HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-11-13, Page 5THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1952 Letter From Harpley By »ERS. M. BOBBINS Ausable Authority Inspects Watershed, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley and daughter, Jean, are spending the weekend with friends in Detroit, Messrs. William and Colin Bove are busy building a home ■at Grand Bend. Mr, Mansell Hodgins and sis­ ter visited in Petrolia on Sunday with Mrs. W. R, I-Iodgins. Mr. Gibson and son, Fred, left on 'Saturday on a hunting trip to Manitoulin Island. Mrs. Walter McPherson called on a number of friends on this line on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Newton Hayter and daughter, Linda, visited over the weekend at Cameron McGregor’s cottage at Clifford where her husband is working at present. Miss Betty Swartz and Mr. Carl Morley, of London, visited on Sunday with Miss Barbara Hayter. Promises Assistance For Exeter Pond News Budget From Brinsley By .MRS. L. CRAVI3N -■ POP’S Taxa Service Phones: Exeter 357 and 545-r-3 B—............................ ...........—* Members of the Ausable Valley Conservation the watershed at first-hand land.” They spent points of conservation interest—- some where improvements had already beep made, and some where imprc-’’ements .were re­ commended. All phases ol conservation— flood control, reforestation, land use and recreation—were includ­ ed in the tour, designed to ac­ quaint representatives of the .22 municipalities ;n the watershed with the whole area. The members left Ailsa Craig at 9 a.m. First stop was near Andrew Dixon’s farm, Lot 22. Concession 4, of McGillivray, where the Little Ausable cuts across the road. Here the 1949 Conservation report recommends an auxiliary earth-filled dam which would flood 75 acres of valley land. The water flows freely here and the Authority will try a swimming pool experi­ ment in the area. Five feet of the be dredged out to and it is expected flow of water will Autliority Saturday “the lay the day \ You You You toured to see of the visiting river bed will form a pond that the fast keep the hole Bateman Motors Can’t Afford To Take Chances Can Afford To Be Safe—Be Free From Worry —Be Sure Get A Car That Carries Tlie “Bateman Guaran­ tee” of . p “SATISFACTION OR YOUR MONEY BACK” Any Model Any Price See Tom Huggett BATEMAN MOTORS 1473 Dundas East, LondonPhone 2-2618 FREE! DISAPPEAR removed NO CLEANING Away with old-fashioned dry cleaning for­ ever! No more dingy, lifeless clothes when, there’s our marvelous New Satiitone Service! It makes original colors and patterns bounce back! Everybody in town is switching to Sani- tone Dry Cleaning—it’s the one service that answers all their needs* Costs no more! Call us today! PHONE 136 Pickup and Delivery EXETER clean of silt. The site of the recommended Ailsa Craig flood control reser­ voir was visited. If the Authority constructed a dam dreds of acres in would be covered during the spring. View Corbett Pond Members viewed farm pond on Charles about here, the with hun- valley water a spring-fed pond on the farm of Corbett, which holds an eight-foot level of Report From Edgewood By MRS. ROY MOORE water. Besides water supply, the pond furnishes facilities swimming and fishing. It cost about $20 0 to build. Eight acres of maple bush on Concession 10, McGillivray, re­ commended for acquisition as a picnic site by the report, was viewed from the road. The route took the members past R.C.A.F. Station Centralia and to the by-pass pond of How­ ard Kerslake on No. 4 highway about a mile south of Exeter. The pond is considered one of the best of its kind in the Authority. Besides holding water during flood time, the pond pro­ vides Mr. Kerslake with a supply of water for fire protection and to feed his cattle. A pumping system constructed near the pond draws water to the barn for the land­ pond for of in Mr. and Mrs. Allen Westman moved to Lucan on Friday, and their friends and neighbors pre­ sented them with a wall mirror, table lamp and a heater. •Mr. Don Middleton spent Tues­ day in Toronto in the interest of the Junior Farmers. Last Friday was the date the Junior Farmers’ dance London. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zubal and was the last point of interest on the trip. The gully runs in a southerly direction toward the Ausable river and is said to have been started by the plough­ ing of a furrow to drain water from the township road and ad­ jacent fields in 1906. Today, this gully is about 1,000 feet long, 80 feet deep and 160 feet wide at the mouth. Several tile drains lead water into the sides of this gully, and as no provi­ sion has been made for leading the water down to the bottom, very severe, erosion is taking place in branch gullies. One member of the tour put it this way: “If $500 had been spent for drain pipe years ago, the gully wouldn’t be there. It will probably cost us a lot more money just to stop the erosion.’’ The touring busload included John Morrison, chairman of the Auhority; Fred Jackson, secre­ tary-manager; Jim Paterson, of 1-Iensall; Andrew Dixon, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kopel attend­ ed a dance in Dresden on Wed­ nesday night last. . Mr. Joe Zubal Sr. spent Satur­ day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zubal Jr. and family. Miss Olla Moore is spending a few days with Mrs. Helen Ellah in St. Marys. Mr. Clare Dunlop and Delmar Westman left on a hunting trip up north on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Maurice Durham is much improved but is still in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leslie spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Moore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster of the Mitchell Road and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pye of London spent the weekend with the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore, and family. accompanied by Mrs. Neil; of accompasied by Mrs. Neil, of Granton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnston, of Galt. The teacher and pupils of Re­ vere school held a Hallowe’en party on Thursday. Mesdames Stanley Crawford, Gordon Mitchell, Norman Hod­ gins and Gordon Rathburn at­ tended a brush and plastic party at the home of Mrs. Andrew Standeaven, of Avonbank, on Wednesday of last week. The Revere Public School with Mrs. Cecil Bowman as teacher has been rated a model school for teaching practice. Two Lon­ don Normal students have been slated for November, two in February and two in April. Miscellaneous Shower A shower was held Friday eve­ ning at the home of Mrs. Ken Garrett for Mrs. Thomas Pye, a recent bride, the former Evelyn Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore. Those who took part in the program were Anna Westman, Mrs. Lant Hardie, who gave readings, and Mrs. Ken Garrett, Betty Lou Garrett and Mrs. Har­ old Westman, who gave contests. Evelyn was escorted to a de­ corated table where she received many fine gifts. Fann Forum Members of at the home Haysel Perrin nin.g. Topic for discussion “To farm or not to farm, question for youth”. Question “What pose a advice should work. consider most important to stress in your reply?” First, he should like farming and country life; he should be physically fit and have some itiwxvlodtjo of woi*R. Thus lie would know just when to sow and reap for his best in­ terests. He also should have a liking for animals. Finance, too, cattle. Mr. Kerslake has scaped the area around the with the trees. Discuss Exeter Park Considerable discussion place at the Exeter dam where members spent almost an hour with municipal officials. The reservoir, once a good recrea­ tional area, has silted in badly and local authorities hope to dredge it clear again. Authority chairman John Mor­ rison expressed chagrin that the pond had been neglected and allowed to silt up. Cost of dredging, officials estimated, would be excessive. Fred Jack* son, secretary-manager Authority, the pond drain off serve no control. It tion project, he stated. Mr. Morrison promised local officials the Authority would provide free technical assistance if the town asked for it. Beyond 'that, however, he was not pre­ pared to" pledge the financial support of the Authority. Beautiful Spot Most of the members of the Authority agreed that the area the pond could be one of the nicest parks in the pro- from an overhead spring is still intact but the equipment in the mill and the mill itself are in dire need of repair. It is recom­ mended that the Authority take over the mill as a historical site. Worst Gully The worst gully in the Ausable watershed, on Lot 9, Concession 10 of East Williams Township, Wellington Haist, Stephen; lijjgton Brock, Usborne; man Hodgins, McGillivray. Bell, Tuckersmith; Charles Cor­ bett, Lucan; Eric McIlroy, Grand Bend; Joseph Bryan, Biddulph; John Stephen, Blanshard; Jim Stewart, Lobo; Frank Allen, of Hibbert; William Haugh, Hay; Leonard Johnston, secretary of Thames Valley Authority; How­ ard _ Kerslake, Exeter, and Ben­ jamin Elliott, Lucan, interested citizens. Wel- Free- Roy took Message From Greenway By MRS. CARMEN WOODBURN Auto Life - Farmers’ Comprehensive Liability (including animal collision and tractor) Prompt