HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-30, Page 6Pa«e 4 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1952 Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. H. accompanied hy Mrs. attended the annual the National Chinchilla held in Chatham on last. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. and Mary spent Sunday and Mrs. Sydney Clark, of Lon­ don. Mrs. Robert McKenzie and her brother, Mr. Ray Schwalm, spent the weekend with their sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McFarlane, of St. Thomas. Mrs. Ella McLean, of Exeter, was a weekend guest with Mrs. Anna Walker and Mr. E. lile. Mrs. Violet Schwalm last week with members family in Stratford and ton. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLeod, of Tiverton, were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. There will be a home baking sale in Hensall United Church Saturday, November 1 sponsored by the Evening Auxiliary. L. JTinney, Annie Cole, hanq.net of Breeders, Saturday Goodwin with Mr. J. Car- visited of her Hamil- ■ ecial At Goodwins’ HENSALL SATIN-LINED JACKETS PARKAS STATION WAGON COATS DRESSY TOPCOATS YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST U CREAM -SODA Insulations? For Your Home, Church, Hall, Office or Business Place WITH PREMIUM ROCK WOOL BLOWN-IN INSULATION Please Call E. HAIST Phone 160 Dashwood FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN Hensail And District News Chamber Of Commerce To Sponsor Minor Hockey Teams The first fall meeting of the Hensall Chamber of Commerce was held in the town hall Mon­ day evening. President W. Riley was in the chair. Lome Hay reported on outcome of a recent meeting the hockey committee and it was decided to enter two hockey teams in the W.O.A.A. The team organizations are: Midgets: Lome Hay, manag­ er; Howard Soane, coach; Don­ ald Joynt, secretary; committee, R. H. Middleton. Juveniles: Ronald I. Mock, manager: Ed Little, coach; "Wil­ liam Fairbairn, secretary; com-k mittee, John Passmore. The treasurer, R. S. Thurtell, gave a financial statement of the past year’s activities and re­ ported 83. The to the for equipment and sweaters any other expenses which necessary. I The annual Christmas party will be held on Saturday, December 20, for the childrenI of Hensall and community. Jim • Paterson will head the commit­ tee with power to add. Refresh­ ments were served. F. the of sum of $250 was voted two hockey teams to pay and are X Guide Cookie Day The Girl Guides had a very successful cookie day Saturday last. If the girls missed calling on anyone, the explanation was, they ran out of cookies as there was such a demand for them. And Tractor CollideCar No persons were injured but damage was heavy when a tractor and car were in collision east of Dashwood on Saturday night. Shirley Guenther, driving the car, was about to pass the tractor, which, according to police, was driven by an 11-year- old boy, when the tractor made a left hand turn. PC E. Zimmer­ man investigated. Mrs. J. B. Fox Speaker At W.M.S. Meeting Evergreens, autumn flowers, balloons and birds formed an in the United .fternoon, when the Women’s entertained the mem- and their tree attractive settin, Plan Dance Party For Hallowe’ en The belt ah soring Dance on Friday evening, prizes and jardine’s orchestra. Earlier the same evening the children will be entertained with a picture film and treats of candy in the arena, sponsored by the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah Lodge. Re-I.O.O.F. and Amber Lodge, Hensall, are spon- a Hallowe’en Masquerade in the town hall, Hensall, with good good music by Des- Teachers Honored The South Huron Women Teachers’ Federation held a din­ ner meeting in the church hall of Victoria St. United Church. Miss Isabel E. Sharman, of Goderich, and Miss Mattie Ellis, of Hensall, were honored with the presentation of the honorary membership certificates awarded by the Federated Women Teach­ ers’ Association of Ontario to those women “who have served the cause of Canadian education with honor and dignity and have brought prestige to bear on the teaching profession by their good works”. The presenta­ tion to Miss Ellis was made by Miss O’Brien of Zurich. Church Wednedsay a: October 22, Missionary Society as their