HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-02-15, Page 1Girl Guide Catherine Freeman, 13, of the 3rd Clinton Pack, waits for town council meet• ing to begin. Monday night, She attended council to study procedure for her citizenship badge. Left front is Reeve Jim Armstrong (hiding councillora Clarence Denomme and Frank Cook) Councillor Cameron Proctor, and at right is Councillor Harold Lobb, Empty chairs in background are for interested citizens wishing to watch council in action. CRASH KILLS TWO COUPLES s is represented by (left to right) Reigatiene teetribete of the thou were presented • Oliver "( With silver pros to tettlittedierate their 'retiree years), • t ft m ti 'e heft WO 4 k total Sett/fee of During the recent annual cOngregational Meeting 10 Year of Wesley Willis United Church, Clinton, three Mrs, Mall Necliger (45 years) Mts. Floren ce 41 years) and Mrs. Adele Jervis (33 (Staff Photo) Area farmers inspect some of the beef cattle at the beef research Toronto. Sixteen farmers from the Clintonareaanda.b,out 20 from center of the Shur-Gain Research Farm, near Maple, north of Walton were taken on a guided tour through the 515 acre farm, Area farmers visit Shur-Gain •mg 1EW ERA jprcl, year 0. 'THE 'clANTQN-HEWS,RECORD, THURSDAY:, FEDRUARV 190 THEM/RON -RECQRP 87th Year SINGLE cQPIfS nc: 411.0410100.1•1001iNg 'own council deplores child "traffic menaces" WEATHER 1968 1967 Feb, 7 32 23 8 , 8 20 11 17 -14 9 r 7 30 14 10 11 4 36, 20 11 14 3, 34 '10 12 13 42 12 -8 13 10 40 23 -12 Snow '10" ' Snow -4" Police Chief RUseell Thome. son is reported resting comfort- ably in Clinton Public Hospital, recovering from a recent heart attack. * * Councillor Cameron Proctor returned to his chair at the town council meeting Monday after convalescing from sur • gery. * On the subject of 'illness and hospitals: Men 'won't like it, but the pretty nurse who holds hands to take your pulse may soon be replaced by an elec- tronic gadget', A Miniaturized electronic indicator which al. lows pulse rates to be read directly from a meter has re. tently been put on the market. And it can take pulses in less time than a nurse. All you have to do is stick your finger in a hollow cylinder and your pulse rate is given by a beep signal and recorded ona meter. * * * Tholnas Leppington, Sr., celebrated his birthday onSaint Valentine's Day, but didn'twant to tell us his age. * Some of the Kinsmen spirit showed at the town council meet. ing Monday, New councillor Clarence Denomme referred to new councillor Ted McCullough as "Kin Ted," Councillor Denomme and Councillor Mc.. Cullough have been, amiably slandering each other at Kilns. men meetings for a lot longer than they have been members of council. Nothing wrong with that, either. Council can use that Kinsmen drive. • * * * Ever hear of a fog-broom? No, it doesn't belong in the same file with sky-hooks and striped paint. A fog-broom is an odd-looking whirling con- traption, five feet high, three feet square, an aluminum :tame which houses a smaller rotat- ing frame. Vertical nylon strands slice through the fog and collect drops of moisture which then run down to the ground, If they work, we could use a few on the Clinton-God. erich highway. Diseases of the heart and circulation are responsible for More than 72,000 deaths inCan; ada each year, more than the combined total resulting from all other diseases and causes of death. In fact, these cardio. vascular diseases account , for 'more than 50 percent of all deaths. * * * The Huronview Auxiliary meets Monday afternoon, Feb. teary 19, at 2 p.m„ in. the Craft Room, Herb Oakes is another Cling tOniali who celebrated a birth. day on Saint Valentine's Day. He was 82. * * * Did you know: Income from the Sale of beverage alcohol in licensed hotels exceeds the combined Income from food and rooms, * * * Here's a tip from , the God. erich OPP detachment: Ontario driVers who have paid the $25 uninsured vehicle fee have no insurance protection whatever. The tee provides nothing eXtept the right to operate• an (Minstar- ed Motor' vehicle in this prow \dime. Better by far to tarry liability insurance than risk epanding a lifetime paying a heavy judgetnent, Two fined $100 Cart JOhniton, of It. it, 5i Clinton, was fined $166 and Costa! in doderieh tnagiStrate's Court for failing to rein:tin at the Scene of in accident, epoy Mitt, 0, of R, Ft, "2, was fitierd $100 and 'caste cot getning ligtiOr While A mind!