HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-02-15, Page 4CLAS$IFIED ADV, RATES (REVISED May 1, INS) CASH RATE 3c Per Word Minimum 75e 25c Extra will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of .tale last insertion. REPEAT ADVS. 2c Per Word Minimum 50o DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS $ 1.40 Per Inch Repeat Oast Display. 90c per inch Birth,' Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-343 FINAL CLEARING OF ODDS - N - ENDS WOOL JACKETS POPOVER STYLES 2 Only—Size Small Reg. $11.95 and $14.95 NOW $5.95 ea. SPORT SHIRTS Small, Medium and, Large Regularly Priced to $6.00 OVERCOATS Our complete stock is reduced to clear Save up to 50% FROM $19.95 up CASUAL JACKETS CAR COATS.' Still a lot of winter yet. Save up to 50% FROM $14.95 up MANY OTHER REAL -BUYS Pickett & Campbell Limited Main Corner, Clinton, Ontario, Phone 41124731 ,MISCELLANEOUS TENDERS 'WANTED NOTICES LET US REPAIR AND MAKE Your rings and jewellerY like new, Diamond •rings renewed and stones safely secured don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satis- faction, Watch nepairs and pearl restringing. 'W, N, Counter.. RESULTS WITH lipwp-Rec4N, Thur444yiP04314rY 15 th, 1968 T 414 Q *V.V..499.4C.4.4e44.4 SF4SVXCA: for income tax. 444 CMPPiete record .149Para," 444 and' maintenance;. Phone. 44470*P0, 'Wrk, Gravel. Tender , Township of Tuckersmith. For the crushing and hauling of apProximatelY 20,000 cu, yards 9f gravel to TOwnshiP Roads in 1868; %" screen to be used and the crush shovel-fed, to be. Contractor to supply allre- yqTownshipau rivdes m oen t sw necess ary, gravel e csupplyferosms aloOrn,0:0010TPchuae-, tion and the contractor. is requir- ed to supply the balance. Tender to state pit locations and the op- proximate yardage to be deliver- ed from each. - Work to be completed under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and subject to the apProYal of the Dept. of Highways of Ontario, Tender to state price for com- pletion of contract by June 29, 1968. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender—Gravel" and must be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 5:00 p.m. on March 5, 1968, and will be opened and considered on March 5, 1968. Tenders to 'be accompanied by a marked cheque for $1,- 000.00. MISCELLANEOUS. CUSTOM WORK PIANO TUNING CHANGE OF NAME ACT TAKE, NOTICE 444 an 41)- phcation wilt be made before the presiding Jiinge in chainu4s at tne Court House, Goderich, Ontario, on Friday, the 1st day of March, A.D. 1900, at 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, by Josepn Paul Gannon to change his name to Joseph Paul White, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd day of January A.D. 1ti68. Solicitor for the Applicant, E. 13EECriEll MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, ARTICI,ES FOR SALE YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly, I appreciate the continued Privi- lege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, phone 482-3870. 33tfb ORTHOPEDIC and general Shos Repair. Our Clinton Depot is at 55 • Albert Street at Amsing's Store, Henk's Shoe Repairb 71 Hamilton St., Goderich: 38tfb DAILY CAR RENTAL, reason- able rates. McOEE'S, Oodcrieh. Phone 524-8301, 3tfh Save $18 Feel TOP quality' refrigerated Spys and domestics, plus a small sup- ply McIntosh and Delicious. Rates are very reasonable at Rqss Middleton Storage, R.R. 2, Bayfield, Phone 482-9136. 6, 71? 5 TRIAL LESSONS ON GUITAR OR ACCORDION FOR $15.00 REAL ESTATE CLINTON CAB 482-7011 SERVICES -Call George McGee. Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. TWO-BEDROOM house in Clin- ton, gas heated. Phone 482-7160. DOUBLE bed without head- board, $20; Rollaway 'be'd, $8. Phone 524-8950. 7p BEAUTIFUL bowls, candle sticks, -etc;, hand-crafted from walnut, mahogany and teak. Ideal for gifts or souvenirs. On display at Jeck's Furniture Re- pair Shop, at the rear of 84 Ally)rt St, Clinton. 