HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-12-11, Page 6THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11, 1952 tiPage 6 ■ —— ■ GARAGES Sunday and Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes­ day afternoon, and during tbe evenings throughout the week: SNELL BROS. LTD. Garage n— ... .—-B Personal Items The December meeting of the Men’s Club of the United Church scheduled for Friday, December 5, has been postponed until after Christmas. Mrs. James W. Bell left on Wednesday of this week for Oak­ land, Cal., to spend the winter months with relatives. Mrs. Alda Simmons left Mon­ day for Santa Barbara, Cal,, to spent the winter with relatives. Mrs. A. C. Meidinger has re­ turned home from a five* weeks' trip to the United States bus. She visited relatives Alpeona, Shepherd, Ashley Maple Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Howard Smale had tonsils removed on Friday at Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- Lean and Brian, of Exeter, visit­ ed recently with Mrs, MacLean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mac­ Gregor. Miss Gladys Luker, who re­ cently underwent an operation in Clinton General Hospital, re­ turned to her home last week and has resumed her position as bookkeepei’ at Henderson’s Egg Grading Station. Mr. Irvin Willert underwent an appendix operation in Joseph’s Hospital last week. Mrs. A. L. Case spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. John T. Reid, and brother, Mr. Eric Reid, in London. by at and her St, Scientific Swedish Massage M ineral Baths - Steam Baths 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. — Men or Women KEEP IN GOOD HEALTH (House Calls Out of Town) - Call London 2-4772 - NATIONAL HEALTH STUDIO 332 Central Ave., London — Phone 2-4772 (Appointment Only) Pride and Joy A Pride to Give ... A Joy to Receive a Gift from Tudor’s We have of your life. a grand selection of Gifts for the lady Be sure to your purchases. shop this week and save 10% on all Sale Ends Saturday, December 13 TUDOR’S Hensall LADIES’ WEAR — DRY GOODS Phone 70 W?. Hensail And District News first Sam Hensall Legion Burns Mortgage An $8,000 mortgage on the hall of Hensall Legion No. 468 was burned Wednesday night, December 3, six years after the building was finished. In the ceremonies, the president of the branch, Dougall, and the first president of the branch’s Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. Fred Beer, touched a light­ ed match to the mortgage paper. About 300 persons attended, Branch president, Donald man, was in charge of the monies. The hall is a two-storey building on King Street, contain­ ing an auditorium and kitchen downstairs and a canteen, re­ creation room and lounge up­ stairs. The branch has about 75 members. "* Entertainment w a s provided by Glenna Jones, tap dancer; Len Burt, accordianist; Roy and Doris Head, magicians^ of Lon­ don; and the Paul Shirley, Kirkton. The ment in lunch, in provided Speakers Reeve A. W. Kerslake, Zone Commander George Inglis of Ho- wick Township, and the presi­ dent of the Wingham Legion branch. j Day- cere- brick Bros, and entertain- hall, and hall, were the town the Legion free by the Legion, at the hall included W. Kerslake, To Get New Bed- Mr. Thomas Richardson, a pa- patient at the Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell, for the past two years, and a complete cripple, will receive a new hospital bed from 'Queen Elizabeth, according to word received by Mrs. Mary J. Smith, matron of the home. Mr. Richardson, who will be 67 in January, was born in Eng- Ian and came to Canada in 1911, settling in Hensail where he has lived ever since and where he was well and favourably known as a kind citizen. His mother, Mrs. Annie Rich­ ardson, who observed her eighty­ seventh birthday in September, is very thrilled about it. White Gift Services The annual White Gift vice will be held in Hensall United Church Sunday, Decem­ ber 14 at 7:30 p.m. White gifts will go to Korean relief and may be made in the form of used or new clothing or money. At this service there will be a Junior Choir and a candle lighting ser­ vice. At 3 p.m. December 14, a White Gift service will be held at Chiselhurst United The Christmas parties' for the children and their parents will be held Tuesday, December 23, at Hensall at 8 p.m. and Chisel­ hurst at 9 p.m. Films will be shown. ser Church. Not Just At Christmas But All Year Round! Compare the Prices on our Bicycles - Tricycles - Wagons For The Children Way Pay More? For Auto Parts And Accessories Complete Range At Santa Claus Prices « Sports Equipment At Sporting Prices! BEST PRICES ON BAUER SKATES (Skates Exchanged At A Liberal Allowance) Team Discount 30 Percent Complete Range Of Hockey Equipment Xmas Special! Junior Hockey Stick And Puck Only 85c .7 Top Home Appliances At Bottom Prices! We Won't Be Undersold I Ron Westman’s LUCAN AND EXETER Exeter 211 - Phones - Lucan 60-W • Auto Accessories •—* Sporting Goods W. an« will war Hensall Auxiliary Has Christmas Party The Legion Hall, lovely with Christmas emblems and Christ­ mas trees, was the setting for the Christinas party . of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday evening, December 2. Mrs. 8. Dougall and Mrs. E. Munn were received into membership in an initiation ceremony. Mrs. Venner reported for the sick shut-iris. A Christmas box be forwarded to the adopted veteran at Westminster Hospit­ al, London. Mrs, Inez McEwan and Mrs. Harold Bonthron were appointed a committee to purchase drapes for the Legion Hall. Mrs. Byran Kyle won the mystery prize. Members exchanged gifts. One of the fair sex made a very attractive Santa Claus. A recrea­ tion of charge Mrs. B. The form the 19 5 3 slate. Past presi­ dent, Mrs. A. Clarke; president, Mrs. S. Rannie; vice presidents, Mrs. Bertha Moir, Mrs. Inez Mc­ Ewan; standard bearer, Horton; Beer;! Brown; Mrs. J.I mons, Mrs. K. «Refreshments A. Clark was the meeting. Mrs. R. Smale, win, Mrs. H. Jarrott, Mrs1. A. Joynt, Kyle, Mrs. Catherine bingo was played in of Mrs, R. Mock and Kyle. following officers will —.____ ___<=r, Mrs. H. ■secretary, Mrs. Fred treasurer, Mrs. William executive, Mrs. T. Kyle, Henderson, Mrs. J. Sim- Buchanan. were served. Mrs. in the chair for Mrs. A. Mrs. W. Horton, Foster, O. Good- Mrs. E. Mrs. B. . . Hedden will form the lunch committee for January. Carmel Ladies Aid • Mrs. Alex McGregor was tess at her home Monday ning for the Christmas meeting of the Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church. Mrs. W. R. Bell presided. The devotional was led by Mrs. R, J. Cameron Prayer was offered It was disclosed at period that $257.40 from the recent dollars was voted John Milton Society, and was voted to the choir of church for music. Mrs. Mrs. E. Munn, Mrs. R. J. Came­ ron were named a purchasing committee to purchase linoleum for the inside of the church door. .'Officers appointed for : were: President, Mrs. W. Bell; vice-president, -Mrs. R. Cameron; secretary, Mrs. J. McEwan; treasurer, Mrs. Volland-; group leaders, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. A. Kerslake, and Mrs. J. Soldan. Mrs. J. B. Fox closed the meeting with prayer. hos- eve- by Mrs. Bell, the business was realized bazaar. __ towards the. Ten $2& the Bell, 1953 . R. J. E. C. Personal Items Miss Betty Kerr has accepted a position at the R.C.A.F. Radio Station, Mr. Marlin Toronto game. Mr. and Mrs. H. Centralia. Alex Hildebrandt spent the attending and weekend in the hockey By the same token, your insurance agent because of his specialized knowledge of insurance, is of value to you. He is fully qualified to advise you wisely and to purchase for you, the proper forms of insurance coverage. Consult your insurance agent; his job is to advise yoy wisely. Phone: Office 24 Res. 16 2-J W. Herman Hodgson "The Insurance Man” - y.-.; wel- and was with W. J. Wd're not too sure qboyt that Indian Chief, However, we know t|iat the doctor and the lawyer, because of their specialized medical and legal knowledge, have their place in your life. meme wan eve/t-mtues auem ft United Ch urc h W.M.S Holds Christmas Event The United Church schoolroom — lovely with Christmas em­ blems, plants and baskets of mums—was the setting on Thurs­ day afternoon for the December meeting and Christmas party of the Women’s Missionary Society. President Mrs, W. B. Cross coined the 45 members guests. The Bible lesson read by Mrs. Eva Carlile, prayer offered by Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. George Armstrong gave a paper on “Qhristian Stewardship”. Mrs. N. McLeod, of Kippen, spoke of mission work in Canada and of the Lamont Hospital in Alberta where her husband, Rev. N. McLeod, was stationed at one time. The program included read­ ings by Mrs. G. Hess and Miss M. Ellis; piano solo by Mrs. J. by Jane Charles by Beth Mrs. W. by Mrs. G. Hess. T. Sher- Dies In Toronto Ralph Edmund Geiger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Geiger, of Hensail, died in Toronto General Hospital on Sunday following a series of operations. Mr, Geiger was manager and designei* for the William J. An­ derson Co., Toronto. Born in St. Thomas, he graduated from Uni­ versity of Western Ontario and taught in Picton and Long Branch high schools before join­ ing the Anderson Co. He was prominent in Whitby Baptist Church work and a boys’ camp leader. Surviving are his widow, one son, Mark; two daughters, Linda and Karen, and one sister, Mrs. Vernon Spray (Mary), Edmon­ ton, Alta. DOCTOR LAWYER INDIAN "CHIEF V L > » > #> X ? I JI C. Goddard; piano trio Horton, Gwen Spencer, Mickle; violin selection Goddard; vocal solo by J. Jarrett; vocal duet T, C. Coates and Mrs. Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. ritt were accompanists. Tea tables were attractive in color scheme of red and white, red carnations in a silver basket, candelabra and silver tea serv­ ices completing the decorations. Pouring tea were Mr. W. J. Rogers and Miss M. Ellis. Con­ venors for the program, decorat­ ing and lunch were Mrs. G. Hess and Miss K. Scott. Reception The town hall was filled to capacity Tuesday evening, De­ cember 2 for a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKay, of Kippen, (nee Helen Love). During the evening they were presented with a purse of money. The ad­ dress was read by Jim Drum­ mond. The presentation was made by Ernie Whitehouse. Desjardine’s orchestra furnished the music for the dance. Evening Auxiliary The United Church Evening- Auxiliary met Monday. In the absence of the president, Mrs. D. Kyle, Mrs. Lome Chapman took the meeting. A Christmas de­ votional was given by Miss M. Ellis. Prayer was given by Mrs. P. McNaughton. A medley of Christmas carols was played by Beth Goddard on the violin. She was accompanied by her mother at the piano. Miss M. Schieck gave humorous read­ ings. A recreation period was held under direction of Mrs. P. McNaughton and Mrs. R. Mock. Following is the 1953 slate of officers: Past president, Mrs. D. Kyle; president, Mrs. Lome Chapman; vice-presidents,. Mrs. D, McKelvie, Mrs. S. Rannie; secretary, Miss W. Gray; trea­ surer, Mrs. J. Drysdale; press, Mrs. Maude Hedden; pianist, Mrs. J. C. Goddard; stewardship, secretary, Mrs. J. ' Traquair; literary secretary, Mrs. J. F. Blackwell; supply secretary, Mrs. J. Corbett; friendship secretary, •Mrs. K. Buchanan; cards, Mrs J. Flynn; social, Mrs. W. Spen­ cer and Mrs. R. Broderick; recreation committee, Mi* Chipchase, Miss R. Avery. HOW OH OISPIM! new ....... the greatest yet! 53 Mercury introduces Uni­ fied Design ... a new concept in automotive engineering and styling. Smart functional beauty, luxurious comfort and lively V-8 performance. OUR SHOWROOM1- I < > There’s more of everything for you in the new ’53 Meteor. Superb new body colours—luxurious comfort —thrilling V-8 power. No other car in the low price field ofiers so much! Bob Cook Motors - Hensall TELEPHONE 178 South End Service - Exeter CLEANERSreturned Newest And Most Modern Plant In Western Ontario NOW OPEN 426 William Street (Behind Huron Lumber Co.) J J* Agents In All Surrounding Arealin Clinton Extra ChargeOpen Saturday Evenings For Your Convenience PHONE EXETER 33 FOR TOP DRY CLEANING SERVICE! Irv ArmstrongBud Preszcator for an operation Bell, of To- weekend with and Mrs. Wil- nurse-in- Hospital, the past Mr. and Latest Features! • Automatic Synthetic Cleaning Unit Using Only Fireproof Fluid • Dow’s Famous Percethylene • Hoffman’s Nu Cleaning System Absolutely Odorless! Watch For Official Opening In January Tops In Service We Are Now Prepared To Give You Top-Notch, A-l- Service! Now We Can Offer Fast, One-Day Service In By 10:00 - Out By 5:00 MID-TOWN W. Neib, of Tavistock, visited last week with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited re­ cently with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butt. Miss Margaret ronto, spent the her parents, Mr. liam R. Bell. Mrs. John Alexander, who has been receiving treatment in Clin­ ton General Hospital, to her home last week. Miss Bernice Jinks, training at Victoria London, visited during week with her parents, Mrs. Ross Jinks. Mrs. Emma McDonald spent the weekend with her daughter, Miss Marguerite McDonald, in London. Mrs. Alda Simmons left last week for Los Angeles, Cal., where she will spend the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson, of London, spent the weekend with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Mrs. Margaret Vair, of Grand Bend, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Annie Saundercock. Service in the United Church last Sunday morning was large­ ly attended. Rev. W. J. Rogers occupied his own pulpit. A basket of beautiful flowers on the altar were placed there by the Passmore family in loving memory of the late Mrs. J. Pass- more who passed away two years ago. Jimmy Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr, was rushed to Victoria Hospital Monday of this week for an emergency appendix operation. Mr, Irvin Willert was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital emergency appendix last Friday. Miss Gladys Luker, who under­ went an operation ___ hospital two weeks ago, returned home Friday last. During her stay at the hospital she was showered With numerous gifts. She received some 250 cards and letters, shewing the esteem in which she is held in the village and district. Bits Driver: “Madam, I’ll hate to have full fare for that child. He’s over five years of age?’ Lady; “But he can’t be. I’ve only been married four years?1 Driver: “Never mind the con fessiott, Id<ly liioiieyl” J ? ♦ % J I 4 •> r > * >