HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-11-13, Page 4Page 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13, 1952 '■ Service with Courtesy Exeter Cab Supertest Station DAY OR NIGHT PHONE 405 DISC® DIAL 980 CFPL 7 DAYS A WEEK Groups To Pack Bale Fpr European Relief Mrs. W. B. Cross presided the November meeting of for the Women’s Missionary Society held in the Uxxited Church Thursday afternoon, November 6. Mrs. R. J. Paterson was convenor and Mrs. W. Stephenson conducted devotions with prayer by Mrs. Jarvis Hortoii. Plans were discussed, for the packing of a bale in the near future to be forwarded to head­ quarters in Toronto for European Relief and members are asked to leave good used ox- new clothing at the church, or if locked, to leave them Armstrong. In charge Mrs. N. E. Paterson, Mrs. Mrs. A. Alexander. Mrs. George Armstrong and Mrs. N. E. Cook were appointed nominating com­ mittee to bring in slate of of­ ficers at the A Christmas tured at the with Mrs. K. Hess as program and lunch con­ venors. Mrs. W. Henry, delegate to the sectional meeting at Clxisel- hurst last Tuesday, presented a report relating many important facts as they were presented from each of -•the different speakers at the meeting. Mrs. George Armstrong gave the topic “Family Life in an African Village,” ways different pictures of their Mrs. George Hess favoured a solo, accompanied by Sherritt. with Mrs. George of this project are Cook, Mrs. R. J. William Forrest, December party will December Scott and meeting, be fea- meeting Mrs. G. Life outlining their different and beliefs and showed lives, with Mrs. MARKET REPORTS and the No­ th e Ed- Wally Herbert reports from Easton Fisher 12:25 Noon (Monday to Friday) STOCK * Carmel Ladies* Aid To Serve At Bee Mrs. John Soldan was hostess at her home Monday evening for the meeting of the Laides Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church. There were 28 ladies present. President Mrs. W. R. Bell was in charge of the meeting and the devotional was conducted by Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. Rochus Faber. Plans were laid and commit­ tees formed fox* the bazaar afternoon tea to be held in church Saturday afternoon, vember 29. Convenors for different booths are Mrs. B. wards, Mrs. E. Munn, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. J. Soldan, and Mrs. Clarence Reid. I was decided to serve supper at the home of Mrs. Alex Mc- ■ Gregor to the men of the church j who will help with the wood bee i at Harry Caldwell’s. Convenors • were Mrs. C. Volland and Mrs. A. Hoggarth. Mrs. G. Walker made the pre­ sentation society. ' Canadians eat 90,000 hogs weekly—and want them lean and tender! “NATIONAL” is packed with animal protein for rapid growth, loaded with vitamins for health and balanced with essential minerals. It gives you a fast, pork-producing grower with less grain *.. a grower that produces top quality bacon hogs, which means more profit for you. See Your NATIONAL Dealer to-day MTlQriQi WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL - ONTARIO . . ................... p-u Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign FGrfHizQ your Crop with NATIONAL well-cured, properly-blended FERTILIZER Hensail And District News ........................... ■ .... -f--- - ■■ .......... -................ „ ______r;.-.-.,.;. ■ , ■ JU Hensall Veterans Pay Tribute To Fallen Heroes Of Two Wars i Tribute to the fallen heroes of two Hensail citizens munity Day services. Members of the Hensail branch of the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary, headed by the Ban­ nockburn Pipe Band, parade from the school Cenotaph. Rev. J, B. Fox charge of the service Cenotaph, with prayer by Rev. N. McLeod. Wreaths were placed following: Province of Mrs. R. Taylor, Sr; Reeve world wars was made in Tuesday morning when of the village anti com- attended Remembrance led the to the was in at the offered by the Ontario, Village of Kerslake; Reeve Earl Township of Tucker- Mr. Alf. Moffatt; in R. Hensall, Township of Hay, Campbell; ~ smith, memory of Mr. W. J. Park, D. E. McKinnon; Hensall branch, Canadian Legion, President Don­ ald Dayman; President Mrs. Last Post sounded by buglers Dr. Kelvie, W. Little, Fred