HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-25, Page 11Kipper) 'East, Kippen East Women's stitate met In the Legipn B44, Hensall, Wednesday, Ja at g pna President WO. Orant MacLean presided, Mrs, J, S. SinClair demonstrated the mak. Mg old Chelse. Bread andtreas ted the ladies to samples of the bread. Plans were made for a des. seta eachre to be held in the Legfon Ball,_ February 28 and for Family Night to be held January 26, It was decided to hold the March meeting at the Blue Water Rest Home arid entertain the patients there, Mrs. Alex McGregor, the. sewing convener, had patterns ready for the making of.Aprons for children. Mrs, RobertKinsman chaired the meeting for the program for this current events meeting. The roll call was a, family =peat event Of ,the past year. The Motto by Mrs. Joyce Cooper • was "The current event of today Will be the history of tomorrow" Mrs. Ross Broadfoot played popular ,hits • of 1967 which in. eluded "Canada", "Centennial Hymn", and "A lanetoStando; Mrs. Kenneth McKay, Mrs. James Drummond and Mrs. Wil. liam Bell had a panel discus. sion on 60 years of institutes in review. Mrs. June Cooper conducted a contest, and lunch was ser. ved by the hostesses Mrs. Grant MacLean. Mrs. June Cooper, and. the Ocannaitttee t ,Mrs, James 041,1PPP..., Mrs. jaMea :Pram!, Mond, Mrs, -OleIla aad,Mrq, Ross Broadfdot. Rebekah$ Amber Rekekah • Ledge met for, its regular meeting Wed. nesday January P7 with Noble Grand Mrs. John Corbett „pre. siding. Thirty members attend. ed. Plans were finalized for tile 16th annual birthday party to be held. February gl,' The Rebekah Lodge of 'Exeter has been extended an invitation to this nartY• Gifts- of Sunshine Pals were exchanged and plans to goahead for another year were made, and names drawn. It was decided to hold a Dessert Euchre Wednesday, March 2'7 in the afternoon. After the meeting a social hour and cards were enjoyed and the winners were Mrs, Hugh McEwen, Lone flands, Mrs, David Blackwell, and Lucky cup, Mrs. R.A. Orr. Lunch was served by the com, mittee in charge. Kinnettes Members of Hensall Kinette Club will canvass the village of Hensall M onday evening January 29 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on behalf of the March of Dimes. Chief Marching Mother, is Mrs. Grant Mc. Gregor; Chairman Mrs. Harold Knight; Recruiting, Mrs. J.W. Drysdale; Finance, Mrs. Bob caldWell; S anPlY$ Mrs. RCP Wareing; and publicity, Mrs, John POsr, The March of Dimes CaM, paign, to be held throughout Ontarie January 29' is crucial. tO .rehabilitation Work in Arena looked after by the Central Western Ontario Bran, e4 of the t Rehabilitation Foandatioill, for the Disabled, according ti?Mrs, Jane White campaign chairman for the branch. Mrs, White said that she was anticipating the usual enthusiastic suppOrt' for the • camnaign, both "in, the numbers of volunteer pan. yassers ( called Marching Mothers, even though some of them are men) and response from the citizenry in the form of contributions. The Foundation, Mrs. White said, has allocated $70,000 to be spent in this area...during 1968. The Central Western Branch covers Waterloo, Wellington, Grey, Perth, Huron, Brace and Dufferin colinties, , She added, however, that the availability of 'this money de. pended on the success of the one.day March of Dimes cam. paign. The Foandation is a member of the United Appeal in 26 cities and towns in Ontario, but relies on the March of Dimes entirely in this area. During the 10 months ending October 31, 1967, expense's to. tailed $52,840 for the branch, Mrs. Whit8 said, and by the end of the year would likely reach $63,500. The campaign goal for Central Western Branch is $70,000. Adastrai Park Protestant Chapel Guild Elect Officers 001'404 Mtuln, Mrs, P4u1 ands, Mrs, Wilmer DalreMple, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mrs, Mary Taylor; Sgt. at Arms, Mrs, Harry llortOn; SPOrts,. Mrs. liam Smale, Mrs, Clareace Reid. A social was held following the installation, eiMala aa • • The Protestant Chapel Guild held its first meeting of the New Year on Monday, January 15 in the Chapel Annex. Mrs., Hilda Hibbert, Presid, ent, welcomed the ladies pre.' sent, and commented on the good turnout of members in spite of the inclement weather. The Dev. otional was conducted b'y Mrs. Sandra Sinker and Mrs. Kathy Johnston played the organ dur. ing the' singing of