HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-11-13, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1952 Mrs. Joe White Dies Of Injuries Requiem high mass was sung on Monday, November 10 for the late Mrs. Joseph White, Crediton district lady, who died November 7 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, from injuries received when she was struck by a truck Mond- day, November 3 at Oxford and Richmond streets in London. Mrs. White was 58 years old. The deceased rested at Evans funeral home, Rondon, where floral tributes and the signing of the register of over 400 persons indicated the the late Mrs. Mrs, White ington, the _ „ Livingston, and later moved to London where she lived until •three years ago. She was a mem­ ber of Mt. Carmel R. C. Church, the Catholic Women’s League, The Maccabees (Olive Hive branch, the ladies Society of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire­ men and Enginemen (Connaught Lodge), and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion branch). Mrs. White is survived husband, Joseph; three ters, Miss Loretta Campbell, Miss Barbara Rodgers and Mrs. James (Jean) Burdan, all of London; one son, Ernest Camp­ bell, of London; four step-sons, Robert, Arthur and Gordon Rod vers, of London, and Thomas White, of Crediton; three step­ daughters, Mrs. Don. (Frances) McIntyre, London; Miss Peggy White, of Milton, and Mrs. Kath­ leen Busselle, of Centralia; three ■brothers, Robert Livingston, of Arizona; Walter, of Mitchell’s Bay, and James, of Leamington: also seven grandchildren. Rev. Father H. M. Fogarty, of Mt. Carmel, and Rev. Father W. T. O’Rourke, of London, officiat­ ed at Requiem High Mass. Pall­ bearers were Warren Livingston, of Merritan; Maurice Arquette, of Leamington; Murray Laugh­ ton, of London, and George Hep­ burn, Harry Swartz and Ed. Huerhes, of Crediton. Interment was in Mt. Carmel cemetery. esteem in which White was held, was born in Leam- former Margaret (Exeter FOR SALE More NEW BLOUSES at Tudor’s in Hensall, Crepe at $2.98 and Nylon at $3.95. Be sure to see these soon at Tudor’s. 13c A LADIES’ BLACK winter coat, size 38. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 13* PRACTICALLY NEW Fess oil burner, pipes and tank. Moving; cheap for quick sale. —Phone 427-W. ’ 13c FOR SALE — Choice Broad- Breasted Bronze turkey Breeders Toms—$14. — Gordon Allison, phone 609-2, Ailsa Craig. 13* aS DUTCH COBBLERS This year Area Struyk grew and sold $1,000 worth of potatoes, only a fraction of the total crop of grain and vegetables he and his family markets on the 881 acres they own. Other Dutch families are settling in the area which, they say, has the best land in the world, —Central Press Canadian Grants Should Be Retroactive Stephen Deputy-Reeve States Deputy - Revee of Stephen Township, Wellington Haist, said last week he wasn’t "at all satis­ fied’’ with recent federal govern­ ment legislation that will give the township a grant to offset loss of taxes on crown lands used by R.C.A.F. Station Cen- You Don’t Need A License To Hunt Here THREE-PIECE bedroom outfit with spring-filled mattress; 3- piece studio set, wine and green chairs; also chrome kitchen set, with four heavy chrome chairs. All furniture been used six months. Apply Don Quesnel, Crediton East, % Murray Neil. 13c HERE’S A GOOD BUY! All-wool English Melton Cloth in grey only, 54” wide at $2.50 yard. Ideal for skirts and slacks. At Tudor's in Hensall. 13c GIRL'S SKATES, size 2, white, tubes, only used about 20 times. Phone 259. 13* GLADIRON IRONER, 60 - cycle, in new good condition. Apply Mrs. Lloyd England, Dashwood. 13c CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Words —? 1J0 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 300 More Than 25 Words — 10 Per Word 200 OFF if ail paid with order or Saturday following the last insertion .Semi-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 84c per inch Subsequent Insertions 70c per inch Classifieds calling for number 10c extra. Classified ads accepted Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at the latest. t>y ft up box till FOR SALE YOUNG MAN’S WINTER SUIT, size 36-8, excellent condition. $15 or best offer. Too small for owner. Apply Brady Cleaners, phone 136, Exeter, 23tfn SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. 