HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-09, Page 12Page 10 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1952 BLANSHARP Mrs. Alex Dobson and Wayne, of Weston, Mr. Fred Pattison were {Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin­ son and Ann, Mr. Harvey Park­ inson, Mrs: Fred Mills and fam­ ily were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills, of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper spent Sunday with Mrs. C. W. Kent of Einbro. Mr and Mrs. Bill Jones had as their guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Jones from THIsonburg, Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Jones and Ross, of Glen­ dale. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bilyea and family of Glendale. Lucan Elevator To Hold Open House AH are cordially invited to the official opening of Scott’s Elevator on Wednesday, Octo­ ber 15. 1:30 to 3:3(1. Refresh­ ments will be served. From 3:30 to 5 p.m. there will he addresses by six prominent men at the arena. This will he followed by a hot turkey dinner from 5:30 to 8 and a tree concert, also a dance, sponsored by the Lucan junior Farmers. During the afternoon and evening, prizes, surprises and mystery prizes will be given away. A special invitation is extended to all ladies to attend. | We Bring Back | | The Good Old Tones | i Once again you can have | = fine tonal quality from = | your old set. Our service | | specializes in rejuvenation B | at low cost. = j Howard’s | | Radio Service I | 311 Ann St. Exeter j | PHONE 559-W I m—.——---------------------JI Ibex and Kingcott FLANNELETTE Sheets FOR FALL White or Grey with Blue or Pink Boarders Size 70x90 ON SALE AT $5.50 Pair at Tindall's General Store MOORESVILLE : zion '• Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott, (Linda and Richard, of near Exe­ ter, visited on Sunday with Mr. ’and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. i Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock ■ visited on Sunday for dinner {with Mrs. Sarah McNeil, of St.I Marys. i Mrs. Verna Towle, Harry, I Glenn and Mavis spent Sunday ' afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. : Fred Preszcator, of near Exeter. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern visit- . ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter, of Exeter. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock i and family visited Sunday eve- | ning for supper with Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen, of Whalen, • Miss Frances Hern spent the i weekend with Miss Mary Kins­ men, of Chiselhurst.’ Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and i boys spent Sunday with Mr, and !Mrs. Fred Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jefferys, of Staffs, and attended the Staffa anniversary services. Mr. Harry Hern was guest soloist at Staffa anniversary on Sunday morning and also at Chiselhurst anniversary Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Facey, of Belton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Guffin and Mrs. W. McGuffin, of Devizes, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Johns on Sunday. Miss Audrey Parkinson, Lon­ don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hern. Mr. and Mrs, James Earl spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. John Hern, of Exeter. League of Loyalty SchoolHoly Trinity Sunday has joined the League of Loyal­ ty. The main objective of this League is attendance to of increase church Sunday School pupils. Five consecutive Sundays in church earns a button, five more and name is placed on an honor roll and 80 per cent of the Sun­ days in a year earns a crest. Sunday school workers were much pleased to have 1(1 volun­ teers the first Sunday and hope for many more in the weeks to come. Attend H and S Meeting Mrs. T. Watson, president of the Lucan Home and School Club, Mrs. Mel Culbert, secre­ tary, and Mrs. Murless, Mrs. Fike and Mrs. Worthington, of Clandeboye, attended the Region­ al Work Shop, of the Home and School Association, in the Bap­ tist Church, Aylmer. last Wed­ nesday. After a turkey dinner the guest speaker, Mrs. Taylor, head of the Home and School Ontario Federation, gave an interesting address. Personal Items Mr. Wilbert Bevington is on a business trip to Manitouliu Island. Miss Margaret Brownlee and friend, Miss Helen Parkinson, spent the weekend with the former’s sister, Mrs. P. J, La- ■verty, of St. Thomas. It’s Later Than Yoif Think . . . We offer now—to the early shopper—the largest and finest selection of watches in South Huron. You are invited to come in now—before the rush—make your selection and let us reserve it until Christmas. We Feature the Newest Model Watches by* ★ BULOVA ★ ELCO * CERTINA ft Jack Smith Jeweller “Your Christmas Service Centre” Featuring “Christmas Bank” and Lay-Away Plans BUY JEWELLERY FROM JACK! Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and family, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lang­ ford, Mr. and Mrs Murray Hod­ gins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Park and family were dinner guests of Mr. Earle Haskett on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Theron Creery, of Woodham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warner McRoberts. Mr. McRoberts continues to im­ prove after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodgins and family, of Centralia, spent last Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Blair. The October meeting of the Lucan W.I. will be held in the Memorial Community Centre on Thursday evening. Mrs. T. C. McFarlane and Mrs. T. A. Hod­ gins will report on Historical Research. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickins and family, of Ballymote, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Dickins. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Miss Anne Atkinson. R.N., at­ tended a classmates’s wedding in Walkerville on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler on the birth of their daughter, Theresa Mar­ lene, born in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital last week. Glen Rawlins, of .Essex, now stationed at Clinton RCAF, call­ ed on his uncle, Mr. ‘Lon Damm, on Sunday. Last week,fc being fire preven­ tion week, a talk on how Cubs can assist in fire prevention was given at the regular Cub meet­ ing on Thursday evening, Octo­ ber 2 in the United Church par­ lors following the regular meet­ ing activities. About 40 friends were enter­ tained by Mr. and Mrs, Crinnian at the new “4 and 7” Grill, Elginfield, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown­ lee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Colbert, of Ilderton. The Misses McFarlane, Lon­ don, visited with Mrs. T. C. Mc­ Farlane over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, of Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Atkin­son. •Mr. and Mrs. Boh Coughlin and family, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earle Young. GRAND BEND Miss Mary Yeo has resumed her du lies as post mistress this week after a three weeks' vaca­ tion in West Lome and Detroit. Miss Blanchard has returned to her nome in London. Mrs. A- Mollard was in West Lome while Mrs. Russel Mollard was In hospital. Mrs. F. E. Grieve has re­ turned home aftei’ a visit with her sister, Mrs. J. IL Wilson, in Parkhill. Mrs. May Holt is in Detroit with her sister, Mrs. Dodds, in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Eric McIlroy have returned from Kentucky where they spent a week attend­ ing the races. They report per­ fect weather with the country looking its best. Mr, McIlroy's pacer. Twinkle, has been racing in Detroit and has done excep­ tionally well, coming in first id a 2.07 heat. Mrs. Ecclestone has arrived in Switzerland after a perfect flight. One day’s delay in plane connections gave her a day in London, Mrs. Ecclestone is at­ tending the M.R.A. Conference, which has its headquarters at Geneva. After two weeks in Switzerland, she intends taking short trips to Holland and other points of interest before return­ ing for a longer visit in Eng­ land. Mr. and Mrs. William Beer are spending a few days with Mrs, Beer’s sister, Mrs. Patter­ son, in Detroit. Mrs. Bert Holt is in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ba'riteau and Mr. and Mrs. Forrister are at their summer home, Duke’s Ranch, for a few of these fine days, • Mr, Carter and Mr. Watts, also of Detroit, are week-ending at Pine-Croft, Mrs, John Hunt, who has just returned from. Newfoundland, is visiting the Misses Hagan in Oakwon Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor, of Green Acres, have returned home after an extended tour through the Canadian West. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mason are vacationing in the West. The Fahners are visiting a.t Chauvin, the Masons at Mr. Emory Mason’s in Naicom, Sask. Mrs. Etta Baker is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Hicks, at Sheddon. Mrs, G. Thomas and Miss De­ borah are with Mrs. Jackson in Montreal. Mr. William Baker has re­ turned from a hunting trip in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull are home after a visit with their daughter in Le Pas. Mr. Turn­ bull has purchased Pine-Croft from Mrs. James Bell and Miss M. Walker and will be taking­ possession toward the end of October. Mrs. Bell and Miss Wal­ ker are moving to London. They have long been residents of Pine-Croft and will be missed greatly by their friends. We wish them happy times in their new home. Mr. Harold Klopp is building a new swimming pool at the north of the Bresner House. Mr. and Mrs. C, Reeves have moved into their new home on the south side of the river. Mr. Ross Desjardine is con­ fined to his room for a rest cure. Mr. Dore’s numerous friends welcomed him at the morning service in the United Church on SUnday. He Sas made a wonder­ ful recovery. Mr. H. M. Gill is still con­ fined to his room. His many friends wish him a speedy re­ covery. Y.P.U. Officers The new slate of officers of the Y.P.U. of the U.C. is as fol­ lows: President, Kenneth Flear; vice-president, Sheila Finan; secretary-treasurer, Barry Ham­ ilton; conveners: Christian Cul­ ture, Alex Love; Citizenship, Murray Desjardine; Christian Fellowship, Glen Love; World Outlook, Elgin Hendrick. Installation service was con­ ducted by the Rev. W. C. Smith on Sunday evening. Family Dies In Fire, Clandebpye Relatives Six members of one family died in their flaming one-room tram© home in Sudbury early Thursday. Dead are Mrs. Margaret Gauv­ reau, 34, and her five children, Helen, Leslie, June, Roy and William, ranging in age from 12 years to 16 months. Mrs. Gauvreau was the sister of Mr. Alex McIntosh, B. R. 1 Clandeboye. Frank Matson, a neighbor, said h© was awakened by screams shortly after 1 a.m. He said he saw the mother run from the blazing building, shout for help, and then disappear inside. Screams Stopped By the time he ran to the house, the screams had stopped. The woman did not reappear. Police said the father, Milton Gauvreau, who had been at work at the Copper Cliff smelter near Sudbury, arrived at the height of the blaze, He ran to the back door, then to the front. Flames drove him back at both en­ trances. By the time firemen* from nearby Garson arrived the roof had burned off and sheets of blazing tarpaper were being wafted into the air. The building was destroyed in about 20 minutes. Ratz Elected For Fullerton Only about one third of elig­ ible voters turned out Monday in Fullarton Township to elect Fred Ratz to a vacancy on the town­ ship council, He scored 241 votes against 115 for his only opponent, Frank Harris. Veteran Councillor Mr. Ratz is a veteran town­ ship councillor having served pre­ viously for about 10 terms. Harris has been a candidate at previous elections. Ratz headed the polls in all but one of the six subdivisions and in his own subdivision had 68' votes against two for Harris. Vacancy on the township council was created by the death of Councillor Edward Hoc- king. Q, u Uu’© ANOTHER PI6 ©ONE, DOC. I'M L06IN6 S TOO MANX THESE DAY5.C0ME AND HAVE A LOOK AT MY FARR0WIN6 PEN .s. ..... _ , y 'o SEE ANYTHING 1 WRONG, PO&pJ h HlliiS$ It.. . The Lucan A.Y.P.A. will begin fall work with a banquet in the church basement Oct 16 at 6:30. It will be followed by dancing in the parish hall. WELL-PERHAPS I'D BETTER SHOW YOU WHAT I MEAN A % *> REMEMBER THE DATES Christmas Gifts - Winter Supply One Cent Sale October 15-16-17-18 Shop Early Phone Orders Accepted Coles’ Rexall Drug Store PHONE 65 EXETER I ^IRWJPI^W^m..............................................................................................■.... GET A NEW BATTERY FOR FLASH-START SERVICE DRIVE IN TODAY FOR YOUR FREE BATTERY CHECK-UP! Larry Snider Motors Exeter Never Before SO LOW! Home Appliances At $ $ $ Savings! WILLIAM’S Refrigerator 9.68 cu. ft. $299.95 Deep Freeze 6.75 cu. ft. $310 THESE APARTMENT SIZE Electric Range Only $1.95.00 Famous Name Washer Only $146.50.00 BARGAINS UNTIL OCTOBER 18! Ron Westman’s | Canadian Auto Stores LUCAN AND EXETER Exeter 211 - Phones - Lucan 60-W Auto Accessories — Sporting Goods By Roe Farms Service Dept THERE'S WHAT I MEAN. JOE. SEE THE DIFFEREHCE.AND < SHUCKS, JOE.THE TIME AND LABOR YOU USE \ IT'S SO EASY ID MAKE YOUR PEN BRIGHT ANO CLEAN, TO ........ ... MAKE A SIMPLE HOVERTO 6IVE HEAT TOTHE UTTER,LOTS OF TROUGH SPACE DIVIDED TO 6IVE EACH PIG A CHANCE TO EAT WONDERWEAN AND PROVIDET^UiTTERWITH EVERY CHANCE TO 6R0W AND C THRIVE r ~ ~ I PONT. WANT TO PAY TOO MUW MONEY FOR IMPROVEMENTS,DOC. JC WILL PAY FOR THEMSELVES, WH^SAVINGTHE LIFE OF ONE PIG WOULD PAY FORTHESE <------71 IMPROVEMENTS IN ONE SEASON >4 <7/ IT Hi >-- X Y■1/ 1 >MMab FOR ROBUST HEALTH AND FAST,50UND6R0WTH AT a WEANIN6TIMEI FEED | FARM-PROVEN", ROE PI6 STARTERjgg^ /NMASH OR P£U£T FORM ^iPIGSTARTEfll C. Tindall, Mooresville H. Kellerman, Dashwood Lome Eiler, Hensall (MaMMMMtai ■wkmi