HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-12-18, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1952 H. J. CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchel* 294 DUNDAS ST.LONDON, ONT. FOR YOUR Christmas or New Year’s You can buy an automatic selective phonograph , used juke box’! for A* 100 and up. New records may be obtained in lots of 100 for $25. Johnny Reiher PHONE 302 EXETER { These used juke boxes are ideal for rec rooms, Legions, private clubs, or church basements, etc. Ji No one has ever imagined a pen that actually drinks in its own ink supply with­ out dunking the point. This amazing new invention ends messy filling, dripping, wip­ ing. And the magic Filling tube retracts when the pen is filled. See our beautiful selection of new Sheaffer's TM* pens with the ’'SNORKEL" — priced from only $15.00. Come in and test it. Choose for your gift list now! wowi” gsux liat kas a (ike lids! NS#**5 ANDERSON’S PHONE 37 EXETER 4.' ! I' t, i I >1 ■ All Lit Up But Not Like a Christmas Tree Christmas is a time of gaiety in the home. We 'dix-ervly hope that such is the casein yours. We wouldn’t put a damper on your anything hut we would like to remind" yon les *.nes s circuited by the tree trimmings, a cigarette, or candle can cause a fire that could be prevented. spirits for that care­ can spoil your Christmas. A bulb short- a Here Are Some Tips: I <Af 4. e. 6. s. 9. 10. 11. 12. I Hensail And District News Bo"li"3 District President 'Children Entertained ;Hensa II WJ. Speaker *By Kippen East WJ i The Christinas meeting of the ! Women’s Institute was held in the Legion rooms Wednesday, J December 10. Mrs. W. Brown was hostess assisted by Mrs. F. ; Beer. Members answered the roll call with a donation to the Lon- j Christinas, con War Memorial Children’s j. Hospital. The total reached over $22. Miss Gladys Luker, serre- . The rary. expressed sincere thanks to the ladies for their visits, cards. letters flowers, and treats received while in Clinton Hos­ pital. The Institute gift was a lovely silver vase presented by Mrs. F. Beer during her illness. Mrs. H. Horton and Mrs. E. Norminton were appointed to bceure gifts for Mrs. R. A. Orr and her son Jim. who are both ill in London hospitals. Guest speaker, Mrs. K. Johns. Wood­ ham. distri, t president for South Huron, was introduced by Mrs. Heer. Mrs Johns addressed the group speaking on "Footprints in the W.L" $he >aid that now ' is a good time to begin to be better members. "Let us taka stock of ourst-Ives." she said, . "What do you get out of rhe Institute? What do yon put imo it? Sell your Institute to your neiahbors. Use your power of in­ fluence to spread good will." For the p- played a Glenn gave *■ 1 The Christmas* meeting of j Kippen East Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. 'Bell Wednesday. December 1“. Children of pre-school age were special guests. The motto. Vhrist- i! mas carols and the origin of were taken liy Mrs. Henderson and roll call was answered with a Christmas verse, collection taken at this meeting will be forwarded to the Children’s Aid Society at Gode­ rich. The Christinas story was pre­ sented. by Mrs. A. McGregor. Caldwell gave 1 igh- I.ondon Area Con- W. Kyle and Mrs. rendered a Total McNaughton gave Mrs. W. lights of the vent ion. Mrs. J. Henderson duett. Bobby a reading. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot directed contests. Members ex­ changed gifts and gifts were presented io the children by Santa Clans. ■ ' Report From Kippen By MBS. A, GACKSTETTER possible. hazard. Do not it cannot block Do no* bring your tree into the house until a few days before Christmas. Get it outside afterwards, as soon as The larger the tree, the greater the buy a larger one than you need. Stand the tree in water. Place tree so that standing or fallen exists. Place tree as far as possible from radiators and fire­ places. Check your strings of lights. Do- not connect too many strings of lights to one cir­ cuit. Do not allow electric bulbs to touch tree branches. Use only fireproof decorations. No not allow children to play near the tree with elec­ tric toys or with clockwork toys which spark. Turn off the tree lights when you leave the room. NEVER leave tree lights on when out. Leave nothing to chance — fire may leave you nothing!or Trust Yon Phone: Office 24 Res m-j Will Have A Merry, Fire-Safe Christmas ograni, Carol Brown piano solo. Mrs J. ’ a reading, assisted by Mrs. Reohoi singing carols with Maja Roahol at the piano. Christmas carol sinning was di­ rected by Mrs. T. Sherritt Miss G. ’ Lammie at the : Solo parts were taken by G. Hess. Mrs. A. Shirray. W. O. Goodwin. Mrs. Haun tributed a vocal sole. : wit’.: piano. • Mrs. . Mrs. con- Fairbairn-Van Alstine Miss Mary Van Alstine, daugh­ ter e* Mr and Mrs. James Van Alstine, was united in marriagt to Mr Rally Fairbairn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fairbairn, of AVell- wood. Ontario. The ’»ride wore blue suit wi: h grey a , e e s s a r i e s. Mrs. Pt-r y We’-.st-er. matron of ht«:xer. *A»»re a grey suit with blue ar - es- scries. A re» t-prion was held at rhe home of the bride’s pareirs. e Mr. and Mrs, Fairbairn will reside at Hensall. ! Personal Items! Mrs. T. Kyle, of Clinton, |visited Saturday with Mr. and ! Mrs. Emerson Kyle.| Mr. Andrew Bell is slowly im» 'j proving in St. Joseph's Hospital, jLondon, where he recently | underwent an operation. j Mr. Robert Thomson is con­ fined to St. Joseph’s Hospital in • London. Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, spent an evening last week with her mother. Mrs. J. MeClymout. whizz Bangs Mr. Lome McBride - relatives in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Guelph, were weekend the latter's parents. Mrs. j. Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. John spent a day last week with relatives in Clinton. Mrs. turned ' Miss „ visited . Continued from Page 5 1635 (233) and Murray Brintnell sthe losers with 654 (239). Applejacks 4, Spare Parts 3 ! The Applejacks managed to : edge the Spare Parts 4-3 in some ; close games on Monday night— ! 1,124-1,078, 1,014-922 and lost lihe last one 970-1,153. Ed Con- ;rad again topped the Spare ;Parts, this time with 675 (245). ; Howard Holtzman rolled 5 j (220) for the winners. ! MEN’S LEAGUE STANDING Spares .. Butchers Huskers Rural Rollers Big Six Keglers is Visiting hlaroons .. Smith, of > Windmills guests of’Strikes .... Mr. and ~ ~ Cochrane John Alexander has ve­ to her home. Ann Tait, of Sunday evening and Mrs. Ross Love. Mrs. < Rev.» McLeod guest speaker party of last week. The Sunday men: will he crew’s United evening. S^nta Bayfield, with Mr. was the g the Christmas the W.M.S. in Hensall Spare Parts Applejacks . ; Pinpoppers Short Circuits ; Tradesmen Panthers .. Elect New Fidel’s ( Four new elders. Messrs. Har- « old Hell. Percy Campbell, Archie " ’■ Hoggarth and Roehus Faber, re- •tently elected to the Eldership 1 by the congregation of Carmel ' ■ Presbyterian Church, were or- j dained to that office at the Suu- J day morning service. Rev. John IB. Fox conducted the service, 1 At a meeting of the Session ; that same afternoon, the new ; elders were officially welcomed by the minister. The presenta­ tion of a new leather edition of i the Bible, in the new Revised ' Standard version, was made to Mr. George Tinney, former mem- 1 ber of the session, in recognition faithful service as a mem- Violet ' ker of the session and as sup-r- Carmel W.M.S. G roup Holds Installation The Women’s Missionary So­ ciety of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the church school­ room Thursday afternoon, De­ cember 11 at 3 p.m. The meet­ ing was arranged by Mrs. C. S. 1 Hudson and Mrs. 5V. R. Bell. ‘ The meditation of the psalm