Beer and A. Clark. Standard bearers were Comrades Roy Smale and J. Boa. At the service which in the hall, the guest Rev, N. McLeod, of chose for his theme, righteous shall be an everlasting r e m e m brane e.” Rev. W. J. Rogers assisted with the service. The ladies cljoir rendered “Song of Peace” under direction of J. L. Nicol, conductor. bank and school were Merchants the A. Legion Auxiliary, Bertha Clark, and Reveille wei’e D. Mc- 0. Goodwin, Ed. The closed for the day. closed morning only. followed speaker, Kippen, “The their stores for cele- Samuel Merner, Th resher, Butcher Mr. Samuel Merner, who brated his ninety-first birthday on Wednesday, November 5, died in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, Saturday, where he had been a patient for the past five weeks and also had nudergone an operation two weeks ago. Born in Hay Township, Mr. Merner, with his wife and family ’ moved to Hensail in February of 1914. He .... trade and butchering. Ia. 19 47 celebrated ding anniversary. Mrs. Merner passed away in June, 19 51. Mr. Merner was a member of the United Church. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Flossie Brock, Hensail; one son, Roy Merner, Zurich; two brothers, Wesley, Zurich, and Jake, Detroit, Mich; six grand­ children and nine great-grand children. Private funeral services were held from Bonthron’s funeral home, Hensail, Monday, con­ ducted by Rev. W. J. Rogers. Interment was in Bronson Line cemetery. was was a thresher also engaged by in Q and Mrs. Merner their diamond wed- Mr. Wohelo Class Meets 5 Members of the Wohelo met in the United Church nesday night, November 5. ing the period of business, bers suggested that the i plan l ___ held in the near future. Mrs. George Hess, Miss Winni- fred Gray and Mr. J. F. Black- well were named a committee for this project. Mrs. G. Hess and Miss Gladys Luker contributed delightful vocal duetts. Rev. W. J. Rogers pronounced the bene­ diction. A recreational period of crokinole was enjoyed with Mrs. J. Corbett in charge. During the social hour, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett, valued class members, and a recent bridal couple, were presented with a blanket. Mr. Sam Rannie and Miss Shirley Flynn done the honors. The recipients made fitting responses. Delicious refreshments were served under the convenorship of Mrs. S. Rannie. Class Wed- Dur- mem- Class a special program to he I’ersonal Items Miss Maude Glenn, of London, visited recently at the homes of her brothers, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. John M, Glenn, Mrs. Marguerite McMillan visited during the with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. othex* friends. Miss Kay Bell, spent the weekend parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bell. Miss Shirley Chapman, nurse­ in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman. Mrs. Edna Corbett is spending this week with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Parker at Chisel­ hurst. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Connie visited recently with Mrs. Corbett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz, at Grand Bend. Mr. Preston Lemnfon returned home after spending a week with relatives in Toronto. Miss Lena MacDonald is visit­ ing with .Rev. P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson and family, in Montreal. Miss Uleen Halliday, Thomas, friends : Miss to her week. Officials and members of the Amber Rebekah Lodge No. 34 9, Hensall, motored to Goderich on Tuesday evening and attended the Goderich Lodge 1— Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge, of Exeter, conferred the degree on two c andidates of Hensall, Mrs. Howard Lemmon and Mrs. William Parker, Hensall Lodge patricipated in the closing cere­ mony of the Lodge. Mrs. R. A. Orr recently under­ went an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, in the interests of her health. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and gild sons, don; Mr. Flynn, of on Sunday R. Shaddick and family. Nancy Kyle, daughter* of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kyle, had her tonsils removed at Clinton Hos­ pital, Saturday morning last. Mrs. Annie Saundercoclc confined to hex' room with heart condition. Mrs. W. R. Dougall is not joying the best of health. Mr. Milton Love, who has i been enjoying very good health this past son and and Mrs. roxxto on pects to stay for a few weeks. Mrs. Manns left Saturday foi’ Toronto where she will spend the winter montlus with her son and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and Donald. John Anderson, of Hensall, won the John Labatt trophy at Goderich shoot 'Wednesday, No­ vember 5 fox* the, third consecu­ tive year under very tough shooting conditions. I-le was also a winnex’ of a turkey. Mrs. Jack Munn, of Ropley, the 1'ormeK Edna Jackson, of Hensall, was the guest of Mrs. Ella McLean, of Exeter, and called on several former acquaintances in Hensall this week. Mrs. James Wright returned home Saturday efter visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wright, of Lorhe Park. Miss spent family. Mr. Fred Beei’ attended the Cyclist Battalion Reunion held at the Royal Connaught Hotel iix Ham­ ilton last Saturday. Mr. and . and Clark, Sr., spent relatives in Mr. and past week Stan Tudor, Foster and of London, with her Stewart of St. , visited recently with in Hensail. Stella Robson returned home in Toronto last Birthday Party For Kippen W.M.S. The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s ITnited Church were hosts to the Hensall Auxiliary in the church last Wrednesday afternoon. About 75 ladies were present. Mrs. T. Kaye and Mrs. W. Caldwell were co-hostesses. Mrs. S. Pepper was in charge of the worship. Mrs. I. Buth, of Seaforth, favoured with a solo, accompanied at the piano by Mrs, J. McGregor, also of Sea­ forth. Mrs. R. Broderick and Mrs. Hahn, of Hensall, favored with a vocal duet, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. T. Sherritt. Mrs. Alex McMurtree reported she and» Mrs. McLeod had called on six shut-ins. Mrs. T. Kay and Mrs. asked to be the visiting mittee fox* November. Mrs. old Jones and Mrs. Pearl favored with a vocal duet. Jones accompanied them on the guitar. Mrs. Emerson Kyle introduced the speaker, Mrs. McLeod, who recently moved to Kippen. Mrs. McLeod gave a very interesting address about missionary hos­ pitals iix Western Canada. Mrs. G. Hess, of Hensall, favored with a solo, accompanied by Mrs. T. skit, given Mrs. Cooper, Jr ■William Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE' ■William Caldwell were com- Har- Love Mrs. Sherritt. A humorous Church Fire,” was Mrs. Robert Elgin, McClinchey, Mrs. J. Mrs. Morley Cooper, Mrs. William Caldwell, Mrs. Robert McGregoi’ and Mrs. Ray Consitt. Mrs. Winston Workman ex­ tended thanks to all taking part. Mrs. Sinclair pronounced the “The by Carl Miss Jane Morgan, Learning­ ton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Morgan. Miss Margaret Bray, of Lon­ don, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray. Messrs. Aimer Passmore, Al­ vin Passmore, Roy McLeod, Ray Cottle, William Lamport are away deer hunting this week at Manitoulin Island. Miss Pegg}- and Master George McIntyre, of London, spent the weekend with their grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne. Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Riney Keller and Lome, of Exeter, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. A large number of people from this community attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Frayne Legion of last The munity Webb, sudden late Mrs. Grieve, of Grand Bend. The monthly meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Edwin Miller Wednesday afternoon of last week. The Mission Band will tfreet next Sunday, November 16, dur­ ing the church service. A program under the direction of Everett Myers, of London, to be held in the Thames Road Church Tuesday evening, Novem­ ber 25, sponsored by the Thames Road manager. Parsons at the Exeter Hall Wednesday evening week. sympathy ' of the conx- is extended to Mrs. Elgin of Grand Bend, in the passing of her sister, the meeting, benediction. The ladies were in­ Mrs. Alvin Middleton Jim and Gene, Lon- and Mrs. Thomas Seaforth, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. week, accompanied daughter-in-law, Howard Love, to Sunday where he is a en- not his Mr. To- ex- Betty