HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-23, Page 66 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 23, 1952 Smart Hunters Are Bagging Their Quotas In These Columns FOR SALE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS STRAYED WANTED BOY’S TWEED suit, size 14 years, in good condition. Apply Times-Advocate. 2 3 * CHILD’S PLAYPEN, in good condition, $5.00. Apply Claude Blowes, phone 400-J.____ 23c FOR SALE OR TRADE — One Arco saw<,for electric fan. Phone 537-r-S Exeter. 23c FOR SALE--1931 Chev Sedan. Equipped with heater, new ra­ diator, battery and paint job. Upholstery, tires and motor all in very good condition. ——Phone 36-J after 6 p.m. 23* YOUNG MAN’S WINTER SUIT, size 36-8, excellent condition. $15 or best offer. Too small for owner, Apply Brady Cleaners, phone 136, Exeter. 23tfn DINING ROOM suite, china cab­ inet to match, in good condition. Jack Wein, phone 93, Dashwood.23c BLACK FUR coat, worn half season, size IS. Apply Mrs. M. Stoj aspal, Centralia, Ont. 2:9:16:23* F. FOR SALE—Six Collie pups, mother good cattle dog. Apply George Dunn, phone 177-r-43 Exeter, ______16c PAINTING —• Spray or brush; papering, Seaworthy wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. —Ed “Buck” Little, Hensall, phone 196-R. 2;9:16:23e NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can made, — Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 6-18:ll-30c be LOST-—Strayed oxx to Lot 16, Mitchell highway or 23 highway on ox* about October 1, one 2- year-old heifer. The ownei’ cap have some by proving property and paying expenses. CulJ 45-r-7 Granton. 2 3:3 0; 6 c WANTED TO BUY—Quantity of feed turnips. Apply Roy Lam­ port, phone Creditpn 59-r-5. 23* EMPLOYMENT WANTEP •PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H. Walker, tele­ phone 553 Exeter. 4-19 tfc JBODYMAN wants employment neax* Exeter, two or three years’ experience. Aptply Exetei' Times- Advocate. ‘ 23c SEW AND SAVE — New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. 3-20tfc FOR SALE — Girl’s three-piece wintei' outfit, size 3-4. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners._____23* BE SURE TO DEWORM your pullets this fall before ox' at the time you put them in their win­ tex* quarters. It pays you well. Get your Rota Caps from L. V. Hogarth. Phone 266. 9-25tfc REAL ESTATE WARTIME HOUSE, 2-bedroom. Apply 326 Anix St. 23* FOR SALE—Maroon baby car­ riage; also playpen. Apply Joe Campbell, Albert St. (evenings). FOR RENT STOP — If you wish to buy a new red brick home in the beau­ tiful town of Exeter, see J. W, Hern, Sanders St. West. 10-23 tfc LARGE HOSTESS refrigerator, with Kelvinator unit, $95.00; % Johnson Iron Horse, as new, $40.00. Phone 267-r-6 Exeter. lO-2tfc *41 CHEV SEDAN, deluxe, good condition inside and out. Winter­ ized. Phone 347-r-22. 22* SCRATCH PADS print, 2 for 5^, Times-Advocate. 4”x6” news- -The Exeter tf FOR SALE — Apartment size heavy duty electric stove jn good working condition* Apply Gerald O’Brien, Dashwood, R.R. 3. -23* COMFORTABLE ROOMS and board available in private home to accommodate five or six elder­ ly people.-—not bed patients. — Phone 126 or write Box 142, Hensall. 23e FOR SALE—300 New Hamp and Rock pullets. Phone 90-r-7 Zurich. 16c WOOD WORKING lathe (Delta) —Earl Parsons, 212 Huron St. West. 23* GIRLS’ BLUE coat, size 13; green coat, size 12; wine coat, size 15; bunting bag, white and pink; also several dresses, size 12 and 14. Phone 683-r-33 Hen­ sail. 23* NEW SELF-CONTAINED fully modern apartment, free utilities, close to airport. Available imme­ diately. Apply L. A. Kilmer, Clandeboye, R.R. 1, phone Lucan 162-r-3. 23c HOUSE WELL situated for schools, churches and shopping. Newly decorated interior, first class general condition. Forced heat bath floor. Pearce, Salesman, Forced oil burnex’ furnace. Full upstairs, 2-piece on main Garage, garden. —W. C. Realtor, Earl Parsons, 10-16tfc TWO-CAR garage. Apply Mr, R. de Vries, Huron St. West. 23* LARGE 4-BURNER Norge range with side oven, like new. Only three years old. Half price. Ap­ ply 293 PMQs, RCAF Centralia, phone 308-r-21._________ 23:30c LIVESTOCK FOR SALE THREE-ROOM furnished apart­ ment, quiet couple, no children. Phone 257. 