HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-09, Page 13THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1952 LUCAN /AIT NOW..,DON'T SPOIL HER.! " for delivery, 4” to 14”> from stock, small or orders for truck loads delivered. A. no, I'd better. Lucan And District News V CARTON You cant qo ALLDUT Planting At Granton W.|. Mrs, Fred Crouch was hostess for the Granton W-L meeting. Roll call was answered by "A country I would like to vist and why". Mrs. W. Rodd gave the Bible reading. President, Mrs. B. Han­ son, gave a report on the West­ ern Fair dinner at which the guest speaker was Claire Wal­ lace. Mrs. D. Beatson, citizenship convenor, gave a paper on “Con­ ditions in Holland." The motto, "Be friendly with folks you know," was taken by Mrs. George Devine. Mary Rose Powell gave a piano solo and planting of bulbs was given by Mrs. G. Smith. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs. R. CJatworthy and D. Beatson, Mrs.J. Dykes read poems.Cur- rent events were reviewed by Mrs.H. Stanley. A demonstration on the fall Lions Club Stage Picture Night The Lucan Lions Club held their Thanksgiving turkey dinner Monday evening in the Stanley Opera House with four local guests, Messrs. Jack Murdy, Bob tylurdy, /Les Woodward and J. Johnson. It was film night and three good pictures were shown. Music was "provided by Messrs. Howard Kew and Clarence Has­ kett, During the business session* plans were discussed for the continuing of bingo in the near future. « ok! now's your TIME TO GO!! Brownlee-Limbrick Married In N.B. An early fall wedding • PEDDLAR STEEL ROOFING All length of sheets from 6' to IQ’ • FLEURY-BISSELL FARM IMPLEMENTS . , . . DISCS, PLOUGHS, LAND PACKERS, TILLERS, CULTIVATORS • FIELD TILE All sizes amounts Scott’s Elevator PHONE 63 IF you Feel ALL-IN These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less, This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today’s tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired-out’’ heavy- headed feeling often follow. That’s the time to take Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd’s Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 Mrs. Granton W.I. Miss Jean Armour of Women’s Institute Department, Toronto, conducted a course, "Treasures in your Attic” in the Foresters Hall. Granton and Prospect Hill Institutes partici­ pated. Her address was accom­ panied with slides of antique furniture remodelled into mod­ ern furniture. Granton Institute served refreshments. the Oc- was Church W.A. Earle Young’s group or had Used Machinery ♦ ♦ ♦ New Case Hammer Mills New Case P Corn Picker, power take-off New One-Row New Idea Corn Picker 1919 International Six * Foot Combine with motor and all attachments—like new Rosenthaul Six Roll Corn Sliredder on rubber—A-l con­ dition Cockshutt Corn Binder—like new Cockshutt Tractor Spreader— $230.00 International Six - Foot Grain Binder Two Set of Used Disc Har­ rows Used Mower to Fit Ford Fer­ guson Tractor Case I) Tractor with starter and lights on ruber—$850. One New Caso VAC Tractor j United Mrs. the United Church W.A. I charge of the October meeting held in the church parlors Wed­ nesday evening. President, Mrs. Sheridan Rev­ ington, was assisted in the de­ votions by Mrs. J. McLean. The business session consisted in making the necessary arrange­ ments for the annual bazaar which will be held in the church parlors November 8. Guest speaker was Mrs. W. H. Pike, of Ilderton, who gave a most interesting, illustrated ad­ dress on Newfoundland. A con­ test, conducted by Mrs. C. George, was won by Mrs. Acheson. H. L. Lucan Anglican W.A. Plans Fall Deanery On Wednesday afternoon, tober 1, Mrs. Frank Hovey hostess for the Octobei’ meeting of the Anglican Church W.A. President, Mrs. Jack Murdy, was assisted in the devotions by Mrs. Helen Watson and Mrs. Bob Coleman, Miss Lina Abbott read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. J. F. Wagland led in the Litany. Talent money was collected from the 15 members present and a collection was taken to help defray expenses for the semi­ annual to be held in Strathroy High School October 16. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane and Mrs. F. Hovey were appointed to make the necessary arrangements for the fall Deanery to be held in Lucan October 29. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. C. McFarlane With Mrs. Bob Cole­ man, Mrs. Helen Watson and Mrs. , J. Hodgins as hostesses. Mrs. Jack Hodgins moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Hovey and her assistants, i: Mrs. Wagland and Mrs, I. Scott. While lunch was being prepared Mrs. D. Ashworth read a paper she had prepared on the life of St. Luke. An early fall wedding was solemnize^ in the chapel of St. George’s Anglican Church, Monc­ ton, N.B., on Saturday, Septem­ ber 27 at one o'clock, when Pamela Chalice, daughter of Wing Commander and Mrs. C. B. Limbrick, of Ottawa, was united in marriage with Able Seaman William Colbert Brownlee, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown­ lee, of Lucan, Ont. The chapel was decorated with white gladioli and organ music Was played throughout the double-ring ceremony. Ltd. D. D. Lee gave the bride away. For her wedding the bride wore a dressmaker suit of light grey gabardine with navy blue accessories. She carried a white Bible and wore a corsage of red carnations and lily-of-the- valley. Miss Elizabeth Rivers, of Ed­ monton, and zell, best A ing Radio Station, Moncton, N.B. Following the reception the couple left by train for a trip to Saint John, N.B. On their return they will re- at 165 Dufferin St., Monc- N.B. side ton, Alta., was bridesmaid Leading Seaman Eric Went- of Lunenburg, N.S., was man. reception was held follow- the ceremony at the Naval Method new method of story telling New A in the United Church junior con­ gregation was introduced Sunday morning by Mrs. Murray Hod­ gins when she gave her first flannelgraph story on "The Little Boy Who Shared His Lunch", oi* “ The Feeding of the Five Thousand". The age limit of the junior congregation was increased to include nine years and under. Bingo News Lions Club Bingos began the winter season Saturday night, October 4. As the held over was to go to lucky winner, there was crowd. Some as 12 went to Clandeboye. the $15.40 “Share the Wealth”, and Mrs. Bolton, London, won the special $10 prize. Other win­ ners were Mr. R. Pitt, Mrs. Macey, Eleanor Thompson, Miss Belliale, Mrs. Leo Boyle, Robin Holland (twice), Ivan Kipfer, Gerald O’Shea, J. H. Harrigan, Mrs. Wilbert Simpson, Mr. Denomme and for $200 some a big manypresent layed as cards but the jackpot Mrs. Edgar Darling, of Bob Murray won Holy Trinity Harvest Never was Holy Trinity Church more beautifully de­ corated for a Harvest Festival than on Sunday, October 5. Large crowds attended both services. In the morning, the Rev. A. H. Crowfoot, M.A.,B.B., of London preached and in the evening, the Rector, the Rev. J. F. Wagland. Robert Ford, of Detroit, and Douglas Stone, of Lucan, acted as servers at the communion service in the morn­ ing. on by the Explorers Tumble The new study book Africa was introduced Counsellor Iva Hodgins at regular Expedition on Monday night,in the United Church par­ lors by the building of African huts and the making of neck­ laces. The girls were all keenly interested. Councillor Jean Mc­ Lean began her first lesson on tumbling. The worship period had for its theme, "Thanks­ giving." Sells Lucan Home Lucanites were most sorry hear ill health had made CLANDEBOYE W.A. And Guild Meeting Mrs. J, Hewitt was hostess the ladies of St. James’ Church W.A. met on Thursday after­ noon. The president, Mrs. Flynn, presided. The meeting opened with hymn "Blest Be the Tie that Binds” with Mrs. Karl O’Neil and Mrs, Ernie Lewis tak­ ing part in the devotions, Scrip­ ture was read by Mrs. Jim Cun­ ningham. Roll call ‘was answered by a verse of scripture contain­ ing the word “glory". Mrs. Wag­ land gave the Litany. The mem­ bers were reminded of the semi­ annual meeting of the W.A, to be held in Strathroy on October 16- ,Mrs: Andy Carter presided for the Guild meeting and opened it with prayer. Roll call was an­ swered by the members handing­ in .gifts for the bazaar. It was decided to have a fall bazaar and the date to be announced later. The committee appointed were Mrs. H. Murless, Mrs. Ernie Lewis and Mrs, Jim Cunning­ ham. After the meeting closed, the hostess and committee served lunch. Guaranteed Trust Certificates A profitable investment for your regular savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificates . . . — are unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest pay 3%% interest, payable half-yearly — are short term—5, years are authorized investment for trust funds have no fluctuation in principal & William Morgan Buried In St. Marys Funeral services were conduct­ ed . by the Rev. G. E. Parker, rector of Trinity Church, Ailsa Craig, at the T. Stephenson & Son funeral home on Saturday, October 4. Mr. Morgan was born in Mc­ Gillivray Township and retired from farming and moved to Ailsa Craig in the spring of 1951. He is survived by his wife, the former Priscillia Martin, and four sons, Earl and Langford, of Wheatley, Clarence Craig, and Arnold of also 15 grandchildren great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were Roy Sarnia, Scott Robinson, don, Arthur Simpson, Jack Mc­ Ewen, of Clandeboye, Wil£ Lee and Jack Hotson, Ailsa Craig. Interment took place in Marys Cemetery, Brinsley. Personal Items On Sunday, October 5, keeping with the World Wide Communion of the United Church, the Rev. E. M. Cook, ministe-’ in charge, assisted by the officers, presented the sacra­ ments to the congregation. After the service, Mr. and Mrs. Cook went to Troy Guild’s circuit near Blenheim where Mr. Cook was guest speaker for the evening service, it being the 100- year celebration of the church. Before coming to Lucan and Clandeboye two years ago, Mr. Cook was the minister there and he and Mrs. Cook, met their many friends after the service. On Sunday, October 12, at the regular afternoon service, the Rev. J. F. Wagland, rector, will dedicate a memorial to be used at the holy communion service at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cunning­ ham and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Rann visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex O’Neil, of Aylmer, on Sunday. Mrs. H. Murless, Mrs. H. Pyke and Mrs. D. Worthington of the Clandeboye Home and School Association attended the confer­ ence at Aylmer on Wednesday. The speaker was Mrs. J. D. Tay­ lor, provincial president. Mr, Alex McIntosh attended the funeral at Sudbury of -his sister, Mrs. Margaret Gauvreau, and her five children, Helen, Leslie, June, Roy and William, ranging from 12 years to 16 months, who died when their home was destroyed by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and family attended the races at Batavia and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilmore of Fort Erie. Mr. and Mrs. .Henry Bieber and twin daughters attended the McFadden-Dye wedding at High­ gate Church, Chatham. A presentation and dance was held in the L.O.L. Hall- at Mooresville on Friday, October 3, when friends and neighbors presented Mr, and Mrs. James Mugsford (nee Edythe Abbott) With a floor lainp. The evening was spent in " music of the chestra. Mr. Billie ... .. Northgrave attended the funeral of their cousin, John Burgess, on Monday. Service was at the Box funeral home, Darkhill. Inter meat was in Mars Hill Cemetery Brinsley. In 5 years $415.24 accumulates to $500.00. Invest wisely and well of Alisa Sarnia; and six Scott, of of Lon- of R.R.2, St. in I THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay St., Toronto 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrio * FRESH-MIX" Wfilf HOW CAN I GET BIGGER MILK PRODUCTION? Ken Ellis and Bobble been holidaying at Pt. for the last three weeks. Hattie Hodgins has