HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-11, Page 10• • e0/.••••••••• .0.0.yee0 ' Auburn and District MRS, WES IIIRAP.149CR,r4ormspoodant.--,Phana. .5201,75,$ ••••, •*.M.474M5,:gtO ' • ••:::•4 4:A•4=StI T-1.11412PA7, JANUARY 12 Plintenian. card: Party: TWA 44.Up g• .1?..1•44 AchniSeiea Everyone W11POPIP, SOPdPrizeS 2b * FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, LOL Euchre party, Varna, at 8:80 p.m, Ladles please bring Sandwiches: Admission 50. 2b * THURSDAY JANUARY 11, BINGO at Clinton Legion Hall 15 replar games fer $5 .09; 2 share-the-Wealth games; spe,cial ganie for $25.00, the first letter "le" and first let. ter "T" applies on this game for $2.00 each; 3 share-the. wealth games; jackpot applies on those 3 games $56.00 in 56 numbers, 2 door prizes for $2.00 each, Admission 501; extra eards 251 or 6 for. $1.00. tfb. * FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, CASH BINGO, Legion Hall, Setforth 8:1 5 P.m. 15 regular games for $10,00; 3 - $25.00 specials; $75 jackpot to go. Two door Prizes. Admission $1,00; extra cards 251 or '7 for $1.00. Auspices Sedforth Branch 156, Canadian Legion. tfri. • ' ATTENTION KNITTERS WE ARE SELLING OUT OUR • Wool AT Stock BIG SAVINGS COME — SEE — SAVE AT CLINTON'S KNITTING CENTRE SS ALBERT ST. 482-7302 iN.1 NNNNN1NNN.N1,NNNN / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / A / / / / / / / / / 'NN••••\NN• %%%%%%%%%% ••••••••••••••%%S.• N.N.N...%••••••• UP TO $ 5 ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIMEX AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. CLINTON WALKERTON SEAFORTH lieeleegeM -100.1eeileeMICNICS‘. N"NNN.N.N. \\.%.\\% % %NA •0.0.. TIMEX TRADE-IN SALE •NNNN%N• / / / \\\\\\.\.\\\.\A.\.\\\.\\\ NNNNN\NN, %NS.% NAN'N• \ '40.%%%S.NNN N.NN. %%N. NN.N.N.N% 1010000LNAAN.N N.NNN,N) / • This Suit t HERMAN'S /BUY NOW ! At January Sale Prices , ., , YES! NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR NEW SUIT. / • • • PRICES FOR SPRING SUITS ARE-INCREASED $5.00 TO $10.00 , . BY THE MANUFACTURERS. • • • / • • / BUY NOW AND SAVE ON TOP QUALITY ALL WOOL SUITS • • SALE f4 SPECIAL ‘-idP REGULAR TO $99.50 — SHORT - REGULAR - TALL A. COMPETE SELECTION OF. 1 AND 2-PANT SUITS HOBBERLIN TAILORED-TO-MEASURE SUITS JANUARY SALE SPECIAL TO SATURDAY, JAN. 20th EXTRA PANTS FREE SAVE UP TO $40.00. ON THESE SUITS / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 50 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 11-1ElltMAN S Men' Wear CLINTON . OPEN FRIDAY EVENING) 482-9351 • .•‘\‘‘‘‘NNNNN‘Ns.NNNN‘NN\NNS.SANN.N\N\\NNNN ‘W.1NN‘NNNN.NNN\NNNN ,k1NN‘N•NNNNNNNN NNNN.NNN ...NNNNs.NN • SPECIAL 8 SUITS , 36 -37.38 ti"$24 ONLY 8 . 40 •95 • PENMAN'S WINTER Priced Save 105 ai & STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR To Clear to 40% TO ONE Sizes PRICED CLEAR SPORTCOATS OF A KIND 36 - 38 - 40 a i in n 411P I II. II c aP %%WI, %%%%% N.N‘NN+41•4•%N. %%%%%%%% N.W1••••••••••.% TOY & GAMES, e//' • / SALE 1/ , SPECIAL SALE OF GAMES AND TOYS ON SALE ; / • TABLE UP TO 50% OFF / • / SPECIAL SALE OF .ALL TOYS ;•'/ ON OUR SHELVES 205 OFF Mc EWAN'S %N•...%%%%N.N%%%‘%'NNNNN% %% N %% N"NNNN%•NN•N%%%•••: CHARLES Beauty Salon SALE on PERMANENTS , PROTEIN PERMANENT Reg. $15.00 Reg. $12.50 PERMANINT, PERMANENT $10.50 $9.00 Includes Cut, Shampoo, Style, and Set THIS SALE ENDS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1968 CHARLES Beauty Salon Viefolia STREET' • `PIONETW/065 2 4, 6 a nice balance on hand to end the year. Roll call was answered by 10 members paying their member. ship fees. The secretary and treasurer gave the annual reports for 1967. Mrs. Walter Forbes will be hostess to the Club for the February meeting on Wednes. day, February 7. A motion was passed to send $5 to CARE. There will be a card party on January 26 at the Goderich Township Hall. The meeting was closed