3-20tfc PERSONAL STOCK WANTED FOR RENT STOP WONDERING what 1 s good for Sinus, Hayfever, and Headcolds! Start using NAME­ LESS Cold Remedy and get the surprise of your life, Convincing trial 600 at Browning’s Drug Store and Sanders' Grocery, 6.: 12c I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —-G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter, l*tfc brings... only you of all the pleasures YOUR PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER Robert Pollock Stephen Farmer Services for Robert Pollock, 88, former well known Stephen Township farmer for many years, who died in London? were con­ ducted at Dashwood on Monday, November 3, by the Rev. W. C. Smith, Grand Bend, in the Hoff­ man funeral home, and ment made in Grand Bend tery. His wife, the former Patterson, died in 1933. Mr. Smith farmed north of Grand Bend until retiring sev­ eral years ago and going to live with his son, Floyd, London. He was an active member of Grand Bend United Church for many years, and had served on the board. Surviving besides his son, are three daughters, Mrs. Earl Wine­ garden, Parkhill; Mrs. W. F. Jennison, London; Mrs. Penne- father, Detroit; and one brother, James, Nipawin, tralia. Deputy-Reeve Haist said the legislation should have provided for grants retroactive to 1942 when the federal government first acquired the land. Mr. Haist indicated that in early negotiations government officials had promised the town­ ship compensation for the 10 years during which they received no grant on the property. Under the new regulations, Stephen will receive $1,254 an­ nually in lieu of taxes on the land occupied by RCAF Stations Centralia and Grand Bend. The first payment is for 1952 only. LADY’S FULL length dark brown mouton fur coat, size 38, in good condition, too large for owner. Apply Box "E”, Times- Advocate. 13c LARGER SIZE coal or wood heater. Could have oil burner installed. Apply L. Greb, Victoria Street, 2S blocks west of Sunoco service station. 13c A SELL-OUT last time. Nylon Blend yarn at 270 a ball. Tu­ dor’s in Hensall have 10 more boxes of this long wearing, shrink-resistant yarn. 13c FOR SALE—Dry hardwood, $6 a cord delivered. Write or phone Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. 13:20:27c inter- Ceme- Isabel Huge Crowd Sees Barn Burn; Loss Estimated At $10,000 See the NEW LINGERIE at Tu­ dor’s in Hensall. Nylon trimmed slips and panties. These are all smartly styled and moderately priced. 13c MEDIUM SIZE Spencer heater, good condition. —G. W. Manuel, phone 33-10 Kirkton. 12* ’42 cab new ich. FORD 3-TON stake rack, over engine; new engine, battery. Write Box 41 Zur- 13* COAL AND wood furnace, like new. Apply R. de Vries, Huron Street West. 13* FOR SALE—Nice Chevrolet deluxe cash offer. Can be Cleaners or phone looking 1941 Sedan. Best seen at Brady 347-r-22. 13-* COMBINATION COAL and wood Spencer deluxe with reservoir, cream and red. Phone 26 6. 12* Marilyn Marshall Tops Kirkton Club Final standings of the Kirkton 4-H Dairy Calf Club competition were announced by Harold Buck, agricultural representative, as follows: Martlyn Marshall, 925 points; Lyle Paton, 895; Robert Dobson, 886; Keith Stepnens, 863; David Wheeler, 863; Wil­ liam Crago, 862; zer, 861; Ruseuiary uuijsuu, 849; William Spence, 836; Ross Robinson, 816; Arthur Harris, 813. A huge crowd, attracted by the brilliant blaze, watched the large barn of Thomas D. Wren, Hib­ bert township clerk, crumple in flames Monday night. Damage was estimated at $10,000. Lost with the barn, which is about five miles east of Hensall, were a full line of implements including a side rake, wagon, binder, seed drill, 400 bushels of grain, 200 bales of hay and 150 chickens. The fire destroyed the building inside of an hour. Two calves in the barn were saved by Miss Grace Chalmers, a housekeeper, the only person at the farm when the fire broke out. Hensall firemen were called but were unable to control the flames. They saved the colony house some 50 feet away. Tom Slavin, the third person on the scene, said he couldn't get near the barn because of the intense heat. The fire broke out between 7:30 and 8 p.m. Loss is partial­ ly covered by insurance. Mr. Wren was a patient in Joseph’s Hospital, London, the time of the fire. COLLIE PUPS, mother good healer; also a horse. —Phone 692-r-33 Hensall. 