several hymns. The business meeting was opened with the minutes of both November and December meet. lags read by the secretary, Mrs. Muriel Aiken. Mrs. Sandra Sipker gave the treasurer's re. pdrt. Mrs. Hibbertremarkedon the delightful time enjoyed by the guild memberswho attended the December meeting of the Catholic Women's League, Provincial spoons will be available for another month, and anyone wishing to purchase them. ' please call Mrs. Joyce Hatten, Mrs. Hibbert said that Padre De Long extended his thanks for the recent donaton made by the guild to the Canadian BibleSoc. iety. Mrs. Grace Dumayne and Mrs. Betty DeLong will attend the January 29th meeting at Clinton in preparation for the World Day of Prayer to be held March 1. During the evening, Mis, De Long on behalf of the 'Guild presented Mrs. Kathy Johnston and Miss Carolyn Hibbert each with a gift as a token of ariPa reciatia for playing the organ both dusting services and senior and junior choir practices. Mrs. Hibbert thanked thela.d., ies and members of the out. going executiva4or their won. derful support and encourage. merit during her term of office. Before conducting the elect., ion of a new executive,, Padre" DeLong thanked the members for their kind help and inapira• ation. He spoke of the changes and challenges in the church. today and the role of the 'guild in the Christian community. Members of the new execu. tive are: Honorary President, Mrs. Betty DeLong; President, Mrs. Kathy Cook; Vice.Pres., Mrs. Mary Cournoyer; Secre. tary, Mrs. Rita Ryan; Treasura er, Mrs. Tena Cooke; Hospita ality, Mrs. Joyce Haden; Group ' Leaders, Mrs, Doris Groves, Mrs.' Helen Beale, and Mrs. Muriel Aiken; Publicity, Mrs. Sandra Sinker. PAY OFF BUS WTH ONE GLEAN SWEEP Ready cash from GAC International makes piled-up bills disappearO fast. Sweep many monthly payments into one. Stop in or 0)14 Get acquainted With cot nno.slep bill cleaning serVite, ASK GBC GAC INTERNATIONAL FINANCE at6F1P., LTD. LOANS UP TO $5000 CLINTON' - Igaltedury Sheet . . 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NEW SHUR•GAIN DOG FOOD the latest product of SHUR.GAIN research dog food / / •••••••••%N.N. %%%%% 104"N",.. %%%%% ‘161.••••••••••%`40•••••••••••••••••••••••••" •••••••".....".1‘••••••••••••"••••••••••• %%%%%% MININPM1114REATEI JANUARY 25, 26, 27, 1968 55ea DOZ. 65c Mi) LrE at low budget prices FRAZERVALE — COD — 24.OZ. PKG. T BONE STEAKS La. 89c Fish & Chip Dinners LOIN PRODUCE LB 6 5c NO. 1—SIZE 113s—(PRODUCT U.S.A.) SUNKIST ORANGES LB. 45 MARSHMALLOWS 2 (IF 69c WONDERFOOD 16-0Z. PKG. La. 5 9c AUSTRAL — 14.OZ. SLICED OR HALVES 98c PEACHES 4 99c PORKED CHOPS SMOKE D BY THE PIECE SISLDE BACON SIDEc BACON' SIRLOIN' STEAK FRESH GROUND BEEF 2 MACARONI AND CHEESE LOAF CHICKEN DUTCH LOAF OLIVE AND PICKLE 1.1.1•00,00.00,00%.1..• %ON NO.0.04. \ N. N. \ NO.0.4 \ • N. • N. 'S. % \ N.s. •".. \ \ \ \ • s. •.% \ 1 • \ rt VAN CAMP — WITH PORK — 14.OZ. os 89c BEANS • JIFFY INSTANT — 16-0Z. 4 Sc CHOCOLATE THRIFT LIQUID — 24.OZ. DETERGENT SWIFT'S — 24.OZ. ! S 95c BEEF STEW TINS 5 99c 39c 49c 2 k $1 LIPTON'S — CHICKEN-NOODLE —• (2 envelopes per pkg) 2 79c SOUP MIXES 4 PKS. 99c Tomato, Onion, Mushrtom, Chicken-Vegetable or Vegetable beef — (2 envelopes per pkg.) DOZ, 69c SOUP MIXES 3 PKS. 99c M A R- -r iEN5AL IC' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / GROCERIES SUPER SAVE — 24.OZ. LOAVES BREAD SERE'S BLANCHED 12-0Z. PKG. PEANUTS TASTY-NU BUTTER TARTS tkif eat, gan HENSALL NEWS .:HIGHLIGHTS Nellands; past .president, Ted Roberts; secretary treasurer, John Skea; Sergeant at Arms, Ed Little; executive, iip,rry Hor; ten, Wilmer Dalrymple, garnet Allan; Murray Travail', Auxiliary president, Mrs. Garnet Allan; vice president, Mrs, Grant MeOlincheY, Mrs. Vic Stan; past president, Mra.• Harold Campbell; $ enr etarY, Mrs, W,II. Bell; treaaur Pro Mrs. Graat Biaback; pianist, Mre, Ed Munn; exepative, Mrs. M iddleton St.Jarnes Anglican Church Annual Vestry Meeting A vote of thanks was given to Clarence Perdue for donut. ing the fire-woodfor the church. Edward Wise gave a most concise financial statement, showing a healthy balance on hand. The organizational reports were then received as follows; Mrs. Keith Miller for the A.C.W. (W.A.); Mrs. Ray Wise for the Sunday School; theaudit. ors report was given by Mrs. Keith Miller. :The following is the list of ()Otters for St. James Church, 1Vliddleton for 1968: The Rector's • Warden, Mr. ' John Deenes; The People's Warden, Mr. John W. Smith; Board of management appointed by the people, Ray Wise, Dean Ald.