The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-12-11, Page 8Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1952 Receive Degree The First Degree Team of Hespeler Lodge I.O.O.F. visited Exeter Lodge 67 Tuesday night and conferred the degree on several candidates. The meeting was held in the Legion Memorial Hall. Lunch was served following the meeting. I FOR SALE FOR SALE GREY GENDRON baby carriage, white trimmed, in perfect condi­ tion; also. English Rally Sports bicycle, 4-speed sprocket. Can be seen anytime, Phone 94 Hensail. 11c LARGE QUEBEC heater; chest of drawers; single bed and springs; daybed and cupboard. Apply Andrew Proctor, Centralia 11c Want-Ads Play Santa All Year Long CHILD’S “THISTLE Major” tractor, used very little, half price. Apply Times-Advocate. 11* ONE PAIR white tube skates, size 6, in good condition, Apply Mrs. W. Darling, Clandeboye, Ont. , 11* FOR SALE FOR SALE LOST EMPLOYMENT WANTED STOCK WANTED FOR SALE—At Brady Cleaners,, man’s fancy grey coat and two pairs pants, size 40; fancy blue suit, size 40; blue pair pants, size 36. Real bargain. 11* TRICYCLES—Two sizes, C.C.M. $15 and $16, also Sunshine tri­ cycle traitors, $5. —W. Martin, Exeter South. 11c YOUNG MAN’S WINTER- SUIT, condition, small for Cleaners, 23tfn GREEN HEAVY winter over­ coat, size 38 or 40, $15. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners, Exeter. Also rangette, $15. Apply Percy McFalls, Exeter, or phone 344- W. 11* BLACK AND brown Terrier pups —6 weeks old. Apply 109 Main Street, Exeter North. i 11c TOPCOAT LOgT—Light colored topcoats exchanged at Legion Hall “ ‘ ‘ ‘ who Glen own. Tuesday night. Will person has wrong coat return it to Fisher and pick up his 11* DUTCH BOY, 16 years old, de­ sires Job of any kind. Apply at Times-Advocate. 11* YOUNG MAN —Seeks part-time work. Any kind, any time. Tele­ phone 459-r-6 Exeter. 4:11:18* I AM IN THE .MARKET for all kinds pf horses, any size, any age. —-Q. J. How, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfc ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-lffc STRAYED from grass farm on Con. 18, Stephen, on or about Deceinber 3, one dark red Dur­ ham heifer (yearling) with horns and brand on left hip. Anyone knowing whereabouts of this animal please notify Mansell Hodgins, R.R. 3, Parkhill, or telephone Grand Bend 36-r-8, * NOTICES HELP WANTED Bend 1952 AUCTION SALES Battery Bargain! Until Christmas! NOTICE TO CREDITORS of WE BEAT EVERY PRICE! exceptionally Aberdeen - Angus Opportunity Sale Monday, December 15 at 1.00 P.M 17 TP. By Roe Farms Service Dept to for January, Feb- Four yearling those been FOR SALE- load for winter M up according suit us before Gardner, phone ALTON JOHNSTON HAROLD JACKSON FOR SALE—McClary range and McClary 9 cubic foot refrigerator used only 4 months. Apply PMQ 210, Algonquin Drive, RCAF sta­ tion Centralia. 11:18c FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* TWO SUNSHINE tricycles, man’s C.C.M. bicycle. Phone 466 Ex­ eter. 11c UNFURNISHED 3-R00M apart­ ment, from January. Phone 26-R Exeter.____________________11c SILVER GREY Gendron baby carriage, in good condition. Tele­ phone 379-W. 11* DUTCH YOUNG man, married, wants work. Willing to do any­ thing. Phone 13-F-ll Exeter. 11c FOR SALE—Viking cream se- parator (800 lbs.) in new con­ dition. No use for it as we send milk. Cheap. Apply Russell Mor­ ley, Exeter 176-12. 11* DUMPING OF ASHES It is illegal to- place ashes on the streets of the Town of Ex­ eter. 4:11c BY ORDER OF COUNCIL WANTED—Reliable man, single, for modern farm. Steady em­ ployment for right man. Must have experience. Apply Box “R", Times-Advocate. 11c WE TAKE orders for dressed turkeys until December 19. Ap­ ply Harry Hay ter, Dashwood, phone 47-r-5. 11:18* FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware. 5-8tfc ONE ROOM heated, for couple or two single women. 240 Main Street. Phone 691-R. ll-27tfc DRESSED GEESE. Apply Mrs. Lloyd Fahrner, Grand Bend, tele­ phone 52-r-13. 