HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-10-09, Page 8Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 9, 1952 Like The Yankees T-A Want-Ads Are Champs, Too FOR SALE HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED THE HIT of the SEASON at Tudor’s in Hensall. Kiddies’ lined jeans and matching shirts. Jeans are $2.95 and shirts $1.95. Sizes 3-6x and sanforized, too. Sizes 8-12 at $3.95. STOVE WOOD for sale. Phone 257 Exeter. __________9o 9e SECOND GRADE honey, excel­ lent quality, 12# lb. Bring your containers. Apply Mrs. William Carrick, Hay P.O. 25:2:9* LONG-PLAYING Columbia 33^ record player. Ideal addition for outdated "78” equipment. Small, compact model. Best offer takes it. Apply Times-Advocate. tfn SALESMAN WANTED — Raw- leigh business now open in Hur­ on County. * Trade well estab- 1 i s h ed . Exc ellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- leigh’s Dept. ML-d-202-189, Montreal. 2:9:16c BOOKKEEPINGPart time. If you have a "figure” problem, let’s talk it over. No obligation. Norman Cowan, Hay Post Office. Telephone Dashwood 40-r-13. 25:2:9* SEW AND SAVE-—New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. 3-2Qtfc FOR SALE— 1,800 square feet of good used hardwood flooring, 10C sq. ft. Phone Jack Morris­ sey, 20-r-4 Crediton.______9:16c GREEN CELERY, by bunch or crate. Apply John E. Pepper, phone 47-r-4 Dashwood._____9* MEDIUM - SIZED Coleman space heater. Reasonable price. Phone 31-W or 645 after 6 p.m. tfne DEMONSTRATOR — King-Wyse sugar beet loader, big reduction for quick sale. —Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508 Exeter, c MAJOR OIL CO. requires farm agent fox* Exeter area. Excellent opportunity for aggressive man with desire to have own busi­ ness. Apply Box 181. 18:25:1:8* EXPERIENCED WOMAN wishes housework by the day, reliable and efficient, Apply at Times- Advocate. . 25:2:9* HELP WANTED — Houseware parties need dealers, men or wo­ men, for part-time work. Apply Box "R”, Times-Advocate, 9:16c STRAYED filled mattress; layer-felt mat­ tress; number of quilts; 8 rock­ ing chairs; living-room rugs; parlor cabinet or what-not; cabi­ net radio; library table; pic­ tures; trilight floor lump (re­ serve bid $15); toilet wash set; bridge lamp; 5 hand braided rugs; washing machine; books; odd dishes; kitchen utensils; 8- day clock; hall hat rack; mirror; linens; commode; 2 small tablas;,---- ... . ... ii'oning kitchen clothes dishes; FOR SALE—Findlay circulating coal heater, mahogany finish, in good condition. At present equipped with oil burner. Will sell with or without oil burner. —Ewart Pym, Simcoe St., Ex­ eter. 18:25:2c WABASSO FLANNELETTE 1 n 20 different patterns — florals and stripes. Soft and cosy for all winter wear. New kiddies’ patterns, too, at Tudor’s in Hen­ sall. _____9 c WANTED — Lady or married couple to share modern home in Exeter, with elderly lady. At­ tractive proposition to right par­ ty. Write Box 2, Exeter Times- Advocate. 9 * STRAYED—On to Let 13, N.B. Biddulph, on or about August 1. One yearling heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Call 35-22 Kirk ton. 2:9:16* electric iron; tea kettle; board; copper boiler; chairs; ivory commode, horse; couch; quantity of crocks. TERMS: Cash. ELLA JANE McLEAN, FRANK TAYLOR, And. Prop, STOCK WANTED BLACK FUR coat, worn half season, size 18. Apply Mrs. F. M. Stojaspal, Centralia, Ont.2:9:16:23* JOHN DEERE model 101 corn picker, used two seasons, less than half price. —Exeter Farm Equipment, ph. 508 Exeter. 9c WANTED — A companion or housekeeper for elderly gentle­ man in a modernized house. — Phone 5S-J Crediton. 9 c I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any ■G. J, Dow, phone 83 Exe- l*tfc age, ter. Twelfth Annual Sale of REGISTERED HEREFORDS The undersigned will sell for STUTT BROS. 2 miles northeast of Forest 5 mile east of Highway 21 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11 Thirty-two head: 18 bull 900 RHODE ISLAND and Light Sussex pullets, starting to lay. Apply Gordon Pearson, phone 34-r-9 Dashwood.___________^* FOR SALE — Circulating coal heater in good condition, reason­ able. Phone 38-W Lucan. 