HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-11-13, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1958
Wanted -- More Spirit
(A Grade XII Editorial)
When a school loses its keen
spirit of interest and apprecia
tion of its activities, it is on the
road to decay. The school spirit
of the students of this district
is declining.
A few years ago, the crowds
of spectators and participants at
tending the school games were
greater than they are today.
When an athletic game is held
at this school some students
haven’t sufficient interest in the
school team even to attend the
It is true that the majority of
the' students do go to the home
games but an outsider would
never know for which team they
were cheering. Many of the scho
lars watch the cheerleaders lead
ing a yell but they never think
of cheering with them, Some
spectators don’t seem interested
enough in the teams to show
any enthusiasm whatsover.
Competition Declines
Competition in the track and
field meet has declined. It is be
lieved tha^ more}, students have
skill in this form of athletics
but fail to participate.
A small minority of the stud
ents don’t enjoy sports and
therefore they don’t wish to
spend money on games. But the
playing field is not the only
place where school spirit is lag
ging. School dances are held dur
ing the school year, I-Iow many
students turn out to these par
ties? I' can’t state exactly, but I
know that there is never nearly
a full turn-o,ut. Surely, if the
students wanted to come badly
enough, they could find a way.
Published and written each
week by students on the staff
of “Ink Spot”, official year
book of South Huron District
High School. Bill Batten, Edi
tor; J. B. Creech, Advisor.
School activities such as verse
speaking, public speaking, the
drama club and bugle bapd
would be more successful withla
little more competition. Probably
there are some hidden talents
among our students which they
have failed to develop.
Set Example
The older students could help
in this matter by setting a good
example for the newer students
to follow, Possibly if the young
er' students Were taught to dance,
more would come to the school
dances. By having more school
parties and by encouraging more
students to come, money could
be raised. If this money were
expended to pay part of the cost
of buses to attended games,
more interested students could
afford to go to them. By teach
ing the students all the school
yells, surely with a little en
couragement the students would
cheer for the school teams.
All cannot be remedied by the
older students. The younger ones
must be proud of our school and
willing to help it. If every stud
ent endeavoured to raise his own
school spirit to a higher level, I
am sure that there would be
man? more enthusiastic scholars
in this high school.
Tournaments Soon
Three Girls* Teams
Here Thursday
A widely discussed topic of
conversation throughout the
school now is volleyball. The an
nual tri-school tournament when
South Huron competes with St,
Marys and Mitchell will be held
in Exeter on Thursday, Novem
ber 13. The winner of this
tournament will go to London to
compete at WOSSA on Saturday,
November 15.
South Huron is
girls’ team in this
and, although they
won a ’championship,
they will be successful this year.
For the benefit of those who
are not acquainted with the
rules of the game, I will en
deavour to give you a few of
the fundamentals.
entering a
have never
we hope
Sixteen Players
To begin, two
eight players on
take their positions
side of the net. According to
regulations this net should be
about seven feet off the floor.
The game consists of two per
iods of 15 minutes each.
The player in the right back
corner serves the ball across the
net. The other side attempts tQ,
return the ball without letting it
touch the floor, If the hall is
hit more than twice by three
players on one side, or if they
fail to return the ball over the
net, the serving team scores one
point, If they do return it and
the serving side cannot put it
back over the ne“t, they lose
their serve and the other side
gets the ball.
To an amateur this may sound
confusing, but actually it ia a
very interesting and exciting
teams, with
each team,
one on each
Boys Compete
At London
Daisy Maes Treat Li’l Abners
To Evening Of Shindig/ Cider
Seaforth Curlers Organize
The seventy-sixth annual meet
ing of the Seaforth Curling Club
was’ held at the Seaforth and
District Community Centre on
October 29. The meeting was
well attended, and the enthusi
asm of those present indicates
that this year will be a very
successful one for the local
The newly-elected officers and
executive are as follows:
President, Dr. J. A. Munn;
vice-president, John Longstaff;
secretary-treasurer, J. L. Slat
tery; chaplain, Rev. D. J. Lane.
Buses Transport
316 To School
Three hundred and sixteen of
the 391 students in South I-Iuron
District High School are brought
to school by bus. Through the
cooperation of the Exeter Coach
Lines, operated by Mr. Earl
Guenther, these students are
transported from the area which
consist of Stephen, ITay, Usborne
and Hensail.
There are seven buses in all,
travelling a distance of 460
miles a day. Each bus has a
carefully prepared route planned
for the convenience of each
student. This route is followed
every day so that the student
will . know approximately what
time he will have to get on the
Buses Roll At 7:30
The buses start the regular
routes between 7:30 and 8:00 in
the morning. The first student
is picked up about 7:45, and the
buses reach the school about 15
minutes before 9:00, giving the
student enough time to prepare
his books for morning classes.
