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Second Concert
Features Carols
The second Sunday night con
cert in the winter series spon
sored by the Exeter Recreation
Council and the geta Sigma Phi j
Sorority will be held in Caven
Presbyterian Church this Sunday
Mr, Roy Goulding, A.T.C.M.,
of London, and formerly of Ex
eter, will lead in a community
carol service.
On the program, too, will be the Exeter Chorallaires, a sextet’
of ladies led by Miss Kaye Me-1
■Gill who sing with the Huronia
Chorus. Allan Elson will be
guest soloist. Mrs. J. G. Cochrane
will accompany the renditions.
Vehicles Snap
Hydro Poles
During the snow storm
Saturday afternoon, two acci
dents occured on No. 4 highway
south of Exeter. No injuries
were reported and damage
totaled $750.
A ’ ‘ ‘~ ’
gyle, of Goderich, went into a
Lovis McKerlie, of London,
skided at about the same place
•and went into the west ditch
striking a hydro pole. Estimate
•of damage was $350.
The Crediton bridge was the
scene of another accident Sun
day when a car driven by Leo
Quinton, of R.C.A.F. Station,
Centralia, skidded and crashed
head-on into a car driven by
Walter Scott, of Grand Bend.
A car following the Scott car
■and driven by Carmen Wood
burn, of Parkhill, was also in
volved, Damage was estimated
at $500. Constable Cecil Gibbons
investigated the accident.
Eightieth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1952 Single Copy 7£
Hydro Rates Increase 20 Percent
Special Christmas Programs «
Planned By Local Churches
Exeter churches are planning
many special program for the
Christmas season. The Yulttide
celebrations include a pageant,
carol singing, baptism, com
munion and Christmas Day serv
Main St. United Church
The annual Sunday School
concert drew a large number to
Main Street United Church on
Tuesday night.
Mr. Len McKnight, as chair
C. for ,
tire primary classes.
Playlets were enacted by girls
of the junior and senior classes
of the program, intro-
Elmer Ince, who was M.
the numbers presented by
car driven by Gordon Ar-
knocking down a hydro
Damage was estimated- at
Sponsored by the Women’s
Auxilary of the South Huron
Hospital a Tag Day for raising
funds will be held Saturday.
HUinUR CHIEF — Police Chief John Norry was honored by town and police officials at
a banquet held in his honor Friday night. The chief was presented with an occasional chair,
a smoker set and a box of cigars by former reeve, B. W. F. Beavers, right. Mayor W. G.
Cochrane, left, was chairman at the banquet. —Jack Doerr, Exeter
Officials Honor Chief Norry
On Friday evening at Monetta
Menard's, members and officials
of the Exeter town council to
gether with a number of friends
honor of
after 22
of 76, is
as town
that it was with mingled feelings
of regret and gladness that we
are about to miss
in uniform as he
faithful servant of
pality. While sorry
services, he was happy
a splendid banquet in
Chief John Norry, who
years, and' at the age
retiring from his duties
W. G. Cochrane stated
Chief Norry
been a
lose his
to think
" A
W. "■?
! y*
: %
RECEIVES WINGS — Air Vice - Marshall C. R. Dunlap,
C.B.E., E.D., presents the coveted pilot’s badge to Flight
Cadet John Cann, of Exeter, at the graduation ceremonies
of the first course of pilot students at 4 Flying Training
School, Calgary, Alberta, Friday, December 5. The class in
cluded two French, three Danish, 15 Canadian, 11 R.A.F.
Present Awards To Students
At Commencement Exercises
Advance sale of tickets for
“Hi Time”, SHDHS commence
ment show, indicates full houses
both nights of the variety per
The colorful program is being
presented Thursday and Friday
Feature of “Hi Time” is its
variety. The program includes
humorous novelties, songs and
dances. Costumes for the num
bers were made by girls in the
Home Economics department.
Members of the school board
will present the awards.' The list
of presentations follows:
Honoi* Graduation Diploma
Donald Denomy, Paul Durand,
Winnifred Field, John Haberer,
Joyce Haugh, William Heywood,
Dorothy Pooley, Glen Schroeder,
Neil Taylor.