21* WANTED FOR a client with $4,500 down payment, about 100 acres suitable for sugar beets, reasonably good buildings. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 10-16tfc 9 GOOD WEANERS, ready in 2 weeks. Apply Alex McIntosh, Cl an d eb oy e._______________23c FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware. 5-8tfc SIX CORDS of hard maple wood. Apply to Elmer Powe, Centralia, phone 477-r-12 Exeter.______23c FOR SALE—A boy’s heavy jac­ ket in good condition, size 16 years. Apply Box "B”, Times- Advocate. 23c ONE RED Scotch Shorthorn bull, ,12 months old. Registered and accredited. Apply Fred Brown, Crediton. 23:30c FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Cleric C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* $7,000.00 CASH—We have cli­ ent who is prepared to pay this amount price of must be good and buildings at least fair, Level land preferred. If you wish to sell contact C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex­ eter, Ont. 10-16tfc of cash on purchase 100-acre farm. Land FOR SALE—Wine Gendron baby carriage, chrome mud guards, storm cover, mattress included, good condition. Phone 448-r-14. 23* 20 GOOD STEERS, around 1,050 lbs. oi’ will put them out to feed by the gain in weight. Ap­ ply Ernie Thompson, Parkhill, Ont. _______23c FOR RENT—Three-room flat on lower floor, bath, hot and cold water, all furnished, good cook stove. Mrs. Silas Stanlake, Carl­ ing St. 9:16* ro FOR SALE—A Scotch shorthorn bull, ready for service. Apply to A. L. Rader, phone 47-17 Dash­ wood. 16:23* SMALL APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished. Oil heated. Tel. 226 Exeter. 16* HOUSE FOR SALE — Nearing completition in good district on beautifully-treed lot. Two bed­ rooms, living room, modern bath­ room, kitchen-dinette combina­ tion. Anthes - Imperial furnace, automatic controls. —Art Whil- smith, ph. 279-J Exeter. 10-9tfc 15 GOOD YORK pigs, 7 weeks old. Mervin Dunn, phone Exeter 177-r-31. 23* HELP WANTED WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron County, permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh’s Dept., ML-J-202-131, Montreal. 23c THREE- OR foty-roonx apart­ ment, immediately. Phone 162-r- 18 Dashwood. 23* LAND FOR rent or share crop­ ping. Apply Alex McIntosh, Clan- deboye. 23:30c MARRIED WORKING couple would like to rent a small cot­ tage with modern conveniences. Apply Box “S”, Times-Advocate. 23c WANTED—Young married pie (no children) would three-room apartment in within next month. Apply Advocate. cou- like a Exeter, Times- 16:23* WANTED — Cattle to feed for the winter, Apply Don Parsons, phone 692-r-33 Hensall. 16:23c WANTED—Manure by the ton. Apply George Murphy, Delhi P.O. 2:9:16:23c STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G, J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfc ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 23 5, 5-ltfc NOTICES NOTICE — All girls between the ages of 105 and 16 years are invited to come to Girl Guides starting Thursday night, October 23, at 7 o’clock sharp at the Legion Hall. 23* beds; JO kitchen chairs, and some other- household articles. PROPERTY: At same tixne and place there will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid, the farm beixxg Lot 8, Con. 7, iu the Township of Stanley, upon which comfortable bank barn. TERMS: of sale, Chattels- Estate of ADMR. WILLIAM FOREST, Executor BELL & LAUGHTON, Solictor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY,. Clerk CATTLE AUCTION STRATHROY, OCTOBER 25 150 mixed stock cattle. Trucks to deliver. a. g. McAlpine, auct. 23c there is situate*! a house and a £00(1 10% balance cash. down on in 30 date dayg. Robert Forest AUCTION SALE Fully Accredited Registered Scotch Shorthorn Cattle LOT 19, CON. 7, HAY TWP. 33 miles west of Hensall, or 25 miles east of Zurich WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 