HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-23, Page 7THE TJMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1952 REMEMBER MOTHER Give her a box of RED BERRIED HODDY wrapped for Christmas For Details Write THE C. p. MORRIS NURSERY DTD. P.O. Box 5 Ocean Park, B.C. PHONE STONE’S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS - HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT INGERSOLL 21 EXETER 287-W I We Bring Back j The Good Old To nes i = Once again you can have = fine tonal quality from = your old set. Our service g specializes in rejuvenation = at low cost. I Howard’s I Radio Service f CANADIAN AUTO STORES | Main Street, Exeter | Phono 211 GREENWAY v Mrs. Mary McCoy, Miss Ruth McCoy and. Mrs. Hal Richards, of Aurora, Ill., visited last week with Mrs. John Brown, Miss Elda Brown and other relatives. Mr. and W5** Cleve Brophey, of Hanover, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dloyd Bfophey and Frances. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Woodburn Tuesday evening in honor of their daughter, Ruby, a bride-elect of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and sons visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Forbes and family, of Forest. Mr. Claude Dettloff, of Detroit, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mrs. T. Isaac, Miss Marlene Woodburn and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn, spent the weekend in Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Otto Werzbra and family in the death of Mr. Werzbra, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner and sons and Mrs. Melissa Gard­ ner, of Glencoe, visited Sunday With Mp. and Mrs. John Mathers. Mr, and Mrs. Clarice Snell, of Exeter, visited Wednesday with Mrs, W. T. Wens. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock and My. and Mrs. Carman Wood­ burn spent the weekend in Michigan and Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hartle and sons, of West Corners, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hartle. Churchl Your HYDRO CHAIRMAN Reports CENTENNIAL of CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. J. Henry Getz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, October 26-— 11:00 a.in.—Bishop J. Balmer Showers, D.D., LL.D., Indian­ apolis, Indiana. (Service to be broadcast over CKNX, Wing­ ham.) 3:00 p.m.—Reminiscence Service with Old-Time Choir. Mrs. D. Edighoffer, Mitchell, Chairlady, Dedication of New Kitchen— Rev, F. M. Faist, Q.S., Strat­ ford. 7:30 p.m,—Bishop Showers. This Friday, Oct. 24, 6 p.m.— Congregational Dinner Fellowship Hour Greetings and Music Thursday, October 30, 8 p.m.— Centennial Musicale “The Four Gentlemen"—CBC Quartet; and “The Enchanted Strings"—Toronto. EXETER TABERNACLE P.A.O.C. Rev. H. Kendrick, Pastor Mon., 8 p.m.—Monthly Sunday School Meetings. Wed., 8, p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer. Deader: Mr. Stewart Triebner. Fri., 8 P.m.—Y.P.S. Speaker: Mr. M, Prouty. Sun., 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. Sun., 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Sun., 7:30 p.m.—Faith Real or Counterfeit. We invite you to any or all these meetings. TRIVITT MEMORIAL — Anglican — Rector: Rev. C. L. Langford, B.A., M.A. Organist: Robert Cameron Sunday, October 26— DIOCESAN DAYMEN’S SUNDAY 10:15 a.m.—-Bunday School. 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer. The Rector will be assisted by Laymen of the congregation. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN Rev. Donald R. Sinclair, B.A., Minister Organist: Mrs. J, G. Cochrane 10:00 a.m.—The Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Public Worship. Special Service for Reforma­ tion Sunday, following the order used by John Knox. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. J, V, Dahms, Minister Sunday, October 26— 10:00 a.m.—“The Portrait of a Christiana" 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School. Evening Service withdrawn in fayor of Centennial Service at Calvary Church, Dashwood. CHURCH OF GOD GRAND BEND Rev. E. Wattain 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Wed., 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meet­ ing. Fri., 8:00 p.m,’—Young Peoples. BLANSHARD Mrs. T. Waugh of London re- turned home on Sunday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac­ ker and family spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Beattie, of London. Miss Audrey Parkinson, Goderich, ‘ with her Parkinson, Mr. and son and Ann, Miss Lorna Dann spent the wfeek with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Eccles, of Lansing, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George Dann and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Bess Brians, of Stratford- ville. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mills, of Auburn, spent Sunday with Mrs, Fred Mills. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pattison and Orrie Thacker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Laifg- ford, of Centralia. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson and family spent Sunday Mr. John Rinn, of Baseline. of spent the weekend father, Mr, Harvey Mrs. Kenneth Purkin- LISTEN TO yOUR FAVORITE STATION WEDNESDAY (DOMINION NETWORK)OCT. 29th 9.30-9.45 P.M. (THIS BROADCAST WILL BE CARRIED ON THE DOMINION NETWORK) BE SURE TO LISTEN! MAIN ST. CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, October 26— 11 a.m.—“The Church in Our Day.’’ Anthem: “O That Men Would Praise The Lord." 7 p.m.—“A Powerful Film Dra­ ma.” A new Cathedral Film Produc­ tion of Christian Faith: “Like A Mighty Army". Don’t miss seeing this great film. 10 a.m.—Morning Sunday School in all departments. 11 a.m.—Nursery Class for little people, whose parents are at­ tending church. Grand Opening Saturday Knight Hardware WOODHAM We Offer The District A Complete Line Of MOORE’S PAINTS ELECTRICAL GOODS TOOLS * FULL LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES, ROOFING, ETC. x Guessing Contest FREE PRIZES! Electric Pop-Up Tbaster! 4-Piece Plastic Cannister Set! 5-Cell Flashlight! OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL NINE Fage 7 £ TOP PRICES WEIGHED AT YOUR DOOR Howard Ferguson, District Representative Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hemail ----------------------------------- ------------------■ JAMES ST. CHURCH Rev. H. J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director 10 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 Ia.m.—Morning Worship. The W.M.S. anniversary. Special Speaker: Rev. John Stinson, B.A., B.D., Seaforth. Anthem by the Choir. ' Solo: Mrs. Thomas Coates, ■ 7 p.m.—Evening Worship. Spe­ cial service conducted by Rev. John Stinson, B.A., B.D. The Circuit Riders exhibit will be displayed. ‘The King’s Man’ —a film depicting the life story of Fredrico Mussili—will be shown. The Junior choir will sing an anthem. A warm welcome is extended THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH C. M, Eelman, Pastor This Sunday, 2:30 p.m.—Service, in Exeter Canadian Legion Hall. All welcome. SHIPKA Baker spent and Ratz and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eunice, of Union, weekend with Mr. Major Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Milt ed Sunday with Mr, Philip Fassold, Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs, Harold beiner and boys visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coul- tis, Mr. and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and family spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Bert Rundle, of Woodham. friends and neighbors who helped in any way during our fire. Special thanks to the Credi- ton fire brigade, to Murray Neil for the loan of his cabin, to the ones who are helping to repair our home.—Mr, and Mrs. sell Clark. R---------------------------• Announcements Birth, Death, and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks .75, In Memoriam Notice .75 for single verse, .25 extra for each additional verse, and Engagement Notices are .75. Il-----------------------—--------------• BIRTHS ALLAN — Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan (nee Donna Shields), of Hensail, are pleased to an­ nounce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, October 18. ANKERS—To Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers, a son, born in Barrie Hospital on Thursday, October 16; a brother for Linda. BECHLER—Cal and Betty Bech- ler wish to announce the birth of their son, Jon Calvert, Oc­ tober 17, 1952, at Victoria Hospital, London. GELINAS — To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gelinas, R.R. 2 Credi- ton, on Monday, October 20, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don , a son, a brother for Gerard Marion and Evelyn. KEW—To Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kew, Lucan, a son, born in