Mickle, of London, the weekend with her Harry Horton and Mr. Frank Forrest Louis Clark, weekend with Mrs. Mrs. the St. Clair, Mich. Mrs. Jack Harrison and little daughter, of Water­ ford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. other re- Ch iselhurst Groups End Active Year Mrs. Harold Parker was elected president of the Women’s Missionary Society of Chiselhurst United Church for the second term at the annual meeting held Tuesday afternoon. The slate., of officers will remain the same as last year with the exception of the flower committee. Mrs. Taylor, Jr., will replace Mrs. Bert Wren. The* worship was conducted by tlxe president, Mrs. Parker, who was in tlxe chair, assisted by Mrs. Bert Riley and Mrs. Cal Horton. Boxes of fruit will be sent to two shut-ins. The ladies discussed plans for packing a bale for Korea. Boyce outlined the Mission Band, with _ . . __ mitted by Mrs. cal Horton. Mrs. J. Glenn presented the Baby Band report. The treasurer’s re­ port was given by Mrs. B. Stone­ man man and disclosed a very successful year. The Women’s Association held their meeting and re-elected Mrs. Roy McDonald as president for another term. Other officers will -remain the same with the exception of first vice-president. Mrs. Percy Harris will take tlxe place of Mrs. Earl Treffry, The group agreed to hold a White Gift Service with Mrs. R, Boyce and Rev. W, J. Rogers with the pro^ ject, R. Mrs. Robert work of the a report sub­ Mrs. B, Stoneman to assist J. F. Blackwell and friends on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton, Mr. and Mrs. George Smale, Mrs. Allan Townsend and Miss Jean Tayloi’ attended a banquet in the Legion Hall, Exeter, Fri­ day evening for the employees of Canadian Canners, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid sp’ent the first part of this week iix Toronto. Mrs. Mary Simpson left last week for Winnipeg, Man., where she will spend the wintex’ with her sister. The Girls Dance Club __ holding a dance in the town hall, Hensall, Thursday, Decem- ber 4. Lionel Thornton and his Casa Royal orchestra will fur­ nish the music for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle and sons, Donald and John, of Ridgetown, spent last Sunday . and Girls Mrs. are L. Micklewith Mr. i and family. Mr. and Mrs, ander returned from a delightful motor trip to the ' * ' " _ ‘ “ . 7 with relatives at Marquis, Sask and visited with a great-uncle, _ . Robert Moir, who is 98 years of age, of Crystal City, Man., a former well-known Hen sail resi­ dent who is enjoying good health' and enjoyed hearing about his good - —* -- also Albert G. Alex- home last week West where they visited Courtwright, Man They Mr. old Hensall friends. They visited with Mr. Moir’s sister, Mrs. C. McGill, of Neelin, They reported a most crop of wheat and ' Man rwonderful ,.................... i barley. Mr, and Mrs. Alexander were away seven weeks. vited to room where a served, covered centered with cake, a u t u candles. Tea was poured by Mrs. W. McLean Alexander. Mrs. Robert Mc­ Bride cut the birthday cake. Local Men On Hunt 'Local men who left Saturday for Manitoulin Island to hunt, include: Connsitt, Campbell Eyre, Stanley Jackson, Wilbur Scott, William Bell, Herman Dayman, Harry Caldwell, Wes Richardson, Allan Tremeer, Elzar Mousseau, Emerson Anderson, Murtrie. Personal Items Mr. 'and Mrs. E. Terry, of Stratford, the Sunday School dainty lunch was tea table was lace cloth and a large birthday n flowers and The with m J. and Mrs. William Emerson Kyle, Russel Elmore Stephenson, Lloyd McLean, Mrs. J. Corbett and Mrs. Kyle. The treasurer, Drysdale, reported cessful bake sale. “African Village Agriculture” fronx ......„ Book, was given by Miss Jean Armstrong. Musical n u ixi bers were contributed by the junior guests, Jane Horton and Gwen Spencer. Miss W. Gray gave a humorous reading and a vocal solo was rendered by Mrs. Hilda Haun, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Alex Mc- and. Sun­ day visitors with Mrs. vR. Dins- dale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Howell and Miss Dunlop, Sunday visitors Mrs. N. Long. Mrs. Kyle, of Saturday with daughter-in-law, Emerson Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were i.