13* WOMAN’S BLACK winter coat, size 14. Apply Brady Cleaners. 13* MISCELLANEOUS St. at _ , , Muriel Swit- 861; Rosemary Dobson, THREE-ROOM furnished apart­ ment and bath; also bachelor apartment. Both available Dec­ ember 1. Apply John Ward, Ex­ eter 13*ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc SMALL APARTMENT, suitable for one or two business people. Newly decorated, automatic oil heat, continuous hot water. Ap­ ply J. Mahon, 326 Carling Street. ll-13tfc "SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, "get-acquaint­ ed” size only 600. All druggists. WANTED 250 TO 300 ACRES sandy loam, no buildings necessary. State lo­ cation and price to Glenn Cam­ eron, 53 William Street North, Chatham, Ont. 6:13:20:27* WANTED — An office safe in good condition, size about 30 by 48 inches. Apply .at The Times- Advocate, Exeter. 13c REAL ESTATE STOP — If you wish to buy a new red brick home in the beau­ tiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, Sanders St. West. 10-23tfc HOUSE WELL situated for schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior, first class general condition. Forced heat oil burner furnace. Full bath upstairs, 2-piece on main floor, Garage, garden. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-16tfc WANTED FOR a client with $4,500 down payment, about 100 acres suitable for sugar beets, reasonably good buildings. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-16tfc $7,000.00 CASH—We have cli­ ent who is prepared to pay this amount of cash on purchase price of 100-acre farm. Land must be good and buildings at least fair. Level land preferred. If you wish to sell contact C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter, Ont. 10-16tfc HOUSE FOR SALE — Nearing completition in good district on beautifully-ti'eed lot. Two bed­ rooms, living room, modern bath­ room, kitchen-dinette combina­ tion. Anthes - Imperial furnace, automatic controls. —Art Whil- smith, uh. 279-J Exeter. 10-9tfc MODERN HOUSE being con­ structed. Open for inspection now. Two-bedroom frame bunga­ low, large living room and kit­ chen, three-piece bath. Best lo­ cation in town—on Senior St., within one block of both schools, new street drain. Ford and Far­ quhar Moulding, phone 571-J, Exeter. 10-2tfc FAMIL'f HOUSE—It has four bedrooms and a particularly nice living room and dining room. Especially well located. Comfort­ able family accommodation at a lower than usual price. Let us show it to you. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, ph. 165, Exeter. 9-25tfc MODERN 2-BEDROOM home at a very reasonable price. Com­ pletely finished inside and out, even to storm windows and screens. The five rooms, all on one floor, are bright and nicely arranged. Fully insulated. Oil­ burning furnace. Immediate pos­ session if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-25tf NEW RED brick house on east side of Exeter. Three bedrooms, forced oil heat, 66-foot .lot. Ap­ ply R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, Ont. 9-18tfc HIGHWAY 200 fertile acres, good buildings electricity and other conveniences and addition­ al 150 acres if desired. Suitable for mixed farming or cash crops. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-l’8tfc FOR SALE — About an acre of good land on Marlborough Street, suitable for cultivation and for lots on which to build. Other building lots also. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-21tfc NEW FOUR-ROOM cottage, ful­ ly modern, lot 160x120. Water­ loo and Carling St. or 307 Anne St. $1,500 will handle. 8-28tfc 3-BEDROOM SCOTTAGE. insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Pos­ session arranged. W. C. Pearce, 4-ROOM insul-bric cottage with room insul brie cottage, with conveniences and furnace, rea­ sonably priced for quick sale. Other houses, stores and farms. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, 'Salesman. 