HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-11, Page 3The Clintonian club held its meeting in the Town Hall Jan. 4. The president, Mrs. T. M. Falconer, opened the meeting, with all members repeating the Mary Hastings Housewife's Creed, followed by the Lords prayer in unison. Mrs. Jenny Wise gave the secretary's report, and the treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Frank Cummings. A number of thank-you cards were read for flowers and cards received at Christmas time by shut-ins. It was decided to hold a card ,IMICSIMSSIMICSIMMICSSW611 NOW FOR YOUR 'ENJOYMENT THE CLOUD "9" ROOM AT HOTEL CLINTON ANNOUNCES SING-A-LONG ENTERTAINMENT c / / / P one 82-95 PRESCRIPTIONS1 C Eaton, • ntorio NEWCOMBE Pharmacy Coming Next: "WAR • WAGON" •NN.N.N. ••••••••••• •••••••••••••• INNO4NON S. %Wit.% NONN04% GARRETT'S SHOE STORE 4th Anniversary Sale Starts Today — Thursday, January 11. to January 31 ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR REDUCED IN PRICE LIMITED QUANTITY OF SEALSKIN BOOTS 20% OFF LADIES' COCKTAIL SHOES 20% OFF BROKEN LINK; — DR. NILSSON SHOES — 25% OFF LADIES' AND MEN'S CURLING BOOTS — 20% OFF BARGAINS IN MANY OTHER LINES OF FOOTWEAR MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES 10% OFF GARRETT'S SHOE STORE Clinton No • • S.S. NNNNONN"%•••• N.N.%••••••• 144, ¤ ¤ / / / ¤ / ¤ ¤ / / / / / / / / / / / / / This stately old home, built in 1877 by Dr. Ninian M. 'Woods in Bayfield, was described at a meeting of the Bayfield Historical Society, The house, now occupied by Mrs. Anna Howard, granddaughter of Dr. Woods, was constructed of bricks from Bayfield kilns, SINCE 1877 VARIETY OF HOMEMADE BREADS BOSTON CREME AND CHERRY BOSTON PIES CREME PUFFS BANANA PRALINE 1 Culbert s B v,ery GODERICH THE. HOME OF TASTY PASTRY . The large cellar of the house is divided into rooms and was originally intended as servants quarters. The ground floor and upstairs rooms are large wind. owed, high-ceilinged rooms with walk in closets. It is suprisingly modern considering its 90 years of occupancy?' Two fire- places are included and there are soft pine floors through. out the house. Two staircases with prettily carvedbannisters, and a winding stair to the third floor add to theupstairs charm. The old wood furnace has long since given way to modern heat- Mg equipment and water in the taps which has replaced the out. side pump which still does its duty watering the horses and flower beds in the summer. The house, summer kitchen and woodshed are joined to the barn by a, tunnel-like structure. sheltering those going banward from the chilling winds of winter. Dr. Woods lived in his new home, which he named "Orlagh" for, seven years and the house hasbeen occupied by his descendants ever since. •• W:%: centennial year was a most successful year for Hayfield Hockey Club. Last spring we had pleaspre in reporting their success when they emerged as champions of Central Huron Hockey League, Although the Centennial is now a thing of the past, the Centennial spirit is not dead among hockey enthusiasts in Hayfield. Since the opening of the 1967-68 season the 13ayfield team has played 10 games of which tfiey have won nine and tied one. At the' moment one major pro. blern confronts them - lack of funds. However, a bingo slated for January 19 is announced in this weeks "Coming Events," This years Club consists of: Manager, Dan Weston; coach, Cliff Kennedy, finance, Russ Kerr; captain, Don Johnston, and Wayne Dupee, Walter Orr, Don Gore, Stan Telford, Lorne Merner ' Don Lindsay, Doug Telford, Terry McClinchey, George Telford, Carl Hum. phries, Bud Robinson, Randy McClinchey, Brian Koene and Robbie MacVean. F 0 R $1 • ""i3liZIMICS‘ %%N.N.N. %%%%%% %•••••• % %%%% %%N. %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% •••••••••••• N.N.NON•N, 111111 FOOD BARGAIN OREN WEEKEND SPECIALS For JANUARY 11, 12, 13, 1968 at lUvw budget prices MORTON'S — 8-0Z. PKG. CORDON BLUE — 7-0Z. TIN Boneless Chicken 37c CANNED VEGETABLES 3 R 35c RED ROSE KETA 1-LB. TIN SUPER SAVE KETA SALMON 65c DONUTS 2. DOZ. 49c, / / ¤ / / ¤ / / / / / / / / ¤ / / / ¤ / / / / / Members of Bayfield. Village Council after taking the oath of office this week are (left to right): R. Snell, H. Baker, Reeve F. McFadden, J. Sturgeori and M. Merner. Historical Society Meets To develop Bayfield history Mrs. E. W. 0 ddleifson presid. ed at the January meeting of the Bayfield branch of the Huron Historical Society at the Little Inn on Monday evening. There were 21 persons present. Annual fees were receivedby Mrs.. Roy Poth, chairman of the mernbership committee for the Huron County Historical Society. An invitation was ex. tended to everyone in the village interested in historical re. search to attend the February 12 meeting. Officers elected for 1968 were: Chairman, Mrs. A. R. Morton. Secretary, Mrs. Harry Baker, Treasurer, Mrs: Robert Blair. • A vote of thanks to the re. tiring chairman, Mrs. E. W. Oddleifson, for her outstand. ing leadership, duringwhich the group increased from eleven to forty-nine members was extend. ed by Brig. F. A. Clift. Brig. Clift presented the pro, gram planning committee re. port, which included twenty topics for the development of the history of Bayfield one of the topics, a history of old, er houses .was begun with a description of the lovely old home built by the late Dr. Ninian M. -WoOds'` in '1877, which" is now occupied AN-44'0"A ••••-- daughter, Mrs. Anna" Howard. in the village, on which now Dr. Woods, a graduate of stands the present house. The Trinity College, Dublin, mi. house built with bricks from the grated to this country from Ire. Bayfield kilns was built by a land around 1850, first settling , Mr. Campbell of Goderich. The on the property now known as , woodwork also came from God- Marseille, where he lived in erich and Johnny Pollock and three other dwellings con. Robert Johnston dug out the eel.. strutted of logs ano later of lar. After two years of prepar- frame. ation and building Dr. Woods and In the early 1870s he ac- his family moved in on Feb. glared the eleven acre property ruary 1, 1877. Clintonian Club to hold card party tatitstSt ait Inaugural council meeting The inaugural meeting of Bay. field Council was held Monday January 8, The Reeve and four coun. cillors were sworn in by the village clerk-treasurer Mrs. Phylis Maloney. Reeve McFadden welcomed the four councillors, Robert Snell, Merton Merner, Harry Baker and Jack Sturgeon and said that he looked forward to a rewarding year. Speaking in particular to the two fledgling members, he told them that they are now in the public eye and jokingly added- "you will even get blamed for the weather". But on the other hand he promised that the work would be fascinating and that they would enjoy their term of office. A letter of approval from the Ontario Municipal Board was read in respect of Bylaw 36/67- The Holding and Zoning Bylaw previously reported, Committee's struck were: Property and Finance, Coun.. cillor Baker-Chairman, Coun. cillor Merner - Assistant. Public Works, Councillor Mer. ner, Chairman, Councillor , Baker .Assistant. Health„and, Welfare and Protection, ,Connt. cillor Snell- Chairrhan, Coun. cillor Sturgeon - Assistant, Parks, Harbour, Beaches and Street Lighting, Councillor Sturgeon-Chairman, Councillor Macaroni & Cheese 2 R 3 9c SUPREME BRAND — 2-LB. BAG Kernel CORN 2 Produce ONTARIO FANCY GRADE — SPYS ,OR MACINTOSH APPLES 5 LBS. 49c GROCERIES ROBIN HOOD — 5-LB. QUICK OR 72-0Z, INSTANT OATMEAL 73c KRAFT — 18.0Z. CRUNCHY OR SMOOTH Peanut Buttei 47 c ZIP — 15-02. TINS F YORK CHOICE — 19-0Z. TIN Bartlett Pears 2 %%%%%%%%%% NO.04N.S•••••••••••••••••• %%%%%%%% tike 4 . Do. W'. ,aorn,A ' rneneeci his duties as ass1sts ant to the. nianagerief.th0 Lon- don 1-104Pii?r, APttiorlY• - S. N.qh• / / ;/ ¤ JANUARY 15th THROUGH JANUARY 20th / Mineral Oil, 8 oz., reg. .46 Toni Home Perm ' Mineral Oil, 40 oz., rag, 1.29 Cod Liver Oil Caps, KO's Reg. 1.19 -- Sale 1,07 Analgesic Ear Drops, Reg. 1.09 — Sale .88 Milk Magnesia, 20 oz. Special .69 Sale 1.14 Sale .40 Reg. 2.00 -,-, Sale 1.34 - ; , Reg. 1,09 -- Sale t ,.79 . e Reg. 1,19 *-- Sale `.83 '. ' / Bayer Aspirin 100's / ASA Tablets, 100's / Reg-91 — Sale .63 / Crest Tooth Paste .. , ,:r Special ,54 Brylcreme .e / e ASA Tablets 500's Poly Mulsion, 16 oz. Special .88 , Spec 3.19 Agarol, 16 oz., reg. 1.45 Hair Spray, 11 oz. Sale .97 Special .69 ' MANY MORE ITEMS ON SALE Watch for your handbill in the mail You could win $100.00 Shopper's Spree %%%%% Nt.