HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-30, Page 9THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1952 Page 7 Don't wheeze, gasp, cough, Tight for breath. Take Templeton’s RAg-MAII Capsules, specially made to help asthma sufferers breathe more easily and comfort­ ably, so they work regularly and enjoy long restful nights of sleep, 65c, $1.35. R-53 B-ftriwr-ug. H-B- "!!.i...t...i ,,|!,wgBwg.e..w Service with Courtesy ■ ■ Exeter Cab Supertest Station PHONE 405 DAY OR NIGHT >■ PHONE STONE’S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS - HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT INGERSOLL 21 EXETER 287-W District Couple Wed 62 Z/Happy Years" Sixty-two years of happily married life were quietly ob­ served by Mr. and Mrs. John Allison of the Thames Road Thursday of last week. The occasion was marked the presentation of a life-size charcoal sketch of Mr. Allison by the well-known Canadian artist, Egbert C. Reed. The pre­ sentation was made by Mayor W. G. Cochrane, on behalf of the Cities Service Oil Co., following a recent broadcast in which Mr. Allison was honored as one of the oldest patriarchs of the Exeter district. Mr, Cochrane congratulated Mr, an$ Mrs. Allison on their long and happy life and wished them further health and happi­ ness in their declining years. J, M- Soutlicott, on behalf The Times-Advocate, joined the felicitations. "It must have taken a lot grace to live with a man for years" Allison, years with their ups and downs" •said Mrs. Allison. "In fact, he’s too easy to get along with," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Yes, father and mother never- - - - Mrs. they easy been Church T. on by of in of 62 said the editor to Mrs, “They’ve been happy EXETER TABERNACLE Better Buys! ’51 Used Cars ☆AUSTIN SEDAN ☆’50 PONTIAC COACH ☆’39 CHSV COACH All In Good Condition had a quarrel in their stated their daughter, Archie Morgan. The way laughed and joked it was to see that life must have a happy one. Mr. Allison, now in his tietli year, still resides on the farm purchased from the Canada Company by his father hewed out of Mrs. Allison, — _____ Jane Monteith who lived on the adjoining farm, Both are ly good health but the years is having its effect. Mr. Allison is ^omewhat hard of hearing and Mrs. Allison gets around with the use of a cane. They are being well cared for by Mrs. Irene Smith. The family consists of two daughters and two sons, Mrs, Henry Schreiner, of New York; Mrs. Archie Morgan, of Usborne; Charles and , William, of Exeter. nine- and the virgin forest, formerwas the in fair­ toll of South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER The nagging wife always look­ ing for an argument asked her mate, ‘Will you still love me when I'm old and ugly?" Bristling he replied, says I don’t?" "Who If^■ Main St. United Church Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist 57th Anniversary Sunday, November 2 11 a.m.—"Dr. George Sparling, of Chatham. Anthems: "Praise Our Lord O Jerusalem” and "The Holy City”. Soloist: Mrs. Porterfield. 7 p.m.—Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D. Anthems: "Nature’s An,them of Praise” "Abide With Me”. Duet: Gerald and Harold Skinner. 10 a.m,—The Sunday School in All Departments. 11 a.m.—-Nursery Class for all little people. BUT THERE’S ■' About Christmas Shopping ONLY 46 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT! DON’T LET THE SPECTRE OF ' CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WORRY YOU! Phone 510 BUY JEWELLERY FROM JACK! Exeter i F.A.O.O, Rev, H. Kendrick, Pastor Wed., 8 p.m.—Bibl6 Study and Prayer. Thurs,, 2:30 p.m.—W.M.C. Leader; Mrs. C. Blanchard. Fri., 8 p.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker: Mrs. E. Cucpnore. Special Busic and Singing. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—-Sunday School. Suptu Mr. E. jCudmore. Missionary Sunday. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship and Communion. Sun,, 7:30 p.m. —- Evangelistic Message. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Bey, J, Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. Speaker: Major Bowers Sermon Subject: "My Visit the Potter’s Field" The Brotherhood 4n charge, 11:15 a.m.