Commercial Diplomas,
Diploma, Ida Blanchard, Mar
garet Bray, Betty Johnson, Ger
trude Ziler; certificates, Claud
ette Blowes, Elaine Gill, Labelle
Hill, Orian Stephan, William
Secondary School
Graduation Diploma
iGerard Corriveau, A I m a r i e
Davis, Susan Davis, Irvine Du
charme, Julia Dunlop, Joan
Ellerington, Lois Henderson,
John Hendrick, John Hicks, Pat
Hopper, Alex Love, Maty Mt-
Knight, Dorothy P i n c o m b e ,
Peggy Rowcliffe, Arlene Skinner,
Jean Taylor, Marjorie Taylor,
Margret Thomson, Nancy Tie
man, Margaret Willard, Bill Vail
Wiereh, Joanne Bedard, Shirley
Chapman, Jane Morgan, Theresa
Intermediate Certificates
Anne Alebon, Betty Arm
strong, Mildred Ballantyne, De
lores Bedard, Margaret Blanchard, Betty Blue, Fred Bowers,
Barbara Brintnell, Marioh Brock,
Joan Buxton, Robert Chaffe,
Raymond Corriveau, Jim Dalton,
Edward Deichert, Bruce Dei-
bridge, Mary Elson, Donald Fink-
—Please turn to Page 3
Other Awards
Senior Boys Field Day — John
Student Council president —
John Haberer.
Citizenship — Robert Wade,
Tom Easton, Charles Cowen, Leo
Paul Durand.
Agriculture — Lorie Peder
son, Neil Wildfong, Jean Laven
der, Trudy Pickard.
Special Agricultural Award —
girls, Jean Lavender; boys, Lorie
Student Council Awards
» Bob Wade, John Hicks, Joan
Ellerington, Ken Moir, Marjorie
Taylor, Nancy Tieman, Margaret
Bray, Tom Easton, Joan Taylor,
Joyce Haugh, John Haberer-,
Dorothy Pooley,
Bovs Athletic Awards
WOSSA Volleyball Finalists —
Glen Schroeder, Ken Moir, John
Hicks, .Tim Sturgis, Neil Taylor,
Paul Durand.
Senior Tri-School Basketball
Championshin — Glen Schroe
der, Ken Moir, Don O’Brien,
Ronald Helmrich, John Haberer,
Bob Wade. Don McCurdy, Bruce
Cudmore, Don Adkins.
WOSSA Junior Boys Basket
ball championship—John Hicks,
Gary MPdmton. Jim. Sturgis,
Bill Ynugblut, Bill Batten, Ron
Rowcliffe. Charles Parsons, Rich
ard McFalls, Bob Robertson,
Bev. Heywood.
Tri-School Track Winners
Ted Smith, Jules Desjardine, Joe
Green, John Hicks, Bill Yung-
blut, Don O’Brien, Murray Keys.
Junior Boys Tri-School Track
Championship (silver medal)
Ted Smith.
WOSSA Volleyball Champion-
of him enjoying the declining
years of his life.
He spoke of the first time he
remembered meeting Mr. Norry,
It was on an occasion when Mr.
Norry had raided a poolroom in
Exeter when it was operating
without a license and as a lad
he was arrested as a found-in
and had to appear in court. “It
was one time I met Mr. Norry
when I wish I hadn’t” said the
Helmer Snell, representing the
Provincial Police, stated that in
the twenty years he had known
Chief Norry he had always re
ceived the finest co-operation, no
matter what time of day or what
day. Sooner or later we all look
for retirement and he wished for
John a long life with a measure
of good health to enjoy.
Ex-reeve B. W. F. Beavers, on
behalf,, of the council, made the
presentation of a Lazy-Boy chair,
a smoker set and, a box of cigars
for the Chief to
He stated that
Mr. Norry since
worked with the
our present water system.
he had known
1909 when he
gang installing
Increase Postal Staff
M. W. Pfaff, Exeter post
master, has increased his staff
to handle the Christmas rush,
The assistants are Jim Sturgis,
Jim Cann, Lois Pfaff, Mrs. Helen
Broderick, Rena Murray, and
Mrs. Helen Harris.
While the rush is getting hea
vy, Mr. Pfaff indicated it is not
so concentrated this year as in
former years. With Christmas
coming on a Thursday, instead
of earlier in the week, it extends
the rush period over an extra
Reeves Seek Wardenship
Three reeves will seek the
warden’s chair of Huron County
Council in January.
They include Alvin Kerslake,
who has served as reeve of Hen
sail for the past seven years;
Stanley Snyder, Colbgrne Town
ship, reeve for the past four
years, and Harry Gowdy, newly-
elected reeve of Howick Town
ship, and who sat at County
Council as deputy-reeve for four
ship — Ken Moir, John Hicks,
Don O’Brien, Don Adkins, Jim
Sturgis, Bill Yungblut, Bruce
Cudmore, Bill Batten, Charles
Parsons, Bob Fletcher, Gary
Middleton, Murray Keyes.
Girls Athletic Awards
WOSSA Senior Girls Basket
ball Championship — Claudette
Blowes, M argaret Bray, Julia
•Dunlop, Labelle Hill, Pat Hop
per, Mary McKnight, Dorothy
Pooley, Jean Taylor, Lorna Tay
lor, Marjorie Taylor, Margaret
Thomson, Nancy Tieman, Marion
Wildfong, Margaret Willard,
Jean McAllister.
Junior Girls Basketball Tri-
School Winners — Margaret
Blanshard, Barbara Brintnell,
Mary Campbell, Elaine Hern,
Kathryn Hunter, Mavis Mc
Bride, Trudy Pickard, Jeanette
Schenk, Marilyn Skinner, Ruth
Soldan, Maureen Stewart, Joan
Thomson, Pat Tuckey, Maxine
WOSSA T i’ a c k Champions,
Senior Basketball Speed (new
record) — Julia Dunlop, Pat
J-Iopper, Marjorie Taylor.
Senior softball distance throw,
Jean Taylor.
Senior girls runner-up for
championship —- Jean Taylor.
Tri-School Track Champions—
Senior basketball speed, Julia
Dunlop, Marjorie Taylor, Pat
Hopper; senior Softball speed,
Betty Gascho, Beverly Ravelie;
senior softball distance, Jean
Taylor; intermediate basketball
speed, Marie Hodgson, Katherine
Kalbfleisch, Marlene Richard
son; junior high jump, Dorothy
19 20 Mr. Norry was one of the
leaders in laying the cement
road in Exeter under Contractor
W. Hollingsworth, this being the
first concrete laid on No. 4 high
Following the death of our
chief, the late W. J. Bissett in
1920 while B. M. Francis was
reeve, Mr. Norry was persuaded
to take on ’ '
ethers he
tended best
in a well-earned retirement.
Mr. Norry was visibly/touched
as he expressed his appreciation
of the kindly sentiments and the
splendid gifts. During the years
he had always had excellent co
operation * from - town officials
and from county and provincial
police, “No man has had better
co-operation” he said. He wished
for all a happy and prosperous
New Year.
G,uests present were the for-,
mer reeves now living in Exeter,
B. W. F. Beavers, Tlios. Pryde,
M.L.A., B. W. Tuckey and A. J.
Sweitzer; Provincial Police
Elmef Zimmerman, Cecil Gib
bons, Helmer Snell, Chas. Salter
and Frank Taylor, and night
constable John Cowan.
Previous to the banquet
bouquet of flowers was sent
Mrs. Norry.
this duty along with
had been faithfully
In closing he ex
wishes to Mr. Norry
For Drinking
In County Magistrate’s
Exeter, on Tuesday, Magistrate
Dudley Holmes convicted Wil
liam 'Cole, of Hay township, of
driving while intoxicated and
sentenced him to seven days in
jail, impounded his truck for
three months and took away his
driver’s license for three months.
P.O. T. E. Johnson investigated.
John R. Van Camp, of Bel
grave, whose truck was involved
in an accident near Hensall on
October 17 on No. 4 highway,
was found guilty of careless
driving and fined $10 and costs.
Van Camp’s truck collided
with the rear of a car driven by
Miss Florence Fisher, of London,
as he pulled in behind it, after
passing a bus. Damage to the
car amounted to nearly $300.
Pleads Guilty »
George McLeod, of Hensall,
pleaded guilty to failing to re
main at the scene of an accident
after his car sideswiped one
drive by Margaret Colquhoun, of
Clinton, on November 29. He
was later arrested after his car
ran into a tree near Egmond-
ville. Magistrate Holmes im
posed a fine of $25 and costs
and suspended McLeod’s driver's
IJqgnCg for 60 days.
Laverne Bloomfield was con
victed of improper driving when
he collided with an eastbound
car at the intersection of
ways 4 and S3 and was
$10 and costs.
H. K. Hyndman has ve
to her home from Bright’s
Santa Claus To Preside
At Community Parties
Santa Claus will be coming to
Exeter Monday to take part in
his annual parade for the child
The public school pupils will
be treated to a moving picture,
cartoons and a bag of
things to eat.
At 1 o’clock the rural
ren will parade with
Claus from the south end
The town children will see the
shows at 3 o’clock.
Exeter Legion members, under
the leadership of Peter Durand,
are organizing the party. Cost is
divided among the Legion, Lions
and Kinsmen.
At Hensall Saturday
St. 1
to the
uiayion ivlc
Nick will be at I-Iensall I of the show.
Saturday for the boys and
of that area.
The pupils will meet
town hall at 2 o’clock,
picture show and receive
The party is sponsored
Chamber of Commerce and
Canadian Legion of Hensail.
