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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-12-18, Page 13
Named Top Horse Prince Adios, owned by Grant Hodgins and driven by Clint Hodgins of Clandeboye, has been named Canadian Horse of the Tear by a leading racing publica tion. Prince Adios, is 56 starts won 26, second in 12, third in 11, and also won the Canadian Cup Race. As a harness horse driver, Clint Hodgins ranks third with earnings of $228,340. Granton W, M. S. Mrs. T, Gunning was hostess the December meeting of United Church W.M.S, with attendance of 12 members. Mrs. W. Rodd and had charge of were ; service Miss O Mrs, ing on ings were given by Mrs. Nichol and Mrs. B. Hanson. A solo by Mrs, R. Hardie preceded the election of officers conducted by Mrs. M, McCrady. Mrs. the i in T, i assisted by Mrs. I, Cook. N. Gunning Stewardship, Presentation A number of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tinka and family met at the Swamp School to do honor to them before 'their departure to Woodstock. Homer Hardy acted as chairman. Taking part in the program were Elisamae Elliott, Evelyn Parker, Helen Bennett, Mrs. Wesley McGuffin, Marion Parkinson, Ed Parker, Shirley Bilyea, Gloria Parker, Mary Ben nett, Verna Marshall and Ed Parker. An address was by Neil Parkinson and '•the sentation made by Harold J inson and Wilfred Bilyea. Page 1>. ToPS'“popsof Mr. and Mrs. Floyd l, W. Nichol program and the worship Gunning and THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER.!#, 1952 Lucan And District News (nee car-joint installation to be Exeter December 29 the gave a read- other read- Lodge A.F. and A.M., Friday night, December COPR, 1053, KINO FEATURES SYNDICATE, Int Personal Items Mr. Don Blair, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Blair. On Tuesday, December 9, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett re ceived word they have a new granddaughter in Chatham born to Mr. and Mrs.. J. Graham Audrey Haskett). Mrs. Annie Fairless, who been visiting in Stratford, Mrs. i read : pre- Park- Teen Town News Two new members have been added to the Teen Town Com mittee by the Entertainment Committee of the Lucan and ■Community Memorial Centre — Miss Muriel Carling and Mr. Harold Whyte. The Teen Town will be held in the Community Centre Tues day evening, December 23, with the Rev. Mr. Wagland in charge. Every teenager«>within reach*1 of Lucan is welcome. Miss Angela Armitt of the University of Western Ontario will be on hand on January 9 for the “Jamboree” under the sponsorship of Teen Town. ( yep—he TO SELL THE FARM r AND MOVE INTO <-7 TOWN OH, HE WANTS 1 TO GET A JOB WHERE HE CAN MAKE A LOT OF MONEY Farm Forum The Revere Forum met at the home Dykes where the subject for dis cussion was “Neighborly spirit changes with times. Do modern communities need a centre?’’ Mrs. Gowan played several numbers which were followed by a sing-song. The topic of the next meeting to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, will be “Building for Peace.’’ opanceBi® COULD YOU FACE IT ALONE? Joint Installation District Deputy Grand Master, the Right Worshipful Brother, J. F. Adamson, of Stratford, made his official visit to 154 Irving Lucan, 12. At a held in _____ _______ _ __ following Lucan officers will be installed: W.M., Ray Elson; J.P.M., Wor, Bro..Clarence Hac kett; S.W., G. H. Paul; J.W., Robert Murray; Chaplain D, E, Chown: Sec- J. C. Murdy; D.C. J. R. Mjirray; treas- Stanley; S.D., C. B. , C. P. Corbett; Big Draw Aids Arena But No Prizes Go To Lucan As your husband’s chief beneficiary, would you know how to handle the administration of his estate? Inexperience in such matters can be expen sive and cause untold worry. A sympathetic and experienced Estate Officer of The Sterling Trusts Corporation will be happy to discuss matters with you and your husband. Such an interview could be the answer to your future peace of mind. had was called home owing to the death of Mrs. Ensley Hodgins. Bill Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Dixon, has signed a contract to play for the Brook lyn Dodgers as catcher, Chicken-pox is still in the village., The A.Y.P.A. deanery which was to have been Monday had to be postponed ow ing to the’ big hockey game with Canadiens at the Community Centre. It will be held in the parish hall Wednesday, Decem ber 17. The Happy Hostess Club held their last meeting till after Christmas at the home of Mrs. Frank Hovey. Most of the "time was spent in making Achievement Day. Mrs. Evon Hodgins Oscar Hodgins were for an eight-table euchre at the Coursey School on Friday night, December 12. The prize winners were Tom Coursey and Mrs. George Hodgins, Mrs. C. Haggar and Donald O’Neil. Hostesses for the next euchre will be Mrs. Stokes and Mrs. Harvey Hod gins. . , Mrs. O. C. Lillie, of Birming ham, Mich.