The buses usually finish the
routes about 5:30 and the last
student gets off between 5:00
and 5:15 in the evening.
The buses also take many of
oui’ volley-ball, basketball and
rugby players and cheering spec
tators to the gapies played with
other schools. This is a great
responsibility to be assumed by
the Exeter Coach Lines to trans
port these students safely to
school especially in the winter
and spring when the roads are
in poor condition for travelling.
I think everyone who rides on
the bus can be assured the driv
ers are doing an excellent job.
Every student should be grateful
for this wonderful opportunity
to be taken to and from school
every school day of the year.
Last Friday
kins’ Day at
school and the
school dressed
traditional Dogpatch style.
All the Li’l Abners came
■dressed in their Sunday-go-meet-
in' jeans which they rolled up
to their knees. They wore gaily
colored plaid shirts backwards,
odd socks and odd shoes to com
plete theii- costumes.
The Daisy Maes looked excep
tionally charming in skirts and
plaid shirts and wearing- the
brightest ties that they could lay
their hands on. They were also
required to wear odd socks and
shoes as well as braid their hair.
Staff Join In
The ladies of the cafeteria
staff joined in the fun by don
ning plaid shirts and celery cor
sages when it came time to
serve the students’ dinners.
To climax the day, a dance
was held in the gymtorium in
the evening with "The Syncopat-
was Sadie Haw-
the local high
students came to
according to the
providing old-time and mod-
dance music. Each Daisy
had trapped, I mean invited,
Li’l Abner well in advance
a large number were in at-
tendance due largely, I think, to
the fact that the girls did well
in the track meets this year.
However reluctant the boys may
have peen, they certainly seemed
to enjoy the shindig. '
treated to doughnuts
by the girl£.
Typical Dogpatcliers
During the dance
was chosen the typical
and Daisy Mae and was crowned.
This honor went to ’ Donald
(Chub) McCurdy and Barbara
Brintnell. They we-re presented
with boxes of chocolates and
cardboard crowns richly adorned
with carrots.
It was a wonderfully success
ful event and the Student Coun
cillors, who were responsible for
the plans, are to be congraulated
on making the first dance of the
year such a success.
They were
and cider
a couple
Li’l Abner
The game of volleyball is not
as well known to most people as
basketball or football. Possibly
some people didn’t know that it
is played a great deal at SHDHS,
Of course, parents who have
children attending this school
will probably know ‘that it is
played in physical training per
Apart from the volleyball that
is played in these periods,
is also a group of boys who
the school team. This team
tises after school hours.
A group of boys has
practising for the last two weeks
in preparation for their annual
tournament which takes place in
London on November 29. Twelve
boys have been chosen, from
those who attend practice regu
larly, to take part in the tourna
ment. Six of them will play as
the regular team and six will
act as substitutes.
Hopes For Title
Mr. Mickle, the physical train
ing instructor, has great confid
ence in’ the boys and hopes that
they will bring a championship
back with them. If they do, it
won’t be the first time, for Ex
eter boys won the WOSSA “B”
volleyball championship in 1951.
Boys’ volleyball is played with
the idea of passing a ball over
a net, back and forth between
two teams. The ball must not be
allowed to touch the floor or go
outside the court. If either of
these things happens, the team
at fault loses a point or, if they
had been serving, they lose a
serve. Holding and lifting the
ball is not allowed; it must he
bounced from a player’s hands.
In boys’ volleyball only one .hit
per person is allowed before it
is hit by another person. Three
hits are allowed per team before
the ball is passed over the net.
I hope that this explanation
will give the reader a general
outline of the game of boys’
’Till Christmas
Only 34 Shopping Days Lfftl
“Buy Jewellery From Jack”
Jack Smith Jewellerbeen
sown this
beets and
A Small Deposit Will Hold Any Gift
Until Christmas
Bus Trips Like 'Social Bazaar
Pupils Sing, Chatter, Play, Study
Since a country student is
obliged to spend anywhere from
10 minutes to two bourse on the
bus each day, these daily trips
are very important in the lives
of these pupils. It is very inter
ride the
Pickup And Delivery
CALL ,68-M
— Parcels of Any Kind —
Elmer Willis Delivery Service
II --------------.——— -----------------------------—---------------------------------■
esting to notice the
which takes place as we
bus each morning.
Some of the students
scribing the previous
which they enjoyed at some
social gathering or movie. Still
others have skipped their home
work while venturing on a night
out and are hurriedly struggling
through it; some, alas, of the
more unscrupulous, are copying
each of
work and taking a last glance
at it before arriving at school.
Of course, there are those who
are taking their first look at it.
The winters are most enjoyed
by the students. The snow af
fords a slight chance
bus may be stuck in
This always happens
times a year. These
seem to excite the students since
this happens so rarely. There is
are de
there are students from
five grades travelling on
bus there seldom passes a
on which there is not some
of test or memory work in
of the grades. These pupils
busy brushing up op. their
that the
a drift,
a few
also the enjoyable fact that they
will arrive late for classes with
a good excuse,
incidents happen while on the
home journey as the pupils
seem to think that this should
not occur at such an inoppor
tune time.