Service On All ClaimsThe regular meeting of the W.M.S. of the Brinsley United Church was held in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon last with a good tendance, with Group 4 charge of the program. The Ladies’ Guild of Mary's Anglican Church, Brins­ ley, held their monthly meeting at the home of the rector, Rev. G. Parker, Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Calfas ■and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zinn of Kitchener spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, James Treve­ thick. The sympathy of the commun­ ity is extended to Mr. Joseph white and family in their recent sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Knapton and family of Thorndale sjpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fenton. Miss Hewitt dined with and Mrs. Wesley Watson on day evening. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and baby spent the weekend with Mrs. Lewis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, of Auburn. Mrs. Ellen Maguire ing some time with Mrs. Frost Watson of •Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Exeter visited recently and Mrs. Fred Fenton. Mrs. Ruth Watson spent Thursday Mrs. Earl Messrs. Pickering gone north on a hunting Miss Grace Trevethick spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. Neil, of Lieury. Mrs. Ruth Watson, and Bobbie, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allison visited recently with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Auburn. at- in St. Fred Mr. Sun- KIRKTON Ross Francis Local Co-Op Agent Phone '34-r-8 ONTARIO a Steam Baths Turkish Baths M ineral Baths Swedish Massage Keep In Good Health MEN OR WOMEN 9:00 A.M. — 9:00 P.M. u National Massage Studio LONDON, ONTARIO 332 Central Ave. (Appointment Only) is spend- Mr. and Thedford. Fraser of with Mr. Phone 2-4772The Harmony Class of the United Church will hold their meeting on Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. Mr. J. Porter of Park­ hill will present pictures. Mrs. W. T. Ulens left on Sat­ urday to spend the winter with her daughter, Miss Lillian Ulens, of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts and daughter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Doan of London. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Em­ ma Grieve on Friday. The sym­ pathy of the community is ex­ tended to the bereaved relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartle and family of West Corners visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. The W.A. Church are tea in the Wednesday, 2:30 p.m. Mr. and and Frances and Mrs. Jerry Bro­ phey spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Brophey of Tilbury. Mr. Morris Murray Bruce Eagleson have from hunting .trips in Ontario . Miss Evelyn Curts Manuel Curts visited on Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Charles Curts, who is a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital, London. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I-Ienry Eagleson of Dash­ wood. Mr. and Mrs. -Elton Curts visited on Sunday with relatives in Strathroy. Mr. Carl P.ollock returned home from the hospital Friday. Donald Mrs. Lloyd Brophey continued out the By MRS. F. HORNE and Mr. now to The well-dressed man there’s a stripe to suit your of chalk stripes, pin stripes, wide stripes and narrow stripes. See them now. Let us measure you for a really smart striped by Johnston.ments constructedto have a build in this wide range visited on Mrs. Free- and Mr. returned Northern was sup- Catholic Popes have been Ital­ ians for more than three centur­ ies. grand­ George is wearing Revere forum met of Mr. and on Monday Neil, of Sunday with in Grand Bend con- are two blockages in from the highway the mouth. These outlet of water during with her daughter, Trevethick, of London. Gordon Scott, Karl and Wilfred Dixon has trip. old water- at Hungry recommended for pre- , was viewed with in- of the United holding a bazaar and church basement on November 19, at A secondary color is one which results from mixing one or more primary colors. Mrs. eve- was, vital FALL >52 . . This Week in Winchelsea and Mrs. i THURS 4 DAYS ONLY MON of the pointed out that since was not allowed to in the fall, it would purpose under flood was strictly a recrea- iHEN INVENTORY CLEARANCE YEAR END for discussion do you think? First, young man asked you for as to whether or not he choose farming as a life What points would you failure of is a big factor Management is very important;have a certain system about ’your work and stick to it. Second question:“How can the