at 1:30 Four red bulls age; 2 red bulls, 2 red cows, due p.m. of serviceable 7 months old; « vu.va, uuc to freshen in March; 2 heifers, due at time of sale; 4 heifers, due in March; 5 open- heifers, rising 2 years old. All cattle are vaccinated. TERMS: Cash. ROSS DICK, PROP. HAROLD JACKSON, AUCT. 16:23c 29 AUCTION SALE Sponsored by Ladies Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church, HENSALL on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8:00 p.m. All articles donated by mem­ bers of church (furniture, cloth­ ing, china, etc.). Goods in arena Wednesday afternoon, E. W. ELLIOTT, AUCT. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery and Household Effects LOT 2, CON. 1, TUCKERSMITH 1 mile south of Hensall on No. 4 Highway, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 at 1:00 p.m. IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris 6-ft. binder; Massey Harris 55- ft. mower; Massey Harris 11-lioe seed drill; spring-tooth cultiva­ tor; 3-section harrows; 2-row scuff ler; log roller; iron axle farm wagon, ixx good shape; hay rack; gravel box; dump rake; horse scuffler; 2 walking plows; set of scales, buggy; pullup; grindstone; ness; 2 sets of single harness; horse collars; ladder; De Laval cream separator, in .good shape; sap pan; feed box; 1 galvanized storage tank; quantity of lum­ ber; forks; 1 scythe. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Kit­ chen cupboards; 1 bed room suite; single bed; 4 dining room chairs; 3 kitchen chairs; side­ board; round cherry table; kit­ chen table; settee; morris chair; quantity of sealers; 2 picture frames; 2 wash stands; ‘bed springs. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as farm is sold. MRS. WILLIAM HYDE, PROP. ED CORBETT, AUCT. 23:30c i, 2,000 lbs.; top cutter; hay fork rope- Clinton f aiming mill; 1 set double har- Interruption R.C.A.F. statios, and married quarters, the villages of Cen­ tralia, Crediton and surrounding' farm area served from Centralia Distribution Station. Weather permitting the power will be off from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. Sundy, October 26, 1952. Also power will be interrupted on the south section of Exeter Town, from James Street south on the east side of Main Street | er calves. All home-grown. Earl and from John Street south on J Burr, 2 miles north of Dashwood the west side of Main Street, t road on 21 Highway. Phone from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday,1 Grand Bend, 35-r-16. 23* October 26, 1952. I The time has been arranged to!1-01)- __ „ „ „cause the least inconvenience to: -A-PPly ®ev Parsons, R.R. 3, Ex- all customers affected. | e<-eij______________________ FI FOUR HEREFORD bulls for quick sale, 14 months old. Ap­ ply Clarence Parke, Zurich, Ont. 23* SECRETARY—Required for law office in Exeter, capable of tak­ ing shorthand and typing. Apply in writing to Box 6, Times- Advocate. 10-16 tfc MODERN HOUSE being con­ structed. Open fox’ inspection now. Two-bedroom frame bunga­ low, large living room and kit­ chen, three-piece bath. Best lo­ cation in town—on Senior St., within one block of both schools, new street drain. Ford and Far­ quhar Moulding, phone 571-J, Exeter. . 10-2tfc 14 DURHAM COWS: 8 which have calves at foot, 4 spi’ings, 2 milking. Apply James S. Petty, 14 miles west of Kippen, 1 mile south. Phone 682-r-21 Hensall, R.R. 2. 23:30* FOR SALE—A number of good spring calves. Some choice feed- London Life Insurance Company Offers An Opportunity For YOUNG MEN INTERESTED IN OFFICE WORK FAMILY HOUSE—It has four bedrooms and a particularly nice living room and dining room. Especially well located. Comfort­ able family accommodation at a lower than usual price. Let us show it to you. •—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, ph. 165, Exeter. 