HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-02-08, Page 1Larry Simpson, of Wig Classics, London relates hair stylist, also of London, demonstrates on a short history of wigs and hair-pieces during volunteer from audience. "Fashion '68"0 Miss Lynda Parkinson, guest "FASHION '68" PROVES HIT (Staff Photo) - loins Hon. J. J. Greene Mike Anstett, (front) right wing and captain of the Clinton Pee Wee champions durieg Minor Hockey Weekend holds the Ted McCullough team trophy, Behind him (front to back) are Richard Welch, goal, winner of the Ball-Macaulay Limited third star trophy, and Robert Stirling, centre, who won the Ted McCullough first star award. (Staff Photo) 13rian Edgar (front), captain and 'centre Of the winning Clinton Hantain team during Minor Hockey Weekend, holds the St. Seba.Stian Dad's Club trophy received tor victory Over Dearborn, Michigan banta.ina. Behind him (front to back) are Mark Jenkins, centrei winner of the X. W. dninuhoun second star trophy; Harry Edgar, left defence, Clinton Dry Cleaners third star trophy and Gary Cummings, right Wing, D. A. Kay and See first star trophy. (Staff Photo) THE NEW ERA_ 193M Year, No. THE .411•411QN 14.E.W4,Rfc9RP,. 1710.44.0PAY, .FEBRUARY 8. 1904 'TH.E KIRPN Rf-CQRP 47th Y-ov ,CPPIKIU Bank robbery suspect. picked up in N A'Brussels area youth will aPPear ip 1.114rop County court at Goderich in connection with the armed robbery of the Bruce.. field branch of the Bank of Montreal, January 3, Robert Stewart Smith, 20, of R. R. 4, Brussels, wasarrested Monday in Nashville, Tenn. Detective-sergeant George Herries, of Mount Forest detachment OPP, who has headed .the inveStigation, said Smith was apprehended through co-operation of OPP andBuffalo and Memphis FBI ageots. Smith was taken into custody Mrs. Orland Johnston (centre) of Edith Anne She is assisted by Suzanne 13artliff (left) and Hair Fashions, demonstrates hair styling during Ilsa Grillmeyer. "Fashions '68" presented by the Kinette Club. (Staff Photo) The first column BY GA Police Chief Russell ThomPe son was reported in satisfactory Condition yesterday in Clinton Public Hospital after suffering a heart attack February 1. * * Members of the Clinton Citizens Horticultural Society will hold their annual meeting in the town hall tomorrow even. leg. The assistant director of District No. 8 of Goderich, A door prize will be drawn. Mem. 'hers• are asked to attend and bring friends. * * * The February meeting of the Legion Auxiliary will be held Monday, Feb. 12 at 8:15 p.m„ * * * At the turn of the century, there were 105 males for every 100 females in Canada. Today, there are only 101. In Ottawa, however, the margin of safety for bachelqrs is greatly reduced this Leap Year There, in the capital city, females outnumber males by 100 to 96. * * * In 1966, GoderichDetachmerit of the Ontario Provincial Police Thad 305 accidents reported, in. eluding 6 fatal, 76 injury, 174 property damage and 49 non. reportable. While in 1967 there were 332 accidents, including 4 fatal , 87 injury, 187 property damage and 54 non.reportable. * * * The February meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary ofSt. Andrews Presbyterian Church will be held Tuesday, Feb. 13 at the home of Mrs. Royce Macaulay, of 59 Rattenbury West, at 8:15 p.m, * * * E. R. Thede Hearing Aid --Service Ltd.,. of Kitchener, reports that the ClintonService Centre held monthly at the Clinton Hotel is cancelled until further notice: Persons:in the area needing service or in. formation may telephone or visit Newcombe's Drugstore - and leave an address. Robert McIntyre, the local representa. tive, will then call. * * * Children outnumber adults as borrowers from the Clinton Public Library, according to the 1967 report. Of 1,598 registered , borrowers, there are 901 child. ren and only 697 adults. The library con tains 12,632 volumes, 8,947 for adults and 3,685 in the children's section. A total of 376 books were dis. carded during 1967, of which 193 were children's books, 174 adult fiction and 9 non-fiction. Books added to the collection Were: children's 129, adult fiction 91, and nonfiction 56 for a total of 276. * * * More than two-thirds of On. tario's passenger vehicle owners have not y,et bought1968 license plates, the department of transport reports. An estimated 600,000 plates have been sold in the past two months and there are still 1,310,000 to go, meaning that sales are lagging behind last year's rates (probably because last year everyone Was plating up for a trip to Expo). There will be lineups before the Feb, 29 dead. line. Driving with old plates past the deadline can cost a $50 fine. * * * Here's a safety message from the OPP Goderich sietatinnAnt; The driver of a Motor vehicle who crosses the solid line to pass, . going up a hill or on a curve, is often a killer. Facts prove this to be true. The Solid line* when it's on your side of the centre Of the road, Meant you haven't sufficient view ahead, Be on the safe side, stay on your Side of the solid line. Avoid accidents. ,Donq risk the lives of innocent people, * * * There are 8,832 elementary public school pupils and 5,582 Secondary schbol pupils enroll. ed in Huron County SchoOls, a survey showS. Completed by a consultative committee, the survey is de. signed to assist with planning of sehool building in the county. Heaviest nubile school merit was 1,087 Grade 2 pupils, Among secondary schools, 1441 student§ Were registered in Grade 9. Of the secondary school en. *olment of 5.582, only 8,739 live in the county; The other 1,848 live outside the County, btit attend