Packed House
A packed house of over
children greeted Santa at
Grand Bend party Wednesday
afternoon. .The jovial gentleman
distributed treats and supervised
a showing of films.
An extra feature was the per
formance of a magician who
thrilled the youngsters with his
Clayton Mathers was in charge
at the
see a
by ’the
and a pageant of Nativity scenes
by the intermediate girls.
The arrival of Santa Claus
was the highlight of the evening
fQi1 the children.
At the Sunday morning ser
vice, the Rev. A. E. Holley will
speak on the “Significance of
Christ.” The choir will sing three
anthems and the minister will
conduct infant baptism.
In the evening, a pageant,
“Angels From the Realms of
Glory” will be presented in a
candlelight service, arranged by
the senior girls of the church
school. Special music will
elude an anthem and a :
quartette singing »“O
Song Service
A Christmas service in
and story will be held in James
St. United Church on Sunday
morning. Jean and Grant Mc
Donald will sing a duett and
Mrs, M, Cudmore, Mrs. C. Green
and Mrs. P. McFalls. a trio
A pageant, “The Coming of
the King” will be presented at
the evening service with the
junior choir proviing the musi
cal setting,
and Mrs. William Ramore
directing the pageant.
Christinas Communion
The annual carol service
be held at Trivitt Memorial
Church Sunday morning. The
Rev. C. L. Langford will com
ment on the authors and time
the hymns were written.
Communion services will
held on Christmas eve and
8:30 on Christmas day.
Caven Concert
A Christmas program
social evening entertained
day School pupils of Caven
byterian Church Monday night.
Each class contributed a num
A colored film strip, “Christ
mas Around the World,” gave
1 the children an idea of customs
in other lands.
To close the. program, the
senior girls conducted a worship
period and carol singing with
Mrs. J. G. Cochrane at
a On Sunday morning the
gregation and Sunday School1
will meet together for the
Christmas service. There will be
special music by the choir and
the Rev. Donald Sinclair will
speak on the subject, “Where is
the King?”.
The annual Sunday School
concert of Pentecostal Taber
nacle will be held on Tuesday
night, December 23.
Meet Christinas Day
Bethel Reformed Church will
hold Sunday service at 10:30
a.m. i n the Legion Memorial
On Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. the
Christmas party for the Sunday
School will be held.
Christmas morning will find
the members of Bethel congrega
tion meeting together at 10:30
a.m, for a special service.
Hydro rates for the town of
Exeter will Increase about 20%
at tho next billing, P.U.C, Sec
retary Dorothy Davis said this
The hike In rates is made ne
cessary by the recently an
nounced increase in charges to
municipalities by
Electric power
rates would
J. G.
Mrs. James Smith
Christmas Issue
Next Tuesday
Tho Times - Advocate will
publish its annual
edition on Tuesday
so that it will bo
before the holiday.
Correspondents of the paper
are asked to get their budgets
in as soon as possible.
has not
cause of
next week
of tho district news
arrived this week be-
thc heavy rush of tho
hi C."A .
WITH NEW SWITCHBOARD — Pictured in the new Bell
Telephone office with the new common battery switchboard
arc members of the staff. From left to right they are: Mrs.
Ted Ryder, Mrs. Eon Harvey, Betty Mair, Mrs. Garnet Ship
mail, Mrs. Bill Musser, Joyce Willert, Mrs. Harold Holtz
man, Mrs. Fred Tilly, Barbara Wright, Labelle Coward, Mrs,
_____ However, the local area
office has received no definite
word on this increase yet.
The Exeter Commission set the
rates Thursday night at a meet
ing with representatives of the
Consumer Service Department,
London branch, of the H.E.P.C.
The rates have not been offi
cially approved by Toronto yet.
However, this is just a formal
ity, Miss Davis said.
First 60 kilowatt hours per month .......................
Balance of monthly consumption .....................,.....
Minimum gross monthly bill .................................
Service charge per 100 watts ...............................
First 100 hours use per month ...........................
Balance of monthly consumption ...........................
Minimum gross monthly bill ..................................
Service charge per kilowatt per month .............
First 50 hours use of the installed load or maxi-
; mum demand per month per kilowatt ......
Balance of monthly consumption ...........................
The tost of street lighting to the town will
The new increase, which -cP®*
sumer s will find on their next
bill, is the first major one en
forced by the R.U.C. in several ■
decades. There was a slight raise
in rates in 1950. In 1944, the
rates were reduced. The local
charges are among the lowest in
the province.
New cost of power to the town
will be $47.25 per kilowatt per
annum, as compared with the
present charge of $40.90. The
local commission buys its power
from the provincial commission.