9 c YOUNG MAN, 16 to 17, wanted to learn men’s wear business. After school and Saturdays. Ap­ ply E. L. Hatter, Geo. Wright’s Men’s Wear. 9c ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc PULLETS—Ready to lay Rhode Island Red $1.90 each, of Vi-Cross next week. Farm and Ont. HAWAIIAN GUITAR, all steel, excellent sound, $50.00. Apply Peter Wesselson, R.C.A.F, Sta­ tion Centralia. 9* LOST REAL ESTATE and Sussex Red at Also limited number to be moved during —Lakeview Poultry Hatchery, Exeter, 2:9c FOB SALE—1929 DeSoto Road­ ster; Call 36-r-4 Crediton. 9* LOST — Bi-focal glasses on or* about two months ago. —-W. F. Abbott, phone 637-R after 7:00 p.m. Suitable reward. 2* BUILDING—24’ x 40’ cement block, will sell either to move or including property. Phone 7 or write Box 250 Exeter. 2:9c 15 SQUARE GREEN 3 in 1 used ashfelt shingles, in good condi­ tion; less than half price. Apply Harold Webb, Grand Bend, tele­ phone 12._______________9c LOST—5/16 chain, from John Ingram’s to No. 4, down to 83, back to Thames Road Church. Apply Lewis Johns, phone Kirk­ ton 44-1-1. 9* HOUSE FOR SALE — Nearing competition in good district on beautifully-treed lot. Two bed­ rooms, living room, modern bath­ room, kitchen-dinette combina­ tion. Anthes - Imperial furnace, automatic controls. —Art Whil- smith, ph. 279-J Exeter. 10-9tfc .. _____s around 1 year old, 14 bred hei­ fers. Herd fully accredited. Bulls blood-tested. Heifers calfhood vaccinated. All are eligible for American registration. Our home-bred entries for our 1952 sale are: Six bulls and 7 bred heifers sired by MB Real Emblem 2nd; 6 bulls sired by Ringwood Crusty and two hei­ fers sired by Ellis Domino 18th CF. Our number that U.S.A. imported entries are a of bulls and females were imported from the with their dams. There are (3 bulls and 2 heifers bred Point Farms, Romeo, 2 bulls are sired by HP LARGE HOSTESS refrigerator, with Kelvinator unit, $95.00; % Johnson Iron Horse, as new, $40.00. Phone 2 67-r-6 Exeter, 10-2tfc A REAL BUY on corduroy over­ alls. Tudor’s in Hensall bring you corduroy overalls at $1.9 8. Full cut, lined bib, full elastic in back, gussets, bar -tacked at all strain points. Sizes 23-4-5-6 at $1.98. __________9c FOUND FOUND — Binder canvass, on road in front of Bev Morgan’s farm. May have same by paying for advertisement. 9c STUDIO COUCH. Phone 693-W Exeter. 2:9c BABY BUGGY, collapsible, bone color, m good condition. Phone 19S-W Hensail. 9c GNO Club Meets Dashwood’s G.N.O. Bridge Club met for the first time this season at the home of June Hay- ter and new officers were in­ stalled for the year. They are President, Freida- Hay ter; president, Ileen Morenz; secretary-treasurer, Shirley man. vice- and Tie­ ACOUSTICON HEARING-AID — Used only one month. At sacri­ fice price of $150 (cost $250). Also new Woods refrigerator, 9.5 cubic feet, 50-lb. frozen food storage. Jack Finkbeiner, phone 29-r-20 Granton. 9:16* FOUND—On the Dashwood^road a lady's brown fur neck-piece, owner may have same by paying for advertisement. Exeter Times- Advocate. 11c MODERN HOUSE being con­ structed. Open for inspection now. Two-bedroom frame bunga­ low, large living room and kit­ chen, three-piece bath. Best lo­ cation in town—on Senior St., within one block of both schools, new street drain, Ford and Far­ quhar ' Moulding, phone 571-J, Exeter. 10-2 tfc STOP—If you wish to buy a new home in the beautiful town of Exeter, see J. W. Hern, San­ ders Street West. 9-25tfc MISCELLANEOUS Special MAN’S BLACK wool overcoat, size 38-40, in good condition, dry-cleaned, reasonable. May be seen at Brady Cleaners, Exeter. 9c PAINTING — Spray or brush; papering, Sunworthy Wallpapers. Sign painting a specialty. —Ed "Buck” Little, Hensall, . phone 196-R. 2:9:16:23c TEN WEANER pigs, 9 weeks ■old. Mat Sweitzer, Grand Bend Airport. 9c NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood. 6-18:ll-30c FAMILY HOUSE—It has four bedrooms and a particularly nice living room and dining room. Especially well located. Comfort­ able family accommodation at a lower than usual price. Let us show it to you. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, ph. 165, Exeter. 