was taken by Mrs. G. Walker, Mrs. A. Logan, Mrs. J. Forrest, 5 Mrs. Bell. Mrs. R. McLaren. Miss Dora Alair and Miss \ iviv*. .. r . . . , . ~ ,Hyde. Visits to the sick and the ^un<iay School. j shut-ins were reported and sec- ” ^r‘ Tinney now resides m retaries’ reports presented. Mrs. ter- B. Edwards. Mrs. A. Logan and j Mrs. G. Walker were named on’... — a committee to look after sChristmas Concert Christmas treats :or the shut- ins. Guest speaker, Rev. J. B. Fox. -chose for his message, "Steering by the Stars," relating how the Scientific Swedish Massage Mineral Baths * Steam Baths 9 A.M. * 9 P.M. -r- Men or Women KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH (House Calls Out of Town) , Call London 2-4772 - . NATIONAL HEALTH STUDIO 332 Central Avp., London Phone 2-4772 (Appointment Only) IN EXETER CALL 68-M Parcels of Any Kind Elmer Will is Delivery Service FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT » The ;under < Nicol. choral j Sunday evening, December 21. Hensail Ladies Choir the direction of J. L. A.C.C.O. will present a service in the town hall S, hod entertain-h’c, held in St. An- A Church Monday > • j will appear. S.S. 2 Tuckersmith Holds Concert The teachers and pupils of No. 2 Tuekersinith Christmas convert evening last. It was well ed and §23 was realized. McLeod Drills, lions by program Miss Gwen Kennedy, the teacher. The Norris orchestra favored with musical numbers. Santa appeared with a well- paden pack for the kiddies. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. J and Donna, of Mrs. Jack held their on Tuesday attend- Rev. N. was chairman. dialogues and the pupils made under the direction of yjgre Shirts, Station Coats, Sox, Ties recita- a good Donald Rigby Blenheim; Mi. Traquair and Hensail, visited Mr. and Mrs. ’> and Ruth Anne, of ■ last week with Stewart McQueen and Mr. and „ Mrs. Harry Snell. Exe- j Miss Minnie Reid left Friday to spend the winter months in * Florida. LAC Donald Hedden, of the h RCAF Station, Whitehorse, Yu- u kon. who is home on a leave the , spent a few days last week on his grandmother, Mrs. C an apprecia- Hedden and Herb. Glenn Bell Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mrs. Wen- Queen left on Wednesday for St. the choral«Petersburg, Fla. _ ____ . carols : Pereentior*; popular seasonal songs. * He . ------------- “ ’ The Christmas concert at White School was presented ; Friday afternoon to ___ __live audience. Mr. Wise Men were guided by the acted as chairman. . stars, and we should have the 1 dorf accompanied ’ upward look. He divided his talk Christmas story, ’into three parts. 1 ’Purpose and Perseverance. later installed the new officers. ? tlons. Officers ; The officers , -- r - — .— — -------------— ...........-; President, Mrs. C. Hudson: vice- ‘ traditional Chopsticks. Solosjnnd Brownies. Brown Owl, Mrs. presidents, Mrs. G. Walker and ' ~ ” Mrs. J. Paterson; secretary, treasurer, D. McEwan; supply Miss M. Reid: flower Miss 5*. Hyde: wel- welfare. Mrs. J. W. Glad Tidings, Mrs. J, Paterson; Mrs. R. V. McLaren; Mrs. A. ’secretary, ‘ secretary. come and 'Eonthron; ' B. Edwards; literature an! lib- Hom? J. A. Doua- Reid: Mission Band leader. Mrs. Har­ vey Hyde. • rary. Mrs. J. Forrest: - Helpers secretary, Mrs. 4 Paterson; pianist. Mrs. M. all, assistant. Miss M. Chiselhurst W.M.S. _ The Women’s Missionary So- ,-L ' Chisel hurst United <■ I Here Is A Timely Pre-Christmas Reduction On Well-Known Lines Of And Many Other Gift Items This Christinas finds us with an unusually heavy stock, so in preparation for stock-taking we’ve decided to Mark Prices Down choral«Petersburg, Fla., where they and’! will spend the winter months. 