HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-16, Page 12Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1952 Canada's national income and the value q.£ goods and services during 1951 totalled $21,209,- 000,000, a record. You'll look your best; in a Johnston» . SPORT JACKET AND SLACKS Come in and see our exceptional range of jacket tweeds. Choose a gabar­ dine, or a flannel worsted in a matching or contrasting colour for your slacks. Know the satisfaction of clothes that feel right and look right because they have been tailored for you alone. Lucan WX Hears Historical Report, A particularly interesting Lucan And District News Exeter Starline Barn Equipment ■Thanksgiving Opening For Wesley Church The new Wesley Church, near ISd'gewood, on No. 7 Highway, The old 75 building was torn down new building begun in Little Elisabeth Mains, of Dor* I Chester, has been renewing Lucan acquaintances over the weekend. Miss Gertrude Kent, R.N., of London, spent the holiday with her sister, Mrs. LT. F. Stanley, and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Stanley, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with the former’s sister, Mrs. T. C. McFarlane. Messrs. Bev. and Lawrence Hodgins have returned from a. six-week trip to the west latter sheaf helped to decorate the Anglican pulpit for their Harvest Festival last Sunday. Next spring, Law­ rence plans to plant it on their farm. Mr. spent with relatives in the States. Mr. and -Mrs. Gordon Mains spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy. Mr. and Mrs. C. Owen Foster, Springbank Drive, spent Thanks­ giving Day with Mr, and Mrs. Murray Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. James Qgden and daughter, of London, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Armi­ tage. Mrs. McIntosh’s brother and sister, Mr. James and Miss Ca- melia Ross, of Lakeside, have bought the home of Mr. Harold Cobleigli and expect to move to the village around the first of November. Mrs. Mac. Lamond and Mal­ colm, Cromarty, spent Thanks­ giving with Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts. The day was fine, the crowd was big, but the buying was slow at Mrs. Fred McLean's sale on Saturday. Mr. J. J, minster Hospital with an fected foot. Mrs. A. L. Morgan, who been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. Banting for the past two weeks, has returned home to Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs. W- Butler and Johnny, Toronto, spent Thanks- ................... H. B. pro­ gram* was presented at the Octo­ ber meeting of the W.L held in the community Memorial Centre Thursday evening, October* ‘J. There was a large attendance including a few' new members. Roll call was answered by a photograph of an old pioneer or landmark. Mrs. I. Gibson and Mrs. Jack Lankin were appoint­ ed to attend the meeting at Med- | way School in connection with I the Middlesex Co-operative Medi- | cal Services. Mrs. Wes. Hodgins j volunteered to be one of the of the delegates to attend the I W.L convention at London Oc­ tober 2 k to 29. Mrs. W. Brown­ lee was chosen for the other delegate. Lucan’s prize winning quilt will be displayed at this convention. Secretary Mrs. Hodgins read several communications regard­ ing the trip to Toronto. A com­ mittee composed of Mrs. W, Mc­ Roberts, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Ban­ ting and Mrs. Reilly was chosen to make final arrangements. Highlighting the meeting were two splendid reports on Histori­ cal Research by Mrs. T. C. Mc­ Farlane and Mrs. T. A. Hod­ gins. The former confined her remarks mostly to the history of Lucan’s Public Library which Mill celebrate its seventy-fourth anniversary in December. Mrs. Hodgins dwelt on places of business in the village in the past and of the many changes as years passed by. Mrs. Murray Hodgins led in an amusing sing song. Mrs. Hovey gave a report on the newly-founded club of 13 girls who are taking the course “Club Girl Entertains”. The report on the W.L dinner when Claire Wallace was guest speaker had to be held over. Mrs. Alex Young was lunch convenor assisted by Mrs. Mit­ chell Haskett, Mrs. U. F. Stan- le, Mrs. V. G. Banting and R. Hamilton. ! The brought home a small of Regina wheat which and Mrs. Roy Stanley Thanksgiving weekend Wyatt is in West- in- Mr. and Mrs. has V. McKnight and Walper Mrs. Reg. Riehl, son of Mr. A. ~ grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. Copeman, of Belmont, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins, who has been in the Isolation Hospital with polio, was able to be moved to the Children's Hospital. on No. opened October 12. year-old and the April. it lias least auditorium in the basement. Bed­ cause of the cost $16,000. Rev. G a seating capacity of at 1G0 with Sunday School much volunteer work was kept down pastor of conducted C. Raymer Granton and Wesley, the dedication service assisted by London Conference president, Rev. R. B. Cumming and Dr. Fred H. Langford, of ronto, a former member. The building committee