special guests bers of the Baby Band mothers. President, Mrs. W. expressed her pleasure splendid attendance. Numbers by the juniors by Nancy Kyle, Craig Bruce Cloy; vocal and Sharon Smillie; Beth Goddard. Mrs. A. W. Shirray presented the children’s story. Other num­ bers on the enjoyable program were vocal solos by Jeanette Taylor, of Exeter; Mrs. George Hess, Mrs. Russell Broderick, Joan Sinclair; piano solos, Miss Gladys Luker and Jane Horton. A film entitled “Lost Sheep” was shown by Rev. W. J. Rogers. In a graduating exercise the following class of 12 graduated into the Mission Band: Nancy Kyle, Wayne Haun, Bruce Shir­ ray, Steve Elder, Suzanne Ran­ nie, Ruth Ann Smale, Teddy Mock, David Smale, Craig Chap­ man, Glen Harburn, Barbara Townsend and Jimmy Traquair. Accompanists for the musical numbers were Miss Greta Lam- mie, Miss G. Luker Mrs. J. C. Goddard, Mrs. Shirray, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Mary Ann Rannie. Luncheon was served. In charge of the porgram and decorating were Mrs. Clarence Smillie and Mrs. Russell Broderick, Baby Band Superintendents. Each child present received favors. B. Cross, at the included recitations Wayne Haun, Chapman, Steve Elder, Shirray and Kathie Mc- solo, Suzanne Rannie, duet, Carol Ann Rogers violin solo, McKay-Love Wed At Kippen Tall standards of chrysanthe­ mums in white and autumn shades interspered with fern and candlabra formed the set­ ting for a lovely autumn wed­ ding in St. Andrews United Churiih, Kippen, Saturday, Octo­ ber .25 at 3 pan. when Helen Marion, only daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Ross" Love, Hensall, was united in carriage to Kenneth Rosswel McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKay, Kippen, The Rev. Norman McLeod per­ formed the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor­ length gown Elizabeth Ann style with skirt in layers of French tulle over candlight satin and crinoline and sash of white vel­ vet. A jacket of chantilly lace covered featuring calla lily trimmed held the French illusion edged with chan­ tilly lace. She carired a white prayer book tied with white ; streamers, white baby mums and red rosebuds. Miss Ellen Love, maid of honor, was gowned in bronze gold net over taffeta with velvet jacket.Miss Margaret Porter and Miss Dorothy Turner, brides­ maids, wore similarly sytled gowns of shrimp and sea green nylon net over taffeta ballerina length. All carried muffs and wore headdresses of baby mums in matching tones. Lila McKay, sister of the groom, was flower girl in orchid satin with hoop skirt caught with bows and trim­ med with lace. She carried a flower basket of rose petals which she scattered as she pro­ ceeded the bride up the aisle. Attending the groom was the bride’s brother, Robert Love, of Toronto. Ushers were Ray Mc­ Kay, of Halifax, brother of the groom, and Keith Love, brother of the bride. A reception was held in the church parlors, the bride’s mother receiving in cin­ namon illusion lace with match­ ing feather- hat and corsage of gold and bronze mums, groom’s mother chose crepe with lace detail, accessories and corsage carnations. For the wedding trip United States, the bride an irridescent taffeta the strapless bodice a stand-up collar and sleeves. A lace tiara with orange blossoms floor-length veil of Mission Band Receives Baby Band Certificates The Thank Offering meeting of the Women’s Missionary So­ ciety, of Carmel Presbyterian Church, was held in the church schoolroom Thursday afternoon, October 23. Mrs. J. B. Fox, guest speaker, addressed the meeting, chosing for her theme, “Meditation about Songs.” Mrs. Fox described three types of songs our life could be, “Lament”, jazz tunes, or a hymn. She stated that the Creator intended all our lives - to be a hymn, and a hymn should be full of praise, sung and should affirm i power of God. The Bible lesson Mrs. H. Workman, tion “Sermon’ on was given by Prayer was offered by ___ Hazelwood. One minute silence was observed in memory of the late Mrs. H. Arnold, chartered member, and five members of the Home Helpers, Mrs. C. Cooper, Miss M. Wood, Mrs. J. Hoggarth, Mrs. J. G. Forrest and Miss K. Bengough who had passed away during the year. The singing of a hymn follo’wed. Mrs. Fox was presented with a