-, is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. C. E. Haskett, .and family. Dr. J. E. Gilbert (nee celebrated their fifty-fifth wed ding anniversary in Seattle re cently. The second of a series of afternoon teas for Christmas shoppers was staged by the Unit ed Church W.M.S. in the hydro shop Saturday afternoon and drew a good crowd. Mrs. William Sceli spent last weekend in St. Marys, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pea cock. Friday guests with Mr. Mrs. John Thomson were and Mrs. James Earle and latter’s mother, Mrs. Gunning. Mrs. John Blair was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Susie Andrew, of London, on Thursday. Mrs. Harry don, and Mr. Corbett, of the Warden’s December 11. hett were gi Mrs. Harold weekend. Over 20 little girls gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett to help cele brate Nancy’s sixth birthday IVJonday, December 15. rampant meeting held on plans for The second big draw spon sored by the Campaign Commit tee of the Lucan Community Memorial Centre in aid of ^th® Arena Fund was held Tuesday, December 9. As usual the village of Lucan most generous and keptwas none of the prizes for its citi zens. ..................... lucky winners. Beatrice Graham, of Watford, $1,000; C. H. Smith, Blenheim, $500; I. Bridges, R.R. 1, Lucan, $300; Gerald Charlton, Alisa Craig, refrigerator; Mrs. L, H. Guest,- R.R. 3, - Ilderton, radio and record player; T. C. Ballan- tyne, R.R. 3, Stratford,. power lawn mower; George James, Lon don, vacuum cleaner; H. Pat-' ridge, Strathroy, cedar chest; L o r n e Derbyshire, Clandeboye, mix master; Lloyd Wolfe, Strat ford, chest of silver; N. Grove line, Pt. Colborne, toaster. Preceding the draw was a hoc key game and turkey bingo. At the former, Lucan Irish Six went down to defeat against Il derton. At the latter, eleven tur keys will grace eleven Christmas tables on Christmas Day. The following were the Christmas Services ■Christmas services at Holy Trinity Church will be a carol service at 11 p.m. Christmas eve," followed by a communion service. On Christmas Day at 8 a.m. there will be a communion service for those unable to tend Wednesday evening. at- a Warden*s Banquet Draws Large Crowd Thursday, December 11 was gala night in Lucan’s Community Memorial' Centre when seats were at a premium for the an nual banquet of County Warden, bett. T. L. Patrick, duced the guest Middlesex Harold Cor- Clandeboye W.l. Makes Donations The Christmas theme was ried throughout the December meeting of the Clandeboye W.l. held at the home of Mrs. Arnold Blake. The Nativity story was read by Mrs. David Henry. White gift donations amount ing to $8 were received and sent to the Tuberculosis Veterans Sec tion at the Byron Sanitorium. It was -decided to give $10 which would sponsor one hour’s prac tice for the Figure Skating Club at the Lucan Arena. Three dol lars was voted to be sent to the War Memorial Children’s Hospi tal, London. Several Christmas carols were sung, followed by a demonstra tion on Christmas gift wrapping by Mrs. Clarence Hardy. Mrs. Hardy distributed pamphlets de scribing gift wrapping and the making of bows. She demonstrat ed several of these and showed samples of wallpaper suitable for gift wrapping. Mrs. Louis Kil mer sang. A Christmas paper, presented by Mrs. George Simpson, told the origin of Christmas, many of the old symbols and tradi tions, and also the origin of Santa Claus. Contest was won by Mrs. J. H. Paton. At the close of the meeting the hostess and com mittee, Mrs. E. and Mrs. A. Hendrie served re freshments. - . Hillcrest Farm Forum The Hillcrest Farm Forum met on Monday evening at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Herbert. The