eludes: Rev. G. C. Raymer, Omar Burnett, Lloyd Mardin and Thomas Dickinson; the finance committee: Rev, G. C. Raymer, Allen Walden and William Stew­ art; the decorating committee: Harold Westman, Allan Walden, Mrs. Richard Biddle, Mrs. Omar Bprnett, Mrs. Wilfred Eedy, Mrs. George Mardlin and Rev. G. C. Raymer. Rev. To* in-* Shallow and Deep Well Pressure pumps Water Bowls Track and Door Hangers Stanchions and Litter Carrier? Milking Parlor Stalls DOUG TRIEBNER 458-r-12 Exetergiving with Langford, Mr. and gins spent Hamilton relatives. Mrs. Cranston and Eileen visited the former’s daughter, Mrs, Grey, and family, Oshawa?, for the holiday weekend, Mrs. Percy Price, of Toronto, is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. Cliff Murdy. Mrs. Don Revington and two children returned to Windsor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jarvie for a week’s visit. Mr. Murray Hodgins left on Monday evening for a week’s business trip to Toronto. Mr. Grant Hawkshaw, of Walkerton, spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. C. Hawk­ shaw. Mrs. Aaron Davis, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital for some weeks, is recovering an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Vincent the weekend Hpd- with *Phone McComb-Hughes Wearing her grandmother’s sun-burst pin of diamonds and pearls at the throat of her wed­ ding gown, Jean Margaret Hughes, became the bride of George Alexander McComb, of Elginfield. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Grant B. Hughes, Ailsa Craig and he is. the son of Mr. and Mrs. William McComb, Lucan. The Rev. A. E. Silver per­ formed the double-ring ceremony against a floral background of yellow and orchid gladioli in the Baptist Church, Ailsa Craig. Miss Orene Reitsma, solist, was ac­ companied at the organ by Miss Iris Telfer.Hei* father gave the bride in marriage. She was gowned in Chantilly lace and layers of nylon tulle over white satin. Rhine­ stones shimmering in her tulle cap which imprisoned a fingertip veil and she carried a hand bouquet of Better Time roses showered with steplianotis. Miss Aleda Hughes was her sister’s maid of honor with Miss Velma Hughes and Miss Betty Donaldson as bridesmaids. AU three were in nylon net over taffeta with bell-shaped sleeves on the brief jackets and halo headdresses to match their gowns. Miss Aleda Hughes wore leaf green; Miss Velma. Hughes, sunshine yellow and Miss Betty Donaldson, a delicate orchid. Their bouquets were fans of Queen Elizabeth yellow roses. Flower girl, Ann Donaldson, was a miniaure replica of the senior attendant in peach pink net over taffeta and she carried a basket of Pinnochio roses, Best man was Donald M. Me? Comb with the bride’s brother, Donald Hughes, and the groom’s brother, James McComb, as ushers. Receiving with the bridal party at her home in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Hughes was in cocoa crepe with lace detail and brown ac­ cessories and her corsage was of Mrs. Roosevelt yellow roses. The groom's mother chose mulberry silk velvet complimented by black and a corsage of Talisman roses. For their wedding trip to Sault Ste. Marie and the United States, the bride changed to a violet suit with green accessor­ ies and a corsage of orchids. A? Good as CASH, at Any Time . Canada Savings Bonds 7th SERIES Ten Interest Coupons of 3%% Maturity August 1, 19G3 Denominations: $50, $100, $500, ’$1,000 and $5,000 $100 Buys a $100 Canada Savings Bond >a from Redeemable for the Full Amount of Your Original Investment, Plus Accrued Interest .Special Sendees At Wesley Church On October 19 there will special baptism service For Full Particulars and Official Application Form — Call or Phone be a with Rev. A. E. Lloyd, of St. Thomas, as guest speaker and on Novem­ ber 2, Rev. A,' D. Boa, London, a former minister, will conduct communion service. On Novem­ ber 9 Rev. L. C. Harvey, of Brownsville, will be the speaker. B. M. Francis — Official Agent Midland Securities Corp. Limited PHONE 24 or 164 © 9 <» EXETER, ONT. Canada Cavings Conks they can be cashed at The, new 4B.651-VV >*■ *'i^**‘. or emergencies. f come, in denominations to meet everyone's needs CANADA SAVINGS BONDS j Right Now! Clean Rad, Refill with Anti-Freeze Change to Right Grade Motor Oil Complete Lubrication of Undercarriage Complete Scientific Battery Inspection e South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 ? /X % No oth« invertment | the safety °“e'S ot inter.,* a"<> med>ate cashabilHy full face valu® high »ate G re/yone, Hants fa build up reserves of saving and help cystematio saving -make saving easierC^^^. They discourage wasteful spending - are beHer than cash in die pocket at anytime, IfflHBUo the cash is available a! a moment's notice, for special opportunities that's more, Canada Cavin as fronds are always cashable at full face value- the price never changes. Series pays a higher rate of interest than ever i 1 a* il^ an average of ggg % if held to maturity. 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