HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-23, Page 12Page 12 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1952 tit Mrs. C Hern, Mr. George Earl and Mrs, James Earl spent Sunday at th© home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tyndall and Mrs. Harry Tyndall near Seaforth. Mrs. M. McFarlane. Paisley, visited over the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFarlane and family. Mr. T. O. Southcott is able to be back at work in the store. Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 24 end 25 Just This Once ★ Janet Leigh ★ Peter Lawford There is amusement in abund­ ance in this breezy romantic comedy MONDAY & TUESDAY October 27 and 28 Skirts Ahoy vr Esther Williams * Lydia Clarke This is^ another top M.G.M. technicolor musical that is sure to please all movie-goers. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY October 29 and 30 The Winning Team 4r Doris Day ■A- Ronald Regan The story of Grover Cleveland Alexander, one of baseball’s greatest pitchers. First Show Every Saturday Night at 0:00 P.M. X .. ... ..... .... .......................a SORRY! NO DANCE This Saturday Night OCTOBER 25 BUT . . . STARTING NOVEMBER I Dancing Every Sat. Night EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL Benny Goodfellow and his Londonaires --------------------- -----------------—------------------------------------------------------------------—II ...... ............. ... —............ — - 1 ...a Plan to Attend the Huron County Federation of Agriculture Annual Turkey Banquet Wednesday, October 29 CARDNO HALL, SEAFORTH Guest Speaker: Mr. Cameron McTaggart, Glencoe Entertainment: Happy Cousins Troupe, Elmira DANCE TO FOLLOW — ADMISSION $1.75 Tickets available from any County Federation official or Federation office at Clinton T..*—... . ' 1 I .............................. .......... ........................................ .... - 1 I" Hi .... -E [iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiy [ It’s CominQ.I CKNX Barn Dance Broadcast From The Lu can Arena i Saturday, October 25 8:00 p.m. sharp I FEATURING STARS OF RADIO AND STAGE j Adults 750 Children 500 | Dance to Follow 9:30 to 12 I Sponsored By Exeter Mardons’ Basketball Club | Miss May Jones is spending a few holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hodgins, of St. Marys, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Samp­ son MeFalls. Miss Jane Morgan, of Leam­ ington, spent the weekend at her parents* home on Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wilson and Audrev and Miss Joan Ed­ wards visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCullaugh at Port Hope over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fischer and family have moved into Mrs. Sims’ house on William Street. STAR WEEKLY FREE CONCERT at CALVARY’ CHURCH, DASHWOOD Thursday, October 30 8:00 P.M. Good Music Presented By “The Four Gentlemen” CBC Male Quartet and “The Enchanted Strings” Ladies’ String Quartet, Toronto Doors Open at 7 P.M. NIGHT SCHOOL FOR NEW Canadians Tuesday, October 28 at 8:00 p.m. Will all who read this announcement and have any contact with New Canadians please pass the word along. ■Ml MM I own lopics— Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Times-Advocate is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Tel. 31-W Mr. Russell Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cooper and Glen and Mrs. Lome Johnston attended the International Youth Rally of Seventli-Day Adventist in Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mrs. Layton returned home from Victoria Hospital Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Moore returned from the hospital on Sunday much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Culbert and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Per­ kins spent the weekend in Yar­ mouth Centre and St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barr, Paul and Miss Judy, of Sarnia, visited over Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. William Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner, Bill, Gary and Brenda, Mrs. Annie Brenner and Mrs. E. Smith, Grand Bend, spent Sun­ day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Swietzer. Mr. Larry Snider, accompanied by Sandy Elliot and Ken Hockey, flew to North Bay Tuesday on a fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hendrick are moving to Exeter from Grand Bend into the new ranch­ style home on the highway just south of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wood re­ turned home Saturday evening after spending two weeks in Lambeth, Dundas and Toronto. Miss Olive Wood, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Mur­ doch, of Dundas, spent the week­ end with the former’s parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. James Tuckey, of Cass City, Mich., visited for a few days with the latter’s pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tuc­ key. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Curtis and Pean, of Tillsonburg, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of London, and Mrs. M. Hey­ wood, of Exeter, attended the anniversary services at Winthrop and visited with Rev. A. E. Livingstone on Sunday. Achievement Club Begins At Elimville Club 13, an achievement club of 13 Elimville district girls held their first meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Taylor, Friday, October 17 and elected a slate of officers. The theme for this achieve­ ment club is “Cottons May Be Smart”. A winter sister to the garden club, it is promoted by the local W.I. and the Depart­ ment of Agriculture from Clin­ ton. 