Huron County sehools, About 300 style-conscious women packed the Legion Hall Monday to applaud "Fashions '68" presented by the Kinette Club of Clinton. Sixteen local models wore their own gowns, but showed off a collection of furs fromSearle Furriers of Stratford, and jewellery - earrings, pins, bra. celets, pendants, dinner rings fromAnstett Jewellers and Gal. braith Gifts. Hair stylings were demon. strated by Mrs, Orland John. stun of Edith Anne Hair Fash. ions, with Miss Lynda, of Lon. don, as guest stylist. Use of hairpieces, and beading were also shown. Miss Lynda, Suz. anne Hartliff, Ilsa Griilmeyer, and Mrs. Johnston demonstrat. Beef betterers elect president Carman Craig, Of R, R, Blyth, has been elected pre. sident of the Heron County Beef IrnpreVenient AsSOciatiOri. Ile succeeds Harry Mon. tomery, of R. R, 2, Goderich. Archie Etherington, of Ii, R. 1, Hensall, was elected vice. president and E. H. Miles, of secretary-treasurer. Fire destroys. 14,000 chicks A faulty fuse-box started a blaze tlie barn of MerVin Dietz, of R. It, 1, Dublin last, Week and 14,09 broiler chicks burned to death. Seatorth 11re thief John F. Scott traced the fire to the jute -boar At a motel in Nashville, search for the .suspect- had been conducted in Qntario and the U.S, since a, bane masked bandit _brandishing a sawed,off .shotgun, made • off with $9,144 in cash in the daring. mid- morning heist, -Witnesses said the robber, wearing a white stocking toque With two eye-slits, was in the bank only about three minutes, He spoke little, but reminded two bank employees and two customers the shotgun was loaded. He fled .after herding the HON. J. J. GREENE of absence from his duties with the Goderich Signal-Star and the Clinton News.Record for the duration of the campaign. Hullett says no names, no pack-drill Members of Hulled Township .council believe in equality. They decided not to recorn= mend anyone for a centennial medal in ease they offended somebody. "If one person was nomin. ated, others would be offend- ed," said township clerk Clare Vincent. He added that others felt no. one in the township was worth nominating. Present at the meeting when this decision was reaehedwere: Reeve Hugh Flynn ' councillors Charles Scanlon, LeonardArch. ambeatitti Joseph Bunking and John Jewitt, In other business, township Cauticil granted $100 to the Clip. ton Fair Hoard; $15 to Huron County Soil and CroP Improve. meet committee; $35 Id the Saltation Army; $15 to Huron County Historical Society; and WO to Lonclesboro Community, Hall, COnvention expenses totalling $50 were approved for pal Officers. The township clerk will ad- vertise for tenderS for Warble fly powder and Sprayer, and invite applications for the post of inspector. it Was dedided to hire an engineer to review conditions at the trantli oto of the Kin. burn Swamp drain: four persons into a janitors room at the rear of the build. ing, Several residents of the Village of 200 reported see. ing the robber run, from the building carrying the shotgun, jump into a late.model yellow and brown car and spend off. Police later identified the weapon as a single-shot shot. gun. Det,Sgt. Herries said it is believed the robber drove the getaway car from the bank to a Kitchener scrapyarcl, where it was sold. He said $2,400 of the bank loot was recovered in Wing. hani, but did not elaborate, The arrest .of Smith, 'who offered no resistance according to police, concluded a rnontli• long search, The suspect told arresting officers he had been to San Juan, Puerto RICO, the Virgin .41a,nris, Florida, Atlanta, Pa,, and other southern U„S, cities, FBI detectives said about $3,000 in Canadian currency, $70 in U.S. funds and $350 in travellers' cheques were re,, covered. ed the comb-outs, Larry Simpson, owner ofWig Classics, London, gave an en- tertaining history of hair styling through the ages. Furs displayed were stoles, full and three-quarter lengths in beaver mink, ermine and "fun furs," Mrs. Johnston, who organ. ized the show, said: "Mink appeals to all women." Kinette conveners of the show were Mrs. Andrew Petersen and Mrs. William Chowan. Models were: Mrs. Henry Gelling, Mrs. Desmond Paquet, Mrs. Robert Van Riesen, Mrs. Ian Fraser, Mrs, GilesPoire, Mrs. Don Kay, Mrs. Stephen Brown, Mrs, Robert Johnson, Miss Jane Ferguson, Miss Karen Holmes, Miss PattyKay, Mrs, Ken Wood, Mrs. George F. Elliott, Mrs. Clarence Denornme, Miss Janis Gal. braith and Mrs. William Mur. ray. , Commentator was Mrs. E. B. Menzies. J. H. AI11(EN J. Howard Aitken, vice.pre. sident of Signal-Star Publish. ing Limited, has been appoin. ted to the campaign staff of Hon. J. 'J. Greene, minister of agriculture, until the Liberal leadership convention tobe held April 3 - 6 in Ottawa is concluded. Making the announcement, David Thompson, executive as. sistant to Mr. Greene, saidMr. Aitken will accompany Mr. Greene on across-Canada cam. paign tour. Mr. Aitken will take leave Ane Fairservice underlines a point during the first 'lecture of en interior decorating Course She is conducting at tall and Mitch VUrniture, More than 40 persons battled fat' the cettrae, twice the number expected, Asa result, the series of five lectures Will be given twice ,on Wednesdays; from 2 p. in, Until 4 P.m. and from 1:30 p,in, until 9:36 p.m. as planned. News-Record's Aitken This catamaran houseboat was washed up high and dry when the Hayfield River overflowed its banks during the recent maw VVEATIOR 1908 ."1967 . . 4en, 31 30 17 31 1 reb. 1 42 35 34 29 3 4$ 30 30 Q 3 27. )5 23 ,9 4 34 .gg ag 23 5 29 17 31, 3 37 18. 4 ' Rain 2.27" -Snow .5" Snow 1,5"