HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-18, Page 3Quality A. /1 41, • IVO & ea) I JANUARY 15th THROUGH JANUARY 20th Mineral Oil, 8 oz., reg. .46 Toni Home Perm Sale .40 Mineral Oil, 40 oz., r•,.=g, 1.29 Sale 1.14 Cod Liver Oil Caps, 11'.0's Reg, 1,19 - Sale 1.07 Milk Magnesia, 20 oz. Special .69 Analgesic Ear Drops, Reg. 1.09 - Sale .88 Poly Mulsion, 16 oz. Spec 3.19 Agarol, 16 oz., reg. 1.45 Sale .97 MANY MORE ITEMS ON SALE Watch for your handbill in the mail You could win $100.00 Shopper's Spree NEWCOMBE Phatindo Reg. 2.00 - Sale 1.34 Crest Tooth Paste Reg. 1.19 - Sale .83 Brylcreme Reg. 1.09 - Sale .79 Bayer Aspirin 100's Reg. ,91 - Sale .63 ASA Tablets, 100's Special .54 ASA Tablets 500's Special .88 Hair Spray, 11 oz. Special .69 teams seemed to have last their passion or penalties and only one was handed out. Harvey Dale recieved it at 16:06 for slashing. Bud Boyes received the puck from Harvey Dale and slapped it into the Shelburne net at 5;23 for the Colts' eighth goal. Ray Caron f9119wed with another at 11:05, with assistance from Dale and Boyes. Shelburne got restless (lure ing the latter part Of tne third • period and Holiday scored the last goal of ,the Pine at 14:45 on a solo effort. Seventeen penaltieS Were handed out in the awe. Shel. Verne grabbed pine and Clinton picked up the remaining eight. Scores Runners, 11; Rebels, 10; Daffy-Dills, 6; Night Hawks, 11, High single, M. Davey, 261; high triple, V. Beck, 661; high average, M. Davey, 203. CATHOLIC MIXED Team standings: Block Bus. tars, 57; Pin Heads, 30; Stone Throwers, 24. Ladies' high single and triple, , Norma VanDongen, 242 and 650, Men's high single and triple, Ray Le- duc ' 291 and 645. Ladies' high. average, Norma VanDongen, 216; Men's high average, Ray Leduc, 203, 100P AND REBEKAH LEAGUE Team standings: Bill's Rloc. kets, 259; Mar's Miracles, 255; Hot Shots, 252; The Swingers, 242 1/2; Willie's Whackers, 233;, Alvin's Chip. raunks 218; Ladd's 'N' Las. sies, 213 1/2; Ivanhoes, 180. Ladies' high single 312; high triple and high aver., age, Gerry Harris, 766 and 203. Men's high single, Bill Harris, 329; high triple and high average, Murray Taylor, 790 and 217. The Clinton News-Record Commercial Printing Department eedevcd a Ati;iciie i0ce ?WiciAct- t../ ciekiebia Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. C2 COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF a INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORM A LS • ACCESSORIES Your choice- of various paper stocks, type styles and sizes. ask for . tea mAtTIONAll Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete confidence as to quality and correctness of form, sr, WE ALSO HAVE PERSONALIZED WEDDING NAPKINS, MATCHES AND CAKE BOXES • Take Our Sample Books Out And Choose Your Weddihd Stationery in The Quiet of Your Own Home Phone 482.3444 for an appointment C CLINTON THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY January 18-19-20 Tta WAR WAGON ROLLS THE SCREEN EXPLODES! JOHN KIM WAYNE DOUGLAS "THE WAR WAGON TECHNICOLOR Show Times: 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. Saturday, January 20 MATINEE at 2.30 II ¤ ¤ ¤ / / Wool Stock BIG SAVINGS COME - SEE - SAVE AT CLINTON'S KNITTING CENTRE / / / / / • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 0. / / / / OUR 482-7302 55 ALBERT ST. Clinton Islews-Recoid, Thursday, January 18th, 1368 3 ,ATTENTION KNITTERS 1' one 482-95 PRESCRIPTIONSIC inton, nteirio • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ¤ / / / / / / / / / / / / The Clinton Colts stampeded over the Shelburne Huskies here Thursday night to chalk up a, 9.2 victory and retain (heir lead in the. WPAA Intermediate Homebrew "C" league, Keith Allen Opened the Scor in for the Colts at 2:44 of the first period. He was as.. listed by Glew and Colquhoun. Less than three minutes later, Garon, assisted by Mo. Dougall and Draper, fired in the second goal for the Colts. The Huskies had . a brief moment of glory at 15:49 when Pointer slipped the cinder past Gary Black, the Clinton goalie. Solomorn and Webster assisted. Clinton came on strong after this and Keith Allen fired another shot into the enemy net on a pass from Daer, with less than two minutes remaining in the first .period. The period ended with the Colts on the high side of a 3.1 count. Clinton lost no time in tally. ing in the second period. Liver. more took a pass from Edgar and put the puck in the right net at the one minute mark. Penalties were handed out with zedt throughout the second period. Ray Garon received a tripping penalty at 3:41 and was joined by Wanless, of the Hus. kies, at 4:11. Ten seconds later, Randy Ice Cap ades Trip Planned The January meeting of the Taylor's Corners Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ben Whitely. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed by the Creed and the Lord's Prayer, Scripture was read by Mrs. Chester Sturdy. Paying of mem. bership fees answered the roll call. Several cards of thanks were read from former members who had received flowers at Christ. mas. ' The meeting was then turned over to the new president, Mrs. John Westbrook. Discussion took place con. cerning a bus trip to the Ice Capades, It was left to Mrs. Sturdy's committee to make arrangements. Twenty dollars is to be sent to the Siloam; Children's Home and Orplianag?„ in Korea., ' The OZI:VrilaYY ' meeting'will- be heldetaltrIthre Thorne of Mr s. William Snyder. The meeting closed with a hymn and Mizpah Benediction. Mrs. Jim Young and Mrs. Ken Homes were assistant host. esses. • *Right now I have something in common with Jack Benny. we. are both 39. Benny, being a comedian, can laugh about it, but. in my case being a hockey player it's not so gunny, lieca,ils0 of my agPt maYb I'm more aware of rookies than I - use - to be. Maybe it's envy of those young muscleP". Any. Way, I recently discussed the. problems sportscaster and j broadcasters from the National Hockey League cities'wili have picking; the rookie-o€-the-year for the Calder Trophy this sea. son because of the six expa,n. Sion clubs; I can't speak with any auth. ority about 'the six new clubs in the NHL and their first- year men, but I can certainly say I'M impressed with some of the youngsters in the Eastern There's Derek Sanderson' with the Boston Bruins, and the Montreal Canadians have a whole hat hill of good ones - Serge Savard, Carol Vandnais, Jacques Lemaire, Mickey Redmond and Rogatien Vachon, On the Red Wings we also have a couple of standout per. formers. There is goalie Roy Edwards, who came up from our Central Hockey League farm club at Fort Worth, Texas when Roger Crozier retired. There is also Bart Crashley, a young defensernan. Crashley played his junior hockey at Hamilton, Ontario, and started the season With us,. He has been iinivevIngPteall)y. The case of Edwards is Oft ferent. He's a rookiewho is., 30 years of age and didn't play "Game One" in the NHL