—Church School Speaker; Mrs. Bowers. Curios from the Gold Coast and Nigeria will be shown. Evening service withdrawn in favor of Zurich anniversary. Thursday, Oct. 30, 8 p.m.—Star Free Concert. to Dashwood Team Elects Officers The Dashwood hockey organised for the coming season at a recent meeting. Charles Regler was elected president. Other officers are: Stewart Webb, vice-president; Harry Hayter, secretary; execu­ tive members, Joe Merner, V, L. Becker, Floyd Wein, Ken Mc­ Crae, George Schoeffbuch and Wally Wein. Howard Klump will manage the team. Carl Wein is coach, Louis Corriveau will net as time­ keeper and goal judges are Howard Datars and Edward Miller. u The meeting discussed whether the team would play their home games '1#■ dub WE CAN’T GUARANTEE . * We can’t guarantee publication of advertisements not received early in the week! When news budgets are particularly heavy, it is sometimes necessary to delete late ad copy un­ til the fallowing week. Be sure! Make Monday your deadline for ad­ vertising copy!! THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH O. M. Eelman, Pastor ■Service Exeter Canadian Legion This Sunday, 2 £30 p.m.- in Hall. All welcome. JAMES ST. CHURCH Bev, H, J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. The sermon will be preached by Dr. J. Bella Coola west coast; Everyone is ent foi' this . _ . Anthem by the Choir. Solo: Bruce Cudmore. Evening service withdrawn favor of Main Street United Church anniversary. A warm welcome is extended to all. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev, J. V. Dahms, Minister Sunday, November 2— 10. a.m.—Worship. Sermon: "God’s Purpose the Christians” 11 a.m,—Sunday School, 7:30 p.m. — W.S.W.S. Thank- offering Service. Nov e m b e r 7-9 — Conference Youth Convention. for E. Whiting of * the Mission on the' urged to be pres- special service. CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND Rev. E. Wattam ’ a.m.—Sunday School. ’ a.m.—Worship. in 10:00 11:00 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Wed., 8:00 p.m.—prayer Meet­ ing. Fri., 8:00 p.m.—Young Peoples. Thames Road Pastor Centralia Guest Speaker Rev. G. Burton was in charge of the service at the Thames Road Church on Rev. Moores, of was guest speaker Offering services church on Sunday very fine sermons Sunday. Thames Road, at the Thank held in the and delivered both morning and evening. In the evening he challenged the people in rural communities to uphold their church with better attendance and keener interest in the work of the church Special music was provided by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. K. Hodgins. In the morn­ ing both the junior' and the senior choirs took part. A beauti­ ful flute solo was played by Mrs. Ronald Squire. A number was sung by the male quartet, Messrs. H. Godbolt, Sam Skinner, C. Skinner and K. Hodgins, with Mrs. Hodgins taking the solo part. In the evening Mrs. Younger, of Exeter, assisted the choir and sang a solo. Two anthems were sung with duet and solo parts taken by Mrs. McCurdy, Mr. C. Skinner, Mrs. Kipp, Maxine God­ bolt and Mr. Fred Howe. The church was decorated with autumn leaves, fruit and flowers. Rev. Moores was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Skinner. W.M.S. Meeting "Worship in the Courts of the Lord" was . the theme for the W.M.S. meeting in the school­ room of the church on Tuesday evening. Miss Agnes Anderson was the leader and opened the meeting by reading Psalm 727. A lovely duet was sung by Mrs. Kipp and Mrs. J. Essery. The study book, chapters three and four, was presented by Mrs. William Elliott and Mrs. Ken Hodgins. The president was in charge of the business. Ten sick visits were reported. Miss Agnes Anderson was named a delegate to the convention on October 28. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Burton and Mrs. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. S. Molnar and Mr, Steve Molnar, of Montreal, returned home Friday after holidaying for^a week, with rela­ tives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, K. Hodgins and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hodgins at Green­ way. Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks spent a few days last week with their daughter and son-in-law, in Fort Erie. Among those Who attended anniversary services at Whalen on Sunday were.’ W. Elliott, Mr. Squire and family, R. Hodgson and Greb, Mrs. K. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. O. Mr, and Mrs. Kay, Mrs. K. Hodgins and Misses Donna ,and Marina Bow­ den. \ (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love and Arlene, Mr. Simon Greb, Mr. Urban Pfile, Mr. and Greb and Wayne were guests with Hodgson. Mr. and Mrs. of London, were with Mr dice and attended the Offering service in the Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Whalen, and Mr. were and day Reg. Mr. and and Mrs. Sun-* Mrs. Lome Sholdice, Sunday visitors and Mrs. Merton Shol- Thank church, Squire, AlbertOf Whalen, and Mitchell, Of Exeter, day visitors with Mr. K, Hodgins. Mrs, Lome Ificks Dorina Bowden Teachers Regional conference at the Technical School in London on Friday. and attended ■Miss tile CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A., Minister Organist; Mrs. J, G. Cochrane 10. a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Public Worship: Mr. D. Black, of Kitchener, guest speaker. 2 p.m.—Mission Band. Tuesday, Nov. 4—Caven Congre­ gational Circle at the home of Mrs. Fred Simmons. TRIVITT MEMORIAL • — Anglican — Rector; Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, November 2— 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:30 am.—Holy Communion. Hospital Donations i 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 —Continued From Page Arnold Cunningham .... James L. Barker ......... Myron Culbert ............. Mrs. William Haskett .. Dougal Clark ............... Lome D. Hodgins ....... Earl Greenlee ............... Walter Dobbs ............... Donald Abbott' ............. Donald Maguire ..... Lillie McFalls ............... Raymond Greenlee ..... C. A. Abbott ................ Earl Atkinson ............. Lome Barker ............... » TOWNSHIP OF HAY James McAllister ......... 25.00 TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Earl Schroeder Reg. Hodgson Hilton “ ‘ Wesley Gordon Arnold Ray Morlock .............. Allen Pfaff .................. Lome Finkbeiner ........ Harold Gower ............ Henry C. Beaver ......... Ross Clark .................. Lloyd Lamport .......... Gordon Scott ................ Ed. Chambers .............. Roy Lamport .............. John Glavin ................ Joe Glavin .................. Roy Parsons ................ John Flynn .......'.......... Frank Hicks ............ Ray Jones ................... Andrew Hick's ............ Wilfred Huxtable ...... Steve Tasko ................ Carman Lovie ............... Wellwood Gill Elmer Desjardhte ........ Leasom Lafond .......... Mrs. Sol Pollock ......... Orval Farrell ............. John Lovie .................. Kenneth Patterson .... George Latta ............. Albert Vincent ............ Ed. L. Walper ............, Harvey Walper ........... Hugh Hodgins ............, Fred E. Hicks ............. Roy Mason ..... . Les Mollard ............... Harry Isaac ............... John McGinnis .......... Clavin Greenlee ......... Orval Millin .............. Bill Hodgins ........... . Mel King ...... «... Russell King ............ . HENSALL Johft Passinore ........... Florence M. Joynt ...... Ffancis Rycknian ....... grand bend W. j. Reef ................... Fat Boy’s Beapty Con. .. SUNDRY London Life liis. Co .... Ford ......... Wein ....... Finkbeiner Becker ...... 50.00 2.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 50.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 25.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 50,00 2.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 10.00 20,00 25.00 75.00 200.06 173.01 London Life Ins. Cu .... 