.Social Bazaar
The return trips are a sharp
contrast to the morning trips.
These remind you of some social
bazaar. There is card playing,
loud merry making and singing.
The individuals who were loudly
talking that morning about their
night out have quieted down
and are having- a hard time to
keep their eyes open. A small
group of boys near’ the rear of
the bus are playing odds and
evens with pennies while another
group of pupils, who remain on
the bus nutil the end of the
trip, are playing cards.
A few of the girls with a
small amount of singing talent
start singing some of the popular
songs and before long-
in a
the drivers are,
Discuss Tests
While this is going on, others
are discussing
happenings at school or some
The tune is
though When these
test which they tried that day.
Some are outlining the night be
fore them and the coming social
All these activities combine to
form a very noisy but happy
group of students. These are the
typical bus trips1 of country
students beginning and ending
the school day,
(The editorial staff guarantees
physical protection to all con
tributors of these columns).
Ready To Serve You
At Our Warehouse
We have a full line of Feed and Farm Supplies
on hand at all times. Members and friends are en
couraged to visit our newly built office and store on
this location.
Open Saturday Evenings - 7:30 to 9: 30
find them-
whole bus
Of course,
joined by the
great discord.
more or less
would be enough
the nerves of anyone but
for the most
very good-natured.
some unusual
Is Education What It Was?
(A Grade XII Editorial)
It has been said by prominent l but, we also have superior
educationalists that our school | equipment making our work in
system is no.t what it used to
be. "Go back to the three Rs!”
is the cry of many. These people
are ignorant of the facts.
In the so-called, “Good Old
Days”, there was no question of
dropping one subject in prefer
ence to another. All ^subjects
were compulsory. One must real
ize that in that day this system
may have been very good but in
our modern time nearly all voca
tions and professions are of a
specialized nature. A young per
son now entering high school is
given a wide choice of subjects.
He is offered guidance in his
choice by a teachei* well trained
to give counsel to the new stud
ent and to his individual needs.
The student, then, begins to con
centrate on the subjects which
will be of the greatest use to
him in his chosen vocation.
The education standards, al
though this is not commonly be
lieved, are much higher today
than they were years ago. More-
oven, we have courses in the
sciences and in agriculture that
are much more advanced than
they used to be. This makes it
more difficult for present-day
students. When I hear people
say high school was harder years
ago, I immediately d 1 s a g r e e .
Trjie, we do have better oppor
tunities and more conveniences,
sciences more accurate and more
difficult. Because of these new
developments a high school stud
ent must study more intensely.
People stay at home and cri
ticize our system of education,
comparing it with something
long out of date. Those people
should come out to the schools
and see the work of the stud
ent. I’m sure they will then
agree that our educational sys
tem is not what it used to be:
it is much better.
Newly Married Couple
To Live In Crediton
—Continued from Page 8
friends of the bride,
The happy couple left jon a
honeymoon trip to the United
States. The bride chose grey
suit, grey station wagon topcoat’
with pink corsage and black ac
cessories for travelling.
On their return, they will re
side in Crediton.
Bost sellers are books
frequently purchased and
necessarily the best books
The Huron Hereford Associa-
held their first annual fall
in Clinton on November 7
26 head bringing an ave-
of $332.00 Top price in
sale was $585.00 paid foi*
Ulis .. . ....
a female consigned by George
Kennedy, Lucknow. The average
price received for eight bulls -was
$3 67.50 while the 18 females
averaged $317.00.
The Perth-Huron Shorthorn
Club also held their first annual
fall sale in Lucknow November
1 with 27 head bringing an
average of $321.00. Average
price received for seven bulls
was $4 8 6.40, for 12 bred heifers
$285.40 and the eight open
heifers brought an average of
Harvesting of sugar
turnips is practically
in the county.
There has been an
acreage of fall wheat
year. However, the fall wheat is
showing considerable less top
than in the past two years.
New Soft Plastic Sets For Christmas
And Why Not?
Cookie Jars Salts and Peppers Spice Sets
Relish Dishes Pitchers and Glasses
Tea Sets For Children
qualfTY '^r rw m(ceff
The new 1953 Dodge Regent 4<-Door Sedan., with so many new features, is a low-
er, wide-looking car without in any way sacrificing clearance, head room or leg room. The
low sweeping line of the front fender carries straight to the rear, accentuated by the taste
ful use of chrome speed lines. The new, modern curved one-piece windshield and wide wrap
around rear window, combine with knee-level seating to give driver and passengers excel
lent vision in all directions. Six popular body styles are available in the Regent and Cru
sader series in a wide variety of body color and interior trim choices.