Miss Davis said the increase,
besides compensating for the in
creased cost of hydro, will also
provide extra income to meet ris
ing costs of local operation. The
commission was handicapped this
year because of insufficient
This is the comparison of new
rates with the ones presently in
Council Hires Constable,
Re-organizes Police Dept.
Town council decided Monday
night to reorganize the police
department. A plan for division
of duties, submission of reports
and other details will be worked
Under this new organization,
two constables will be engaged
on probation. Present night con
stable John Cowen and Reginald
Taylor will be appointed for
three months and, if services are
satisfactory, for a further three
At the end of this period, a
choice of chief of police will be
Salary for both men will be
' Night Constable John Cowen
has been on the staff for two
years. Reginald Taylor, of Wil
liam street, now employed with
The new
Chief John
the end of
Huron Lumbei* Company,
assume his duties on Jan-
1.constable will replace
Norry, who retires at
•the year.
Decorate Trees
Many citizens of the town are
adding Christmas touches to the
local scenery with gaily lighted
trees and ornaments.
Outstanding is the huge tree
erected by the town on the lib
rary lawn and it with colored
Private residences have Christ
mas lights on outside trees,
trees on lawns and near outdoor
windows. Electric eandl.es and
Santa Clauses are being placed
in the windows.
Christmas Party
Members of the Bell Tele
phone office staff celebrated
Christmas with a dinner party at
Monetta Menard's Tuesday night
this week. After dinner, they all
gathered at the office to ex
change gifts. An entertaining
skit about members of the staff
was arranged and enacted by
Mrs. Lorne Ford, Mrs. Garnet
Shipman and Mrs. H. Holtzman.
I. ♦
Lome Ford, Andrey Coates, Nora Wilds, Mrs. Greta Hod-
; gins, Jessie Barnes, London, district instructor; Doris Ander
son, June Borland, Mary Wells, Mrs. Ray Wtiertli, super
visor* Mrs. Donald Tait was absent when the picture was
taken. The bright spacious office features modern equip
ment, new furniture and a stuff louttge* -—Jack Doerr
Among the applications con-,
•sidered were Walter Person, Rod
ney; Stanley Stephenson, Ayl
mer; B. R, Robinson, Port Al
bert, and E. R. Davis. Hensall.
Need Janitor
Councillor Ralph Bailey re
ported on the meeting with re
presentatives of the Library
Board in regard to caretaking of
the town hall and library,. The
committee was authorized to pre
pare a list of the duties required
and advertise for applications.
Use of council chambers for
Divisional Court was granted for
the winter months. Mr. Noble,
Scott was engaged to build a.
witness box. , .
A building permit was issued
for H. C. Rivers to build a house
on Gidley street.
Request Conveyance
The department of highways:
asked for conveyance of part lot
20, concession 2, in the township
of Usborne in order that the
highway might he widened to 50
feet from centre line of road.
This land constitutes the lane in
to the pumping station on _the
Frayne farm. Clerk C, V.
kard was empowered to sign
required agreement.
Mr. John Campbell relief
ficer, was paid $60
ties for the year.
Empower Committee
for his
At a meeting of council
Wednesday, December 3, council
empowered the Riverview Park
Improvement Committee to make
incidental expenses
securing estimates
Authority was
Women’s Auxiliary
Huron Hospital to
day on Sunday, December 20.
Building permits were issued
to Dr. M. C. Fletcher, addition
to house; and Harold Dignan,
removal of gasoline storage
In reply to a request from the
Exeter District Co-operative for
allowance on business tax, the
council advised that it would
be considered as soon as store
is vacant of stock and no fur
ther sales are being made from
in regard to
of dredging
granted the
to the South
hold a tag
Hensail Feels
Earth Tremor
Residents of Hensall felt a
slight earth tremor in the early
hours of Tuesday morning.
At 12:15, Mrs. E. R. Davis,
wife of Constable Davis, and a
tailoress. was busily engaged in
sewing when the chair she was
sitting on suddenly started to
dance, Windows and doors shook.
Ornaments almost fell off
Constable Davis, who
sleeping, had to get up as
bed whs shaking so much
he stood by the wall which
were also shaking.
The ’quake lasted 10 minutes.
Mrs. Davis, Who came from Eng
land, stated that she had been
through the blitz and had ex
perienced bombings but felt
nothing as weird aS this.
Propose Memorial
Because of the sudden death
of Dr. G. Hi Joso, Bianshard re
presentative o n t h e U p p o r
Thanies Authority, the status of
the pond project completed this
year at Kirkton is heft yet deter
mined. The authority is consider
ing a proposal to make the
Kirktori project a memorial to
Dr. Jose,