%•••• %N.NN.•%N. %%%%% %%NN %%%%%% ••••••• PARK GT.HEDATificE ON THE ERH SQUARE I FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT — Entertainment Is. Our Business SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT Starts Today , THURSDAY, JAN. 11th thru to 'WEDNESDAY, JAN. 17th' —iv. Y. DAILY NEWS "STEVE •McQUEEN AT HIS :NSW -/v.): TIMES "* * **" - qiivia eiuo:,. PEBBLES SAND i. AN ARGYLE•SOLAR PRODUCTIONS PICTURE •• FILMED IN PANATIRN•k COLOR BY DELUXE . . ir ADMISSION PRICES: Adults $1.25; Students $1.00; Children 50c , ONE SHOW EACH NIGHT at 8.00 P.M. NO PASSES (ADULT' ENTERTAINMENT) ' vBrit ;Tiii-- Sr;-vie Time: ,SATURDAYIMATINEE Dog 2.30 of ' ' CARTOON 'Flan —,:-.Januarrl3th:,\. t vi'1-in ti ., ..i;3i1 z.'c),.,» ers , Children 35c COOKED HAM LB. WIENERS 2 LBS. 'CHICKEN LEGS LB. FRESH SIDE PORK LB. FRESH STEAKS LB. CUBED STEWING BEEF LB. MAZOLA — (DEAL PACK) — 32-0Z. 85c party January 18 in the Town • Hall. Mrs. Hartley Managhan won the Mystery prize. The next regular meeting of the club will be held in the Town Hall, February 1 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Russell Colclough and Mrs Joe Carter are to donate articles for a dutch auction. The meeting closed,, after which a few games of cards were enjoyed. By the end of this year Bay. field. Arena should, haVe arti;it final ice, meanwhile skating is good, thanks to the recent coici weather which pushed tempera tures to zero and below. Donations toward the ceriven! sion to artifical ice and the new auditoritim are still coming in: Gordon F. Kurtz, $10; lit, Rev. Monsignor Bourdeau, $100; Ken Brandon, $50; Anonymous, $100, This brings Bayfield Corn. munity Centre Fund total to $9,875.54 reports the finance committee chairman. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ander. son and family of St. Maryp, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon, on Sunday. * * * Mrs. Elmer Sheardown, God. erich and -Mrs. Rene illard of St. Thomas, were guests of Mrs. Paul Cleave for several days last week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. E merson Heard returned at the weekend from spending the past 10 days in London with Mr. and Mrs. Her. bert Kirkham. • Snell- Assistant. Recreation, Councillor Merner-Chairman, Councillor Snell- Assistant. The Reeve then gave instruc. tion on committee members re.. sponsibilities and duties. Councillor Snell asked if the village paid for the pioneer Park lighting which is on night and day. He was assured that the Pioneer Park Association pays the full cost of these lights, Councillor Baker asked if council will allow young people to use, the municipal building for meetings in addition to the Brownies and Cubs who use it already. Council reappointed George Bellchamber to represent them on the board of C.D.C.I, Council discussed the pro. blem of motor vehicles parked on streets and so impeding snow plowing. They agreed to request the public to co-operate by park. ing only on their own property. A Bylaw 35/68 was passed setting Feb. 14 as date of the vote on the liquor question. Councillor Sturgeon asked for inforination on eligibility to vote.,onsthe 1sgae.lHerwas..told: bYr ents only are eligible- Council expressed the hope that all questions relating to the vote on Feb. 14 wouldbedealtwithby the village clerk, Mrs, Maloney. Clinton News-.13.0cer0,:Therscjay,.' January nth, .1900 • Hecent .visitors with Mrs. .10„ Dewar and Mrs, W. ,.motgot were Mr. and Mrs,:payicipewar of Torent9, NVEMLIGIMMILVICSCICIMICICICIMS. •• Quality 8,Service / • / / / / 98c 79c 55c 45c 69c 65c CORN • OIL DOG FOOD 10 99c HOME 20.OZ' BOTTLE CATSUP 2 °F 63c 73 c DELMONTE — 14-0Z. GREEN BEANS, WAX BEANS, EAS/CARROTS, CREAM CORN N.N.NN.N.N.••••••••••••••••••%N.N.••••••••••\\N•NO.VNNN.N