7tfn This includes- use of instrument, music and‘free interview. Small deposit required on accordion or electric guitar. (100% refund), Ruth Van Der Meer 55 Montreal St. — Goderich 524-7875 THREE-bedroom brick house, close to Square; $15,000, FOUR-bedroom red brick, gas furnace; $12,500. TWO-apartment house, large lot; $11,500. NEW 3-bedroom summer cot- tage, l3 rindle y's Beach; $11,000, SUMMER property acreage, south of Bayfield; $8,000. 170 ACRES Goderich township, half mile of river frontage; 80 acres can be bought separate- ly; $17,000. BRUCE COUNTY DAIRY FARM 350 acres with over 300 work- able, level to gently rolling clay loam, balance rough pasture with spring-fed stream and some bush. Two sets of buildings, con- sist of 4 bedroom red brick house, 4 and 2-piece baths, mod- ern kitchen, furnace; 4-bedroom frame house with bath and elec- tric heat. One barn with 46 tie- ups, stable cleaner, milk house and bulk tank. Second barn for young cattle, New 80-foot steel implement shed. complete with work shop. You will travel many a w---pry mile trying to find a modern dairy farm likc; this for $55 000 T"irwil IVAN STRUTH- ERS. 396-2772. 100 ACRES, Ashfield township. 100 ACRES, Colborne township, dairy farm, herd, machinery, $40,000. 127 ACRES, Colborne township. 148 ACRES, Ashfield township. 148 ACRES, Ashfield township. 57 ACRES, highway property, large frontage, new business building, large modern brick house, 2 baths, garage, barn. Representing WILFRED McINTEE & CO., LIMITED 7-8 Out of town trips a specialty tfb VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 5244573 Goderich, Ontario 9tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 18tfb 5, 6, 7h CetiNA.PA'S most dynamic Mutual Fund—American Growth Fund-20% income tax credit on dividends, investigate before you invest. Financial planning. Fred (Ted) Savauga, area rep- resentative, 77 John St., Sea- forth. Phone 527.1522. 47tfb WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction, Counter's Jewel- lery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. tfb Phone Henry Pulsifer BEEF and pork by the half or quarter. Potatoes for sale. Phone 482-7578. 42tfb 482.7166 SIMPLICITY Washers now avail- able at T. A. Dutton Appliances, Brucefield. Open evenings. 38tfb 4, 5, 6, 71) SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 527.1406 24tfb MEMBERS of the Elgin Regi- ment of Goderich and Clinton, and surrounding district, are sorry to hear of the Chief of Police, H, R. Thompson of Clin- ton, being a patient in the Clin- ton hospital. 7 ATTENTION FARMERS! CURTAINS - Draperies - Win- dow Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap- ery Pull Rods. Ready Made Draperies, Free Estimates Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS, 5tfb DINING room table and six leather-seated chairs; also buf- fet; reasonable. Phone 482-9202. 7b Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars, con- tact the undersigned. ALLAN NICHOLSON, Road Superintendent, Egmondville, Ontario. JACK'S Furniture Repair — Furniture repaired, also general woodworking and wood turning at REAR of 84 Albr.rt Street, Clinton. Phone 482-9695. 40tfb NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH MUNICIPAL DUMP The Town of Seaforth Muni- cipal Dump, until further notice will be open to use by residents of the Town of Seaforth and the Township of Tuckersmith. 'The Dump will be open to individ- uals on each Wednesday and Saturday from one o'clock to five o'clock in the afternoon from the 1st day of May until the 1st day of November and op each Wednesday from one o'clock to five o'clock in • the afternoon from the 1st day of November until the 1st day of May. The use of the dump must be according to regulations set forth by the Town of Seaforth and no wire fencing, concrete, car bodies, stoves, refrigerators will be permitted. 7 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK i-OR SALE BROILER equipment: gas brood- ers, water troughs and feeders. Phone 524-6356, 7 CARPENTRY WORK—Complete building of recreation rooms, ceiling insulation, wall panel- ling, windows and doors, ex- terior siding and roofing. For all your carpentry needs, phone 262-5454, Mahlon Martin. 