'President for the current project is Pat Kerslake, vice- president, Marion Creery, secre­ tary, Perla Hern; assistant secretary, Elizabeth Hunter, and singing leader, Elaine Hern. At the first meeting, Mavis McBride and Elaine Hern de­ monstrated proper methods for measurement for a pattern and Mrs. Tayloi’ and Mrs. Skinner, W.I. leaders for the project, gave a lesson of shrinking material. Members decided to hold the next meeting Wednesday night after school when they practiced making bound and worked buttonholes. Home assignment was to begin a record book. ZION- The sympathy of the commun­ ity is extended to Mrs. Ephriam Hern on the death of her brother Mr. Dave Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Waltei' Pullen, of ‘ Woodstock, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Knox and Nelson Jacques, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ogle, Lon­ don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Broc^. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and Mrs. Louisa Kyle, of Exetc^, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ernest Clark, of Bryon. Miss Phyllis Hern, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern. Miss Pat Chambers, Crediton, spent the weekend with Miss Marion Brock. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lyndall, of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kellar and family, of Exeter, spent Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn I-Iunter and family, of London, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Ward Hern. Mr. and Mrs. HfTward Kers­ lake and family, of near Exeter, spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, Ross Fern. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bender and family, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Hern. Fined $15, Costs George Aitkins, R.R.2, South­ wold, was fined $15 and costs for careless driving which re- slted in hn accident at the Thames Road church corner of No. 83 Highway in July. The levy was assessed at. Magistrate’s court, Tuesday, Fred Statton, of Betrolt, and Lome Lamont, of Exeter, ware convicted of dis­ orderly conduct anti fined $20 and $10 respectively. Miss Mary McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling, Mr. Doug­ las May, Miss Ha?el Sparling, Mr. Gordon Ford and Mr. Paul Dykeman spent Friday, Satur­ day and Sunday attending the London Conference Young People’s Rally at Chatham at which Mr. Sparling was elected president for another year. F/L and Mrs. J. McCallum, Frank and Bobby, of Toronto, visited Thursday and Friday last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller. Mrs. M. Eacrett, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and other relatives in the district. Mr. and Mrs, George Wright, Bill and Peter visited in Strath- roy with relatives over the week­ end. Messrs. Leo Witmer and Mor­ ris Love attended the Sunday sessions of the rally. Mr, and Mrs. K. J. Lampman spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Mar­ shall and son Charles, Detroit, Mich., spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Westcott and Mrs. Lillie Mar­ shall, who visited here for the past week, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. ■ Preston Dearing visited over the weekend with relatives at Marlette and Caro, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Stephan, of London, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy- lance Westcott. Mr. W. J. Whiteford, Grand Bend, has arrived home after visiting for five weeks in Cum­ berland, Wis., in Winnipeg where he visited his daughter and in Moose Jaw, Disley and Swift Current, Sask. Mrs. W. D. Sanders had the misfortune to fall from the bot­ tom step while going down the cellar steps Sunday fracturing a bone in the right ankle. She was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, and is expected home today. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpkins and two children, of Stratford, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Acheson. Mr. W. A. Ness, shop teacher at the South Huron District High ’ School, was elected vice- president of the Industrial Arts and Crafts Teachers of the Lon­ don District Conference at a meeting in Tillsonburg Satur­ day. Tenders are being called by Defence Construction Limited for the construction of standard Roman Catholic Chapel at R.C. A.F. Station, Centralia. SECOND LINE BIDDULPH Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shapton and Carol were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston. Mr. and Mrs, J. McAllister and sons accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Danham and family, of Kirkton, were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brown at Crediton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin, of Seaforth, were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elston. Rev. W. J. Moores, Thames Road United Church, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Skin­ ner for Sunday dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston were entertained at dinner on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. William Cann. Mr. and Mrs. J. McAllister and boys had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Squire, of Centralia. _ Miss Aldeen Pym, of Elim­ ville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Skinner and Sam. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Atkinson and family spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson, of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denham and children, of Kirkton, spent Sat­ urday evening with the latter’s parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. Mrs. Will Isaac is confined to her bed through illness. KIRKTON Mrs. Gourlay, of St. Marys, spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Roach. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Burgin and sons, George and Harold, were Sunday guests with Dr. and Mrs. E. Pridham, Mitchell. Mrs. R. Humphreys is a patient at St. Mary’s Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Gunning were guests with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall Saturday evening. Mrr and Mrs. Harry Ford, of Elimville, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Flet­ cher. Miss Jean Shute, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marshall, attended the Provincial Junior Day for Girls’ H o m e m a k i n g> Clubs which was held at the On­ tario Agricultural College, Guelph, October 17, They also were guests at the banquet in the evening. ELIMVIIjLH Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cuhhing- ton will be celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday, October 25. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and Sharon from Brampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning­ ton over ths weekend. Show Religious Film At Ma in Street A powerful film drama of the Christian Faith in action will be shown at Main Street United Church, on Sunday evening at 7 p.m. This film is the newest Cathe­ dral Film prdductiou and is con­ sidered to be the best yet pro­ duced. It has already been shown to 4,100 large congregations and is in such great demand that ad­ vance bookings are necessary. You’ll want to see this great story of a church which took its faith seriously. COMING EVENTS EUCHRE & DANCE in Lucan Memorial Centre, sponsored by Chamber of Commerce, on Octo­ ber 28, at 8:30 p.m. Admission 600. Lunch provided. Good prizes. Steve Dusdas Orchestra, c NOTICE — Any member of the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge wishing to join the Marathon Euchre or ^Bridge, kindly leave your name w th Mrs. Olive Cole as soon as possible. 23c HOME & SCHOOL Association will maet Friday, October 24, at 8:15 p.m. Guest speaker will be Miss Winnifred Ashplant, o f London, who will speak on the subject, “Growing Up Success­ fully”. 23 c For Health’s Sake Roller Skate at the EXETER ROLLER RINK Friday And Saturday 8:00-11:00 p.m. - Skates Supplied - Admission 250 and 350 Refreshment Booth Teen Town Dance TOWN HALL f FRIDAY, OCT. 24 = 8:00 P.M. - Admission 350 Reception And Dance FOR MR. AND MRS. LORNE JOHNSON Wednesday, Oct. 29 ELIMVILLE HALL Everybody Welcome Baking Sale And Tea Sponsored by Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge Saturday, November 1 at 3:00 p.m. IN THE SHOWROOM OF SNELL BROS. LTD. ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 24 and 25 ★ Randolph Scott ★ Lucille Norman ★ Raymond Massey CARSON CITY (Warner Color) Carson City . . . sprawling, brawling gateway to gold . . . Last outpost of the doomed and daring! OARTOON AND ADDITIONAL SHORT TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY October 28 and 29 CALLING BULLDOG DRUMMOND ★ Walter Pldlgeon ★ Margaret Leighton He’s back id action . . . fic­ tion’s most daring adVenturei1! OARTOON, NEWSREEL AND ADDITIONAL SHORT Dfiivid C, Stephen .David C. Stephen, 55, Wood­ ham butcher for the past 2(J years, died at his residence, Woodham. He had been in poor health for the past three years. He was the soil of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen. He was a member of Wood­ ham United Church, the Loyal Orange Lodge, Woodham, the Masonic Lpdge at Granton. Surviving besides his wife, the former Annie Mae Ross, are one son, John, lid er ton; three daugh­ ters, Mrs. M. (Marion) Patter- sou, St. Marys; Mrs. Norman (Jean) Johns, Ilderton; and Mrs. sRalph (Muriel) Chisholm, Exe­ ter. Funeral services were held at Marriott funeral home, St. Marys, Monday, with the Rev. Mr. Wan- less, _ Woodham United Church, officiating. Interment was made in Kirkton Union Cemetery. Mr. Harry Sweet of Windsor, is visiting his sister, Miss Hettie Sweet. PAPER DRIVE IN EXETER e Wednesday, October 29 Please Have All Paper Bundled, on Street by”l P.M. EXETER LIONS CLUB ■------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- : a------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOLF CUB APPLE DAY Saturday, October 25 v" & Be Ready For A Caller With A Shiny Red Apple For You Sixers and Seconds — Meet Friday, 7:30 p.m. at Scout Hall ALL CUBS — Saturday, 1 p.m. at Times-Advocate - ■ .......................................... ........—I I you ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE HURON Liberal Association ORGANIZATION AND NOMINATION MEETING Town Hall, Clinton FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 AT 8:00 P.M. SHARP HON. WALTER E. HARRIS Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Will Address The Meeting “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN” Mr. and Mrs. Clark Fisher were in Port Huron over the weekend attending the funeral of the late Amos Warwick, Sr., and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick, Jr. Mr. William Vale, of Exeter North, is spending the fall and winter with his daughter, Mrs. W. J. McDowell, of Denfield. BAZAAR Centralia Women’s Association CENTRALIA CHURCH Wednesday, Oct. 29 Program And Tea Booth, Fancy Work, White Eelephant, Baking and Farmers Time: 2:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome