HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-11, Page 4CLASSIFIED ADV., RATES. (REVISED May 1 / 19651 CAS ATE 3c Per Word Minimum' 7So 25c Extra 'will be added to each insertion if not paid within 10 days of the last Insertion. REPEAT Apv,s. 2c Per Word minimum 50o DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS* $1.40 Per Inch Repeat Class Display. 90c per inch • Birth,' Marriage and Death Notices FREE. DEADLINE Noon Tuesday DIAL 482-3443 BIRTHS MIsCELLANEPLI$ NOTICE THE ONTARIO .14NICIPAk BOARD. JN .TH414ATTP, Section 14 of The Metlicipal. Act .(KS,Q. PO% P. 249) and IN THE,MATTER 4P- • plicatioa the corporation • Of the Twit of Clinton, for an- nexation to the, town of part of the Township of Goderick. in the ,County .Of 'Huron, described- in. By4uw . 24 for 1966 of the Applipakt c(Mperatien, tigr US, REPAIR AND 4,64C g. your rings „PO4, .jewellery new. Diamond TIP,t4S renewed, and .stones: Saki)! secured . • 4141't laltP'PhaPPO. Expert, wor)c Ono reasonably tQ yolgr•,POti§, factjon Watch repairs and pearl 04.tringtog.. W. N. Counter, N.IQ14F.1350N--la qintog Pohl e Hospital, on MondaY Janu- • ory .10.03,10. Cpl. and Mrs. Egg, NielcerPh,• Clinton, Clinton News-Rgeord,Thursday, January 11411, ARTICLES FOR .Clinton Public Hes, pital,on Meniley; January MO, to Mr. and. Mrs. John .094, 4,Tt, A. Walton, ...PP- • .JPONST-Q11 Clinton Peblic Hospital, on Monday, January .0, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Woygo. ,Johnston, a son, NOTICE TO .CR. EDITQRS CUR PM WPM( • We Specialize In . • furnace.installations Heating Servie Electric Wiring Appliance Sery,ke Plumbing Installations Eavpstroughing CHUTER Plumbing, Heating, Electric SALES & SERVICE 46 King Street Phone 482-7651 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL persons having claims, agairist the Estate of CATH- ERINE SOPHIA' COLE, Hetoe• wife,, late of the Town of Clin- ton, in the County. of Huron, weo died on or about the 6th day of December& 1967, are re-quired to file the same with.full particulars with the undersigned bY the 3rcl day of February, 1968, as After that date the assets of the estate will be dis- tributed. Dated at. Goderich, Ontario this 3rd day of January, 1968, HAYS & HAYS, $olieitors for the Estate, 33 Montreal. Street, Gederich, Ontario. 2, 3, 4 SIMPLIClTYVasherS now avail- 1 TAD at cr, A. Dutton APPliances, Brikeefield. OPPP eY01,1in$4. 38tfb SPARE TIME INCCIMB. Itefillieg ale! collecting ineneY from NEW TYelf, high quality coin (wended ilislienSerii in 014 area. No selling. To titialifY you must have car, referepces, $600 to $2,,900 cash. SeYen to tWeive liQueS weekly can net ex., eelleet monthly income. More full lime. For per.soeul interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBuT. INO LIMITED, 302 Ouellette Avenue, Sidle 404, Windsor, Cm- tario. Include phone number, 2p CARD PP THANKS - , The family of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bebert Allan wish to ex- press their sincere thanks to their relatives, frjendS and neighbours for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes and nies,sages of sympathy received jdnuernit7 51 114 c%i rr. frecent s btepr e4Ve ye: E. Stuart, Dr. Oakes- and Pr, PICTURE FRAMING at Beattie Furniture 40 eaw IN MEMORIAM HYMERS—In loving memory of a dear son and brotherl Mur- ray Hymers Who Passe0 away suddenly three Years ago, January 10, "His smiling way and pleasant • face Are a plea sure to recall; He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all, Some day we hope to meet him, Some day we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again." —Ever remembered by mother. Elmer, Maynard and Barb, Bea and Mary Ann. 1p Appointment For Hearing THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Wed- nesday, the 24th day of Janu- ary, 1968, at the hour of two o'cleek in the atternoon, at the Council Chambers in the TOW). of Clinton, for the hearing 6f an application for annexation to the Town of Clinton of part 4:of the Township of Goderich, more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, Let all persons interested in suppoOt of or in opposition to such application then and there attend. DATED at Toronto this 30th day of November, 1967. (Seal). "R. SCOTT" Secretary. BEEF and pork by the half or quartett Potatoes for sale, Phone 482-7578. , 42tfb Ross, Special thanks to the per- eonnel of Clinton Public Hos, pital and Huronview. 2b EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL clean chicken barns or, catch chickens. Phone 482-7170. 2b REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and, floor laying, expert. ly done, All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty.. Phone 482-7676, Ken McNairn. 52tfb I wish to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for visits, cards and flowers; also the nurses and Dr, ,Newland, while I was a patient in the Clinton Public Hospital.—AL- BERT LEIBOLD. 2p All.,1•4•41 HELP WANTED MALE FARM SERVICE' CENTRE CARPENTRY WORK—Complete building of recreation rooms, ceiling insulation, wall panel- ling, windows and doors, ex- terior siding and roofing. For all your carpentry needs, phone 262-5454, Mahlon Martin. 47tfb AVERAGE $3.50 - $4,00 per hour unloading grain boats part time but yearly earnings run to $2,500, Especially suited to farmers. Call the Goderich Elevator and Transit Company Limited, 524-7367 and ask for Mr. McConnell, HELP WANTED The Atkinson family would like to express• their apprecia- tion and thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives and pallbearers for their many kind thoughts, flowers and cards at the time of loss of her father, Mr, Rudy Petzke, 2p Mr. and Mrs. Henry Devison wish to thank the merchants and Hospital Auxiliary of Clinton for the lovely gifts they received in honour of their New Year's baby. 2b COUPLE for management and maintenance of large residential home, good salary, large apart- ment provided, capable staff em- ployed (no children). Write Box 20, Clinton News-Record. 2tfb For all pressure systems ' and farm line needs DEATHS ORTHOPEDIC and general Shoe Repair, Our Clinton Depot is at 55 Albert Street at Amsing's Store. Henk's Shoe Repaid 71 Hamilton St., Goderich. 38tfb 2, 3, 4b $14,000 PLUS BEGU,.,AR CASH BONUS for man ever 40 in Clinton area. Take short auto trips to contact customers. Air mail R. C. Dickerson, South- western Petroleum Corp., Fort Worth, Texas. 76101, 2b MacDONALD—Passed -away in Woodstock General Hospital, on Monday, January 8, 1968, Andrew MacDonald of West Zorra Township, in his 81st year. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Annie Lovett, Clinton, Service was held January 10 from Johnson Funeeal Home, Embro, with interment in North Embro Cemetery. Schedule "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Goderich In the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of Part of Lot 35, Concession 16, Township of Goderich, the boundaries of said parcel being mode particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the Westerly limit of Registered Plan No. 2123 through Lot 35, Concession 16, has a bearing of North Forty-one degtiees thirty min- utes East (N 41° 30' E) and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at the North-east angle of Lot 35, Concession 16; THENCE due West and along the North limit of Lot 35, Con- cession 16, a distance of Four hundred and twelve and seven tenths (412.7') feet to a point on the East limit of the Canadian National Railways property be- ing more particularly described' in Instrument No. 1501 for the Township of Goderich; THENCE South, Eight degrees thirty-nine minutes East (S 08° 39' E) along the East limit of land described in Instrument No. 1501, a distance of Three hundred and- ninety-six .,and eighty-five` b'n hundredths (396.85') feet; THENCE South, Five degrees twenty-three minutes West (S 05" 23' W) along the East limit of land described in Instrument No. 1501, a distance of Two hundred and six and sixteen one hundredths (206,16') feet; THENCE South, Eight degrees thirty-nine minutes East (S 08"' 39' E) along the East limit of lands described in Instrument No. 1501, a distance of Three hundred and fifty-four and -thirteen one hundreds (354.13') feet to a point on the Westerly limit of Registered Plan No. 2123; THENCE North, Forty-one de- grees thirty minutes East (N 41" 30' E) and along the West- erly limit of Registered Plan No. 2123 to its intersection with the East limit of Lot 35, Con- cession 16; THENCE Northerly and along the East limit of Lot 35, Conces- sion 10, to the North-east angle of Lot 35, Concession 16, the said point being the point of commencement of the parcel herein described. 1, 2b PHONE 482-9561 HELP WANTED FEMALE 1.7 Rattenbury Street CLINTON "Proudly "We Service Canadian" what we sell" 2b ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT YEAR-ROUND part-time work in local film processing plant Apply in writing for further de- tails. Clinton News-Record, Box 491. 49tfb CLINTON CAB 482-7011 Call George McGee I wish to thank all who re- membered me with flowers, gifts, cards and visits during my stay in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Rev. Mills, Rev. MacLean and nurses and staff on first floor,—CLARENCE BALL. 2p TWO-BEDROOM, house, bath, living room and kitchen, gas furnace, garage, Apply to Mrs. Mary Ross, Raglan St. or Stephen Brown. 2tfb • PET STOCK WOODEN TOBOGGANS 6' Snow King — $14.85 7' Eskimo — $13.95 Jiang" Pee te *at*• SALESLADIES required to sell nationally known ladies' ready- to-wear) full or part time. Write ,Box 10, Clinton News-Record. 1.3b GERMAN Shepherd pups, from top breeding lines. Excellent watch dog. Phone 262-5440. 2h FAT 0.^NER—Pgssed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on wedgy, January 8, 1968, Mrs, William J. Falconer, R.R. 1, Brurefield, in her 83rd year. Service was held from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, on January 10, with interment in Clinton Cemetery, Out of town trips a specialty tfb THREE-BEDROOM, downstairs, self-contained u n f u r n i s h ed apartment. Central location. Garage and garden if deSired. 46 Princess Street West. Phone 482-9005: '2tfn REGISTERED German Shepherd pups on special low price during January, Phone 524-6595 or' 524- 7135 during working hours. 2, 3, 4h NEW YEAR—NEW CAREER Join Avon in the exciting busi- ness of selling cosmetics. Good income. No experience neces- sary. We trait'. Foe information write or call collect evenings. Mrs. M. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541. 2b I would like to exptoess my sincere thanks to my relatives and friends who remembered me with flowers, treats, cards and visits while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Rev. Stuart, Dr. God- dard, nurses and staff, also to the Carolers who sang in the halls. Everything was very much appreciated.—MRS. JOHN AN- DERSON, 2p SERVICES Dr. M. W. RAITHBY B.S.A., D.V.M., V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Large and Small Animals Boarding PHONE 524-8573 Goderich, Ontario S SCHOOL for rent, 2 bedrooms. oil heated, hydro, water'on tap. Box 21, Clinton News-Record. 2b • I 11010 11•0 • Oft COOPER—Passed away in Sea- forth Community Hospital, on Friday, January 5, 1968, Frederick R. Cooper of Sea- forth, in his 70th year. The funeral service was held from R. S. Box Funeral Home, Sea- forth, on January 8, with en- tombment in Clinton Mauso- leum. PIANO TUNING 80 King St. YOUR PIANO should b..! tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued privi- lege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. G xn.ga W. Cox, phone 482-3870: 33tfh FOUR-ROOM furnished apart- ment, newly decorated, 5 minutes walk from main street, hydro, water paid,* Apply Les Nice, 101 Huron St., or phone 482-7581. 2, 3p MODERN apartment, self-con- tained, heated, furnished, 1 bed- room. - Immediate possession. Phone John Wise, 482-7265 or 482-9644. 2tfn. 9tfb ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service. Alvin Riley, 524-6514. 153 Lighthouse St., Goderich. 1811b AUTOS FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DAILY CAR RENTAL; reason- able rates. McGEE'S, Goderich. Phone 524.8391. 3tfb MERCURY I wish to express my ap- preciation to my many friends and relatives for cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Special thanks to Dr. Jean Campbell and nursine staff and to Rev, and Mrs. Eaton, Bayfield. To all a most sincere ., the nk you.--eLORRAINE.., WEB- • '"2b DEICHERT—Passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, January 8, 1968, Mrs. Albert Deichert, the former Mina R Coleman, of Zurich, in her, 45th year( Service was . 