groups felt the United States offers a hope for peace with the organizations as F.A.O. and the U.N.E.S.C.O. If hunger and poverty are the real causes for war, the Can adian farmer is doing his part to provide food. It would need great supervision to distribute to the needy. World government is the only hope for a lasting peace. Some thought- Canada was helping, working with others but that an international police force with power to arrest leaders in their own countries and try criminals was needed. Christmas gifts changed. The children bags of candy from the hostess. Personal Items Congratulations to Mr. Lome Derbyshire, who won a radio in the draw at the Lucan Conimun- ity Centre last week. Mrs. Omar Cunningham able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNaugh ton and Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Hendrie spent Sunday with_ Mr. and Mrs. Bill ham. Miss Mary spent Sunday Mr. .and Mrs. Mervin Carter. The Rev. Canon C. C. Simpson, of Orangville, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simp son and Mrs. E. Tomes and fam ily. Mrs, patient Mr. pupils of Clandeboye School have set the date for their Christmas concert December 30 in the eve ning. Mr. Wigley, of London, is in charge of the music. Marrs School Section No. 4 will have their Christmas con cert at Brinsley School on Fri day, December 18. Mrs. Watson is the teacher. Congratulations to Mr. Ward Hodgins and sons-whose Holstein cow, “High Point Patty Su preme”, won the certificate for long time production at .the Hol stein banquet recently. A service with Holy Commun- S.W.,H. Paul; Wor. Wor. Wor. urer, Culbert; J.D., C. P. J. G.., H. A, Chown; S. S., K. Carter; J. S., A. McLean; organ ist, R. Parkinson; Tyler, Wor. Bro., C. G. Carter. Bro., Bro., Bro., U. F. ion will be at 10 o'clock at St. James’ Church Christmas Day with the rector, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, in charge. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAP OFFICE 372 Bay St, Toronto BRANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop St, Barrio IF you Feel them as 14, i on Downing, of Chat- Immediate Lon- IN YOUR LOCALITY William FOR For prompt attention call *> OF CANADA Carter, of London, with her parents, of the Harold • MONTREAL • WINDSOR and Mrs. hostesses read by 'Mrs., Percy followed by the Study a Christmas reading one given by the council to its Chief Magistrate, Corbett, father 19 52 warden, of Lucan. and Mr. the Frank Gilbert and Mrs. Estelle Abbott) were ex received Sunday, Decenj^erattended Thursday, Mrs. Cor- Mr. and’ for the or any office of Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Lewis, Mrs. M. Lewis RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer Ilcneall, Ontario, Phone 51 Charlie .Elson is still a in St. Joseph’s Hospital. McDonald, teacher, and ©ALL- W.A. You cantqo AIL-OUT These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today’s tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get% out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, . disturbed rest, that “tired-out” heavy- headed feeling often follow. That’s the. time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd’s Kidney Pills at any drug counter. service” Estate Planning and Wills Investment Man a gement sand Advisory Service 334% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings deposits may be mailed GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY TORONTO OTTAWA NIAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY CALGARY • VANCOUVER • Atkinson, of Lon- and Mrs. Hamilton Toronto, banquet Mr. and ;uests of Corbett Granton Guild & W.A. The Granton Guild and meeting was held in the church parlors with a splendid attend ance. Mrs. Beatson, president of the W.A., presided. The Scrip ture was Armitage, Book and by Mrs. K. I-Iodgins. The following are the officers for 1953: Honorary president, Mrs. Griffin; past presient, Mrs. J. Beatson; president, Mrs. Ken neth Hodgins; vice-president, Mrs. A. J. Clatworthy; secretary, Mrs. Percy Hodgins; treasurer, Mrs. John Gollings; pianist, Mrs. R. Clatworthy. . The officers for the are: Honorary president, Griffin; president, Mrs. German ; vice-president, Ross Clatworthy; secretary, F. J. Crouch; assistant, Harold Carter; treasurer, A. J. Clatworthy; Sunshine venor, Mrs. Norman Hodgins. The rector closed the meet ing with prayer. Mrs. A. J. Clat worthy and Mrs. F. J. Crouch served refreshments. Guild Mrs. A. C. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. con- M.L.A., intro- ____ __ „___ speaker, J. D. Slillar, Deputy Minister of the Department of Highways. Chair man for the evening was W. A. Sutherland. Speakers included W. K. Rid dell; warden, Harvey Johnston; Huron County Warden, Harold Cosens; Perth County reeve, Fred Dobbs; Biddulph, Harry White, M.P., Harry Allen, M.L.A., Robert McCubbin, M.P., Thomas Pryde, M.L.A., Mayor Rush, of London; ex-warden Hugh Mc- Eachren; Reeve, Freeman Hod gins, McGillivray; Don Chown, Lucan. The Rev. J. F’. Wagland, of the Anglican Church, said" grace and entertainment was provided by Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, James and Anna Orr, Marion and Eileen Morton and Miss Helen McEwen. All spoke most highly of Mr. Corbett’s long career in munici pal life, a career not yet over as he has 'been recently elected to a two-year term on the Lucan P.U.C. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Corbett were each present ed with a piece of luggage from the county council and a purse of money from local officials and frfends. Mg hi Baptismal The following parents z had their babies christened at the United Church by the Rev. E. M. Cook on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coursey, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kew, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hern, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McRoberts, Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Neil. School Concert A cantata “In Christmas Land’’ was presented to a large audience at S.S. 5 Biddulph with Gordon Rathburn acting as chairman.Other numbers on the.program included solos by Bobby Hardie, Cheryl Dann, Dorothy Newby; piano solos by 'Anna Westman, Ross Gregory, Bobby Hardie, Verla Bowman, Dennis Newby; recitations by Margie Jean Eagan, Verla Bowman and Mar ion Moore. A violin number by Rilla Gowan and a duet by Dorothy- Newby and Ann Hardie ended the program. Cooke-Westman A marriage was, solemnized at St. Matthew’s Church London, by Canon A. A. Trumper when Ber nice, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Westman, of R.R. 3, Granton, became the bride of Robert Roy Cooke, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooke, London. The bride wore a pale blue corded taffetta dress trimmed with seed pearls. Mrs. James Zelinski, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing navy blue taffeta. James Zelinski attended the groom. Following a reception, the bride donned, a winter white coat with brown accessories for a honeymoon trip. The couple will reside in don upon their return. On . . il Keith O’Neil received his League of Loyalty button while Gladys Bond, Anne Marie Murdy, Mar garet Qulbert, Frank Philip Wagland were on the honor completed their second series five consecutive Sundays church. Rose Wilkinson, Egan, Pat Egan and enrolled roll for having of at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steed man, of Granton, celebrated their fifty-ninth anniversary on Satur day and Mrs. don. was man, daughter, Mrs. (Jean), and Mr. Axtell, ten .grandchildren and three great grandchildren. at the home of their son daughter-in-law, Mr. and Robert Steedman, of Lon- Present at the gathering another son, Richard Steed- and Mrs. Steedman, and a Clifford Axtell Mr. Axtell, 50-Year-Old Scroll Presented To Warden On Wednesday, December 10, an old custom was revived by the Middlesex County Council with the presentation of an illuminated scroll to the retiring warden. But in this instance the scroll was more than 50 years old. It was the of 1896 William retiring Corbett, —On motion of Reeve Goddard, of London township, it was decided to resume the practice. Accordingly, the pre sent warden will receive a testi monial of his own, testifying to his outstanding qualities^,’ just as did the one presented to his father. *‘I really appreciate that gentlemen” said Mr. Corbett. “This is something that will remain in a family as a source of# pride for generations.” /row yoUR ROE FEED DEALER.