HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-16, Page 10Page 8 THE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 16, 1952
Exeter Chapter O,E,$
Elects New Officers
Election of officers was held
at the regular meeting of the
Exeter chapter O.E.S. October 8
with W.M. Georgina Dobbs pre
The following were elected
and will be installed at a spe
cial meeting in the Legion Mem
orial Hall November 21:
Worthy Matron, M^. Vera
Fraser; Worthy Patron, Mrs. Al
len Fraser; Associate Matron,
Mrs. Eva Hodgson; Associate
patron, Mr. Lloyd Hodgson; sec
retary, Mrs. Ella Middleton;
treasurer, Mrs. Leone Motz; con
ductress, Mrs. Oda Love; Asso
ciate Conductress, Mrs. Esther
Trustee for three years
Mr. Stanley Love. Auditors
Mrs. Muriel Sweet, Mrs.
Love and Mrs. Leia Kestle.
A donation of $25 was voted
to the Cancer Research fund.
Dot’s Beauty Shoppe
(North of Bell Telephone)
Naturelle Permanent Waving
Lustron Cold Wave
- Open Wednesday Afternoon *
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop
Phone 71 Exeter
Beauty Salon
Specializing in
Permanents and Hair Styling
Feminine Facts n Fancies
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times-Advocate
—. By B.A. — |
Well-Known Attendants
Because of a well-known
name, even a bride lost the glory
due on hei’ wedding day recent-;
ly. In a Toronto newspaper, at
tendants, daughters o f the
mayor, received more notice in
ae-the caption of the wedding
count than the bride.
It seems unfortunate
that one
re in the
that the
as the
the next day to find enough
with proper qualifications
the job.* * * *
A Job For The Ladies
As soon as a Women’s Auxil
iary to the board of the South
Huron District Hospital has been
* * $ #
Women On Jury
For the first time, women
sitting as jurors at the court
session which began Saturday
last in Guelph. While there is
opposition to the idea, many
persons don't realize the care
with which jurors are chosen for
the duty.
We still remember a court
session a few years ago, before
the family
It took a
jurors for
mganized, it is probable
ladies within the town and
trict will be called upon to
tribute time and work.
Clubs which are considering
projects for* the year might keep
this fact in inind. As yet nothing
specific has been arranged for
an auxiliary but once
will require support
groups in town.* * *
| The Pantry
formed, it
from most
the bride,• and ESngene Milne, o£
London, brother of the groom,
A reception was held at the
bride’s home* The couple will re
side in London.
Production of 27 pounds of
nickel calls for the mining and
processing of 2,0(10 pounds of
ore. Canada is the world’s larg
est nickel producer.
women jurors were
when a member of
was called for duty,
full half day to find
that particular session and then EVETER j more eligible persons were called
Apple shortcake
How does apple
sound to you? When
are made with cheese it proves
a real taste tickler. Apple
wedges are cooked carefully in
a syrup to which seedless raisins
are added. About 1% cups each
of water and sugar, three table
spoons of raisins for three med
ium apples serves four well. ,
Here are ingredients for the
the biscuits
Local Teachers* Unit
Plans Coming Term
Members of the Exeter Unit
Teachers Federation gathered
for the first time at the J. A. D.
McCurdy School, R.C.A.F. Cen
tralia, Tuesday, September 30.
There was a very large attend
Miss Helen Fredericks, as
president, led a spirited discus
sion concerning plans for
forthcoming term and
Chambers took over
as* secretary,
After the meeting,
sional film entitled
in the Classroom’’, 1
and later a
served by the Centralia staff,
Meetings from now on will be
held the second Wednesday of
each month, alternately at Ex
eter Publib School and Centralia
R.C.A.F, Public School. All mem
bers are urged to attend the
next meeting scheduled for Wed
nesday, November 12, at Exeter.
Miss Joyce
her duties
a profes-
was shown
buffet lunch was
Late Fall Weddings
flowers formed behind an
of evergreen and tinted
was the setting at the
of the bride’s parents on
October 4, for the
cup pastry flour, sifted once
tsp. baking powder
tsp. salt
tbsp, chilled shortening
cup shredded old Cheddar
tsp. granulated sugar
cup milk
Preheat oven, to 425 degrees.
Sift dry ingredients once and
cut in shortening. Mix in cheese
ad sugar and combiije
lightly with fork. Brush
soft butter or margarine
bake 10 to 12 minutes.