'h9rtr. Jahn* fkcirli St. Petei's"' , Zurich, with interment in • Zurich Lutheran Cemetery. Huron Automotive & Supply 263 Huron Rd. Goderich, Ont, Phone 524-6271 Clinton Representative 4829782 24tow NOTICE ---CANADA'S most dynamic Mutual Fund—American Gr )wth Fund-20eA income tax credit on dividends, Investigate. la.:tore e„you , invest. FinanCiar planning. Fred (Ted) Savauge, area rep- resentative, 77 John St., Sea- forth. Phone 527-1522, 47tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! ONE-STOREY house, 3 bed- rooms, oil heated, garage, Bay- field. Available February 1. Phnen 565-2849, ltfb 1963 MERCURY hard. top; .1964 Plymouth two-door hardtop, 383, V-8, automatic. Best offers. South End Body Shop, Godetech. Phone 524-9181, in daytime or 482-9834, Clinton, after 6 p.m.,* 1-2b FURNISHED apartment. C. Van Damme. Phone 482-6685. ltfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ELEVEN pigs, 10 weeks old. George Bayley, R.R. 4, Clinton, Phone 482-9853. 2p FOR SALE Fr KUTPER--Passod away in Clin- ton Public Hospital, on Sun., January 7, 1968. Henry Kuiper of Clinton, in his 35th year, The service was held January 9. from the Ctirietien Refelen- eri chureh with interment in Clinton Cemetery. -BIRTHS 1959 FARGO truck, Ford tractor 8N with plow 'and blade, Phone 482-9238. 1 tfn TWO - BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment. Ceriel Van Damme, ph ne 482-6685. ltfb PARENT'S NIGHTS Central Huron Secondary School Clinton, Ontario McCLYMONT — Mr. and Met- Bob McClymont (nee Gail Orpen) of 34 Western Ave., Guelph, are happy to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Shannon Elise, in Guelph General Hospital, on Friday, January 5, 1963, a sister for Michael. 1966 ENVOY Epic, deluxe, 14,; 000 miles. ,Phone 482-3380.. .- 1; 26 • SNOW BLOWERS with sealed hearingi, roller shield, trouble, 'free featurt for damp snow has been added, You will like it: Farrowing crates, with or with- out mounted feeding, or water, all steel construction. George Troyer, Hensall. Phone 262- 5282. l-13b APARTMENT for rent, not far from uptown, fully redecorated, water paid, heated. Phone 482- 9025. 50tfb FOR SALE Parent-Teacher interviews will be held on 2 evenings. Tuesday, January 16—Syrnam,.s beginning, with '"A" to "L" Thursday, Jan. 18 — Surnames beginning with "M" to "Z" All students were issued a letter to their parents stating particulars as to time and pro- cedure to be followed on these two nights, Signed, R. J. HOMUTH, B.A., Principal, 2b CORMIER — Passed away at home on Tuesday, January 9, luoti, Dwignt Cormier of rien- saii, in his lzth year, sun of Mrs. Ann Cormier, Hensall. Tile funeral service will be held from Bontnron k'unertil Home, Hensall, at 2 p.m. on Thi.thsday, January 11. tnter- ment will be in Hensall Union Cemetery. MODERN 2-bedroom furnished apartment. Available now. All utilities paid. Phone 482-7791 or 482-7776. 6tfb 2,000 BALES of choice quality mixed hay for sale. Phone 2627 5440. . 2h. DEVISON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Janu- ary 4, 1968, to A/C and Mrs. Henry J. Devison, Clinton, a son. For Complete VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service Don Taylor Motors Limited Main Street — Exeter formerly Hunter-Dewar DIAL 235.1100 TRACTORS 2— SiF "35" diesels with loaders M-F' "35" gas. "50's" Ili-Arch gas, • 50" m. A re h 1—Cockshat "30" gas. COMBINES 2--M-F Super "92" Combines. 1—M-F "300" gas combine, I . year old. 1--MF "410" gas, CORN PICKERS 1—New Idea 2-row mounted with husking bed and s he) lee. 1--New Idea No. "6""2-row corn picker. HALLMAN SILOS Slab type or poured concrete. See VAN. DALE for the best in Silo Unlbacisrs, and Mink 'Feed- ers, Versatile Swathers and Grain Augers. Johnston Tractor Cabs—$225 Bennett Blades GEORGE WRAITH Your M-F and Neel dealer Goderich " Phone 524-6511 or 524-7002 49tfb 3-BEDROOM apartment for rent, unfurnished. Phone 482-6675. 35tfb 'USED FARM -EQUIPMENT 830 Case Tractor Case 400 Tractor ALSO OTHER TRACTORS AND GOOD PLOWS John Deere Corn Planters 2 and 4-Row WISE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, January 6, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wise, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son, APARTMENT for rent;.