HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-12-11, Page 10THE TIMES-AD VO CATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1952 Feminine Facts ’n Fancies A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The TimesAdvocate Groups Bring Early Christmas At County Home Parties Christmas comes early to the residents of the Clinton County Home, Already two local groups have visited them, presenting programs and leaving treats for the holiday season. Twehty-five members of Pride -of Huron Rebekah Lodge with Garnet Hicks as chairman, pre­ sented a program of readings by Mrs- W. Stone, Mrs. E. Steiner and Owen Atkinson. Mr. Earl Campbell played his violin. Mrs. F. Cole played the mouth organ and Garnet Hicks sang to guitar accompaniment. Mrs. W. a+r”,° sang , Stone a duett .accompaniment, and Mrs. 0. Brown in castume. A sing-song with lard at the piano Garnet Hicks, Mrs. N.G., expressed lodge members g1 the Home. Young Adults Entertain On Friday evening, the Young Adults ‘ ~ ‘ United Garnet led a carols with Mary Kerniek at the piano. Musical numbers were given by the Hurondale Ramblers, Car- frey and Pat Cann, Garnet and Marilyn Hicks, Charles and Dorothy Kerslake, Barbara Kerniek, Hicks, Kerslake hers and Dorothy and Marion , Kerslake, ' Readings were given by Linda Mrs. was L. the ;et from visiting E. Wil­ led by Gibson pleasure class of James Street Church visited the home. Hicks was chairman and sing-song of Christmas and old, familiar songs, Kernick Marilyn DorothyPat Cann and sang quartette num­ a duett. POP’S Taxi Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-isS | Alain Street Officers Installed At Special Christmas Meeting The bat is the only. mamm,al that can fly. Dist- the execu- year are C. L. Mrs. Westcott, Mrs. J. Mooney, Ro­ bert Schroeder, Mrs. L. Cush man and Mrs. H. Cole. The class was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, class presidents, upon their return from Clinton. Executive Named To Trivitt WA Mrs. H. B. Bierling ■ to head the Trivitt Church Woman’s Auxiliary the December meeting group. Reports on the work showed that all 1 ments had been met plus of funds handed church. Other tive for honorary Langford; Vernon Heywood and Mrs. L. Hodgins; secretary, Mr§. John Luxton; treasurer, Mrs. Alf An­ drus; Little Helpers secretary, Mrs. Hodgins; convenor of Dor­ cas, Miss McTaggart. Members reported that a large —Please turn to Page 11 was named ; Anglican at of the i year’s eommit- and a sur- over to the members of the coming president, Mrs. vice-presidents, and Mrs. Mr§. * ► fl HOSPITAL AUXILIARY This is the newly-elected executive of riot Hospital Auxiliary. From left to right they are, front row: Airs. C. Airs. L, Taylor, Airs, G. Koch. Airs. K. Johns (president), Airs, ker. Airs. ner. Airs. on Tuesday afternoon. South Huron . S. MacNaughton, _ ,, .J. D. Smith, Mrs. G.‘Zwic- Second row: Mrs. M. Tieman, Mrs. W. Middleton, Mrs. H. Pollen, Miss Al. Brown, V. Heywood, Mrs. H. H. Cowen, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Mrs. R. L. Motz, Mrs. F. J. Mil- Back row: Airs. Ward Hern, Airs. II. Hicks, Airs. J. G. Dunlop, Airs. N. Walper and L. D. Bell. Charter memberships were received at the second general meeting held OoD BITS Caven Circle Fair By B.A. — A Welcome We are fortunate this week because we are able to welcome to our staff a most capable per­ son and your new womens editor, Mrs. E. S. Steiner. We feel our readers are for­ tunate too. She brings with her three years’ experience as one of the best correspondents with the London Free Press as well as experience gained through at tive living in this community. Civic Pride To quote the Free Press, Mrs. Steiner is “the woman who got her job through civic pride”. Just about this time three years ago, ■ she decided that somethin^ should be done to see that Exe­ ter was represented properly in the above-mentioned paper. Her efforts turned into a small boomerang and she found herself faced with a request to write community news herself. Thus her first story, of the hob­ bies of three neighbors, and a continuation of stories about the town she felt deserved more mention. Sound Philosophy As our women’s editor, she has taken another step toward realization of her sound philoso­ phy that one can’t just sit back Please turn to Page 11 Features Santa When Santa opened the doors of W. G. Simmons’ show rooms last Saturday afternoon, the crowd which had been waiting outside soon surrounded attractive baked food table the Caven Christmas fair on! Caven Circle members Gram Says: Favorites the and was By MARJORIE STEINER. At the joint meeting of the W.M.S. and W-A. of Main Street United Church the program was in keeping with the Christmas season. Mrs. E. R. Hopper con­ ducted the devotional period for the W.M.S. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Oscar Tpckey. Others takipg part in the pro­ gram were Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer, who spoke on “Christmas Cus­ toms,” and Mrs. A. Willard, who played an instrumental number. AV.A. Officers The Rev. A. E. Holley install­ ed the officers as follows: Past president, Mrs. J. Ferguson; president, Mrs. E. R. Hopper; vice-presidents, Mrs. Glenn Mc­ Knight and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer; treasurer, Mrs. L. Howey; secre­ tary and press reporter, Mrs. R. E. Russell; pianist, Mrs. A. E. Holley; parsonage committee, Mrs. G. Jaques, Mrs. Sara Balk­ will, Mrs. AV. Ryckmau; committee, Mrs. AAr. Mrs. B. W. Tuckey; ers, Mrs. M. Quance Carter. W.M.S. Officers Honorary president, Airs. G. Layton; president, Mrs. Russell Balkwill; first vice-president, R. E. Russell; secretary, P. Merkley; assistant, Mrs. Porter; treasurer, Mrs. L. flower Martin and group lead- and Mrs. E. Potatoes, if properly stored, should keep 6 to 8 months. The well- early are there are than they bins, late varieties that matured keep better varieties. Whether stored in bags or should be a good circulation of air, and it should be cool and dark. Light speeds up sprouting and also causes greening. A.McKnight; assistant, Mrs.* Campbell; corresponing secre­ tary, Mrs. G. Jaques; Missionary Montly secretary, Mrs. E. Carter; associate helpers, Mrs. L. Mc­ Knight; community friendship secetaries, Mrs. M. Horton aird Mrs. J. AV. Powell. Pianists is Mrs. A. E. Holley; assistant pianist, Mrs. E. R. Hop­ per; Mission Band superintend­ ant, Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer; Baby Band superintendant, Mrs, R. Turnbull; press reporter, Mrs. II- E. Russell; group leaders, Mrs. E. Carter and Mi’s. M. Quance, A congregational supped was served by the W.A. following the meeting and a social evening was enjoyed. s Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (North of Bell Telephone) Naturelle Permanent Waving Lustron ColdL Wave - Open Wedinesday Afternoon Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop Phone 71 Exeter Chisholm Beauty Salon 239 ANNE STREET Specializing In Permanents and Hair Styling PHONE J. J a EVETER >■ Tomi inson s Hairdressing PERMANENTS Machine, Machineless and Cold Wave Personalized, Shaping and Styling MRS. DILKES PHONE 146 s tOLOSH’ Blue Grass Solid Cologne — a perfect tree orna­ ment, or table favour... refreshing Blue Grass Solid Cologne . . . $1.50 Jack Frott Package—a silver- blue surprise package that magically discloses a cake of tangy June Geranium Bath Soap $1.00 Jewelled Perfumair — sheer inspiration for the purse- proud, jewel-topped, in any one of 6 wonderful fragrances . $3.00 “Little gifts” by Elizabeth Arden are gifts of fun and fragrance ... Christmas inspirations that gleam and glisten in their happy wrappings ... to gladden the heart of all who receive them. Twinkle Toes—gay, tinkling, pixie slippers . . . and tucked inside, Elizabeth Arden’s longer-lasting Lipstick and jewelled Perfumair in eitlier Blue Grass Or My Love fragrance ....... $5.00 Sachet*—-fragrance-filled satin pillows . . . for charming remembrance. , . Blue Grass or My Love fragrance, 3 in a box .......... $2.00 Velva Balh MH—perfect for the shower, this palm-fitting terrycloth Mit tightly packed With Soap grains . . . in a gay Christmas wrap . . . .85 Robertson’s Exeter had planned the event for months and now the day had arrived. Tempting pies and cakes, home­ made rolls and Christmas pud­ dings were soon sold out. Nearby tables displayed farm products, vegetables, fowl and eggs. Aprons, dresed dolls and a white elephant table attracted many buyers. Children surrounded the fish pond where Santa himself baitea- the hook. Afternoon tea was served to round out a very complete and interesting Christmas fair. Christmas Theme At James St. WA Christmas was the theme of the James Street W.A. meeting held in the church on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. D. A. Anderson conducted the devotional period. She read the Christmas story from Luke and based her remarks on tht meaning of Christmas. The guest speaker, Mrs. Don­ ald Sinclair, took as her topic, “The Things ' that Belong to Christmas,” the busyness, the happiness and the gifts. Christ­ mas is the climax of the joy of the Christian year when we rejoice in the birth of Christ. “The greatest gift we can re­ ceive is the gift of God’s son, and the greatest gift we»can give is our lives for Him,” Mrs. Sinclair said. Junior Choir Six members of the junior choir, Pat Cann, Jeanette Tay­ lor, Marlene McBride, Helen Jones, Nancy Boyle and Jane Farrow, sang Christmas carols. Michael Farrow played “Cho­ pin’s Nocturne in F Major.” Mrs. H. J. Snell and Mrs. C. Farrow centred candles. Officers The elected president, president, vice - presidents, Coates, Mrs. MacNaughton; tary, Mrs. J. sistant, Mrs. surer, MsI E. Mrs. L. Harvey; secretary, Mrs. assistant, pianist, sistant, comm church Cowen; Mrs. E. tee, porter, gency ■ Elliott; Mrs. F. JT Zurbrigg, M*iss S. S junior choir