9-lltfc EXETER DISTRICT FARM, 200 acres of very productive land. Fine brick house with nice lawn. Large barn with silo. Hydro and water pressure. 45 acres freshly seeded. Fall ploughing done. Good bush. Located oh highway close to school and store. This is a farm that you will be proud to own. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-lltfc 2-STOREY BRICK building on Main Street (known as Exeter District Co-Op). Could be used for stores or offices on main floor and living apartments sec­ ond floor. Possession at once.— Win. Poarce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesinan. ' 10-23tf0 LOST LOST — A plain white uniform somewhere in Exeter. Finder please leave at Times-Advocate office, 13* COMFORTABLE ROOMS and board available in private home to accommodate five or six. Phone 126 or write Mrs. William Consitt, Box 142, Hensall, Ont. 6:12c LOST—Tarpaulin, 10 x 12, on No. 4 Highway. Finder please call collect 602-J Walkerton. * FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware. 5-8tfc NOTICES FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* Posting of in the the THE VOTERS’ LIST ACT, 1951 (Section 12) Clerk’s Notice of First of Voters’ List Voters’ List, 1952, Township of Stephen County of Huron: Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters’ List Act, 1951, and that I have posted up at my of­ fice at Crediton on the 15th day of October, 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that said list re­ mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro­ ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to the law, the Jaat day for appeal being the 15tli day of November, 1952. FOR RENT—2-bedroom apart­ ment, living room and kitchen, full basement and bathroom, hot and cold water. Apply Albert Gaiser, Shipka, phone 164-r-14 Dashwood. 10-30tfc COUNTRY HOUSE, with hydro ■and water, $15 per month. Also wood for sale, elm and apple, $5 a cord, delivered 5-cord lots. Apply Box "G”, Times-Advocate. 13* TWO FURNISHED rooms and a garage. Immediate possession. Apply Times-Advocate. 13* SIX-ROOM brick house, electric­ ity, garden, $20 per month. Im­ mediate possession. Garfield Hill, Crediton R. 2. 13* F. W. MORLOCK, « Clerk of Stephen Township 6:13c AUCTION SALES Village of Grand Bend NOMINATION AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Community - AUCTION SALE Furniture. Livestock and Miscellaneous Items in the VILLAGE OF CREDITON Under Cover on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 at 1:30 p.m. Library table; oak extension table; kitchen table; 2 black leather rocking chairs; long ta­ ble with benches; day cot; 2 good mattresses; sofa; 4 dress­ ers; 4 sets of springs; high- chair; stand; 2 stoves; heater, coal; coal oil stove; 7 windows; car tire; stove pipes; dishes; 3 toasters; meat grinder; 8-day clock; floor lamp; 2-burner elec­ tric plate; 1-burner electric plate; lantern; 4 white kitchen chairs: grass seeder; lined trough; church seat; stretchers; cross-cut saw; ing iron ditching scoop; 3 pitch forks; 5-gal. sauerkraut and slicer; grease gun; monkey wrench; chop barrel; US trusses for hernia; electric ine, Maxwell, new box. TERMS: Cash. Bring what you and turn it in for sale is on Saturday, November 15, under cover. WM. H. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Phone 7-7W Crediton of Village of Grand Bend will be held in the TOWN HALL on MONDAY, NOVEMBER.24, 195 2 between the hours of and 9 o’clock p.m. for pose of making and nominations for Reeve Councillors, also three of the Public School Board for two years; and further notice is hereby given that in the event of more candidates being pro­ posed and qualifying for any particular office than required to be elected, the proceedings will be adjourned until MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1952 when polls shall be opened from 9 o’clock a.m. until 5 o’clock p.m. in the TOWN HALL and all electors are hereby re­ quested to govern themselves accordingly. HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, Returning Officer EMERY DESJARDINE, Deputy Returning Officer MRS. LAWRENCE MASON, Poll Clerk 13:20c 8 o’clock the pur­ receiving and four members water fence Lead-For a BETTER DRY CLEANING job, bring it to Tudor’s in Hen­ sall and have it cleaned the French Cleaners and delivery Thursday mornings. crock way. Pickup on Monday and 10-30tfc wash mach- motor;iceM iss Mary E. Andrew Miss Mary E. Andrew, for many years a resident of Exeter, but who for most of her life has been a partial invalid, died on Wednesday ip Clinton General Hospital in her fiftieth year. Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Andrew. Surviving are two sis ters, Mrs; Ernest Pym, Usborne Township, Mrs. Norman Knight, of Seaforth, and one brother, George, of London. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon, from the Hopper-Hockey funeral home with Snell officiating. PAINTING — Spray or brush; papering, Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. —Ed "Buck” Little, Hensall, phone 196-R. 30:6:13:20c have to cash. sen This Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ List VOTERS’ LIST, 19 52, Municipality of the Township USBORNE County of Huron Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters’ List Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Township of Usborne on the Sth day of November, 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal such list spection. And I voters to ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of the appeal being the 26th day of November, 1952. Dated the 12th day of Novem­ ber, 1952. H. H. G. STRANG, Clerk, R.R. 1, Hensall 13c NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 6-18:ll-30c Arena Profits Thanks to the indefatigible watchfulness and energy of Councilloi’ Tom Pinney and the aid of a few other enthusiasts, the St. Marys District Arena and Community Centre has shown a fine profit in operations for the first 16-day period from October 18 to November 2. Since the opening day there have been five out of the 16 days when the ice-making ma­ chinery was shut down and therefore no revenue was de­ rived on these days. Despite this the receipts from hockey prac­ tices have amounted to $205.00; receipts from skating have total­ led $244.90, and from the opera­ tions of the canteen $517.00 has been received. Total receipts for the period were $9 86.90, while total expenses, including labor, electricity, canteen supplies, wat­ er, etc. amounted to $609.12, leaving a balance of profit of $377.78. (St. Marys Journal-Argus) PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H. Walker, tele­ phone 553 Exeter. 4-10tfc of Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Poultry, Tractor, Farm Implements,, Hay and Grain ON THE PREMISES, Lot 18, Concession LRE, HAY TOWNSHIP miles north of Grand Benet 2 miles south of St. Joseph) BE SURE TO DEWORM your pullets this fall before or at the time you put them in their win­ ter quarters. It pays you well. Get your Rota Caps from L. V. Hogarth. Phone 266. 9-25tfc Phone 343-W '■ For You HELP WANTEDThe Times-Advocate Choose Soon ! From $3.50 Up $5.00 per cow for mem- and $6.00 per cow for non-■ ■ ■ top quality of all breeds, the rates For Christmas! SECRETARY—Required for law office in Exeter, capable Of tak­ ing shorthand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 6, Times- Advocate. 10-16tfc Attractive table lamps have just ar­ rived at R. E. Russell’s. They’ll make a lovely Christmas present at an economical price! A big1 selection E'xeter We require a clerk for general Office work. Knowledge of typing and bookkeeping are essential. C. V. PICKARD Main Street Exeter ty ''x- i IEacuch, ujf iJW Gemini Press Canadian jeuces essential. When you want to subscribe for a new magazine— or to renew for an old one—there’s no need for you to write a letter, buy a postal order and pay postage. Drop into The Times-Advocate and we’ll be glad to do it for you. We have a list of all the popular magazines and their subscription prices. R. £. Russell PHONE 109 EXETER ■ Maclean’s FOR ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this farmer-owned, licenced, non-profit, growing, co-operative Association, 'from bulls ’ . are: $25.00 for a life member­ ship, bers, members. Waterloo Cattle Breed­ ing Association, R.R. 1, Water­ loo, Ontario. For service, contact inseminator operating in your district: Harry Reid, Varna, Bay- field 27 (Huron County south of No. 8 Highway including Col- borne Township); William El­ liot, Parkhill 611-r-23. awtfc elections, and that remains there for in- hereby call upon all take immediate pro- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ol RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportun­ ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. ML-K-20 2-189, Montreal. 