>J of Sarnia, were with Mr. and Clinton, visited her Mr. son and and Mrs. H.Stasik and George visited friends in Crom­ arty on Sunday. Mr. Charles Switzer is im­ proving in health, but is still confined to London hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Henderson visited friends in London Sun­ day. Mr and Mrs. We at- lat- on and Mrs. James Burnett the latter’s grandmother, Howell, who is in her ninety-third year, of Toronto, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Long. Mrs. R.Oindale is confined to her bed through illness, wish her a speedy recovery. ■Mr. and. Mrs. W. Meilis tended the funeral of the ter’s cousin in Wroxeter Saturday. Mrs. Ducker left for Toronto Tuesday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Long. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden ano Verna, of Denfield, visited on Sunday with- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKay, newly-weds, returned home from their honeymoon««last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fairbairn, of Hensall, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. ‘ Mrs. Alice Cook, of London, and Mrs. J. Schilbe, of Exeter, visited on Tuesday with tfieir mother, Mrs.- J. McClymont. Mrs. M. Kilpatrick, who has been visiting members of the Anderson family, left Sunday for her sister’s home in Belgrave. A number of ladies of the W.M.S. were guests of the Varna United Church Auxiliary last Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jarrott visited Sunday with the latter’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Mason, near Belgrave. Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter, of neai' Exeter, spent last Thurs­ day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gack­ stetter. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Windsor, are visiting their and daughter-in-law, Mr, Mrs. Neil Campbell. of son and Auxiliary Meets The November meeting of Evening Auxiliary was held in the United Church Monday with 87 members present. In charge of the meeting was Mrs, D. Kyle, president. Mrs. S. Rannie, assist­ ed by Mrs. J, Simmons, ed ,tlie devotional, A from the Missionary was given by Miss R. Mrs, W. Spencer reported for the visiting committee, chase and Mrs. J. appointed as the committee. Reports __ Missionary Society meeting held at Chiselhnrst United Church were given by the conduct- reading Monthly Avery. Mrs. ®. Chip- Flynn were hew visiting o n the Women’s sectional Messrs. Bruce Koehler, Harold Parker, George Beer, Harry Nor­ ris, Bert Horton, Thomas Doug- all, William Parke, Garnet Mousseau and Doug Dick are deer hunting at Manitoulin Island this week. REMEMBER MOTHER Give her a box of RED BERRIED HOLLY wrapped for Christmas For Details Write THE C. D. MORRIS NURSERY LTD. P.O. Box 5 Ocean Park, B.O. Look at the features of this amazing tire: A BEST SNOW-ICE TIRE BAR NONE FOR CITY AND SUBURBAN DRIV- Study Suburbanite Reg'd. TM. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Canada, Limited SIS For faster, better controlled pick­ up and safer stops on loose or packed snow—even on glare ice- come to us for the revolutionary snow-ice tire . . . the Suburbanite by Goodyear! FOR CITY AND ING . . . ,4-1856 GRIPPING, BITING EDGES AMAZINGLY QUIET RUNNING BEST TRACTION—FORWARD AND REVERSE . . . -A TREAD GROOVES CUT SIDE-SLIP TO A MINIMUM . . . A1L O W A N C E For sure winter starts let us install a Goodyear "Factory-Fresh” Battery. FOR SALE Cedar fence posts, 8 feet long, .inches and up at top end; also Hydro Poles, any length re­ quired; will deliver if necessary. Posts delivered 7-5 <jt each, poles $3 and up according to length. Allowance to those coming to my ( farm and paying cash, and taking them away. Would prefer all parties to come and inspect posts or poles. Baird Russell R.R. 3 Kincardine, Ont. ■ I<J| 7 BUS p 7 * :::•<: .ft* '■* Or ^ood/^ear; \TIRES I- * ■ V ♦t; ,1 Select From Dinney Furniture ROCKERS HASSOCKS BUY NOW 'AND GET THE LARGEST ^ELECTION MIRRORS WE WILL LAY AWAY ANY ARTICLE TILL CHRISTMAS ROCKERS PHONE 20-W CHROME SUITES L KNEEHOLE DESKS EXETER E* • c ....................................................................... iiiiiiinitHiiiiiHi.................................................