14 PUREBRED Holstein heifers, various ages, from small calves to breeding weight; all from. Waterloo Unit sires. Robert Gib- bings, R.R. 1, Clinton, 482.7502. 7, 8b TWO-FOR-ONE E9 power packed vacuum and T4 floor polisher with rug shampooer that scrubs floors, $88. Also re- possessed portable and cabinet model sewing machines. Priced to clear. Tune-up special on any machine, $3.75. Singer Sewing Company of Canada, 40 West Street, Goderich. Phone 524- 8431. 6, 7b 6,000 BALES, good quality, first cut hay for sale. Phone Blyth, 523-4413. 6-9b ACCOMMODATION FOR RSNT - Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS 47tfb THREE-bedr om duplex, at 100 North St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9506. tfn DUPLEX, 3 miles west of Clin- ton at Holmesville, Stove and fig, kitchen, living room, 2 bed- rooms, bath; oil furnace. Avail- able immediately.. Phone 482- 6694. 6tfn WIGHTLAND Acres Govern- ment approved Yorkshire boars, $30. Goyernment premium avail- able to the buyer. These boars are well above average in matur- ity and backfat. Also 2 boars without premiums at bargain prices. Apply Norman Wight- man, 31/4 miles north and half mile west of Auburn. Phone 526-7747. 6, .7b SNOW BLOWERS with sealed bearings, roller shield, trouble- free feature for damp snow has been added, You will like it. Farrowing crates, with or with- out mounted feeding or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall. Phone 262- 5282. 1-13b WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR We Specialize In ... 'Furnace Installations Heating Service Electric Wiring Appliance Service Plumbing Installations Eavestrough ing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7651 Applications will be received by the Township of Hullett for the, position of Warble Fly In- spector for the Township of Hullett. The rate of pay will be $1.50 per hour and 10c 'per mile While working. The successful applicant must attend a School of Instruction wherever one is available. The inspector must be thoroughly conversant with the terms and conditions of The Warble Fly Spray Act, and be capable of its enforcement. Applicants must be clearly marked as to contents, and must be received not later than 6 o'clock March 2,, 1968. LoWest or any application not necessarily, acCepted. , 'HARRY F.',7",,E1j130i,L ,Ivi -Clerli-Treasurer, 5 9 "' R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ont. 6-7-8b BROADLOOM AVAILABLE March 1, 1968, two- bedroom heated apartment, cen- trally located. Call 482-7854. 4tfn CLINTON'S CELANESE . CARPET CENTRE * Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed Installations. There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. 'Quality you can trust' From BALL & MUTCH LTD. CREST Hardware and Furniture Phone 482-9505 Clinton 5tfn. USED FARM EQUIPMENT JOHN DEERE PLANTERS TWO Holstein heifers to freshen. R. J, Semple, R.R. 2, Bayfield. Phone 482-7456. 6-7p MODERN apartment, self-con- tained, heated, furnished, 1 bed- room. Immediate possession. Phone John Wise, 482-7265 or 482-9644. 2tfn THREE Yorkshire boars: about 4 months old and 1 Landrace boar, 5 months; also cross-bred gilts up to market size, all from top quality stock. Contact Nile Thompson, telephone 262-5417. Herdsman for Hilholm Farms, Varna, Ont. G. L. Hill and Son, Props. 6-8b 4-290, 2-ROW 1-246, 2-ROW, 3 H.P. 1-294A 4-ROW 2-490, 4-ROW NOTICE TO CREDITORS EMPLOYMENT WANTED APARTMENT for rent—newly decorated, centrally located, suit-ble f-ei single person or couple. Available now, Call Lawson and Wise at 482.9644, 3 . tfb IN THE ESTATE OF ALICE CHRISTINE PARKER, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, Widow, De- ceased. ALL persons having ',claims against the Estate' of the above- named, who died on December 11, 1967, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned , on or before the 1st day of March, 1968, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 6th day of February, A.D. 1968. E. B MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 7. 8. 9b WILL care for 1 or 2 children in my home. Phone 482-9941. 6, 7p LADY wishes to do ironing in my own home or yours. Ex. perienced; also baby-sitting. 482- 3398. 6,7b 20; PIGS. Apply Peter Huizinga, 2nd' farni on Highway 86 from Amberley. Phone Ripley 395- 5113. 5-7p 800 Case-o-matic WITH EAGLE' HITCH HOUSE FOR RENT in Bruce- field. Available now. Phone 482- 3368, 50tfb 440C John Deere Crawler WITH INDUSTRIAL LOADER TWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent, unfurnished. Phone 482- 6675. 4tfn $5,750.00 — 4-bedroom, 2-storey frame house, close to down- town, oil furnace, immediate possession. HELP WANTED WANTED FULL or part-time taxi driver, required immediately, Must be 25 or over and reliable. Apply Clinton Cab, 482-7011. - 7b 1 John Deere Cultivator 8 FT., ON RUBBER THREE-BEDROOM apartment, main floor, in Brucefield, ,oil heated. Phone 262-5047. 5tfn Nearly New SNOW PLOW OUTFIT WANTED — Used Beatty litter carrier. Phone 524-9811. 7p $13,000.00-3-bedroom, 1-storey modern frame house, gas heat, fruit cellar, basement partially finished. Possession April 1st. $9,750.00 — 3-bedroom, 134- storey frame house, new gas furnace, modern kitchen, laun- dry room. Near school. FOUR-bedroom, 11/4 -storey, near both schools, 2 baths, 2-car ga- rage, oil heat. Good location, $5,250.00 — Red brick school, built 1945, highway 21, just 3 miles south of Bayfield. New oil furnace, good pressure system, close to beach on one acre of fine land. Good retirement property or summer place. 100-ACRE farm, well drained, 90 workable, 10 young bush. Barn 40 x 90, garage and implement shed. Solid brick house with 4 bedrooms. On paved road, Stanley Township. ' K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Real Estate Broker See these at JIM CHALMERS R.R. 2, KIPPEN Phone Seaforth 527-0205 47tfb WANTED — Old authentic log cabin, approximately 24' x 18', logs must be in good enough condition to be torn down, trucked to new site and re- erected. Write to Box 51, Clinton News-Record, 5-7b la . COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR. TRUCKS SEALED. TENDERS on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on: . HELP WANTED FEMALE WITH WORK Massey-Ferguson 135, deluxe diesel tractor with M-F Ind. loader, 3-point hitch rear blade, heat-houser, chains and safety light. ACCOMMODATION WANTED YEAR-ROUND part-time work In local Mai processing plant. Apply in writing for further de- tails. Clinton News-Record, Box 491. 49tfb TWO or three-bedroom house wanted, in or near Clinton. Phone 482-9783. 7p Grow Cucumbers and make extra money CLAYT'S B-A PHONE 482-7661 TRACTORS 2—M-F "35" diesels with loaders 1—M-F "35" gas. 2—M-F "50's" Hi-Arch gas. 1—M-F "50" Lo-Arch. 1—Cockshutt "30" gas. COMBINES 2—M-F Super "92" Combines. 1—M-F "300" gas combine, 1 year old. ' 1—M-F "410" gas. CORN PICKERS 1—New Idea 2-row mounted with husking bed and shellee. 1—New Idea No. "6" 2-row corn picker. HALLMAN SILOS Slab type or poured concrete. See VAN DALE for the best in Silo Unloaders, and Bunk Feed- ers, Versatile Swathers and Grain Augers. Johnston Tractor Cabs—$225 Bennett Blades GEORGE WRAITH Your M-F and M-H dealer Goderich Phone 524.6511 or 524.7002 49tfb TENDERS WANTED FEMALE help wanted for part- time night work. Apply at Cen- tury Restaurant. Phone 482-7391. 7b FOR SALE OR RENT THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1968 for the following: HC-68-101— 4 — %-ton pick-ups HC-68-102 — 1 — Economy van HC-68-103 — 1 — 27,500 G.V.W. truck with box and hoist The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Huron County Engineer, .1. W. Britnell, P. Eng., Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 7b 7p RANCH style brick house in Bayfield, 3 bedrooms, full base- ment, oil heated Immediate pos- session. Apply Box 71, Clinton News-Record. 