committee, Farrow; group loaders, H. Jones, Mrs. C. Mrs. W. Witmer. poured tea at a with holly and Named following for Mrs. Mrs. table red Christinas Canadian cakes homes year, to try a are a must at For this sea- any who different cake this in son of the might like recipe to make their year, we are giving you two that have been used ocal women. Christmas Cake For two years Rebekah Lodge has sent a fruit cake to the Odd Fellows’ Home at Barrie as a Christmas treat for those who live there. Mrs. Percy Passmore has made the cake and has given us permission to publish she uses. She gives Mrs. L. Gibson from got it. * Dark Fruit Cake (Mrs. Percy Passmore) successfully by Recipes Pride of Huron lb. 1 lb. butter 1 lb. sugar 2 lbs. large raisins 2 lbs. small raisins iv2 lbs. dates %lb. citron peel %.lb. lemon peel %lb. orange peel i lb. almonds %lb. cherries 1 1 1 1 1 flour cup cooked pineapple cup cherry juice tsp. cinnamon or nutmeg tsp. soda vanilla or lemon or both to flavor Mixed peel, pineapple rings or other fruits may be added if de­ sired. White Fruit Cake (Mrs. A. J. Penhale) 1 cup butter 1% cups white sugar Attractive Gifts (well beaten) hot water flour baking powder vanilla cups tsps, tsps. lb. white raisins orange peel fine cocoanut crushed pineapple green cherries red cherries almonds last three ingredients are to be cut in small pieces. Add small amounts of nutmeg and salt. Bake in slow oven one- and-a-half hours. $5.00 Value Free (No Obligations) FREE PATTERNS AND DESIGNS SHOWN , Buy now and save above amount on your new floor. Only one coupon useable to each customer. Estimates given Free on all Material and Time. Just fill following coupon and mail. F. T. Fowler MITCHELL OR BOX “F”, TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER This Offer Good for 60 Days Only Phone Address the recipe credit to whom she Name When You Buy a COMf IN OR PHONE TODAY VALUE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS This popular Beatty model is now made with a DOUBLE tub, for extra durability and insulation. The inner tub is stainless steel. Just like your table flatware—won't chip, scratch or stain. Has the farfiDus Beatty "Human Hand" washing action—gets a tubful of clothes clean in 6 minutes. GIVES YOU A COMPLETE LAUNDRY OUTFIT You get the $99.50 Beatty Space Saver Ironer In Ex­ change for your old washer... when you buy the new Beatty Stainless Steel Washer. We’ll Give You This Ironer in exchange for your old washer You can sit down to iron with this wonderful new ironer. You can iron everything in the basket. Do men's shirts quick and easy. Do all your ironing in half the time. Easy to lift and carry-*-keep it anywhere. In Exeter Stores By MARJORIE STEINER The merchants of Exeter have such a complete and attractive selection of gifts for your Christ­ mas giving it will surely be worth your while to get around and make your selections early while stocks are complete. Browsing through the stores I saw gifts any woman on your list would be happy to find under her Christmas tree Nylon seemed to be the popu­ lar material for lingerie, blouses and hosiery. Sweaters in coat or pull-over styles by Grand M^re of Quebec were showh in. all wool or in wool and angora mixtures. They are guaranteed slirink-proof and moth-proof. What woman would hot be thrilled to receive a velvet trim­ med or brocade dress to wear to Christmas and New Year’s par­ ties? Gifts For The Home Gifts for the home include satin cushions, sheets and pil­ low cases in sets, lace table cloths and colored ones. Towels are always a welcome gift and you’ll find them to match any color scheme. For an inexpensive gift a pretty hanky or two gaily wrap­ ped and topped with a colorful Christmas bouquet is a sugges­ tion. Or one of the dainty aprons to which something new has been added —- glazed chintz for pockets and trim. Is there a shut-in on your Christmas list? I’m sure she’d be pleased with a quilted or lace 11 i m m e d bed jacket. —Please turn to page 11 WE'LL TRADE IT 1 FOR. YOUR OLD WASHER j Stainless Steel Washer wereofficers Honorary Snell; Pooley; Whitney Mrs. C. secre- as- trea- assistant, corresponding P. Passmore; Mrs. W. Morley; Mrs. H. L. Sturgis; as- Mi’s. T. Dinney; floral it tee, Mrs. H. Pollen; committee, Mrs. H, parsonage committee, Steiner; visiting commit- Mrs. E. Squire; press re­ Mrs. F. Taylor; emer- committee, ’ Mrs. A. 0. nominating committee, - A. May; auditors, Mrs. “. Southcott, , Mrs. C. . Mrs. J. Farrow and 1953: II. R. Mrs. . Cann, recording A. Traquair; A. Fraser; . Bell; J. E. C. For easy ehtortainlng, feature a. cheese tray. Centre the tray With an eye-catching bright red Gouda, then circle with slices of Canadian Cheddar, Camebort, Blue-vein, Swiss ahd Processed cheese. Add pears, or apples, grapes and crackers. (Consumer Section, Canada Department of Agriculture), Fisher’s Hardware Polishers Ranger RPPLlAnCCS Paint glassware Phone 29 Electrical Appliances Exeter Ont.