Apple wedges are arranged be
tween layers of shortcake and
on top. Serve with syrup,
cream or pouring cream.
* * * *
Marmalade Scones
Here are marmalade scones
that should go well with that
afternoon tea. They’re good
served hot from the oven or
split and toasted.
cups pastry flour, sifted
tbsp, baking powder
Comic Strip Characters
Rush New Prospects
Dressed as comic strip charac
ters, members of the Beta Sigma
Phi Sorority held a rushing
party for 10 new perspective
members at the home of Mrs.
Howard Klumpp, Dashwood.
Prizes for best dressed mem
bers went to Kaye McGill and
Jean Ann Guenther. Lorene Zur-
brigg won a prize
the grapefruit, one
games which made
ning of fun.
Mrs. Klumpp and
tee were in charge
gram and a
roast turkey was served by
Hayter, Ada Dinney and
Art Gaiser.
for peeling
of the many
up the eve-
her commit-
of the pro
lunch including
St. Poter’s Ifpman Catholic
Church at St. Josephs was the
setting for the wedding of Edna
Cecilia, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Leon Bedard, St. Joseph,
and Peter Ignatius Milne, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milne, of
Glanworth, The Rev. Father Paul
Milne, brother of the groom, of
ficiated and sang the nuptial
mass. Miss Matilda Denomme
presided at the organ and Miss
Rebecca Corriveau was soloist.
The bride’s father gave her in
marriage. The bride chose a
gown of net over taffeta styled
with a lace jacket with pointed
sleeves. Her fingertip veil was
caught by a headdress studded
with sequins.
The attendants, Miss Mary
Anne Bedard and Mrs. Frank
Ryder, were gowned in mauve
and green net, and carried nose
gays of yellow and mauve mums.
The groom was attended by
his brother, Basil Milne, and
Frank Ryder. Ushers were Bene
dict Bedard, Windsor, brother of
Come Jn to See Our
New Shipment of
with the
Everlasting Flower
Enclosed in Distilled
The Hollow Tree
Gift Shop
Candelahx'a and fern inter
spersed with standards of au
wedding of Betty Ann Parke,
only daughter of Mr. and. Mrs.
Clarence Parke, Zurich, and Mel
vin Graham, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Goldie Graham, Bruce-
The Rev. T. J, Pitt officiated.-1
Mrs. Pitt played traditional brid
al music and accompanied tlfe
soloist, Marilyn Dowson.
Given in marriage by her
ther, the bride wore a gown
white nylon net over satin
Elizabethan style. The bodice,
Swiss lace, featured long pointed
sleeves with rhinestone trim. A
headdress, of orange blossom,
held her floor-length veil of ny
lon net. Her bridal bouquet was
red roses.
The groom’s sister, Mrs, Fred
Robinson, Toronto, was brides
maid, and his little niece, Lenda
Robinson, was flowei* girl. They
wore identical gowns of -Killar-
ney green velvet
bronze mums.
Kenneth Parke
ther’s groo'msman.
was held at Monetta Menard’s,
Exeter, The bride’s mother chose
a gown of platinum faille with
wine accessories and white car
nation corsage. The groom’s mo
ther wore a navy ensemble with
accessories in grey and wore a
corsage of white carnations.
For travelling to Northern On
tario and other points, the bride
wore a seal brown shadow rib
cloth coat over a two-piece bene-
dictine -brown, satin trim otto
man cord suit with antique gold
and brown accessories, and
bronze chrysanthemum corsage.
They will reside on the groom’s
farm, near Brucefield.
and carried
was his bro-
A reception
Breeze Through
Fall Housecleaning
With A
GE Or Hoover Cleaner
Farewell Presentation
Brady Cleaners
Wile Preservers
of a coffee
stand. The
Glenn Slav-
by Harvey
Stop Worrying . . .
Send Us Your*
Drapes, Slipcovers,
Blankets Today.
Agents Located In All The Surrounding District
For Your Convenience
Phone 109
WE WILL PAY YOU TOP PRICE for your old washer
when you trade it on a new CONNOR-THERMO and our
easy payments arc designed to fit your budget.
Avoid damage to the garments in your
traveling bag by putting bottles eontairt-
mg liquids in moisture-proof cellophane
bags/ closed at the top with paper clips.
How proud you’11 be of
your bright, sparkling
fresh house after we give
your drapes, slipcovers
and other household ef
fects our thorough and
reliable dry cleaning.