life membership, the address read by Mrs. Hudson and the presentation *by Mrs. A. Logan. Mrs. James W. Bonthron rendered a solo with Mrs. M. Dougall as accompanist. A duet was sung by Mrs. J. A. Paterson and Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. with others, the love and was and the Mrs. read by merita- Mount,” Hudson. Mrs. J. M1 a of The navy grey pink to the donned dress, shadow blue Elysian blue wool top coat, navy accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. McKay will re­ side in Tuckersmith Township. Comfort, Costs So Little With The COLEMAN All-New Automatic OIL HEATERS You’ll always be glad you bought a Coleman be­ cause youTl have a Better Heated Home, It’s auto­ matic Heat , , , It’s Clean Heat . . . It’s Low-Cost Heat. See the Beautiful, Practical, Dependable Cole­ man Oil Heaters Now. For Added Warmth Small electric heaters are just the thing to warm up a,cool corner, bedroom or den. Many styles to choose from type 11 eaters. o in both tlie fan type and reflector Phone 109 X Exeter W Personal Items L/Cpl. Ronald A. MacKinnon, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKinnon, Hensall, stationed at Hanover, Germany, has been promoted to corporal in the First Canadian Highland Battalion of the Twenty-seventh Canadian In­ fantry Brigade group. Ron volun­ teered for service with Canada’s NATO formation in May, 1951. Mrs. Ed. Maines, Toronto, re­ turned home Saturday after spending two weeks, the guest of Mrs. Bertha Bell. Mrs. A. Eacrett, of Toronto, a former well-known resident here, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Munn and called on several of the older residents. Mrs. W. H. Reid, Port Rowan, was the guest the latter part of last week with Mrs. Bertha Bell. Mrs. G. Hudson left for Goderich Sunday where she will spend the winter months with her son and daughter.-in-law, Mr. Hudson and n. More Power Super Built Auto Batteries molehills out of Get the# facts & figures about ESI Gold Comet Trucks from your dealer. makes mountains Arnold Circle Entertai ns Men The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church observed their thankoffering supper meet­ ing in the church schoolroom’ Monday evening with husbands of the members, Home Helpers and former members as special guests. Turkey with all the trim­ mings was served. The tea tables were attractive in a Hallowe’en motif. Rev. R. J. MacMillan, minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, was guest speaker. Mr. R. A. Orr contributed a trumpet solo with Mr. J. L. Nicol, A.C.C.O., accompanist. The program concluded with a ship service which took the of a play. Mrs. L. Tiberio, Mrs. H. Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. L. Bayn- ham, Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. C. Kennedy, Mrs. J. B. Fox, por­ trayed the roles. Rev. J. B. Fox, minister of the church, and Rev. Donald Sinclair, Caven Presbyterian ter, assisted with President Mrs. C. the chair. Mrs. Sinclair, of Exe­ ter, was a special guest. The program committee was Mrs. J. B. Fox and Mrs. C. Kennedy; supper committee included Roy Bell (convenor), Mrs. McEwan, Mrs. C. Forrest, A. McGregor. wor- form Hoy, Graham Arthur Studebaker and Reo Sales and Service PHONE 210 Expert Towing Service EXETER minister of Church, Exe- the service. Forrest took Mrs. J. E. Mrs. M rs. Robert Thompson Dies At Kippen Mrs. Robert Thompson, highly- esteemed resident of Kippen, passed away at the family resi­ dence Friday, October 24, in her seventy-first year. Mrs. ’ ' failing with a Born the former Agnes daughter of the late Mr. Mrs. Duncan Hay. She and her husband farmed north of Hen­ sall until retiring 18 months ago, taking up residence in Kippen. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church in Hensall. Surviving besides her husband are one son, Bert, on the home­ stead; five daughters, Mrs. Lome Schneider, (Blanche), Stratford; Mrs. R. Stokes, (Myrtle) Lon­ don; Mrs. C. Priestap, (Pearl) Mitchell; Mrs. R. Cornish, (Doro­ thy) Goderich; Mrs. Dave Moyer, (Hazel), of Parry Sound; two brothers, Thomas and John, and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Mc­ Donald, Stratford; Mrs. James Watson, South Africa; and Mrs. James Campbell, Kingston. Public funeral services were held from the Bonthron funeral home Monday, conducted by the Rev. J. B. Fox, assisted by Rev. Norman McLeod, of St. Andrews United Church. Kippen. Joyce and Audrey Priestap sang a duet accomanied John, at children of the deceased, they are from Mitchell. Following the service the cor­ tege proceeded to Hensall Union Cemetery where burial took place. Bearers were the five son- Thompson had been in health for over a year heart condition. at Cromarty, she was the Ann Hay, and by then* brother, the piano. Grand- 7 WHATS THE MATTER WITH MY BIRDS, DOC- THEy'RE ALLTHIN” AND STARVED LOOKJN6. . s__ ------------------------z & S3 HARRY, YOU GUESSED RIGHT, FIRST TIME. THEY ARE STARVED, BECAUSE THEY PONT KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE F^ED AND WATER. V ft ----------TWHAT DO YOU MEAN, DOC? LOOK,THERE'S VITA-LAY IN THE HOPPERS-THERE!? WATER IN THE AUTOMATIC } FOUNTAWS^fe ' "5 ^THAT MAY BE, HARRY, BUT THESE BIRDS ARE LOSTINTMIS PEN. ON THE RANGE THEIR FEED AND WATER WERE ON THE GROUND, AND WITH NEWLY HOUSED PULLETS YOU HAVE TO MATCH RAN6E HABITS, EG6MMH1 and Mrs. Casey family. The reception ___ ... Mrs. Stewart Pepper, newlyweds, held - in the town hall Friday evening, was largely attended. Music for the dance was furnished by the Syncopa- tors. Mr. and Mrs. Pepper were presented with a purse of mon­ ey by Mr. Murray Traquair on behalf of friends. Mrs. William Pepper spent Tuesday of this week in Clinton. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corbett, newly­ weds, when immediate relatives of the groom's family gathered to honor them on their recent marriage. Mrs. Hugh McEwen, Jr., re­ cently entertained a number of friends at a plastic demonstra­ tion at her home. Mrs. William McLean and Brian, of Exeter, visited recent­ ly with Mrs. McLean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacGregor. for Mr. and recent in-laws and brother of the de­ ceased, John Hay, of Cromarty; Clarence Priestap, of Mitchell; Dave Moyer, Parry Sound; Rich­ ard Cornish, Goderich; Robert Stokes, London, Lome Schneider, Stratford. Norman Duncan Cooper, Wilfred Meilis, Clarence *........ “ “ Personal Flower bearers were Long, W. J. F. Bell, Smillie, Ross Forrest. Items Mrs. B. Brightmore has re­ turned to her home in London after visiting her sister ancp- brother-in-law, Mr. and Cochrane. Mr. and stetter and eter, visited and Mrs. A. Mrs. Hannah Workn/an^-^Hen- sall, and.Mrs. pavid Kilpatrick^ formerly of Kippen, now of Au-■ ■■ - - ‘ & of last ts. Dowson Mrs. Elmori family, of n on Sunday j GackstetterZ burn, visited Tuesd; week with Mr. and k and Mrs. Winder. i Mr. and Mrs. Johry . _____son spent Friday in/ London. ■n to PageJ^ WHAT SHOULD I DOTHEN, DOC, J ---------------- ------------------------- 7(T L. Hender- —Please Tu X ^PUT EXTRA WATER PANS ON^ THE FLOOR, HARRY AND LOW FEED HOPPERS AROUND PEN AND SCATTER OYSTER SHELL AND GRIT ON THE MASH TOO. UNTIL THEY ARE ACCUSTOMED TO j .THEIR -------- WHEN PULLETS^ ARE PUT INTO ' LAYING PENS, HARRY, REMEMBER > TO' ----- F 17 • J a] 12-VOLT 51-PLATE TO FIT ALL ENGLISH CARS 13-PLATE HEAVY IH’TY (18 Months Guarantee) ..................... $9.40 17-PEATE ARMOR GLASS (!) x 7) 135 Amperes (3-Year Guarantee) .............................$17.65 15-PLATE SUPER-SERVICE (2-Year Guarantee) .............................$12.95 17-PLATE CHEV and FORD 1937-39 (2-Year Guarantee) .............$13.45 17-PIjATE FORD (2-Year Guarantee) .......................$15.20 19-PLATE ARMOR GLASS 10J x 7, 154, Amperes (3-Year Guarantee) ........................$20.25 All above prices include trade-in allowance and installed in yolir car MOTO-MASTER Permanent Anti-Freeze Stays Full Strength Al] Winter. Protects Down to 50 De­ grees Below Zero. Guards Against Rust and Corrosion.' Quart $1.28 Gallon $4.98 ingredients added that prevent boil-away, rust and corrosion. Quart 64(*Gallon $2.48 OPEN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT UNTIL 1.6:00 O’CLOCK SAVE SAFELY < at * g^0RPN j=3 w, V Pfibue 792 SEAFORTH 9 B G. S. & W. V. Smith || H By-Roe Farms Service Dept. ___________________________ vl-15 JO/I ’•f , Your b/rds go for ROE EGG MASH ^0(I4RH5 HHUNGC’ L *^000 * •jr B-ikJL IN MASH OR PELLET FORM C. Tindall, Mooresville HL Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Eiler, Hensall