11c 1937 PLYMOUTH COUPE, body excellent, tires good, motor fair. Exceptionally cheap. Apply 702 William St., corner of William and John. 11* Village of Grand Bend NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of ‘ STRAYED—From Lot 20, N. T. Road, Hereford steer, approxim­ ately 700 lbs. —James Gardiner, phone 21-r-10 Kirkton. 11* 15-PLATE HEAVY DUTY BATTERY 22, 8 o’clock the pur­ receiving This sale will comprise approximately 35 head of unfitted breeding cattle—a great opportunity for those endeavoring to start in this popular beef breed with a complete selection from Fully Accredited and Calfhood Vaccinated healthy breeding animals. ORDER YOUR Christmas turkey now, buy it the way you like it, dressed or oven ready, fresh or frozen. Apply Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14 Exeter. 11c size 36-8, excellent $15 or best offer. Too owner. Apply Brady phone 136, Exeter. LADY’S BLUE winter coat, size 20, $12.00; lady’s navy suit, size 18, $5.00; also boy’s overcoat, size 18. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 11c Selling in the HAYS SALES ARENA on Highway 5 x/4 Mile West of Trafalgar, Ontario XMAS TREES, wreaths, decorat­ ed canes, table centres, and plants of all kinds, Come in and browse around. Bailey Florists, Exeter, phone 276. 11c THREE - ROOM apartment with bath on main floor. Private en- trance. Phone 300 Exeter or call at 119 Main Street North. 11c COMFORTABLE 4-R00M apart­ ment, with 3-piece bath, hot and cold running water, oil space heater, Phone 7 or 356. 4:11c a-H.P. ELECTRIC motor, three months old. Apply Leo Boyle, Clandeboye, phone ‘99-r-12 Lu­ can. 11c For Every Purpose Only $12.55 Plus Your Old Battery! LOST — Strayed onto Lot 10, Concession 20, Stephen, 1 black and white yearling bull calf. Ap­ ply W. H. Love, R.R. 3, Park­ hill. 11* BACHELOR APARTMENT, suit­ able for two, available now. —J. Ward, uhone 348. 11* FIVE-ROOM cottage, with two bedrooms and modern kitchen, all conveniences. —Phone 10-W. 11c FOR RENT Hockey Electric LINDENFIELDS LTD. Equipment—Skates, Pads, Sticks, Pucks; Trains, Hockey Game LINDENFIELDS LTD Grand Gifts For Everybody Sunbeam Shavemaster, Electric Drill Kit Box, Hobby Gifts, Sporting Equipment Sunbeam Mixmaster, Hundreds of Kitchen She’ll Appreciate EXETER 7/ Automatic Iron or Toaster Time-Savers zW Famous Ski Sets Bauer Figure Skates, Sturdy Toboggans ‘‘YOUR CHRISTMAS HEADQUARTERS Telephone 181 MAIN ST. 4-inch tile by truck delivery, $55 per to distance. Con- buying. -—James 21-r-10 Kirkton. 12-11 (10w)* MISCELLANEOUS CONTACT L. V, HOGARTH for spraying your cattle for lice. Satisfaction guaranteed; prices reasonable. Phone 266. ll-27tfc TWO YOUNG Durham cows, one carrying second calf, due Decem­ ber 15, one with first calf at side, one month old. Apply Gor­ don Pierson, R.R. 2, Dashwood, phone 44-r-9, 14th concession of Stephen. 11c SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. 3-20t'.c WANTED — Housekeeper Com­ panion, good morals, for a re­ fined elderly lady in Egmond- ville — modern and comfortable home. Write Wilbur Keyes, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 4:11”* COOK — Woman to take full charge of cooking for 35-bed hospital. All modern conven­ iences. Apply stating qualifica­ tions, salary and give references. —South Huron" Hospital, Box 251, Exeter, Ont.______27:4:11c BOOKKEEPER—For general of­ fice duty (typing necessary). Apply stating qualifications, sal­ ary and give references. —South Huron Hospital, Box 251, Ex­ eter, .Ont. 27:4:11c WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron Coun­ ty. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Raw- leigh’s ..Dept. ML - L - 202-131, Montreal. 11c DEALERS WANTED: To sell baby chicks and turkey poults for one of Canada’s oldest estab­ lished and largest Canadian Ap­ proved Hatcheries. Liberal com­ mission paid. Feed dealers, farmers, implement dealers, agents for nurseries, cream truck drivers and others, make excel­ lent agents. Send for full de­ tails. Box “T”, Times-Advocate. 11:18c EXPERIENCED GROCERY man, capable of taking charge of large volume department. Dutch Boy Food Market, RCAF Station, Centralia. Box 99 or phone 640- W Exeter. 