HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-11, Page 6Barlow And .411e Pf PO* erien, were bridesmaids, They wore identical formal floor. length gowns of red vel vet skirts And white lace bodice with long sleeves and Matching ac- cessories. They carried white mums and sweetheart roses, Douglas Smith was grooms. man, And Steve Snell and Tony Yerhoef, of Clinton, were nshers. For the reception at the Little Inn, Bayfield, the bride's mother chose a royal blue velvet dress with lace trim, matching accessories, mink hat, and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The groom's mother wore a blush pink brocade sheath and redingote ensemble, matching accessories, and a corsage of white sweetheart roses. For a wedding trip to the Eastern States the bride wore a green gold double knit dress, leopard skin coat and hat, black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses, On their return they will re. side at 42 Weatwood Drive, Kitchener, Ontario. Wedding Pictures JERVIS STUDIO phone 482-7006 hf ••••••••%%%%%%%%%%%•••• %%%%% %%%%%%N% %%%%%%%%%% NEW AND USED ITEMS— ALL BARGAIN PRICED Evenings of January 15th, lbth and 17th from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. (Mon., Tues.• and Wed.) Stoma for sale include: Chine, Clothing, Books, Bedding, Teel. ' 'Milk Shake Maker, Typewriter, Radio, etc. 'Pew Antiques, Glassware, Chairs, Garage and Garden" SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE COME AND LOOK AROUND at MANOR'S, CEDAR GROW RESTAURANT Highway No. 21 (SHELL STATION) Bayfield South %%%,...i%%%‘%%. Akii%•%%% %%%%%%%%%%%1N%%%%%%%%% / / / / / / I / SALE ANNUAL: MEETING, HURON CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Monday, January 15 DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE BOARD ROOMS 8:30 P.M. — EVERYONE WELCOME / / / / / / / / / / / / / • %%%%%%. %." % % % % % % ••• %•%%%%%•%%"...%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%• / / W A'S H YOUR CAR PROTECT IT FROM WINTER ICE AND SALT DAMAGE At COIN-OPERATED CAR WASH / / / I / / / / I / z / / / e / / / ¤ / / / / / LET'S TALK ABOUT BUDGETS! Budgeting is tough these days. It seems that every time you turn around the cost of something is going up. The economists tell us it's to be expected. Maybe so, [nit it sure makes running a home difficult. We wish we could tell you that A&P has the answer to all your difficulties, but we can't no store can. We can tell you this: There is one guaranteed way to cut your food bill without sacrificing quality;' buy A&P's own brands. Hold it ... don't scoff . we're serious. We don't have our own private national brands just to have low prices. If it isn't a quality product, it can't carry the A&P Seat. Take A&P Brand Canned or Frozen Vegetables for example ... you can't buy better. If you buy A&P Brands, we guarantee you'll reduce your total food bill. We also guarantee every A&P product you buy ... unconditionally. Jane Parker Daily Dated Reg price 25c loaf — SAVE 26c ..- BREAD 12111 5:799? Grocery Values! Custom Ground SAVE 10c 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE ,-ibba4 65 c Choice Quality Reg. Price 2 tins 59c — SAVE 10c A&P TOMATOES 3 2841-oz tins 79C (With Pork, Vegetarian or Boston Style) Reg. Price 2 tins 45c -- SAVE 14o ANN PAGE BEANS 5 19-1I-°z tins 99 C A&P Fancy Quality Reg. Price tin 49c — SAVE 4e ASPARAGUS TIPS 12-oz tin 45c A & P SUNNYFIELD QUICK COOKING OATS 3 18. BAG 49c BIG "G" CEREALS 2Pkgs69 (12 oz. INHEATIES: 8 oz. TOTAL: 8I/2 oz. TRIX: C SAIL Detergent Reg. Price pkg 69c — SAVE 10c giant 42-oz bbx 5 9C Florida Marsh, Seedless, Now At Their Best, No. 1 Grade GRAPEFRUIT 10'079 NONE 51 PRICED HIGHER AT A&PI LARGE SIZE 48's TERM INSURANCE ON THE BEST TERMS at your service DAVID S. McDONALD NeW.P.RecorPl 4 •17.)14.raclay,.,. January 11th, 1968 At a meeting of liensall Branch of The Canadian Legion 468, Wednesday, January 3, election of officers was held to form the 1968 executive, President, E.R. Davis; vice. presidents, Stan Kochan, Paul Neilands; past president, Ted Roberts; secretary—treasurer, NECK, SHANK & BREAST REMOVED IMPORTED, NEW ,ZEALAND, FROZEN LEGS,%/1951 • SMITH Oic" ia.resbyteriah. ;church was the setting on December 23 foi' the Marriage of Susan HayI ''laughter' of Mr, and Mrs, Georg* Feagan, and David. GoPP don Smith song of Mr, and MrSt 4 ''Vern -Smith, all of GOderieh, .The 13.oyal f offi. eiAted• The soloist BYtie, and organist, W,R. Cameron. the bride( Oven in marriage Wedding - HAY by her fathers wore A format flogisiiength goWP of;White erePP with, pi* net overlay. The bodice, sleeves and cathedral train were hand appliqued. The Plietileler4ength 1111,11SiOlt veil was held by p, petal head. piece set with seed pearls. She Carried a cascade of white sweetheart roses. Jo Ann Steegstra of clinton, was Maid Of heinous..Susan Only the very wise—or the very 'foolish — would dare to make Public. their predictions for the year just beginning, Everyone at some time or an- other has .4 go at th e prophet bit but seldm does anyone* Write those thoughts in a news-. paper, But Pm an exception to the rule, And besides that, I'm desperate for subject material that will bring a smile to faith, ful readers—so here they are: My predictions for the year, 1958: JANUARY—My oldest son's• birthday will fall 'on the 22nd again this year, as it has for the past 11 years, As usual, he will expect to get for 'As birthday all the things he asked for at Christmas but didn't re- * * * At the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah lodge presided over by Noble Grand Mrs. John Corbett, held Wednesday, Jan. uary 3, Christmas greetings were read from all lodges in the district, thank you notes from shut.in members and others who had received plants or gifts at Christmas were also read. Final plans were arranged for Friendship Night for the next meeting January 17 when names of secret pals will be revealed and gifts exchanged. It is hoped for a good attendance. Discus. sion was held on the annual birthday party scheduled for the second meeting in February. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / .ceive:.• all the things • he .0.100 ask.for at, Christmas but friends received;• •Pnd just one more Monkee FEDIVUARY-- At Valentine's Day this year ,my children wilt attempt to, buy cards after all the stores are sold out; my hus- band will ignore all my subtle hints about one's gift to sine's sweetheart; and I will soh with relief when f an ore.sented with a calorie-free card. And a bottle of diet perfume instead of 'the usual box of chocolates, MARCH —When my birthday falls in March, I will stubbornly insist that I don't want any, thing to mark the .occasion cept the presence of my own small understanding family. In the meantime I will experience my annual breakdown as I realize I am one year closer to grey hair and So far away from old age security, Then T will be happy when my husband suggests we go .fol'u for the eve- ning to celebrate another win- ter almost ended. APRIL-1 will vow to buy new 'Easter outfit and then dis- cover the baby needs new shoes; the dentist advises braces; the price of ham has gone up again; the car needs a spring tune-up; and there is some new music lesson books to buy. At church on Easter morning, I will look penniless in last Easter's bon- net, MAY— It will be gardening time, and flower planting time, and lawn raking time, and house pa in ting time, and fence straightening time, and rhubarb and tonic time and spring clean- (Photo by Ha.dden's Studio) John Skea; Set-at-exam ' Ed Little; Executive, Haxry Her.. ton, Wilmer Dalrymple, Garnet Allan, Murray Traquair. In a joint installationwiththeLegion Auxiliary, officers will be in. stalled on Friday, January 19. A social will be held follow. ing 'he installation. ANNOUNCEMENT The Children's Aid Society of Huron. County have moved their offices from the Court House to 181 VICTORIA ST. N. on Highway No. 21, the large stone house at the northern entrance to Goderich. Hensall %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ss% %% % %%%%%% s.s.% %%%%'. OCCIDENTAL LIFE PHONE 235-0154 176 SANDERS STREET EAST EXETER, ONTARIO 4.0 / / / / / / / / TV & APPLIANCES, Stratford-271443,3 .129 Ontario St St. Marys-284:290 127 Queen "BOB'S TV SINCE '53" Rob Weeks, Prop. M Al L EXCLUSIVE -3 YEARS PARTS AND • KEL AYTAd VINATOR. ELECTROHOME 3MIRAL AL MAYTAG-WAINERS / GUARANTEE %%‘%%N. • • %%%%%%%%"•• Mif r N TO „,, TORONTO ctuvroiv Askeboutconvenieht departure s3 end return times o ing time , and worst isf all, picnic time. „Jun—For ten full .days be- fore the final report card is issued at the school, I will he. plagued with the worries of my two other kids who will fear the.y will not pass, I will tell them this is a fine time to have concern and 'they will assure. me that in the future,- school work 'will have ..firrst place in. their Jives, JULY — School will be out and I will 'he in—insane. AUGUST — IMid - month the battle will begin about what -purchases should be made for school, I will suggest plain, sensible, washable duds. They Will beg for wild, weird, im- practical garb. It will be a stalemate and for the first two weeks, they will 'wear last spring's ratty, tatty clothes I had, ready for the rag bag, SEPTEMBER The baby will cry for two days because he, has no one to play with. There `will be a few cold days and something will go wrong with the heating system. It will rain on fall fair day. And the school will come up with another long , list of do's and don'ts for par- ents to fight and then forget. OCTOBER — Thanksgiving will arrive on a family which has grumbled and complained • for so long it will feel wonder- ful to give thanks for the many blessings they take for granted throughout the year. NOVEMBER Everyone will get the common cold; someone will have the flu; my husband will remark that as soon as the .now ,pomes the sickness will disappear; and the morning of the first snow my husband will curse the ground it fell on when the car fails to start. DECEMBER — Christmas Will Sneak up •on me even more quietly than it did this year. ,1 won't be able to find the ad- dresses for my cards; I won't have any money to do the shop- ping I must; I won't get my Christmas baking done until the last second; the tree lights won't work; and the weather won't suit me. But 'Christma's ,,,will come and .gcis-assits clislsLhiss year;-:-.and then it will be .timer to Make more. predictions. NOW WITH NEWLY INSTALLED "INFRA-RED ELECTRIC HEAT" Prevents Freezing — Adds To Your Comfort OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY Beside Brownies' Drive.ln IMPORTED FROZEN PIE information, phone the focal CN Pesieneer Sales Office • FRESH ROASTING HAMS LEG OF PORK SHANK BUTT CENTRE CUTS PORTION PORTION OR STEAKS ih 59 lb SI lb 6 9fe BEEF STEAKETTES 1Ls. ,PKG. 54C All prices in this ad guaranteed through Saturday, January 13th, 1968. • VA oz. COCO PUFFS: 8 oz. CHARMS: 91/2 oz. FROSTYOS) Blue or White (Powdered) CANADIAN NATIONAL