Falls where the groom a student engin r eer with University of Waterloo, The bride is a graduate of the University of Waterloo. The bride is a Leather at Port Col. borne High School. Chapel ladies get together The Protestant Ladies' Chapel Guild held its February meeting Monday in the Chapel Annex. Mrs. Doris Groves gave an inspiring devotional and Mrs. Kathy Johnston played the organ during the singing of the hymns. The president Mrs. Kathy Cook welcomed the 18 ladies present. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Muriel Aiken read the minutes of the previous meeting and Mrs. Mar tena Cooke gave the treasurer's re. port. It was decided that the Cen. tennial Spoon project be discon. tinued. Mrs. Ruby Driscoll and Mrs. Grace Dumayne will take part in the services for the World Day of Payer which will be held Friday, March 1 at. St. Paul's Anglican Church, Cline ton at 2 p.m. The Guild asked for volun. teers to act as street- repre- sentatives and these ladies would assist the hospitality con. vener Ip welcoming the new families and acquainting them with the services of the church, The ladies of the Guild are looking into the prospects of OPP heads bad: bill .battle. Waging its continuing War agailiSi Nu' money artists, the Op,p has assumed primary re. sponsibility for the investiga. lion of counterfeiting offences in Ontario, Connterfeiters flooded On. tang with phoney $10 and -$20 bills last year, and several were peeped in Clinton and district. FL istor ice 11 y, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has undertaken these investigations in Ontario even though the en., forcemeat of the Criminal Code is a Provincial responsibility. The Ontario Provincial Police lies now indicated teat with the concurrinice of the RCMP they will accept this responsibility. Under the foree's special ser- vices division, members of the OPP anti-rackets branch, counterfeit section, have been assigned to investigate the manufacture and province-wide distribution of counterfeit cur. rency. Investigation of offences oce curing within a single police jurisdiction, such as the passing of a counterfeit bill, will continue to be investigated by the municipal police depart. ment or OPP detachment ree sponsible. In these particular cases an exchange of intelli. gence information will be main.. twined between these other forces and the OPP. Subject to the nature of the intelligence, the OPP would assume a co. ordinated province wide in.. vestiga.tion. The close liaison which has existed between our forces will be maintained to ensure a corn. plete exchange and correlation of information, enabling con. ceeted action against counter- feiters in Canada, This change will en no way affect the role of the Royal Caeadian Mounted Police in other provinces : or their other commitments in Ontario and -elsewhere. Londesboro Team Name schedules, Night Crawlers 35 points, Impossib. les 34; West Enders 22; Flint. stones 21. Ladies High Single, Donna Riley, 280; High triple, Donna Riley,. 621; high average, Donna Riley, 169. Men's Highe. R obertA deeente, 27,44igiVel.ple, Larry, $'4P14r:7-6,;/ ,high average X4P-r-r3fe Snell, 181. ' ,vr NOW! BIGGER THAN EVER BEFORE 30th -Annual FARM SHOW Starts Tuesday husband who hung up my goat land still does) when I'd for. get, It was my .husband who nagged me about spreading the newspaper all over the house and neglecting to keep it tidy until he'd read it. It was my husband who insisted that his clothes be pressed and the combs be waehed and the sink be scoured. Ambition is an admirable trait in any man and my hus. band has that quality, too. In fact, he's so fond of hard work that he often contracts for enough duties to keep the whole family occupied for weeks on end, When other couples are enjoying an afternoon at the beach it isn't unusual to find father, mother and kids at the Keller household out slaving in a sun-drenChed garden, When many were off to Expo last summer, we were moving up in the world - to the top of a ladder to paint or onto the roof be shingle. The man I'm married to is 'us, When my birthday reel , round next month for an example, he won't spend a fide citing two dollars on flowers or a measly 20 bucks on a sweater. No, he's more apt to spend two hundred dollars on a new set of tires for the cars or maybe more than that for a gaeden tractor. Best of all I guess, my hus. band is a wonderful father to our kids. He never has any arguments with the older two; he just speaks once and they listen. He simply says: "Go, ask your mother," Our youngest child adores his daddy. When daddy comes home from work at night our little toddler runs with open arms to the door where he is seopped up and cuddled by my home-e cominghusband who doesn't realize the kid is being punished by mommy for dump- ing the fruit cocktail all over the floor. For the balance of that evening I might as well be a hunk of the woodwork. A prince among men, my husband is absolutely the great. est. Most women couldn't live with him but he's just my speed .,. which just goes to show, you can't believe all that you read in the papers. Wedding PET".R.W1.4 ,k1041"..).03$Q0 From My Window Mr. Keller ren F n eelling comles ees.e. fund leaise Mr tlikes informed 'thelag Project, adies'ttIPSIVe lacinehilier ship 'There will be' a meeting in ds for the Clinton Public the Community Centre March ospital Auxiliary .if anyone 6 at which the speaker will Jelled to purchase them, be Dan Hadget, senior coup. It was passed that commenc. sellor, Financial Welfare Ser. g next month, dues of 50 cents vices. This meeting is being om March to September be sponsored by both the- base d and then $1 per year corn. One's. encing in September. Mem. At the adjournment of the ers would then pay 10 cents business meeting the members ach meeting for coffee and played a word skill game, after on-members would pay 25 which they enjoyed a delicious ents, lunch prepared by Doris Groves A financial report from the group ,A, of the Girl Guides and rownies was read, As the re• THURS., FRI., SAT., MOIL., TUES., WED. For Six Days--Feb. 22-28 Inclusive First Run Films In Air Conditioned Comfort Entertainment Is Our Business eloopoolsoem 1821E3 ifs MOM TECHNICOLOR Show Times: 7,30 and 9,,30 p.m. A BIG SHOW--Brough+ To You A+ Regul6r Prices! FIRE IS A KILLER THEATRE GOE ERIC.H ON E SQUARE