with , the Mizpah Benediction. Lunch was served with Mrs. Car man Tebbutt and Mrs. Rob in Thompson assisting the hos. tess, The afternoon was spent play. ing Court Whist. Mrs. Acheson 90 in December A former resident of Clinton, Ontario, Mrs. George Acheson was honored on December 28, when friends and relatives called to wish her well on her ninetieth birthday, Mrs. Acheson, the former Sara Nesbitt was born in Clinton and came west to Medicine Hat in 1908. After her marriage to George Acheson in 1911 she returned east 'to Holmesville where they resided for several years. In 1922 Mr. andMrs.Acheson and daughter Patricia moved to the Iron Springs district, where they took an active part in church and community affairs. Her nursing experience and musical• ability were often in demand. Mr. and Mrs. Acheson moved to 818 12th St. S., Leth. bridge in 1942, where she is now residing, Receiving with Mrs. Acheson was her daughter, Patricia (Mrs. Len Wright). Co. hostesses were her nieces, Beulah McPhail, Helen Rich.. ards, Mary Evernden, daught. ers of the late W.J. Nesbitt and Brownie Lowery, wife of a nephew Jack Lowery. "eseiiiiiiiegkeeteiereiee. • When you're ready to na lho cloy see the beautiful • • RAINBO W. %TIMING .• INVITATIONS AND • ANNOUNCEMENTS ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD, ClIMori And SnafOrth ,; CUNTON 48245/5 ingiggiginiggiNintir .10. gnten .IIPWSelleOrcle:1711F4claY,..T4naarY PERSONALS COMING F4P5A,T, JANUARY 12, Card liartY in Goderich Tewne ship Hall, lielmesville 2:20 P.M, auspices AVW of St, janieS, Middleton,. Everyone welcOnle, Ladies please bring lunch. 2b. • FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, Mingo, Hayfield Town Hall .8:15 p.m. 20 gareeS: door prize share the-wealth. pc achnis. 'sion, sponsors Hayfield Hockey Club, 2,3b. MONDAY, JANUARY 29,. Tsuckersrnith Federation of Agriculture Annual meetingand banquet in Egmondville Church commencing at 7 p,m. Gordon Hill, a member of Special cone. mittee on Farm Income, guest speaker. Tickets at $2.00 each available from Federation Directors. 2,3b. * * TUESDAY JANUARY 16 REGULAR BINGO at Huron Fish and Game Club, Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers, 6 door prizes, 8:30 pee, tfb. EVENTS New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young •were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Popp and family of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Treble, Brian and Barry, of Benmiller and. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and Anna-Marie of R.R. 3, Auburn. • * * Mr. Cliff Branton left onSun. day for Toronto where he is taking a banking coarse at the head office of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Mr. W.L. Kress of Wingharn is the relieving manager. * * Mr. And Mrs. Ben Hamilton arrived home on Saturday after a week visiting relatives and friends in, Teronto, * * * Mr, and Mrs. Meredith Young attended the funeral of Mr. Bill Graham of Kincardine last Wednesday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamlyn of Lambeth visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc- Farlane. * * Miss Judy Arthur is home for her vacation after serving on the staff of Huronview for the past six months. She will enter the new School for Nur sing at the Owen Sound hospital on January 15. * * * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vincent (nee Caro. lyn Sprung) on the birth of their son Shawn Edward, a great.grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sprung of Atwood. / / / / / / / / / / / / / Miss. Margaret Sandersonree turned to her studies at Vic. toria hospital after spending a two week vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Sanderson, * * Mrs. George Hamilton is visiting her brother, Mr, Lorne^ Wilson and Mrs. Wilson of 13rugefield. * Mr. and Mrs. William