—newly decorated, centrally located, suitable fod single person or couple. Available now. Call H. C. Lawson at 482-9644. 37tfb McNALL — Passed away at Huronview, Clinton, on Mon- day, January 8, 1968, William C. M. McNeil, Clinton, former- ly Lucknow, in his 71st year. The funeral service will be held from Johnston Funeral Home, Lucknow, at 2 p.m, Thursday, January 11. En- tombment will be in South Kinloss Mausoleum. CARTWRIGHT—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Saturday, January 6, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cartwright, R.R. 1, Londesboro, a daughter. 2tfb STORE SPACE—We have ample unheated storage space •for boats, motors, furniture, etc. Contact Ellwood Epps Sport Shop at 80 King St., Clinton. Phone 482-9622. 38tfb vo•-••••••••••••••••1 TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE for income tax and T4's. Complete record prepara- tion and maintenance.' Phone 482-9260. 2tfn MEYER—In Clinton 'Public Hos- pital, on Monday, January 8, 1968, to Mr. and Mrs. Ole Meyer, Clinton, a son. BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for 1 alone or 2 sharing. Phone 482-7093. 2, 3b N.01.‘%%%%N.S.% WO.* NN 1 .4.%N% %%%%% SA•00.% ....1.00*I.AANN•% HOUSE FOR RENT in Bruce- field., vailable now, Phone 482- 3368. ' 50tfb '0.1.%'004,•0.0..•••% / / / / / / ",00.00.04".•00. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / e / / / / / e / / / / /I / / / / See these at JIM CHALMERS R.R. 2, KIPPEN Phone Seaforth 527-0205 47tfb BOARDERS wanted. Phone 482- 7165. ltfb IV .0.11•11, ARTICLES FOR SALE TREAT YOUR feathered friends to the Special Assortment Of wild bird feed, available at Clin- ton Farm Centre. See also the redwood and disposable feeding stations. N. W. Durst, 482-9333. 2, 3b CUSTOM' WORK / / WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewel- lery. Huron County's Oldest Established Jewellery Store. tfb / / / / / / / / / / aniflif AND SAKI CHILD'S Orlon pile coat, size 5, like new, beige, $8.00. Phone 482-7765, after 6 p.M. 2b SEPTIC TANKS' CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed . Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTR PHONE 527-1406 24tfb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY • AFTERNOON SERVICES ARROW Gasoline and Diesel oil — Valvoline motor oils and greases — delivered to farm — new equipment loatied. cordon Grigg. -Phone 482-9411. EATING and cooking apples, Phone 4824214. Fred McCly- taont and Sens, Var)na. 46tfb DURING OUR ANNUAL STORE-WIDE SALE OP BETTER QUALITY MEN'S WEAR CURTAINS - Draperies - Win- dow Blinds - Venetian Blinds - Bamboo - Drapery Track, Drap- ery Pull Rods. Beady Made Draperies. F re e EStimate§ Given. IRWINS DRY GOODS. 5tfb / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / • / / / /.•••••••••••••••,,AN SACK'S Furniture Repair — Furniture repaired, also general Woodworking and weed tutting tit REAR ,of 84 Albert Street, Clinton. 'Phone 482-9695, 40tfb SUITS -- COATS — SPORT COATS — CASUAL JACKETS SWEATER — SPORT SHIRTS -- WASH PANTS — DRESS PANTS SCARVES DRESS SHIRTS — UNDERWEAR, ETC. 39tfb Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, sales Manager Special in this Week's Sale Hord of 40 regiStered and grade Holstein Cows of Messrs. Glen and Alvin Wise. Due to ill health, Wise Gros. are forced to sell this herd of exceptiOnally good cows. Seine of theSe cows are', in full floW of Milk, ethers to fresheh shortly, PLEASE NOTE: This weekek sale will start at 1:00 p.m. The Witt, herd will sell at 2:30 'p,m. AUCTIONEER and Appilaiser' Licensed and capable in Selling all types of auction sales. Bruce Rathwell, 13rucefield. Phone 482 3384, 7tfb SALE ENDS JANUARY 20 Pickett & Campbell Ltd. MEN'S WEAR Main Corner CLINTON Phone 482-9732 2-Bedroom Apartment DEAD STOCK UNFURNISHED STOVE AND MG SUPPLIED NORTHVIEW APARTMENTS NORTH stREEt CLINTON MARLATT BROS. Will paY %e per lb. on 600 The. and otter for deed:Or theabiede' cows and Mirka Please phone promptly Phone C011ect 133 BruSielt 24-HOUR SERVICE LICENSE 390065 7tfb PHONE 482.9514 eeeeeee•eeeeeNeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeNeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees.eeees.Ae‘e•••