St. Joseph’s Hospital October 15; a brother for Jimmie and Donald. MORLEY—Bill and Leona (nee Pym) Morley, Granton, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Janice Elaine, at St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, Sunday, October 19, 1952. PARK — To Mr. and Mrs. Dave Park, of Lucan, a daughter, Elizabeth Anne, born in St. Joseph’s Hospital October 13; a sister for Barbara and Nan­ cy. DEATHS McTAGGART — In Clinton Gen­ eral Hospital on Monday, Oc­ tober 13, 1952, Miss Aunid Marie McTaggart, daughter of the late Martin and Mary Mc­Taggart, of c'Usborne, in her eighty-fourth year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mac­ Donald of Exeter wish to an­ nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Queenie Lor- een Victoria, to Mervin Eagleson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson, of Windsor. The wedding will take place November 1, 1952. * CARDS OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wolfe and Robert wish to thank their friends and relatives who so kindly remembered Robert with cards, treats and visits while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. 23c We would like to thank all those who remembered Mrs. Rohde while in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital and since returning home with cards and the .box of fruit. —Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde.* Mrs’ W. F. Abbott wishes to express her sincere appreciation for the kindness and sympathy extended her during the passing of her sister, Miss Ethel W. Seed, Chicago, Illinois. 23c We would like to thank every­ one who sent their sympathy and helped in any way before and at the funeral of the late Miss Annie McTaggart.-—The Kinsman Family. 23c We wish to thank all our IN MEMORIAM ROVE—In loving memory dear mother, Mrs. Margaret Love, who_ passed away one year —Ever ily. SCOTT Jean away so suddenly two years ago, October 20, 1950, The midnight starts are shining Upon your silent grave; Beneath it sleeps the one we love, And the one we could not save. Happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still; But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. —Sadly missed and ever remem­ bered by Mom and Dad Run­ dle, sisters and brothers, nieces and nephews. 23c ago, October 17, 1951. remembered by her fam- 23c — In loving memory of Uldene Scott, who passed with X /////- J London 7-1230 Mrs. Fink- of a $8Z.so visit- Mrs. Rus- 23c Here is beauty and quality com­ bined to set a new high standard in diamond ring value. Or , . « if your choice is a fine watch, see the Elco—-handsomely styled, de­ pendable and moderately priced. small deposit holds your (hoice fill Chrhlmas M-NNM PLAN sI II Hco THE WATCHWORD FOR VALUE Jack Smith Jeweller “Your Christmas Service Centre” Featuring “Christmas Bank” and Lay-Away Plans BUY JEWELLERY FROM JACK! Cold Weather Ready-To-Wear 290 LADIES’ & MISSES’ Coats, dresses, blouses, skirts, etc. An exception­ ally large range to choose from. Our stock for the coming winter season is nearly complete, in every department — babies’ wear, children’s, ladies’ and men’s wear—at the lowest prices in years. Work Mitts Ask to see our men’s cowhide work mitts. A real bargain, priced at only .............. $1.59 pair Snow Suits Sizes 3 to 14<x at very attractive prices. Flannelette Sheets ARGYLE BRAND, in plaid ‘With overstripe. Size 70”x80”. A real buy this month at .... $4.95 pair IBEX AND KINCOTT, sizes 70”x90”, white and grey with colored borders. On sale at $5.95 pair Dresses Dresses for everyone, sizes 9 to 19, 12 to 20 and the ever popular half sizes for stouter figures. Materials in taffeta, crepe and new novelty ma­ terials. Prices from ....................... $2.95 to $25.95 UnOQKMBBm We Are Continuing Our SALE OF MEN’S Suits and Overcoats Suits, values up to $55. ON SALE AT $39.00 Overcoats as low as $15. Men’s & Boys’ WINTER UNDERWEAR SKI CAPS WORK SOCKS SMOCKS OVERALLS, ETC. at very Attractive Prices MEN’S ST’N WAGON COATS BOMBER JACKETS ETC. at much Lower Prices Superior Store Specials For Oct. 23, 24, 25 TALISMAN STRAWBERRY JAM Large 24-oz. jars .................... each 390 WETHEY’S TOMATO JUICE Or Clark’s, fancy quality. 48-oz. tins ..........mom.,..,,..each 290 ZEST BRAND PICKLES Sweet mixed, 16-oz. jars SUN-BR1TE MARGARINE 1-lb. pkgs. *...................... each SOCKEYE SALMON Crosse C Blackwell, fancy red. 7%,-oz. tins ....... ....... each each 330 430