5 The Brownies Christmas party The program included reeks- f was held .Saturday in the Guide >ns, single and unison, an jj rooms at the arena. Peggy God- '’acrostic, a drill, a comedy skit, idard and Carol Brown were en- are as follow^* ia couple of folk dan es and the’rolled and are now full fledged . „ . . _ - • -- j duets were rendered by Elsie i F. Backwell, was present for the Damm, Annie Branderhurst. Bob j event. Clark. Marion Bell and Katie 3 Damm. The junior j assisted with several j* and the senior Grebes:I combination n u nt b e : ’Pepper was pianist for the or-i!P ^chestra and Marion Bell played JI The event is sponsored by the j, j for the folk-dance. {(Chamber cf Commerce and Hen- ;■ Ji As the children finished sing- $53a“.„ °f Canadian j ing *'Whn is eominu on Christ- ^Lega-on. ' ” a n>f 1 ells j semt-e will be oh-- 'of jl£-rTe<2 -a £-• Paul’s Anglican ;b-;.-. | Church Sunday morning. Decern-' '■“Ater 21 at 10:15 a.m. { Mr, and Mrs. Harold Shepherd • of Ter tote spent 'I with the latter’s Smillie. and Mrs. and Katie 3 The annual Christmas party tythm band'Tor the children of Hensall and numbers'! community will be held Satur-= ra gave a. day. December 26 at 2 p.m. ’ r. Marian (jChildren will receive gifts and al deture show in the town haft. I Ties Abbey Bark Lane $1.00 and $1.50 (Boxed) White Shirts Van Heusen Arrow McGregor $3.95 Plain and French Cuffs And Pull overs Just Arrived! Ansel and Knit-To-Fit in Beautifully Designed $5.95 to $8.95 Chris: 'mas night." a jinsle of i.: announced the time of arrival ; Santa Clans who distributed ' j gifts. The School Board gave j each pupil and pre-Svh ■: cd --’mid : a treat of candy and Mrs. Sitnp- . son received a beautiful set •d ’ costume jewellery fr.em the Mach interest was ; shown in the handicraft disfAy w c -.a i 'aster vr the and f Cnureh met in the church school- | children. ‘ room Tuesday afternoon. Decern- ’_____ „„„ ___ ; her 9 for their Christmas meet- of weaving. copper tool * ' St’1-* Vms* ~ -______iJ-.r <*! _______»____ .....- . . .. * ___ 1 ing. Mrs. .Harold Parker presided , and Scripture readings were given by Mrs. T. Brintnell. Mrs. , R. Taylor. Jr., Mrs. W. Brint- ; sell and Mrs. W. Martin. M: Glenn gave a t ; carving and card and ; models. These were made ’ parents. Mrs. Wend o r ; Santa. iL... -7T7----- the weekend : mother, Mrs:i with : ’James i' Mr. 5 visited j and ’ Mrs. Mrs. visiied mother. Mrs. Ida Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harvey. •< of MonMcm. were recent visitors , with their stn-in-law and daugh- < ter. Mr. and Mrs. All Scholl and Garry. '• ,, 7£*ai Mrs. Letitia gangster, of Lon-r Over j« visiting with her son-in- h Frank recently with daughter-in-law. Stanley Beane. Nelson. oi this week Beane, their Mr. Pyjamas Warm, Thick Yaina Flannelette $4.95 __-------------- M. Martin. Mr^. CI------ a Christmas reading j assisted by Mrs. Ruobol, of Hen J White Gift Service for the' The annual White Gift 'vice was observed in the United-; present- Church Sunday evening wi‘ • sail, who was soloist ■: Christmas hymns. Mrs. John Glenn was ______ _______ _____________ .. Led with a life membership and jSurge congregation present. > ! pin. The address was read by I §300 in cash and clothing was and ^daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ... lighting Bla'-kwell, , —. acail ju^xxiouc.-. Hannah 1 Gladys Luker. Roll call was ’ Pepper. Marlene Richardsen. ; answered with a Bible verse bv • Puith Alexander; Cecil Penner, 25 members. , Ken Tuckey, Ron Rowe'iffe and t Mrs. J. Ferguson will he in •; the junior choir. During this charge of the hale for Korea ! presentation the Misses Jean an i ; which will be packed in the near ! Ruth Soldan, Lois Henders-tn future. It was decided toj send:,and Shirley Flynn provided a hexes along each line for fees. 1 quartette. Mrs. R. Brcderi'-k les. were . j axe a juji * a-.ij 2nd African. Charles Mickle: The junior choir was taken by Mrs. B.«under the direction of Mr. S. G. •Rannie and Miss Greta Lammie ’rendered several selections. Mar­ garet and Carol Smiille brought . in receptacles in which gifts were ■[ deposited. Rev. W. J. Rogers—'.