600.00 Province of Ont. Gfant 22,606.06 Huron county Grant ,.10,000.00 Hanover Transport Ltd. 15,00 Store South of Fisher’s Hardware N< E. Hern visited Sunday, November 2 and Mrs. Bell, of Elimville. Save $6.00 on your new FALL TOPCOAT Sale Of Men’s Suits William Tookey and Mrs. James Lichi China. $49.00 $39.00 and Mrs. Jack Box and and Mr. with Mr. MacDonald, of Sunday after- and Mrs. Pat You are invited to call Saturday afternoon or evening, November 1, to see our books and get ac­ quainted. ZION and Mrs. Jack spent Sunday See our complete new range of fine fur felts in off-the-face or snap-brim styles by Brock and Stetson; also the neat pre-creased styles by Van Kirk. Priced from .... $5.95 to $8.95 Weather permitting the power will be off to do necessary work on To give you a wider selection, we have many more suits from our regular stock. Norman Jacques visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tailored from fine all-wool English gabardine in popular slip-on models. Regularly $55.00 ........................... Special Others in all-wool gabardine from ...... p.m. south on No. 4 of Centralia, on the second and in Exeter or Zurich. * Mr. Sheryl and Mrs. Bill Ogden, Stock. Mrs. William Tookey spent the weekend with her sisters, Mrs. James Earl and Mrs. Allan Jacques. Mr. William Thompson visited Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Edgar Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and boys visited Sunday with Miss M. MacIntyre, of Forest.* Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Brock visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey, Winchelsea. Mr. Herman Racey, Stratford, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jacques. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Parkinson and daughter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Miss Perla Hern spent the weekend with Miss Anna Rout- ley, of Elimville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dyke­ man and family and Mrs. E. Dykeman, of Galt, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Judson Dyke­ man. Mr, George Guelph, visited noon with Mr. Dickey. Mr, and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and.Mrs. Allan Westcott. . Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jacques attended the Elimville annivers­ ary and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning on Sun­ day, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Row- cliffe visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock. o Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. G. Hern, of Exeter, Mr. family visited Earl. Mr. Hern with of Wood- grown in ening MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 19S2 Children’s Books and Games CLARA WELLINGTON from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 The area affected will extend Highway from Exeter limits to east Huron Street west of Exeter, and third concession of Stephen, from Lot 11 north to Lot 27 of Hay Township, and all consumers east of No. 4 Highway. The time, has been arranged to cause the least inconvenience to all customers affected. MANAGER — EXETER AREA H.E.P.C. OF ONTARIO New Hat Feeling IT’S NATIONAL HAT WEEK . . . OCTOBER 25 TO NOVEMBER 1 added These are tailored of all-wool English gabardines, yarn- dyed worsteds and serges in both single- and double-breasted models. Regular values to $55.00 .......... on sale at $39.00 No Extra Charge for Alerations of Children s Cashmere Hosiery dozen Tearproof children’s ribbed and cotton cash­ hosiery—sand col- in fall and winter Ten brand wool mere or, weight. Sizes 6 to 6%. Reg. 90$ on sale at 690 Sizes 7 to 91^. Reg. to $1.15 pr. on sale at 790 Corduroy Velvet On Sale at $2.25 yd. Fine wale corduroy vel vet 36” wide—colors of pink, grey, rust, brown, red and blue. Our regu­ lar $2.75 yard quality on sale at $2.25 per yard Superior Store Specials For Oct. 30,31, Nov.l WETHEY’S CHERRY PIE READY 20-oz. tins ................♦.............. each 290 NATURE’S BEST CREAM CORN Golden, cho. qual., 15-oz. tins 2 for 250 WESTON’S NEW SALTINES Extra thin, I-lb. pkgs. ............ each 290 SPY APPLES Nice quality, well graded ROYAL YORK ORANGE PEKOE TEA Extra value, ^-lb. pkgs.......... each 390 ROBINHOOD CAKE MIXES Chocolate or white ......... per pkg. 290 MAXWELL H’SE INSTANT COFFEE 10$ off, deal . ...... per jar 570 per bushel $2.25 &