9-25tfc COURT OF REVISION Township of Stephen Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the As­ sessment Roll of the Township of Stephen for the year 19 53 will be held in the Council Rooms, Crediton, Thursday, Oc­ tober 3 0, at 8 o’clock p.m. F. W. MORLOCK, CLERK 23:30c Registered SCOTCH SHORTHORNS The undersigned will sell for ROBERT C. MURRELL Lot 13, Concession 6, West Nissouri Township miles east of Thorndale and 15 miles south - 13 miles straight south of St. Marys on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Foui’ bulls around 1 year old; cows, with calves at foot; 15 bred cows and heifers; 5 open heifers. Herd fully accredited. Heifers calfhood vaccinated. ROBERT T. AMOS Auctioneer 9:16:23* 3 a 35 weaner pigs. MANAGER, EXETER AREA, BULL CALF—Apply G. J. Dow, H.E.P.C. OF ONTARIO J Exeter. 23* Complete Employee Benefits 5-Day Week Applicants Should Be Between 17 and 25 with Matriculation Standing APPLY PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Head Office — London, Ontario MODERN 2-BEDROOM home at a very reasonable price. Com­ pletely finished inside and out, even to storm windows and screens. The five rooms, all on one floor, are bright and nicely arranged. Fully insulated. Oil­ burning furnace. Immediate pos­ session if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-25tf NOTICE—The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Cham­ bers, Court House, Goderich, commencing Tuesday, November 11, 1952, at 2:00 p.m. All ac­ counts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, Novem­ ber 8, 1952. —A. I-I. Erskine, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario. 23:30c -> Clearing ' AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Farm Implements. Hay, Miscellaneous Items and Household Effects ON THE PREMISES ; 17, Con. 14, Boundary of I ei i The New Simpsons, Limited 3-BEDROOM HOUSE—Large liv­ ing room. Oil heated. Lot nicely landscaped. The whole property is in good condition and avail­ able for immediate possession. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-25tfc 4%% Debentures are available i i ■ NOTICE TO CREDITORS To holders of Simpsons, Limited Bonds, Notes and Preferred Shares To investors with funds to employ NEW RED brick house on east side of Exeter. Three bedrooms, forced oil heat, 6G-foot lot. Ap­ ply r; E. Balkwill, Exeter, Ont. 9-18tfc Simpsons, Limited through its subsidiaries operates one oi the largest department store businesses in Canada with stores located in Toronto, Montreal, London, Regina and Halifax. In addition, the Company with have an equal interest with Sears, Roebuck and Co. in Simpsons-Sears limited a new company which is acquiring the mail order, agency and order office business of Simpsons, Limited and which will also establish retail stores in many new locations throughout Canada. ° The new Simpsons, Limited 4^% Debentures will be the senior security of the Company. Simpsons, Limited plans to redeem on January 8th its outstanding First Mortgage Bonds, Secured Term Notes and Preferred Shares. We offer as principals— Simpsons, Limited 4%% Debentures Series “A” Due January 1st, 1973 Denominations: §100, $500 and §1,000 Price: 100 and accrued interest, to yield 4.75% A prospectus describing this new issue will be forwarded promptly upon request. It gives information regarding the cash payments available to holders of Simpsons, Limited Bonds and Preferred Shares ih exchange for the new Debentures, which for the Preferred Shares amounts to §5.33 net per share including redemption premium and accrued dividend from September 15th, 1952 to January Sth, 1953. The prospectus also includes financial statements and details of these Debentures which are a legal investment for insurance companies in Canada. Mail and telephone orders receive prompt attention. TO^oi‘reet Wood, Gundy & Company Telephone; EMpire 4-4321 Limited MM 3> I 1 i HIGHWAY 200 fertile acres, good buildings electricity and other conveniences and addition­ al 150 acres if desired. Suitable for mixed farming or cash crops. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-l‘8tfc In the matter of the estate of CHRISTIAN FABER, late of the Village of Crediton, County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Christian Fahrner, who the 6 th day inestate, are particulars of as administrator, to be verified on or before the 30 th day of October, 1952, after which date I shall proceed to divide the es­ tate among the heirs, entitled thereto, sideration the claims which have received at that time. Crediton, October 17, 1952. E. K. FAHRNER, Administrator. died on or about of August, 1952, required to send their claims to me •, having taken into con- I FOR SALE — About an acre of good land on Marlborough Street, suitable for cultivation and for lots on which to build. Other building lots also. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-21tfc NEW FOUR-ROOM cottage, ful­ ly modern, lot 160x120. Water­ loo and Carling St. or 3 07 Anne St. $1,500 will handle. 8-28Jfc 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Pos­ session arranged, W. C. Pearce, 4-R00M insul-bric cottage with room insul brie cottage, conveniences and furnace, sonably priced for quick sale. Othei’ houses, stores and farms. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-lltfc with rea- EXETER DISTRICT FARM, 200 acres of very productive land. Fine brick house with nice lawn. Large barn with silo. Hydro and Water pressure. 45 acres freshly seeded. Fall ploughing done. Good bush. Located Oh highway close to school and store. This is a farm that you will be proud to own. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont, 9-lltfc 2-STOREY BRICK building on Main Street (known as Exeter District Co-Op). Could be used for stores or offices on main floor and living apartments sec­ ond floor. Possession at once.— Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Par­ sons, Salesman. 10-23 tfc AUCTION SALES CATTLE AUCTION . Mr. Wilmer Howatt will sell by public auction at Lot 29-30, Con- 13, Hullett, 3 miles northwest Londesboro, and 3 miles west „ Blyth, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 at 1:00 p.m. sharp CATTLE: 150 head of cattle, registered, and .grades. This lot consists of cows, calves, and yearlings, in- the lot are 12 re­ gistered Hereford cows, due to freshen in November and Decem­ ber; 4 bull calves, registered; also a number of yearling hei­ fers, registered and grade; Durham and Hereford calves. Positively no reserve. Plan to attend this sale choice cattle. WILMER HOWATT, PROP. HAROLD JACKSON, AUCT. EDWIN CHESNEY, CLERK of of 80 of AUCTION SALE of Farm arid Farm Machinery AT LOT 8, CON. 7 OF STANLEY TOWNSHIP 3 Miles South of Varna on MONDAY, OCTOBER at 1 p.m. MACHINERY: Massey binder; Massey Harris seed drill; dump rake; plow; wagon; flat rack; set disc* harrows; cultivator; 5 ton hay; set of double harness. Two tables; writing desk; 3 27 Harrfs 13-hoe riding Lot Hibbert Township, 25 miles south of Cromarty, or 25 miles north of Thames Road Church and 1 mile east. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed 'o sell by public aucticn oi THURSDAY, OCTOBER commencing, at 1:00 p.m. HORSES: Clyde team, and gelding, 5 years old, and reliable. DAIRY CATTLE; Four Ayr­ shire heifers, carrying second Jalf, due in February and March; 4 Holstein heifers, carrying sec­ ond calf, due in March; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due in December; Holstein cow, carry­ ing third calf, due in March; Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due in April; part Jersey and Durham cow, due in March. These are all good dairy cattle. BEEF and 5 Hereford ing 800 <11 spring calves; purebred dark roan Shorthorn bull. All cattle are fully T.B. tested. FARM MACHINERY: M . H . grain binder, 6-ft. cut; M.H. hay loader; M.H. graixx drill; Cock- shutt hoe drill; 2 3-horse culti­ vators; 2 -steel-tired wagons; hay rack; 2 walking plows; dump rake; McDeering mower, 5-ft. cut; Deering mower, 5-ft. cut; disc harrows; set diamond har­ rows; dump scraper; Clinton fanning mill, complete with sieves; 2,000-lb. cap. platform with box; bag Ren- new hags 30 sharp filly sound CATTLE: Three steers heifers, Durham and feeder cattle, averag­ es. each; 5 yearlings; sieves; 2,000-lb. cap. .. scales; set