`. Two Seaforth area couples were killed last Friday when the car in which they were riding rammed a Kitchener hydro pole north of Highway 401. Dead are: Thomas Laing, 72, of R. R. 1, Cromarty; his wife, Gladys, 64; Andrew Moore, 69, of R. R. 3, Seaforth; and his wife, Fannie, 67, They were the first fatalities of the year in Kitchener. It was one of the worst single. vehicle crashes in Twin City history. Kitchener police Cpl John Mitchell, who investigated the accident, said the northbound car, driven by Mr. Laing, hit a patch of slush on a Fairway Road curve opposite Fairview Park shopping centre, and skid. ded on the east shoulder. The right front fender of the brown 1966 sedan glanced off a wooden utility pole. After pkidding 106 , feet along the shoulder the car slaritmed into a second pole. Force of the impact imbed& ed the foot-thick pole deep with- in the engine compartment of the car. Kitchener firemen pried open a door to reach the car's oc.• cupants, Mrs. Laing was in the front seat beside her husband, Mr. Moore and his wife were in the back. Both couples were pro. nounced dead on arrival at St. Goderich votes on beer issue, Goderich voters will decide April 17 whether they approve sale of beer in beverage rooms for both men and women. Council received notification of approval of the 'vote from C. E. Woodrow, solicitor for the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario at their regular meet. ing Thursday night. 3. Howard Aitken, of the Clin. tort News-Record, attended the annual meeting of the Ontario Liberal Party held last week. end at Toronto; Other area residents who at- tended the three-day meeting Were: E, B. Menzies, of Clip. ton; A. Y. McLean, of Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. D. 3. Murphyi of Goderich; Mr, and Mrs. A. NI, Harper, of GOderieh; IVanKalb.- fleish and Paul Steckle, of Zurich; Dr, and Mrs, Morgan Smith, of Hayfield. Atriong delegates lentil the Winghain area ate accompanied Murray Gaunt, MPP (Huron- Briite) • were 'William Elston, George Inglis, Colin Campbell and Ed Edhighoffer Caria.dais agrieulture titer, J. 3: Greeee, put his Greene stamp on the proceed. logs with this quote: "We surely serve neither thesee We would seek bahelp, nor Our country itself, If we at. tempt to delude the people that new social measures can come like the green stamps at the super-market, If we attempt to OAS thiS off on the 'people we are 'either Ignerhiit Of the' datelining rule of the &Me by which '00th Man and nations tenet lime *hid SOS very sidiPly,- if for too long you 'spend more than you earn, Sonilethifit IS Oink give'alternatiVelys *e Play the Shabbiest of games, We attempt to gain pblittcai saredit•for A Progress We know ihani3O Mary's Hospital. Death was at. tributed to multiple internal and external injuries. Mr. Laingap. parenfly was wearing a seat. belt; the others were not. Coroner Gerald Lynne- Davies said he felt an inquest into the crash should be held and "some protection put up so cars can't leave the road at that point." The crash victims were be. lieved to be on their way to Burlington to visit relatives. Separate funerals were held Monday. Service was held for the• Moores at 2 p.m. in Egmond. vine United Church. They were entombed in Pioneer Mauso. leum for burial later. For the Laings, service was held at 2 p.m. at the Heath. Leslie Funeral Home, Mitchell, Temporary entombment was in Woodland Cemetery chapel for burial later in StaffaCemetery. The Clinton congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses begin this week a door-to-door campaign to make the public aware of shocking atrocities being cone, mitted against members by sad. istic mobs in Malawi, Central Africa. Calling the acts a shame on Africa, Hari McNally, presiding minister for the Clinton con. gregation of Jehovah's Witness. es, said eyewitness reports showed many have been beaten, robbed, some killed and their homes burned. More than a thousand women Witnesses have been raped, often before their own husbands and children who were forced to watch. In, the Mianje area of the country 40 women who were thus abused were pregnant. Mr. Greene added: "To im- plement new measures of in. come distribution before the nation has earned those nene. fits through its collective pro. ductivity is a cynical political hem, For we are not then pas. sing on social benefits, a bet. ter way 'of life, a more equal justice and opportunity. We are passing out dross. Fool's gold! The benefits of such polity will turn to dust in the hands of the recipient, amid the econ. omtc reality of inflation and ultimate devaluation which Such a policy will bring." Faces 12 counts for bad cheques A man charged with false pretences in connection with cheques pegged in Clinton stores was remanded in cuss tody until February 26 When he appeared hi Goderia gistrate's court Monday, Bail for Bernard Alexander Pettipas, 58, of Don Mills, was set at $1,000 cash or $2,000 property, Ile faces 12 charges Of false pretences'as a result of chequeS accepted by 'Clinton merchants during October` and November, PettlpaS was arrested Feb: (Vary 7 in Nitchener by co.