6:13c KITCHEN GIRL and waitress, by the hour or week. —Monetta Menard’s, phone 88-R. In the matter of the estate of CHRISTIAN FABER, late of the Village of Crediton, County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Christian Fahrner, who ______ the 6th day of August, inestate, are particulars of ___ _____ as administrator, to be verified on or before the 30th day of October, 1952, after which date I shall proceed to divide the es­ tate among the heirs, entitled thereto, having taken into con­ sideration the claims which have received at that time. Crediton, October 17, 1952, E. K. FAHRNER, Administrator. died on or about _ . 1952, required to send their claims to me I $17 BECOMES $25,000 IN THREE YEARS — Area Struyk points out to J. P. S. Ballantyne, left, commissioner of agri­ culture for Northern Ontario, some of the improvements on his property done in the past three years. Ho and his fam­ ily of 11 arrived in the Cochrane area three years ago with $17, an old car, and a bag or HVo of potatoes. Today he is worth $25,000 and, most surprising to Mr. Struyk who comes from crowded Holland, he is a landlord, renting land to others. ‘ Chief of Police Experienced man preferred, must be under 45 years of age. Pen­ sion plan available. Duties com­ mence January 1, 1053, Apply in writing, stating salary expect­ ed and age, to C. V. Pickard, Exeter, by December 1, Refer- .................—-L 6:13c Turn A Little 'Buck? nto A Lot Of ,Does/ In the estate of EDITH ANNE FLYNN, late of the Village of Centralia, Widow Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full parti­ culars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 27th day November, 1952, after which date the estate’s assets Will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received, HAROLD WILLIAM FLYNN, Administrator, by EVELYN HARRISON, Q.C., ■Solicitor, 365 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. 13! 20c (6 or _ .. ____ „ ___ The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 commencing at 1:30 p.m. sharp HORSES: Bay Belgian mare, 9 years old; black Percheron mare, 10 years old. This team is guaranteed sound and reliable. CATTLE: Red cow, milking, carrying fourth calf, due latter part of February; part Hereford and Durham cow, milking, and carrying'^fifth calf, due the first week in March; 2 part Hereford and Durham heifers, 2 years old; Durham spring calves. POULTRY: 175 Sussex x New Hampshire pullets, started to lay (a very good flock); 25 cockerels. TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS: F o r d s o n Major tractor, fully equipped with starter, lights, power takeoff; used one season, will be sold under new tractor guarantee. McCormick Deering 3-furrow tractor plow, like new; McDeering binder, 7-ft. cut, like new; M.H. 13-run disc fertlizer drill, like new; McDeering 7^-ft. tractoi’ cultivator, in new condi­ tion ; McDeering 1-horse scuf- fler; rubber-tired wagon; " hay rack; 2-Wheel trailer; wagon box; Bissel 10-inch grain grind­ er; circular saw; 2 large galvan­ ized water tanks; new fence stretcher; Beatty pump; electric fencer; walking plow; 1,000-lb. tap. scales; M.H. cream separat­ or; Clinton fanning mill; 150-ft. hay fork i’ope; pulleys and eftr for steel track; double harness; oak doWs; large apple peeler; new stable broom; wheelbarrow; shovels, forks, chains, and many articles too numerous to men­ tion, HAY & GRAIN; 600 bushels of mixed graih, oats ahd barley; a quantity TERMS: everything BOB 16-ft. Clinton fanning mill; 150-ft. and steel barrels; storm win- large apple peeler; broom; of hay. Cftsh. No reserve —“ Will be sold. MASSE, PROP. LEONARD SARARAS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AtlCT. 6<t