Stiles attended the furniture show in Toronto last weekend. • * * * Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Rath., well, Michael and Janice spent the'New Years holiday with her mother, Mrs. GordenR, Taylor. * * * • Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Sheron and George and Miss Jannett Dobie visited with Mrs. Shearer Wilson in London last Tuesday. * * * Mrs. Fred Toll was taken by ambulance on Sunday evening to Clinton hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy re. covery. * Winners at the Robinson General store duririg the holiday season were Mrs. Jack Lock. hart, Miss Frances Houston, Mrs. Norman McClinchey, Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs. John Hilde. brand, Mrs. Worthy Young and Mrs. Mitchell Fowler, Blake Family hoickreunion The Aubprn Community Memorial' Hall was the scene of a happy reunion by the plaice family on New Year's Day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, James Blake, Goderich, Mr. Earl Blake, R.R. 2,, Clin. top, M rfand Mrs, Charles R eed, Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Blake, Holmesville, Mrs. Norman Hooker and family, London, Mr. Elwin Blake and family of Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart and family of Teeswater, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Whitmore and Kenneth and Mrs. Gladys Whitmore, all of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oke and family of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. William Seers, Gail,'Faye and Carol of Auburn. HENSALL PERSONALS Word was received of the death of Rev. R. A„ Brook of Acton, former minister of Hen. sail and Chiselhurst United Church, who died Monday, Jan. nary 8. Surviving are his wife, three sons and one daughter. The funeral was held Wednes. day, January 10. * * * Dwight Cormier, aged 11, of Hensell a son of Mrs. Ann Cor. mier, was found dead in his bed Tuesday by his mother. He was a Grade 5 student at Hen. sail Public School. Survivors include his mother, three sis. ter s and one brother. An autopsy is being held at Stratford to determine the cause of his death. Funeral will be in charge of Bonthron Funeral Home, Hen. sail. Arrangements are incom- plete. * * Mr. and Mrs. David Noakes of Berkeley, California, spent the holidays with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Leonard is more important than the price , tag! IT MEANS YOUR USED CAR OR • TRUCK HAS BEEN INSPECTED, ROAD TESTED, RECONDI- TIONED WHERE NECESSARY. CHECK THESE SPECIALS 1963 Pontiac La—en+ian Station Wagon 2-1966 Chevrolets. 1966 Pontiac 2-1966 Oldsmoliiles. 1966 Chevelle. 1966 Oldsmobile Cut- lass hardtop. 1964 Chevrolet Impala sedan. 1963 Impala hardtop. 1965 Chevrolet pic'o.;p. 1965 Dodge pickup. NEW CARS and TRUCKS A good selection in CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, CAMARO, CHEVROLET pickups. No waiting for delivery. BUY TODAY Lome Brown Motors Limited YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLEt OLDSMOBILE end ENVOY DEALER. Ontario Street, Clinton Phone 482.9311 The annu41 Vestry Meetingof St. jamas Anglican Church, Middleten will be Tuesday eVene ing January 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Smith at 0:30 p.m, * Mrs. Donald Middleton was the hostess for the regular Meeting of the Anglican Church Women of pt. James Church, held Wednesday afternoon, Jane nary 3. one were nine members, one vipitor and the rector the Rev, E. J. B. Harrison, This was a transition fear meeting. Mrs, Donald Middle. ton, the outgoingpresident, con. eluded the business of 1967 and final reports were received. Mrs, John Smith reported for the Dorcas committee with a letter of thanks for the bale Jack Tebbutt, Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Tebbett andlelarilyn went to Fonthill, Saturday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Teb- butt and family. Jack returned home Saturday and Irvine on Sunday. * * * If anyone in the district is in. terested in working with the Girls' Club at Holmesville they should contact Mrs, Eldon Yeo as soon as possible. Noakes in Hensall, and the lat. ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Morley- Huntley, Ingersoll. A dinner for the immediate fam. ilies was held , in theLegionHall with 18 attending. * * * Mr. and Mrs. RichardTipping,, George Smith, Donna, David and Sandra, London, Mr. and Mrs. Dick McKellar, Teddy and David, Miss Marilyn Smith and Jo-Ann, Glenn Tedball, Thed. ford, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Smith. * * * Hockey game at Hensall, Sat. urday night, Hensall vs Monk. ton. Hensel' 11 - Monkton 2, Goals, Brad Pryde, 3, Fred Elder, 2, John Moir, 2, Singles, Allan Sararas, Brian Campbell, Gerry Sararas, Steven Faber. * * * Flowers in the United Car- mel Presbyterian, St. Paul's Anglican Churches Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mr. Rudy Petzke, placed by his wife and family. sent to. Canon W. 4. Zinireer, Mann of 'the Mohawk InSt1tute, Brantford. Mrs, PPtat save the Birthday E.9N renOrt! Mrs. beeve4: t4P Hake'Sale and Mrs, Lois Wise the Christmas card sales, Mrs. Keith Miller's financial statement showed a good hal, ance in the treasurye and every department Shin-shape for the New Year, The Rev. E. J. Harrison then conducted the Order of Service of. Instellation of Of. ficers for 1968 and turned the meeting over to the new West. dent, Mrs. Edward Wise. Mrs. Wise expressed Ureter, vent hope that she would receive the full .ca-operation and loyal support giver: to her pre. debeasers. The new president read an in. spiring poem "The World is Mine" The Worship Service outlined The S. S. No. 4 Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Murray Forbes on Friday, Jan. nary 5. The president Mrs. DonIobb opened the meeting with the Creed and The Lord's Prayer. The secretary, Mrs. Bill Lobb read the minutes of the December meeting. Mrs. Murray Forbes gave the treasurer's report showing Unit 4 Hensall UCW met on Thursday afternoon of January 4 with an attendance of 20 despite the inclemency of the weather. President Mrs. James McAllister opened with verses of Scripture fitting for the New Year and Prayer. Devotional was taken by Mrs, Robin Mc. Allister on "What makes aNew Year," a nice thought that we, coul try a little harder to make ourselves newer. The study book on Japan by • Mrs. James McAllister who used the first chapter on "Japan" "Profiles" -Kunigiro One, a Christian Warrior of the last great war whose career was followed for a time. Mrs. Leona Parke read a let.. ter from Mrs. Redmond ex. pressing, deep appreciation for the gifts of the Christmas stock.. gifts of the Christmas stock- ings which this unit .filled for women Patients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Visitations were recorded. Hostess 'Mrs. Nancy Kyle. Tea was served., Next meeting February 1. in the Living.Message Was fele leWed With Mrs, Fred Midciles ton the leader, The roll 1411 Was answered by payment of membership feeS. The secretary, MrS. HAY Wise read a 'thank-you' letter frOM Mr. and Mrs, FredMiticile- toe for the lovely smoker given Mr. Middleton by the 'WA in recognition of his faithfil ser. vices as church fireman. It was decided to hold card parties with the first one on Friday evening January 12 in the Qederieh Township Hale, HOlmesvihe et 8:30 pan: The committee in charge of the first party consists of Mrs. Miller, Mrs, Fred Middleton, Mrs. Dutot, Mrs. Edward Wise and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Harrison closed the meeting with prayer after which lunch was served. MIDDLETON MRS 3. MIPP4,47rp.N Phole ,402q525 HENSALL Maitland Con. & 16th Goderich , I vnu