Dulled colors will
spring back to new life
— "hard to get out”
dirt vanishes like magic.
Yes, you’re in for a new
thrill when you see your
pretty fabrics gleaming
with J'newness” again.
Newly Married Pair
Honored By Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Scott,
and combine lightly
ingredients. Brush
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. ground ginger
%cup granulated sugar2/cup shortening
%cup sultana raisins washed
and dried
cup orange marmalade
%cup milk.
Heat oven to 375°.Sift dry
ingredients once and cut inshortening. Combine marmalade
newly married couple, were hon
ored by some 60 friends at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Harris, Farquhar, recently.
The program for the evening
began with a sing-song. Mrs.
Ken Duncan gave a reading and
duets were sung by Marlene and
Darlene Frayne accompanied on
the piano by Mrs. Nelson Squire.
Bingo was also played.
Mrs. Ray Clarke read an ad
dress and the bridal couple were
presented with a number
gifts. A luncheon was served.
and milk
with dry
with milk and sprinkle with fine
granulated sugar. Bake about 15
minutes. These may be shaped
in sizes desired.
M iss No rma Sangster
Honored At Shower
Complimenting Miss Norm a
Sangster, -bride-elect of this
month, Mrs, William Lee was
hostess at her home Wednesday
evening for some seventy rela
tives, neighbors and friends of
the bride-elect for a shower.
The affair, arranged by Mrs.
Ron Moir and Miss Mary Good
wins, featured a period of con
tests including dressing up the
contestants in bride’s costume
with newspapers, Winners in
this novel contest were Miss
Lois Henderson, and Mrs. Han
nah Workman.
During the evening Norma
was presented with many beau
tiful gifts including a
floor lamp, electric
grill, wall mirrdf,
sheets, and many
gifts. Miss Mary Goodwin
an address, while Mrs. R,
made the presentations. T h e
guest of honor expressed her
thanks in a veryt fitting manner.
Refreshments were served.
Trousseau Tea
A trousseau tea for Miss Wil
ma McCoy, bride-elect of this
week, was held at the home of
F/O J. H. and Mrs. Lowrey at
Centralia P.M.Q.’s Saturday of
last week.
Mrs. Lowrey and Miss McCoy
greeted guests at the door and
in tlib afternoon Gwen Laughlin
poured tea and Liz Fripp served
assisted by Anne Brock and
Betty Bowlby. In the evening,
Joyce Willert served and Mrs.
W. Musser poured tea. Jean In
gram showed the bride’s trous
For District Couples
A farewell presentation was
held Friday evening, October 10,
at S.S. 10 Tuckersmith school
house in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed McKay and Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Robertson, highly es
teemed residents of the com
munity who are leaving to take
up residence elsewhere. Mr. and
Mrs. McKay are moving to Sea
forth, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
son to Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. McKay were
made the presentation of a tri-
light floor lamp and their daugh
ter, Lila, with a lamp, the ad
dress read by Alex McGregor
and presentations by William
Martin and Kathryn McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. Robertson were
presented with gifts
table and smokers'
address was read by
in with presentations
Jacobi and Campbell Eyre.
Progressive euchre was feat
ured with winners as follows:
Ladies, J. Jacobi; gents, Archie
Hoggarth. The affair, attended
by over seventy neighbors and
friends, was very much enjoyed.
Refreshments were served.
luck supper
Each member answered
call by donating a bar of
and after a delicious
each told how she earned
dollar for the Auxiliary. Mem
bers are asked to bring knitting
or sewing to the October meet
Junior Auxiliary of
Street Church held a
at their first
Make housecleaning eas-
, ier with a modern va
cuum cleaner . . faster,
too! No muss! No fuss!
No dust! There's a G-E
or Hoover model to suit
your needs ... to take
the work OUT of house
work. Let R. E. Russell
demonstrate these won-
derful back-savers,
4 just* ea&si'w wm n
Let Snelgrove’s
Hundreds and thousands of Canadian
housewives are telling their friends
about the exclusive, patented THERMO
tub that saves money for them every
washday—how it keeps hot water HOT
throughout the whole wash — how the
exclusive CONNOR DIRT-TRAP col
lects all dirt from soiled clothes and
prevents it from flowing back through
the clothing being washed. Every single
one of the 41 "lifetime” CONNOR
features make the THERMO your best
washer investment.