of sleighs bunks; root pulper; gravel Champion grain grinder; truck; new wheelbarrow; frew cream separator with motor; 2 hay forks; grain and sacks; grain bagger; set of sling ropes; new woven wire stretcher;»small fence stretcher; cedar posts; quantity of tile and whi to bricKs * hayfork rope; ging chains; plow steel ter; and pails; 2 hay knives; scythe; 2 sets double harness; set Scotch collar tops; 4 horse collars; shovels, forks doubletrees, neck- yokes and numerous to HAY: A mixed hay. household effects: Princess cook stove, like Philco battery radio; 3 oak ers; hall tree; bedroom suites; couch; hand washing machine; etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. CEPHAS MUXWORTHY, PROP. ELMER STEWART, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 20c metal sheeting; grindstone; 2 log­ gang jtlow; sulky 1-horse turnip seeder; barrel; 2 oak barrels; cut- chicken shelter; sap pan many articles too mention. quantity of good New new; rock- AUCTION SALE of Household Goods and Effects Corner-of John and Andrew Sts. Estate of the late MRS. KATE WELSH on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 at 1:30 p.m. (House Heated and Open to All) We, the undersigned, have been, instructed to sell by public auction, the following: Hall rack, with seat; chester­ field suite; occasional qhair; 2 upholstered chairs; 3 wicker chairs; tri-liglxt lamp; bridge lamp; console table; 2 occasion­ al tables; Iargei' round oak ta­ ble; square table; *radio; sofa pillows; drapes; 3 rugs; electric heater; Raymond drop-head sew­ ing machine; 2 complete bed­ room suites; dining room suite, buffet and 6 chairs, fumed oak; pedestal table; pictures, clocks, magazine stand; kitchen kitchen table, drop-leaf, tra board; 4 kitchen lamps; kitchen stove; 2 ties; Astral frig and metal stand nerly new; verandah chairs; commode; washing machine; coal oil stove, large and small oven; quantity garden tools; trunks; scythe; crosscut saw; wheelbar­ row; spade; shovels; lawn mow­ er; axe; mattock; hand saws; crowbar; ladders; tools; crocks; suitcases; pots, pails, mop, car­ pet sweeper, coal scuttle; quan­ tity canned fruit; quantity emp­ ty sealers; 2 toilet sets; kitchen utensils; .several tons of coal; 50 garden hose; coal scuttle; 2 card tables; toaster ; garden seat; dishes; glassware; set of Limoges china; cut glass; silver­ ware; lancy china; ornaments; table mirrors; flatware. Quilts, bed pillows, blankets, bed spreads,«sheets, pillow cases, linens and fancy work. Residence will be sold at sale subject to reserve bid. Terms: 10% of purchase price-down and balance in 30 days. Chattels: Cash. EVA DELBRIDGE, EXECUTRIX BELL & LAUGHTON, SOLICITORS FRANK TAYLOR, AUCT.________________-2— 4 small tables; curtain rods; cabinet; and ex­ chairs ; tea ket- COMPLETE DISPERSAL, of 54 Head Registered and Grade Holstein Cattle Area T.B. Tested SELLING AT THE FARM, mile east of Dashwood High-1way 83, and 6 miles west of Exeter, on Highway 4, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 at 1:30 p.m. sharp Every animal goes; 27 pure- breds. Balance are grades. Cat­ tle are good size, in .good shape, quite a few good plus cows, some due or fresh around sale time and late November and December. Cows are good pro­ ducers, one has given up to 9 2 lbs. a day, The purobreds are sired by sires as King Bonheur Supreme (135725); Hartholm Dewdrop Korndyke, Htickholme Sovereign Rag Apple, Bond Hav­ en R. A. Masterpiece. Also some*. calves and 2-year- olds by the 4-year-old herd sire Ferndale Baronet Pietje, a grand­ son of "Marksman” he Sells, and is a real individual, and some cows are bred to him, and some are bred to Oxford There are 10 grade In heavy flow of fresh and due at Sires, a few some time. There are 5 registered 1052 hei­ fer calves, registered add open Sale in For catalogues write to: S. M. PEACHEY, PROP., Hay, Ont. A. B. BRUCHACHER & SOfr, Auctioneers anti Sales Managers, Kitchener, Ont. 23:30c Unit cows; milk, sale A nice lot, and a few yearlings, also bred grade heifers, large tent. No reserve.