- Leroy Oeteh, who is in Chargé of the itiVeStigatitin, Mr. and Mrs, Moore are survived by two daughters, Mrs. Elmer (Elizabeth) Koehler and Mrs. Robert (Margaret) Heuer,. man, both of R. R. 4, Walton; and a son, Kenneth, of Egmond. ville. Mr. Moore is also survived by .a sister, Miss Annie E, Moore of Toronto, and a brother David of Port Carling. Mrs. Moore, the former Fannie Doug- Ias MacKenzie, has one surviv. ing sister, Mrs. Harry (Mar. garet) Collins of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Laing are sur- vived by sons, Robert and Gor- don, both of Cromarty, and a daughter, Mrs. Howard (Hazel) Eves of Moose Jaw, Mrs. Laing, the former Gladys Coleman also has three surviving brothers, George of Moose Jaw, Harold of Seaforth and Clarence of Cromarty and a sister, Mrs. William (Mar. 'gatetr Caldwell, of Brucefield. Each one suffered a miscar- riage. "The atrocities have been committed by persons inflamed by the spirit of nationaliSm," Mr, McNally explained, "most. ly by mobs made up of mem- bers of President H. Kamuzu Banda's Malawi Congress Party." He claimed the Youth League resembles China's Red Guards who have terrorized so many there, "The only 'crime' of Jehovah's Witnesses in Malawi has been their refusal to join Banda's political party, buy a membership card and wear Banda's picture on a badge," he said. The Malawi News of Nov- ember 24, 1967, quoted Presi. dent Banda as saying: "If any one of these people are in trouble they should not go to the police but should go to church and pray," Hence, there has been little or no action on the part of the police to stem the tide of vicious persecution, McNally added. "It is hoped that people who love justice and freedom will Write to the government of Malawi to protest this cruel treatment of harmless Chris. tians " Town council handed a verbal spanking Monday to a group of Clinton children who persis. tently flout traffic laws and endanger lives. Public school pupils who hitch rides on the rear bumpers of automobiles,' and older pests who march abreast blocking roadways were the two groups wider fire, An irate woman driver who stormed into the town ball seek: ing pplice help to clear children from around her car put the item on council's agenda. She said the you, gsters not only refused to stop dragging along behind her car, they in. suited her when she stopped to protest. Councillor Cameron Proctor left his chair to hear her corn. pla.ints. , When he returned to the coun, cil chamber, Mr, Proctor said: "We have a problem in Clin. ton with kids hanging on to Sixteen Clinton area farmers and about 20 from the Walton area were taken on a guided tour through the 515 acre Shur. Gain Research Farm .sear Maple, Ontario, last Wednes- day, From Clinton area were Fred Kleinharr, Gerrit Zondag, Irvine Tebbutt, William Reuger, Ray Ranger, Don Lobb, Murray Forbes, John Gelling, Wayne Snyder, Neil Lowery, Bob Law. son, Stan Johns, Elmer Trick, Bert Branderhorst, and Gerry Boersma. The purpose of the tour, spore sored by Stan Paquette, man. ager of the Clinton Feed Mill, and Herb Travis, manager of the Walton Feed Mill, was to acquaint the farmers with the newest methods of farming and agriculture, Bob Robson, assistant man. ager of the farm, and son of Research Farm Manager, G, R. Robson, guided the group through each of the dernonstra- the bumpers of cars, There is a bunch of kids doing this,. and it's dangerous, I've seen a couple of close calls myself," Mr. Proctor .said he wonder. ed how many parents knew that their children were breaking the law In this manner. And if they knew,' did they care? "Do we have delinquent child. ren or delinquent parents?" Mr. Proctor asked. "These children should be reported to police. If it saves a life, or an injury, it's worthwhile," Later, Corporal Leroy 0 esch of the Clinton police said child• ren attaching them selves to vehicles can be prosecuted un. der Section 96-1 of the High- way Traffic Act, and their par. ents fined, "We've had numerous conic plaints of children sliding be, hind cars," Cpl, ineech repot. ted, "This is dangerous aswell as being against the law. But the police cannotbe everywhere tion buildings, explaining the new experimental implements and features, and answering questions from the farmers. The Shur-Gain Research Farm was first established by Canada Packers Limited, in 19401 on a 100 acre site near Toronto. At that time the farm was called the Shur-Gain Ex. perimental Farm. Due to the rapid growth and expansion of Metro Toronto, it was neces- sary to relocate the fnern in 1953. PriOr to Canada Packers' purchase, the farm at Maple was the "hobby" farm of the late Mr. N. L, Natheson, owner of a large chain of Canadian theatres. Mr. Natheson had kept a reg. istered herd of 220 Jersey cattle as well as a stable of race horses, Today this farm is a corn. at once, We need the co-oper- ation of parents. We urge them to tell their children to use the sidewalks instead of the roadways as much as possible," At the council meeting, Mayor Don Symons said that Clinton public school principal 3, A, Gray had lectured all grades, against interfering with traffic, know it's a problem be. cause I almost hit akid myself" the mayor remarked. "And this was late at night when the child should have been home in bed. Why weren't the parents con. cerned? If they showed the pro- per attitude, there would not be the need for so many juvenile courts," Present while the criticism was aimed at town youngsters was Catherine Freeman, 13, a Grade 8 student at Clinton pub. lie school. A Girl Guide of the 3rd Clinton Pack, she was studying for her citizenship badge, mercial research experimental station; the "middle man" be. tween Canada Packers' re. search laboratories and pro- duction plamt facilities, A full time staff of approx. imately twenty men are employed at the Shur-Gain Re. search Farm to maintain the continuous schedules of live. stock and poultry research test work. The projeets at the farm are under the guidance of Chief Shur-Gain Nutritionist W. K. Meyer and Manager G, R. Robson. During the summer months, the Research Farm employs student labour from agri- cultural colleges as far away as Finland and Japan. Programs of testing and development in feeding, breed. ing and management are carried out on the farm, All major classes of livestock are repre. sented. Research centers have been set up on the farm for dairy, swine, poultry, turkey, and beef production industries. The Holstein Friesian dairy herd consists of 125 head, with an average of 55 in the milking herd. The average milk pro• duction per cow is 14,700 pounds, Total annual production is about 1,050,000 pounds. The Swine Researeli Center is one of the largest in North America, The basic herd con. sists of 200 registered sows and 8 boars. The ,building contains three separate specialized buildings designed to accommodate dry saws and board, farrowing sews and litters, and hog finishing but tie, tie, Clinton Bantams came up w I th an unprecedented third tied game in their playoff hockey aeries with LiStowel. (Story on the first two pines inside), in the 2-3 saw-off, Robe!' and Barry Edgar were the scorers, Her presence prompted Mr, Proctor to comment: "Thekide who are causing all this trouble don't have the gumption ittalceS to be Guidee or Scoutsno In other business, .council voted $25 to the Salvation Army's Bethesda home for un. wed mothers, and $15 to the Huron Cpunty Soil, and Crop Improvement Association, Mayor Symons thanked Olin, ton Kinsmen, for their gift to the Centennial Community gen«. tre and Arena of a 4,700 pube lie address system, Appointed to the Clinton In.. dustrial commission were David Beattie, A. (Red) Garon, Donald Kay, Jack Hunt and Paul Kerrigan, Councillor Clarence Denpm, me, chairman of the industrial committee, said all the appoine tees had agreed to serve, and other names would be submit. ted to council later. pens. EngliSh Yorkshire (or Large Whites) dominated this 'herd. The foundation stock was imported from England and Scotland, Cross breeding trials are conducted here also, using Landrace stock for commercial purposes, Approximately 2,500 pigs are marketed annually, with a 75 percent Grade "A" average; about 500 pigs are sold for breeding purposes, The Chicken Broiler barn contains 64 individual pens hold- ing 50 birds each. With a ca. pacity for 16,000 test birds, an assortment of broiler rations is constantly being studied for im• proved ,feed conversion and lower cost gains. Another building beside the broiler unit houses a 2,500 bird cage layer flock. A laying flock of 7,000 birds occupies the three upper floors' of the center of the dairy barn. These birds are maintained for feed testing purposes. Assorted types of flooring, nesting and feeding equipment are utilized. There are 75,000 dozen eggs produced on the farm annually, The Turkey Research Center consists of brooding, growing and finishing barns, Each year approximately 50,000 turkey broilers and 20,000 heavy tur. keys are markted. There are tacit i ties' for research tests and feeding trials for turkey broil. ers, heavy turkeys and a hatch. ing flock. The Commerical Beef Re. search Centre is the most re- cent addition to the farm. This includes a completely enclosed pole-type barn of sheet metal construction, This unit has the capacity to handle 520 head of (continued on page 5) tie again Listowel tied the seer* with only 35 seconds remaining in the game, The two evenly tnataed teams meet again in the Ctin, ton arena toMarrow, Frida.y eight at 7 lean, The first column BY G.C. Aitken attends annual meeting of Ontario Liberals at Toronto Jehovah's 'Witnesses beaten, raped, robbed BY BILL MACDONALD Bantams try, fry, fry