Until he was summoned when Crozier called it quits. Hewan. (IOW through several minor leagues before getting his chance. But I'm not surprised that Roy has come through for the Wings, lie was always a steady performer. Perhaps not spectacular, but steady. One young player who is not eligible, but certainly impress,. sive, is Mike Walton of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Walton played 31 games with Toronto lastseason and. this knocks him out of the running for the Calder (the rules limit a play. er to 20 games in a preceding season), It's too bad, because Walton would certainly be a top can- didate. The last time I looked he had scored 16 goals in the Leafs' first 26 games. That shapes him ,up as a 30-goal man, I must confess Walton sur. prises me. I keep asking my. self why. Or should the clues• tion be how? How can a young. ster • of '23 (Note, he was 23 on January 3, 1968) blossom so rapidly? Last year he picked up something like seven goals in 31 games. That's not bad by any yardstick for a rookie, but it's a far cry from 16 in 26. The answer must be mat.. OritY both Physical and Peru 01. Anyway that's my &Tess. Put It Is certain that the Leafs lave themselves scanething sPeeial in that mpg guy, '••••••••• MAYTAG KELVINATOR ELECTROHOME. ADMIRAL ALL MAYTAG-WA-SHERS EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEE . -3 YEARS PARTS AND LABOUi SERVICE.. SALES with SERVICE ' 013 'S TV & APPLIANCES Stratford-•271.6433 129 Ontario -St., St. Mary;-284.2290 . 127 Queen St., "BOB'S TV SINCE '53" Bob Weeks, Prop. ' tfb %. 5 5 % % % 11k1.5W5NW5 „vo GARRETT'S SHOE STORE 4th Anniversary Sale Starts Today - Thumday, January 11, to January 31 / / ¤ / / / / / ¤ / ¤ / / / / / / / / / / ¤ / / / / / / VIVOLVILIMIMI5WOMVs. • !NOR HOCKEY EEKEN In CLINTON'S BRAND NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE ea** Visiting Minor Hockey Teams From Dearborn, Mich. and Clinton, New York NI .4...••••••••...4V•eaN SAT., JAN. 27 9:00.10:00 a.m.-Town League Pee-Wee Game Glew of the Colts, andSolo,mom of the Huskies each received roughing penaltiee and took a hi/9.minute rest in the box The traffic was heavy from then on with thirteen penalties handed out in the period. At 15:01 Ken Daer took ad• vantage of the three man deficit of the Shelburne team and scored on a Pass from Paul Draper. With one minute remaining in the second peried, Bud Boyes, assisted by Don McDougall, put the puck in the Huskies' net. Seconds later, Daer and Murney gave the puck to Keith Allen who fired in his third goal of the evening to make the score 6.1 for die Colts. During the third period, both Bowl i ng BLUE WATER LEAGUE , Team standings: Sharks, '72; Suckers, 76; Crabs, 64; Minnows, 64. Ladies' high single and triple, Madelon McIlwa.in, 250 and 611. Men's high single, Lloyd Frances, 263; high triple, Joe Koene, '728. BELL TELEPHONE LEAGUE Team standings; Tornados, 0; Whirlwinds, 4; Cyclones, 5; Hurricanes, '7. Ladies' high single and etriple, Betty Daer, 355 ,and -TOO:- Men's high single, Joe Daer, 316; high triple, Brian Sanders, 813. High average, ladies, Betty Daer, 222; men's Joe Daer, 210. TUCKERSMITH MIXED Team standings: Otters, 55; Beavers, 54; Seals, 40; Chipmunks, 19. High single ladies' Donna Robinson, 226; high triple, Mary Gibbings, 545; Men's high single, Mel Graham, 231; high triple, Dave Trieb. ner and Tennis Vandendool, 649. CLINTON-BLYTH LADIES TUESDAY Team standings: Go-Go's, 12; Super "6", 10; Rum 482-7012 61 ORANGE - CLINTON FOR EVERY OCCASION K. C. COOKE FLORIST At /50f:5PRA .10 IMMOMM••• 20 C Oa [Iw' ADULT oitmAINmENt Culbert's Bakery GODERICH THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY. SINCE 1877 HOT CROSS BUNS ONION AND GARLIC BREAD Available on Order We Make PATTY SHELLS Every Wednesday Afternoon - Please Order Early PLAIN AND COLOURED SANDWICH BREAD Sliced regular or length ways for party sandwiches %%%%%%%% 11.1.10..