HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1968-01-04, Page 9Auburn and District, MRS. WO BRADNOCK--Conespowant Phone $2645.95 Wedding / 482-7302 e • 55 ALBERT ST. Clinton ,News-Record, Thursday, .lanuary 4th. 1968 DOES WARMAY KEEP NV HURON a LET US DO YOUR LAUNDRY 154 Beech St., Clinton' (Near Drive-In Theatre) OPEN TE: E1R2 Y N00AOTNU RDAY MORNING 10 A.M. ' FRPHEEODNPEIELCIK4i:U2RP:4A9NIID •••• %%%%% •• •••• • • • • • •• • • • ••• •••• • • • ••••••••••? ATTENTION' KNITTERS WE ARE SELLING OUT OUR Wool Stock / AT / / BIG SAVINGS COME — SEE — SAVE AT CLINTON'S KNITTING CENTRE •••••••• %%%%% ••••••••••••••••••••NNNNS/ / / / / / / / / Candelebra. and PoinaettaS decorated 0._19, NY.Inghani united' Church Sat4Ciayt December 16th for the wedding of Bonnie Rath* *tighter PI Mr, and Mrs. Thomas 4.01ardin and. F/0 Peter Haynes Armour of P4getvillp, Quebec, .40.11 of Mr, encl Mrs.. James W. Armour of Waterloo. Rey, C. NI, 44.rdine . officiated and Miss Iva Mai Smith was the organist. The hride. was given in mar. riage by her father. .She wore a formal sleeveless 'gown of fine silk velvet, pughtly, 4. Line with a square cut neckline, Her floor. length madeira lace Veil fell from a .high white velvet Clew opatra. ,headpieee, She carried poinsettias, and white car. nations, Miss Mary Lillow of Blue. Rudy Petzke, well known and highly respected citizen of Hen. sail died in Seuth llurOn Hos. pital* Exeter, Monday January 1, Hp was in his 64th year. Mr. Petzkewho formerly con. ducted an egg grading station here for, some• years, leaves his wife the Sormer Taearl Lei• bold, two daughters Mrs. John (Edna) Atkinson, ofHolmesville Mrs: Wayne (Marlene) Smith,' liensall; his mother Mrs. Lydia Petzke; Waterloo; two brothers Edward, Clarkson; Walter, Kitchener; .three sin- ters, Mrs. E. (Freda) Hebei, Mrs. Walter '(Lify) Nier earth, Mrs. Elmore (Edna) Litt, Kit. chener, seven grandchildren. Public funeral service was held from Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, January 3rd, conducted by Rev. A. E. Black. well. Interment in Hensall Union Cemetery. Mrs. R. S. Hopkins of Green. castle, Indiana spent the holi.. day with her sister Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hillier and family of Chatham, visited Mrs. ARMOUR - .JARC.IN . vale maid. of honor and Miss Judy Armour of Waterloo, ter .the groom, Bridesmaid, wore identical flew length. ,p onwas of.' dark green velvet e A. style line style With. ,d44 green velvet QW.Patr4 pieces. They were white gloves and carried red and white carnatiens. Best man was VC Tecl.Kaglr pr, zalc of •Bagotyille and -the ushers were the bride's brothers, .Ilarell- • 44014 of Winhe,it. and Lyman of Fre* sricton, N.H.• • . The home of the bride's par. Silts w.0 decorated in a Christ, mas theme for the reception,. quests attended fromKitchener- waterioo, London, Hespeler, Bagotville, Auburn, Sudbury* Guelph .and Wiogho,m, The HENSALL H. McMurtrie during the past Week, * * Bob Caldwell, president df Hensall Kinsmen Club under... went surgery to his right Shoul- der in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Wednesday. Bob was riding a Snowmobile and was turning a corner in Hensel' when the vehicle hit a rut on -the side of the road, tipped over and threw him against the sidewalk dislocating a bone in his shoulder. * * * Pat . Joynt, 11* son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Joynt, is a pa. bride's mother chose a_ green and Sillier treCade dre'Ss with white and,silver aceeeseriee and a corsage of reci. and White carnations, The gror m/s Mother wore an olive green French Silk two.piece knit suit with accessories to match. Her Cer.sage• was To4dedY4110W Par. natiens. The young couple left on a wedding trip to California and will travel up the wept coast to Comox, P.P. on Vancouver Island where they will reside, For travelling, the bride chose a white tweed walking suit with hat to match, white kid gloves and brown leather bag and gloves. The bride is the grand. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Ham Straughan • and is well. ' known in this district. tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, with a fractured left leg suffered in a skiing ac. cident Boxing Day at Clinton. * * * Mrs. Robert Reaburn has been appointed secretary-trea.i surer of the Hensall Community Memorial Park Hoard. and the Hensall Recreation committee. to replace P, L. McNaughton who recently resigned., * * * Len Purdy of Henson was the winner of a portable transistor radio in a draw Saturday at Hensall TV and Appliances. Clinton Memorial Shop, T. PRYDE and' SON CLINTON — EXETER' — SEAFORTH Phone 482-7211 Open Every Afternoon Local,• Representative A. W. STEEP — 482-6642 4uburn's first Hairdressing Saloa was opened a week agoby Mtse Jannett E. Dobie in the former Eiradnock barber shop. Miss Dobie graduated in 1964 from the K. & W. School of Hairdressing in Kitchener. Following her graduation she accepted a PoeitionatVernialVe Leone's Hair Stylist, Torento. Miss Dobie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Dobie and is Wel4 known in this community We welcome her back and wish her every success in her new shOP. * * * Congratulations are extended to a former resident of this village, Allan~ R. Glasgowhas' accepted a position in the Land survey Department of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests , as an.Air Photo - Interpreter recently. He is a graduate of BeamsvilleDistrict Seeondary school and the University of Waterloo. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glasgow of Beameville who was bank manager here for several years and Larry attended the `Auburn Public School. * * Lucky winners at Thomas Johnston's hardware store were.Transistor radio. Mr. J. Van Aalst, R.R. 3, Auburn. Stainless steel mixing bowls.- Mrs. JohnSeers. Boxes of Choc. olates-Robert Arthur andBrian Craig. The tickets were dra7 by Miss Jayne Arthur. * * * Mrs. Nellie Coleman of Bow River Alberta is visiting friends in the village. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• %%%%% •• •••••••••••••••• CUT INCOME TAX AND SAVE FOR RE TIREWIEta AT THE SAME TIME • You gain in two ways with a Sterling Trusts Retirement Savings Plan. Payments made before February 29th,1968 can be claimed as a deduction against 1967 IncoMe a it' s a greatway to build retirement income and reduce-your income, tax at the saMe time. Get the details. Fill outtbe coupon. Toronto Barrie Orillia The Sterling Trusts Corporation 372 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario. I CITY PROV Please send me information on Retirement Savings Plan. I. NAME ADDRESS JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE ORIGINALLY SOLD THIS SEASON FOR' 70.00 to 185.00 Shop early and choose from imported woollen cloths in interesting textures. You will find tweeds and soft plaids included. A large number of these coats have luxurious fur collari. In this sale we have included fur-like coats of Borg, Persotta, Simotta, Astrakan and seeral others. As usual a very good selection both size and colours. COATS $49 to $139 ORIGINALLY SOLD FOR .. . • p ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• • • ••••••• ...1••••••••• %%%%% VeuMs txd to • Ast .1%kttSAttit b% BACKED BY RESEARCH AT MASTER FEEDS FARM 450 lbs. 40% Concentrate 1000 lbs, Corn or Corn and Cob Meal 550 lbs. Oats and/or Barley 2000 lbs. 16% Dairy Ration 2000 lbs. 16% Dairy Ration' 300 lbs. 40% Concentrate $50 lbs. Oats 650 lbs. Barley 2000 lbs. 16% Dairy Ration Mix Master 40% Dairy Concentrate and harne.grown grain for maximum profit! Aiwa, thee owe/ H • F. Wettlaufer Feed Mill Master 40% Dairy Concentrate for those with abundant grain 3 suggested formulas 400 lbs. 40% Concentrate 800 lbs. torn or Corn and Cot) Meal 800 lbs. Oats and/or Barley 35 MARY S'TREET—CLINTON — PHONE 482.9792-;- ••••••••••• / / / • / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / MLM r, HATS THE ENTIRE STOCK OF OUR FALL AND WINTER HATS ARE NOW PRI10ED AT . . '/z PRICE The SHOPPE • GODERICH Holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs.,Andrew Kirkcennell were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake, Faye and Mary Anne of BrUsselsr.•Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kirlcconnell, Don, Ron' and Greg of Goderich and Miss Diane Kirliconnel of Goderich. * # ,* Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse and Elizabeth visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver And. erson and Miss Nancy and his aunt, Mrs. Edgar Lawson. * * Mr. and Mrs. Albert MoFar. lane were recent guests with ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hamlyn of Lambeth. * * * Miss Shirley Watkins of Lon. desboro visited last week with her friend Miss 8heron Collins. * * * Mr. Andrew Kirkconnell viss ited recently with his sister, Mrs, Jack Snelling, Mr. Snell. ing and family at Port Col. borne. Hew as accompanied by Mr. Harry •Webster who visited his brother* Mr. Roy Webster, Mrs. Webster and family at. Stevensville. • * * Mr. Benson Walters of Tor- onto is spending the holiday with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Grange and Jennifer andShelley * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hernbly at Atwood. * * * Miss Jean Campbell of Sea. forth visited last week with her friend Miss Betty Moss. Mr. Jim Bennett of Port Al. Bert anent the holidays with his aunt, Mrs. Wes 13radnock, Sharon and. Oeorge. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and. Mrs. Elsie Eustace spent the week-end in the village. * * * 'Friends of Mrs. Nelson Hill of Goderich are sorry to learn that she is a patient in Goderich hosi...ltal with a fractured leg. We wish her a speedy recovery, * * * Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kai of Oakville spent the New 'Year's holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson, * * Misses Brenda Ball, Brenda Archamba.ult and Jennifer Grange, Mr. Alan McDougall and Mr. Ed. Haines attended the Toc Alpha convention at Niagara Falls this past week. * * * Miss Susie Latimer of Oak- ville visited for a few days With Mrs. Bert Craig. * * * Mr. and Mrs. HaroldKitchen and family of Hamilton spent the holiday with her father, Mr. J. J. Robertson. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Grant Raithby, Tommy, Grant, Susan, Joey and Mary Jane of Collingwood spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.aithby and John. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ziler ar.d John of Detroit nd Mrs. bella Gardner of Benmiller vis• ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott and family. ORIGINALLY PRICED AT 25.00 to 55.00 A large selection of these smart and useful coats including many of the most wanted styles and colours. Ski types, shOrt, 74 and full length coats included. Regular collars and hooded styles. Plaids, corduroys and suedella in the group. CAR and SPORT COATS DRESSES SWEATERS SUITS 40.00 to 155.00 Choose your new suit from a selection of walking suits, knits, tweed, textured woollens and many others. Some of these coats with beautiful fur collars. 25 to $119 ORIGINALLY PRICED $18.00 to $60.00 No matter what your taste or the color you are looking for we are sure you will find one in this group. It is a large group and sizes are S to 2/34. 15=535 $13 $39 ORIGINALLY PRICED $10 to $26 It doesn't matter what style or type of sweater you are looking for, you will find if included in this large group. All of the styles and colors are the very latest. $7 t0:17