11c RON WESTMAN’S Canadian Auto Stores WANTED — Married man for steady employment on modern farm. Must be mechanically minded to operate all types of farm machinery. Experience ne­ cessary. Apply Box “R”, Times- Advocate. 11c Hays Farms Limited - Sale Mgrs. Oakville, Ont. Phone: 1308 For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job, bring it to TudoY’s in Hen­ sail and have it cleaned the French Cleaners and delivery on Monday Thursday mornings. way. Pickup and 10-30tfc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood.—*----■— ---------- PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors, —Thos. H. Walker, tele­ phone 553 Exeter. 4-10tfc 6-18:ll-30c RE COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall on the evening of December 13, from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m., and on December 12:00 the 15, from 9; 00 , 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., collecting of taxes. ERIC II. CARSCADDEN Tax Collector 27:4:11c the Village of Grand will be held in the TOWN HALL on MONDAY, DECEMBER between the hours of and 9 o’clock p.m. for pose of making and nominations for One Councillor, and further notice is hereby giv­ en that in the event of more candidates being proposed and qualifying, than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1952 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. in the TOWN HALL and all electors are hereby re­ quested to govern themselves accordingly. HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, Returning Officer EMERY, DES JARDINE, Deputy Returning Officer MRS. LAWRENCE MASON, Poll Clerk FOR RENT — 2-bedroom apart­ ment, living room and kitchen, full basement and bathroom, hot and cold water. Apply Albert Gaiser, Shipka, phone 164-r-14 Dashwood. 10-30tfc AUCTION SALE of Durham Cows and Young Cattle AT LOT 28, CON. 1, TUCKERSMITH TWP, half mile south of Brucefield SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 at 1:30 p.m. HORSES: Grey Per cher on team (aged). CATTLE: Three fresh Durham cows with calves at foot; 1 Dur­ ham cow, due time of sale; 1 Durham cow, due in January; 7 Durham cows due in March and April; 3 Durham heifers, 700 lbs.); 3 Durham spring calves; 3 young calves. » * w PIGS: One York sow, due on January 5; 1 Tam sow. TERMS ‘ PROP.: AUCT.: (Sale due to ill health) REAL ESTATE > REDUCED PRICE family house. It_ has four bedrooms and a par­ ticularly nice living room and dining room. Especially well lo­ cated. Comfortable family accom­ modation at a lower than usual price. Let us show it to you. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, phone 165 Exeter. 9-25tfc REDUCED PRICE modern two- bedroom home at a very reason­ able price. Completely finished inside and out, even to storm windows and screens. The five rooms, all on one floor, are bright and nicely arranged. Fully insulated. Oil - burning furnace. Immediate possession if desired. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-25tfc LUCAN—Main Street North, 7- room modern brick cottage with three lots, recently remodelled, new furnace and 4-piece bath. Apply first house north for key. Douglas Lucas, owner. 11c WE HAVE a number of choice 150- to 300-acre farms, some on highway. See them before snow­ fall. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. ll-20tfc FOR SALE—100 acres of deep loam. Suitable for cash crops or mixed farminir- Cpmfortahla me­dium sized house. Barn with neW stabling and’ silo. Hydro and watei’ pressure. Close to town and school. Liberal terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor. ll-27tfc ■< / 1 1 In the estate of IVAN LAIRD STEWART, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Ivan Laird Stewart, late of the Township of Usborne, in the county of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 1st day of November, 1952, are required to file particulars of same with Messrs. Bell & ’Laughton, Solicitors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of December next after which date the estate ''will be distributed, having regard only to claims of which notice has received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter, Ontario _ Solicitors for the Administratrix 4:11:18c AUCTION SALE Holstein Cows and Heifers from the CLINTON SALES BARN at the south end of Clinton, No. 4 Highway, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13 at 2 p.m. Twenty cows—one man’s en­ tire herd. These ^consist of “5 fresh cows, 3 due time of _sale and balance due “ “ ruary and March. Holstein heifers. These are an good class of dair.y cattle with 5 registered with papers. TERMS: Cash. JOHN WALKER, PROP. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, AUCT. HENSALL—We are offering one of Hensall’s finer residences. It is located in the best residen­ tial district. This comfortable home is particularly well laid out. It has a very attractive liv­ ing room with fireplace and ad­ joining sun room. Three bed­ rooms. Oil heated. Garage. This is an estate property. C. V. Pic­ kard, I*—al tor, Main St., 'Exeter. ll-4tfc TWO-BEDROOM wartime house, newly decorated, with built-in cupboards. Apply 307 Anne St. ll-27efc IN CENTRALIA — Two-bedroom bungalow, conveniences, garage, large lot, small fruits. Apply L. A. Busselle. ll-27tfc In the estate of KATE WELSH, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Kate Welsh, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 12th day of October, 1952, are -required to file particulars. of same with Messrs. Bell & Laughton, Solicit­ ors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of December next after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Exeter? Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 4:11:18c AUCTION SALE of Holstein and Durham* Cows and Holstein Heifers • will be held WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER at 2 p.m. at LOT Is, CON. 1, STANLEY one-half mile south of Brucefield on No. 4 Highway Nine Holstein cows due in December and January; six Hni- -tein cows that are due in Feb­ ruary and March; one Durham cow with calf at foot; one Dur­ ham cow due in February; one Jersey cow due in February; one Durham cow due in Jan­ uary; 4 Holstein heifers one year old. This is a choice lot of young cows. TERMS: Cash. VICTOR HARGREAVES, PROP. HAROLD JACKSON, PROP. NEW HOUSE, 609 Edward St. Red brick front, automatic oil furnace, two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, bath, upstairs unfinished. Will exchange for older house. —R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. ll-20tfe STO11 — If you wish to buy a new red brick home in the beau­ tiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Sanders St. West. 10-23tfc HOUSE WELL situated for schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior,_ first class heat bath upstairs, 2-piece on main floor. < Pearce, Salesman. general condition. Forced oil burner furnace. ■ Full Garage, garden. —W. C. , Realtor, Earl Parsons, 10-16tfe $7,000.00 CASH—We have cli­ ent who is prepared to pay this amount of cash on purchase price of 100-acre farm. Land must be good and buildings at least fair. Level land preferred. If you wish to sell contact C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter, Ont. 10-16tfe HOUSE FOR SALE — Nearing completition in good district on beautifully-treed lot. Two bed­ rooms, living room, modern bath­ room, kitchen-dinette combina­ tion. Anthes - Imperial furnace, automatic controls. —Art Whil- smith, bh. 279-J Exeter. 10-9tfc 3- I3EDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Pos­ session arranged. W. C. Pearce, 4- ROOM insul-bric cottage with room insul brie cottage, with conveniences and furnace, sonably priced for quick sale. Other houses, stores and farms. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman.______9-lltfc 2-STOREY BRICK building on Main Streejt (known as Exeter District Co-Op), Could be used .for stores dr offices on main floor and living apartments sec­ ond floor. Possession at once.-—- Wm. Pearce, Ilealtof, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman. 10-23tfo rea-