“*7^ presided. Mr. J. F. Blackwell i! aM pronounced the benediction. Chiselhurst United Church was the setting for the White Gift Service Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. with Rev. W. J. Rogers in charge. "Legend of Cathay'’ was given by Mrs. P*. Boyce. L jwis wees ion F'loriaa wnere m jxue&uuy evening, uecemoer a, ; ‘ Spend the Winter months,following a. lengthy illness. The ’ ■ " * " “ ' (former Hannah Ortwein, she . was a daughter of the late Mr. l”3onC^eiUs «son-in-law ! - Mrs. T. Brintnell. The presents-| received for Korean Relie: | lion was made by the president, ’ing part in the candie-1 ’; Thank-you notes were read from ' exercises were J. F. I" f H. Jacobi, T. W. Wren and Miss;Misses Jean McAHister. i Gladys Luker. Roll call i ! Ser- Sold an, Lois Shirley _Flynn provided ............... — ------------------- 1A.. R. and collections are to be brought y sang a solo. Bible readings 1 in to the January meeting. The J given by Ted Nerminton new study ’“Along ? * - : - - - L- r-'-u.-.-.-.. 1 Trails'* Storeman. Mrs. Roy McDonald presided for the brief meeting of the ,■ Women's Association assisted by ■i-Mrs. C. Coleman. Plans were;; :' discussed for the Christmas I :' party December 23 at which <- ;■ films will be shown in charge! . of Rev. W. J, Rogers. Luncheon I ;iwag served. ------------------------ j jj Dies In U.S.A. Mrs. Robert W. Lohr, of Bos- well, pa., died at her home on '? Tuesday evening, December 9. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. of Hen- Garry. Station Coats Blue, Grey, Brown Sizes 36 to 44 $14.95 ; Len Noakes. s Mrs. L. Parker, of Exetea, spent the past week at the home ■? of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor. Chaplain W. A. Young, of the O.A.C.. Guelph, visited with - friends at Hensall on Friday. ; Miss Minnie Reid and Miss ‘i Fayme Logan, left Friday for Si. 1 Petersburg. Fla., where they will spend the winter months. Miss Kay Bell, of London. ■ spent the weekend at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. '• Stewart Bell. Mr. Erie Reid, of London, was ‘ja resent visitor with his sister '.Mrs. A. L. Case. Mrs. Castle.of London, i: *Roger« 1 Spending a, few days with he: ~ !!zz~ Zz~? and daughter. Mr !]and Mrs. John Alexander. :i Mr. and Mrs-. Robert EHer, o , London, spent the weekend with Si the former’s parents, Mr, and II Mrs. Lome Biter. Sir. James Petty and Miss ■.|Nora Petty, accompanied by Mr. j and Mrs. Robert Dayman, left this week for Florida where they ! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dayman spent the weekend with their t<' ,,AwA"’son-indaw and daushter,R Boyg. IfeSTtata; “rS' E,Si” - - - - i n>onaon.’ Mr. Irvin Willert, who recent- sail, where she resided for rnanv *IiS5t G3adys .Luker, Thomas and Mrs. Howard Moore, of Altoona, Pa.; two brothers, Milton Orlwein, London; -and. Alonzo, of Lexington, Mich.; two ) sisters. Mrs. J. A. Paterson and absence through illness. Mr. Ben } ! IJr underwent? an appendix opera- Stoneman acted as pianist. iQ gL Jog^h,s Hospital. : London, is recuperating and is Mr. a&d Mrs. Gordon Moir, oq ' Chatham, spent the weekend with the former’s parents, Mr. £nd Mrs. Clifford Moir. expected home Ws week. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson visited with relatives at Forest this week. Ankle Sox ioo^c Nylon $1.00 pair All Beautifully Packaged For Boys’ Goats Station Wagons 5 $12.95 Handkerchiefs Special Quality Irish Linens Initialled 750 Plain 350, 3 for $1.00 Parkas $9.95 For Your Christmas And New Year’s Attire Suits Ready for You to Wear Greys. Blues In All the New Styles, Designs and colors Two Pairs Pants Regularly $59.50 SALE $49.00 Top Coats We Have. Grouped Gabardines, Coverts, Venetian Cloths, All Sizes Regularly $35.00 and $29.75 SALE $24.95 GEORGE WRIGHT THE CLOTHIER