ino her new apartment the butcher shop. to it necessary for Mrs. Fred McLean to sell her house and move to London to live with her son. Mrs. McLean has always been a great church worker so her loss will be deeply felt by the Anglican Church. Mrs. C. Armi­ tage, of London, has bought her home. FOREST Presbyterian a blue and navy Jim McKinney, Revington, Keith A. Morley, Miss Les. Woodward. St. Keys marriage at manse, Mervin Kittmer-Mills Mary M. Mills, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills, ONTARIO When rheumatic pain gets you down, here’s the quick way to get relief. Rub in soothing Minard’s " Liniment. Is it good ? Just try it, you’ll see! RHEUMATIC "KING OF PAIN" of . of Prospect Hill, and Kenneth Wil­ liam Kittmer, son of Mr. and Mrs, William Kittmer, of Lake­ side were united in the Marys. The Rev. J. officiated. The bride wore . white checked suit with accessories and a pink corsage. Her cousin, Marie Mills, of Lake­ side, was her only attendant. She wore a glen check suit and pink corsage. Jim M. Ewing, of Stratford, attended the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Kittmer left on a motor trip to Niagara Falls. « CINCHTOROLL Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and family spent the weekend with Mrs. Irene Coursey. Mrs; have Arthur Miss moved above At- a meeting of the Middle­ sex Presbytery of the United Church held at Kerwood Tues­ day, September 30, the Rev. E. M. Cook, of Lucan, was named as one on Evangelism and Social Service—Industrial Relations. Mrs. Maude Beckett, London, spent the weekend with Lucan relatives. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, of Lucan, in the loss of their infant daughter who passed • away in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Thursday, October 2, and was interred in St. Cemetery, Clandeboye. Sympathy is extended William Abbott in the __ __ her sister Miss E. W. Seed* who passed away in Chicago and was buried in Strathroy, with Canon H. B. Ashby conducting the funeral service. While crossing Main Street this week, Miss McPherson—Mrs. J. Stanley’s housekeeper — had the misfortune to be knocked dqwn by a public school boy on a bicycle on his way home from school. Though she required medical attention, Miss McPher­ son was not seriously hurt. Mr. and Mrs, of London, and son, of Lucan, at Grand Bend. Mr., add Mrs. are holidaying with their daugh­ ter, Mrs, Don Anker, " M| Congratulations to -Mrs. Ray Alfred, of Lttcan tlfe birth of their Yvonne Christine, Joseph’s Hospital September 29. Coralyn Donaldson, small daughter of Mrs. Muriel Donald­ son, has been on the sick list. Rev. Joseph Armstrong will preach in the Anglcan Church next Sunday morning evening. FEED YOUR HERD THE NATIONAL James’ to Mrs. loss of > Charlie Powers, Mrs. Wes Atkin- spent Wednesday Harold Hodgins of Barrie. Mr. and . bn daughter, born in St, London, on dancing to the Steve Dundas or* and Miss Aggie For Top Milk Production with a High Butterfat Content, cows need National 24% Milkbilder and National 32% Dairy Concentrate, rich in essential proteins, minerals and energy—and extra rich in molasses. Here’s How to Mix: If you are shor t of grain, 1 bag of National 24% Milkbilder to 2 bags of grain. If your grain supply is good, then 1 bag of National 32% Dairy Concen­ trate to 5 bags of grain. Properly mixed with farm-grown grains, those National “fresh-mix” feeds will step up both production and profits, See your NATIONAL Dealer today- Look for the bright Orange and Black Sign ^CONCENTRATE __ In the . the members of the Masonic Lodge will attend in a body. There will be Holy Com­ munion at S;BO a.m, Snellen Lachie, daugh- Mr. and Mrs, Of Waterloo, Little tor of Lachie, few days with her uncle, Mr, and Mrs. M. Main Street, North. George spent a aunt and 0. Smith, "A QUALITY FEED-MIX” FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STON6 SONS LIMITED * INGERSOLL, ONTARIO fertilize Your Cropwith NATION Atwell-cured, properly-blended FERTILIZER