• Winckle, Don Middleton, Mrs. Den Middleton, Mrs. Keith Mil. ler, Mrs. J. Smith; Board of management appointed by the Rector, Edward Deenes, John Cole, Alfred Hudie, George Wise, Edward Wise and Keith IVIlller; Vestry Clerk, Mrs. Ed.' ward Wise; Treasurer, Mr. Ed. ward Wise; Envelope Scretary and Official issuer of receipts, Mr. Edward Wise; Chairman of Sidesmen; Ray Wise; Lay Dele• . gate to Synod, John Deenes; Alternate Lay Delegate, Stewart Middleton; Chairman of special funds, Mrs. J. Ross Middleton; Auditors, Mr, and Mrs. Dean Alftincicle; Press Secretary, Mrs, Stewart Middleton; Mr. Harrison thanked Mrs. Keith Miller and Mrs. Fred Middleton for acting as scrutineers for the meeting. 'Mr. Harrison and Mr. Ray Wise both expressed warm ,notes of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith for their kind hoso pitality in providing a place of • meeting. Mr. Harrison closed agie meeting with prayer, after "which the, ladies servetPlanch. taia j,.,,. a-, * The A.C.W. of St. James Church, Middleton is planning aa;card party Friday evening. January 26 in the Goderich Tow. ha Hall, Holmesville, Clinton NeWS-IteeOrd, Thursday, January 25th, 19.00 11 Farmers Income Tax Service P ,P•HOX picAti, oNTAing 1471' Shirt indi id.0 IRotUrri t3,66 On1)/. Farmers- Returns $R0 to •$%); Telephone 227 -4851 Oeprge Eiz'enQa ff Padre DeLong installed the newly elected slate of officers. The evening ended with a del. ,icious lunch being served by Mary Cummings' group. C.W.L. The iirsameeting of the New Year was held in the Commun. ity Centre on Monday evening. Mrs. E. Slater, president, wel, corned the members. Main topic for discussion during the even. ing was the Valentine and tea and bake sale to be held Feb. 17 . This event will be convened by Mrs. D. Pople. , Curl. ing The rink skipped by Mrs. Vera Sparks with Mrs. Edith Motomura and Mrs. Phylis Carey won the first round robin of the Ladies' League Curling. The second , round robin has started and this will be the play. off for the Corrie Trophy. Legion C-1 Zone. Commander Edward Bell and his installing team from Myth installed the fol lowing nifteers of 11 easall Branah of Time Canadian Legion 468,, and Ladies Auxiliary in a joint Installation ceremony at the Le ion, Ilensall, Friday evening, January 19.• President E.R.. Davis; vice. prepidents, $tan NOchaa, Paul The annual vestry meeting of St. James Anglican Church, Middleton, was held Tuesday evening, January 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W, Smith of R.R, 3, Clinton. There ' were 1'7 member's and the rector, Rev. E.J.B. Harrison, present. The rector opened the meet., ing with prayers and Scripture reading, Corinthians 1;13, Edward Wise, the vestry clerk read them inutes of the last congregational meeting which were most comprehen. sive and complete. Mr. Harrison acted as chaira man for the meeting and read a directive from the Synod of. fice regarding budget allocaa Lion, The rector's report showed a year of progress and witness, During 1967 there were 56 services held in St, James Church, with an average at. tendance of 38. There were two baptisms, one burial and two marriages. During the year, the church was redecorated, a stairway and cupboards were built and the choir became fully vested, Mr. Harrison expressed ap. reciation for the efforts of the church wardens, Edward Deenes and John Cole. A special thanks was given to Mrs.-Joseph Storey and Mrs, Edward Wise, the organists. He paid tribute also to the zeal of the A.C.W.; to Ray Wise for his fine work on the stairway and cupboards; to the Iludie's for looking after the church lawn; toMrs, Joseph Storey and the ladies of the congregation for making trig choir vestments a "labour 4,, love". Mr. Harrison eapressed special thanks also 'to 'Fred Middfeton for his work-as -fire., man. "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton are truly the,. patriarch and matriarch of our Israel", he stated. Edward Deenes gave a fine report as rector's warden. His resignation alter three years as warden, was regretfully re. ceived by Mr.-Harrison. has your dog tried it? Mow SHUR.GAIN CLINTON FEED MILL CLINTON 482-3484 ...nsaaaaamaa aa 1.ilkINONONq.k " • 5. 2. • 4 ' .,imumt:, :saw,