7, 8b SPRING FERTILIZER If you have 1/2 an acre of land or more, you can grow cucum- bers for Hick's — All Hybrid seeds. Highest prices paid. Free Pick-up at Gate. Bick's Grading Station 10 Albert Kramers, phone 30 R 3, Dublin 5tfn FEMALE MACHINE -OPERATORS FRINGE BENEFITS 2 WEEKS' ANNUAL HOLIDAYS PAID STATUTORY HOLIDAYS GROUP INSURANCE PENSION PLAN TIME AND ONE-HALF FOR OVERTIME TENDERS FOR POLICE • eRUISER Specifications available at clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned before 6 p.m., February 26, 1968. Town of Clinton, John Livermore, Clerk. 7, 8b BUY NOW SAVE $1.50 PER TON In February Plus Cash Discounts Contact ARTICLES FOR SALE' CRIB and mattress, 2 years old, best offer; child's stroller, $5. Phone 482-7320. AGAIN WE SAY THEY HAVE TO GO 6' and 7' Wooden TOBOGGANS Regular $13.95 Special $10.95 Regular $14.85 Special $11.50 CLINTON FEED MILL 7-8 HAL HARTLEY—Salesman ,14 Isaac St. Clinton, Ont, PHONE 482.9747 7h Use Classified Ads For 'Quick Results 482-3484 SERVICES ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil, — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loaned. Gordon Grigg. Phone 482-9411. 39tfb AUTOS FOR SALE Apply in Person to AUCTION SALE Highland Shoes SEAFORTH 1961 MONARCH, 2-door hardtop, black, V-8, automatic, power equipped, A-1 condition, $450. 482-7601. 5.7b HERD DISPERSAL Of registered and high grade Holsteins for Hen Gibbings on Tuesday, February 20 at 1:30 p.m. Situated half way between Clinton and Seaforth on High- way 8, Consisting of 50 head of cows and heifers recently fresh, bal- ance due in February and March, 8 Holstein open heifers, 1 Reg, Holstein bull. Many of these cows bred from unit sires, Milking Equipment: 55 can Solar bulk tank (new), 1 S.P. 22 Surge pump and four Surge units; 2 new and 2 used 18" fans; 1/3 h,p. Wagner and Lel- land motors, 1 used 20" fans, 2 used 12" fans, 3 thermostats; 1959 Chevrolet half-ton truck, Feed: 50 tons of cob corn, 1,500 bales straw, 1,500 bales of first cut lily, 1,500 bales of second cut hay. No reserve as owner is giving up dairying, Terms: Cash. Ken Gibbings,_ Proprietor, Bruce Rothwell, Auctioneer, 6, '71) AUCTIONEER and Appraiser' Licensed and capable in selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Bothwell, Brucefield. Phone 482 3384 7tfb 5, 6b HELP WANTED MALE 2 PAIR ADULT SKIS Steel edges—Complete with harness and poles $35 Per Pair For Complete VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service For our out-of-town customers, we are open Wednesday and Sat- urday afternoons for sales and service. Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street — Exeter formerly Hunter-Duvar DIM 235.1100 63-YEAR-OLD FIRM needs man in Clinton area, for sale of GOODYEAR ROOFING LINE, complete BLACKTOP MAIN- TENANCE PROGRAM and other specialized INDUSTRIAL COAT- INGS and COMPOUNDS. Write M. P. DEITZ, President . . Consolidated Paint and Varnish (Canada) Ltd., P.O. Box 39, Rosemount, Montreal, Canada, 7, 8b CHILDREN'S SKIS complete with harness $11.25 and $14.50 We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operatives of Ont. We will pick up at your farm. Phone collect not later than Saturday night. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE 527-0770 FRANCIS HUNT, 527-1946 Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON 50% DISCOUNT ON ALL HOCKEY GLOVES AND SHIN PADS IN STOCK, Save on a Demonstrator SNO-HAWK ' See It Today WANTED 2tfb CASH in on buri6d treasure. We buy old gold and estate jewel. levy, N. T, Orinandv Jewellery. 94 The Square, Goderich. fltf ON FIRST mortgage, $3,500, State, interest rate wanted., Ap- ply Box 72, Clinton News. Record. 7p at 1:30 p.m. CUSTOM WORK REMODELLING, renovations, menu and floor Laying, expert. 17 dime. All odd Jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards Pb"ee 4824676, Ken • =Nairn. 820 Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager 0111111111110 • • NY* SO King St. 'I sow