% %%%%% to. % NW. % %N.% OPEN 14 HOURS EVERY DAY Prevents Freezing - Adds To Your Comfort "INFRA-RED ELECTRIC HEAT" WASH YOUR CAR " PROTECT' IT' FROM WINTER NOW WITH NEWLY INSTALLED Beside Brownies' Drive-In ICE AND SALT DAMAGE ¤ ¤ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ¤ / / / / • / •%N. N.•.•• aaa •••., %%%%%%%%% s.% • ill CAR WASH .7(2 COIN. OPERATED T.: . %%%%%% ovorandrwelvIII.4,004,00004.00041.0.1,041,041 1 GODERICH ON THE SQUARE THEATRE FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT -- Entertainment IS. Our Business MONDAY TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY January 22-23-24 FODPIDell famous Swingers give you the do's and don'ts for the man with a roving eye and the urge to stray! FIVAIIRINO WALTER ROBERT MATTHAU MORSE INGER STEVENS aons ll aliii513ALL °JACK BENNY °POLLY BERGEN ,!1EY BISHOP °SID CAESAR °ART CARNEY WALLY COX• JAYNE MANSFIELD .HAL MARCH LOUIS NYE' CARL REINER PHIL SILVERS TEARY,THOMAS PANAVISION'• mkt IN othixe shows At 7,30 And 9.36 p.M. Coming Next-Far 6 Days-,-"THE BIBLE" WE ARE SELLING c / / / / / / / / / / / / / • / / / / / / / / / • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ¤ / / / / / / / / / / ••••:, / / / / / / / / / / \\\\\. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ¤ / / / / / ¤ N.% GARRETT'S' SHOE STORE. 19 Albert Si,, Clinton LADIES' COCKTAIL SHOES 20% OFF ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR REDUCED IN PRICE AisIDIEVANDIV,'! )(15i " 20% OF PA F)rit nt gnoa ilent t 000; BARGAINS IN OTHER LINES 'OF FOOTWEAR MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES - 10% OFF BROKEN LINES' - DR. NILSSON SHOES - 25% OFF LIMITED QUANTITY OF SEALSKIN BOOTS 20% OFF / / S. % 5,55,5 %.5 CLINTON AS Game BANTAMS .DinfiS'ent,..._,TakelourAtylakkena .4. ST. SEBASTIAN BANTAMS 12 NOON, SAT., JAN. 27--Banquet for Players at Clinton Legion Hall Limited Supply of Tickets Available• at Community Centre Until 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, January ,,24 Adults $2.00 Children $1.50 ADMISSIONS; Friday & Saturday Evenings--Adults .50c; Children Saturday Afternoon---Adults 50e; Children Free CLINTON'S ANNUAL MINOR HOCKEY WEEKEND IS HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CANADA" FRIDAY, JAN.26 6:45 p.m.-OPENING CEREMONIES 6:45.7:30 p.m.-WEE-WEE HOCKEY 7:30-9:00 p.m.-BANTAM HOCKEY CLINTON Fish & Game BANTAMS vs. CLINTON, N.Y, BANTAMS 9:00-9:30 p.m.-GIRLS'. HOCKEY 9:30.10:30 pm-PEENIEE HOCKEY CLINTON Kinswen PEE-WEES vs. dLIPOON. N.Y, PEE-WEES • HYDRO vs, Flyers 10:001 1',00 a.m.-SOUIRT-AGE HOCKEY Game No. I 11:00-12:00 a.m.-Town League Pee-Wee Game KINETTES vs. ROCKETS 12:30- 2:00 p.m.-BANQUET at Legion Hall 2:00- 100 p.m.-SQUIRT-AGE HOCKEY Game No. 2 3:00. 00 p.m.-BANTAM HOCKEY ST. SEBASTIAN (DEARBORN) vs. CLINTON, N.Y. BANTAMS, 4:00.5:00 p.m.-SQUIRT-AGE HOCKEY FINALS 7:00.8t00 p.m -PIE-WEE HOCKEY CLINTON; N.Y. PEE-WEES vi. CLINTON Kinsmen PEE-WEES 8:00.8t30 p.m.-GIRLS' HOCKEY' '8:30.10AO p.m.-BANTAM HOCKEY colts stampede huskies to 'hold "homebrew" lead