attitude of the farm Wife affect the success or the farm.’' , The farm wife has proper attitude toward farming. She must encourage her hus­ band, otherwise if she doesn't like farming, she can discourage her husband and turn him against his work. She should be physically fit, sociable, and have a peaceful mind filled with con­ surrounding made into recreational vince. The tour P.ashwood road where Fred Jackson pointed out areas in the Hay Swamp optioned for re­ forestation. The Authority now controls over 1,000 acres in the swamp and a large-scale re­ forestation project will begin in the spring. After eating at‘ Zurich, the bus proceeded to Grand Bend on the Blue Water Highway and the huge erosion gullies along the lakeshore were noted. Grand Bend Site . At Grand Bend, Acting Reeve Eric McIlroy led the party to a site east of the highway wherfe Grand Bend Lions were plan­ ning a recreational area. The land, some 20 acres, belongs to Cyrus Green and Joseph Oliver. Only access to the area is ovei’ a ditch, cut seven feet wide about 25 years ago and eroded to over 30 feet wide?. Several recommendations to cut the erosion were made, includ­ ing the erection of fences inside the eroding bank. The Authority’s latest step to alleviate flood conditions in the lowlands of the Haigmeir farm area is to survey the river from Devil's Elbow, in McGillivray township, to the mouth at Grand Bend. Officials tend there the river bridge hinder the spring flood time. Never Dredged Authority members viewed the river from the bridge and heard Eric McIlroy and John Manore, an experienced fisherman in the area, state that the river had never been dredged from a point east of the bridge to near the mouth. In this area, they said, were several blockages which held the water back. When the area is surveyed, the seriousness of these block­ ages will be determined and the authority may take steps to re­ move them. Smith Lake, a large, swampy area in Bosanquet, part of old Lake Burwell, was visited by the Authority. The Authority re­ port recommends that Lake Smith be maintained as a game preserve to protect ducks and geese. Many fowl were seen on the water. Channel Too Small A tour around the 7-8,000 acre Haigmeir farm convinced most members that the channel in this area was not large enough to carry the heavy water in the spring when the whole area is flooded . The survey to be made of this area should determine whether channel dredging would releive the flood condition. At Rock Glen, near Arkona, members saw the picturesque falls and the work done there by the Arkona Lions and the Authority to establish a recrea­ tion park. Rock Glen is famous for its fossils, drawing geological students from all over North America. The picnic area is established afoun'd the falls. On the farm of C. V. Blatch- ford, nearby, members saw two anting - fed ponds this yeai*. Historic Site Preservation of an powered flour mill Hollow servatioh terest by the members. The pipe* line used to bring the water tentment. Next Monday night the form meet at the home , of Mr. Mrs. Harvey Kennedy with Floyd Dykes as leader and Haysel Perrin as convener. will and Mr. Mrs. Topic for November 10 is “Farm Women in Public Life?’’ A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Perrin, assisted by her sis­ ter, Mrs. Neil. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walters and boys, of St. Thomas, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Messrs. Fred Walters and Col- borne Vance returned on Satur­ day from a week’s deer hunting at South Magnetewan. Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickey and family of Woodham Sunday with Mr. and man Horne. Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Batten spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong of Hensail. The Mission Circle of Elim- ville Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Kath­ leen Horne Monday evening. » Those who attended the W.M.- S. convention at Chiselhurst were Mrs. David Morley, Mrs. Earl Morley, Miss Kathlene Morley, Mrs. Martin Watson and Mrs, Ruth Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick and family spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr, Mrs. George Neil, of Lieury. Whatever your type suit, hand-cut and tailored to z your personal measure- SALE OF VIRGIN WOOL FABRICS TAILORED-TO-MEASURE AT PRICES WELL BELOW ACTUAL COST NOVEMBER 13, 14, IS AND 17 They’ll go fast at these prices so order early for best selection. Made-to-measure; Club Clothes $37.50; other ranges $51.00 and $58.50 McKnight See the terrific JOHNSTON range of striped suitings at McKNIGHT & WALPER