9-25tfc by Hi Mich.; _ .. „„ ___ Royal Duke; 1 bull by TT Royal Regent 1st; one heifer by H. C. Larry Domino 90th; one heifer by T. T. Triumphant 66th;) (Elmac Hills Ranch, Gaylord Mich.; a bull and a heifer sired by O.J.R. Double Royal 2nd) (Richland Farms, Anoca, Mich, a bull and a heifer sired by Beau Supreme) (a Hillcrest bred bull). Ten of the heifers are bred to Ringwood Crusty, a son of the Register of Merit sire C. K. Cruser D 34th. Four of the bred heifers are mated to Larry mino 2nd, Lunch available at farm, under cover. Catalogue on quest, Sale at 1:00 p.m. sharp W. S. O’NEIL, E. M. LESTER, LINCOLN WHITE, Auctioneers latter part of October; 18 Tam- worth chunks; 13 pigs, 7 weeks old; Tamworth old* Black English Collie dog, well trained, good heeler, TR ACTOR: Oliver Standard 77 tractor, 3 years old, motor overhauled recently, in new con­ dition, Allis Chalmers "C” row crop tractor with hydraulic scuf- /ler in A-l shape. IMPLEMENTS: Massey-Harris 3-furrow plow; McCormick-Deer­ ing, 15-hoe hydraulic seed drill, new; McCormick Deering mow­ er; 2 sets lever harrows; 4-sec­ tion drag harrows; Massey Har­ ris binder, 7 ft.; John Deere 1- way disc, 8-plate, new; Massey Harris side delivery rake; Mc­ Cormick Deering sugar beet lift­ er; McCormick Deering team scuffler, used 1 year; Steel 3- drum roller; set of sleighs; walking plow; cutter; scuffler; rubber-tired wagon combination flat and beet racks Cockshutt dump rake; scales; ba,; er; stoneboat; ropes; h.p. ] Universal double, 1 dard size er; milk CUU1CA , 2X11411 Pillis, u shelters; 10 steel posts; electric fencer, sacks; shovels; forks; whiffle trees; neck yokes; beet knife, etc., etc. HAY & GRAIN: 1,400 bales of choice clover hay; 500 bus. of mixed grain. Quantity of Household Effects. TERMS: Cash. No reserve—• everything will be sold. ELMER WILLIS, PROP. GARNET HICKS, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 2:9c boar, 2 years and Scotch 1-horse set* of ,g truck; 2-wheel trail­ wheelbarraw; root pulper; milk cart; sling ; 5 steel pig troughs; motor; 90-ft. good belt; milking machine, 1 single unit; 16 stan- milk cans and strain­ cooler; milk pails; 6 & AUCTION SALE Property ancl Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on Brock Street on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 1 p.m. White all enamel Beach cook stove; Quebec heater; Co-Op electric washer (like new); As- trol refrigerator; 5 kitchen, chairs; dinette table and buffet kitchen cabinet; white enamel kitchen sewing plate; day bed; studio couch; 9- piece modern waulnut dining room suite (like new); radio; 3-piece chesterfield suite; fern­ ery pedestals; end tables; occa­ sional chairs; rockers; floor lamp; table lamp; iron toaster; Goblin vacuum cleaner and at­ tachments (new); other electri­ cal appliances; 2 modern single beds (matched) with springs and inner spring mattresses; I mod­ ern browp % bed springs and inner spring mattresses; 1 bed­ room suite complete; 1 odd dresser; 3 congolium rugs, and other floor coverings; scatter mats; curtains; drapes; quilts and bed linens; lawn mower; quantity dishes, including bridal wreath china; ornaments; kit­ chen utensils; sealers; crocks; clocks, mirrors, and many other articles. At the same place at 3:30 o’clock offered serve house bestos shingles, 3-piece bath, hot and cold water, also garage. TERMS: Chattels—cash. Pro­ perty—10% down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. MRS. JAMES SANGSTER, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk utility machine; white enamel table; Singer 2-bnrner hot the property will be for sale, subject to re­ bid: Seven-room frame covered with white as- Do- Sale re­ 2:9c Anniversary FOR SALE — 175 Sussex-Red pullets, 6 months old. —Edwin Miller, Kirkton 44-r-2. 9* PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H. Walker, tele- phone 553 Exeter._______4-10tfc FOR SALE—Coleman oil burn­ er, in good condition. —Phone 484-M Exeter. 9:16* FOR SALE—22 chunks. Apply A. Y. Willard,^ phone 174-r-5. 9* FOR SALE—Cob corn, right off the picker. Apply Harvey God­ bolt., phone 17 8-r-13 Exeter. 9c BE SURE TO DEWORM your pullets this fall before or at the time you put them in their win­ ter quarters. It pays you well. Get your Rota Caps from, L. V. Hogarth. Phone 266. 9-25tfc MODERN 2-BEDROOM home at a very reasonable price. Com­ pletely finished inside and out, even to storm windows and screens. The five rooms, all on one floor, are bright and nicely arranged. Fully insulated. Oil­ burning furnace. Immediate pos­ session if desired. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-25tf AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Machinery AT LOT 5, CON. 17, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1% Miles South of Shipka ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I at 1 p.m. FARM STOCK: Blue cow, bred May 6; Durham cow, bred y 18; Durham cow, bred May 15 FOR RENT 3-BEDROOM HOUSE—Large liv­ ing room. Oil heated. Lot nicely landscaped. The whole property is in good condition and avail­ able for immediate possession. Terms. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 9-25tfc May : ". " '■ _ __, 31; 4 Durham cows, bred in June and July; 2 Holstein cows, bred rices '51 NASH STATESMAN with famous weather-eye air-condition­ ing, bed, foam rubber seats. 24,- 000 miles (original). $2,150 or will trade for ’40 or '41 model. —Ron Westman, phone 211, Ex­ eter. 9e WOOD FOR SALE—Apply Er­ vins Ratz, phone Dashwood 161- r-1. 9c On All Our Used Cars andTrucks FOR SALE—Good used clothing, freshly cleaned, several dresses, size 16; also child’s skirts and dresses, size G. Apply Box "H”, Times-Advocate. 9* FOR SALE — White enamel "Spencer” coal or wood cook stove, with steel top, reservoir and shelf, in real good condi­ tion. Phone 175-r-3 Exeter. 9* FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware. 5-Stfc FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* FOR RENT—Three-room flat on lower floor, bath, hot and water, stove. Mrs. Silas Stanlake, ing St. all furnished, good cold cook Carl- 9c FOR RENT—Corn picker. Tele­ phone 176-r-32 or 176-r-12 Ex­ eter. 9 * 49 Dodge Sedan Radio, Sun Visor FOR SALE—Eight weaner pigs, 7 chunks. Phone Dashwood 40- r-7. 9c ANYONE WISHING to subscribe to The Toronto Telegram, write Box 357 Exeter. 9* NOTICES Fleetline, with Radio 41 Ford Panel Delivery Half-Ton I COURT OF REVISION Township of Usborne Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Township of Usborne for the year 1953 will be held in the Township Hall, Elimville, Monday, October 20, at 8 o'clock p.m. 9c H. H. G. STRANG. CLERK TENDERS WANTED FOR “BETTER VALUES” SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY LIMITED Township of Usborne RE SNOWPLOUGHING Tenders will be received the undersigned until 9 p.m. Monday, October 20, 1952, snowploughing Contractor to per hour and also equipment. A. guarantee of totvnship. Work or night under the the Road Super* by on for township roads. price of submit description $300.00 to bo to Chevrolet and Oldsmobile < Cars and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE 100 EXETER / furnished by| be done day I direction, of intendent. Lowest or cessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to W. J. Rontly, Road Super­ intendent, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ont, 9:16c any tender not ne* NEW RED brick house on east side of Exeter. Three bedrooms, forced oil heat, 6 6-foot lot. Ap­ ply R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, Ont. 9-18tfc HIGHWAY’ 200 fertile acres, good buildings electricity and other conveniences and addition­ al 150 acres if desired. Suitable for mixed farming or cash crops. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-TStfc FOR RENT—Three-room apart­ ment, with bath, centrally locat­ ed. Apply Hubert Miller, Lake­ view Hatchery. 9* ( FOR SALE — About an acre of good land on Marlborough Street, suitable for cultivation and for lots on which to build. Other building lots also. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-21tfc bred in June and July; 2 two- year-old heifers, due to freshen in December and March; 9 Dur­ ham spring calves from 3 00 to 400 lbs; ~ old. PIGS: early in Grim tree capacity; 350 sap buckets and spiles. Buildipg', 12’xl4’. 'MACHINERY: Massey Harris binder; McCormick mower; Mas­ sey Harris hay loader] Massey Harris sulky rake; spring tooth cultivator; stiff tooth cultivator,; disc harrow; Massey Harris 13- 1 ' corn and bean ; single scuffler; land 2-f arrow plow; walkng 4-section * diamond liar- rubber-tired wagon; truck ; 16-foot hay rack; farm _buggy; light wagon; Set good back single harness; Durham bull, 1 tarn York November. Evaporator, two-year- sow due 3 to 500 AUCTION SALE of Household Goods and Effects ON WILLIAM STREET SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 1:30 p.m. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public autcion the following: Findlay Vega stove (wood or coal); electric washing machine ("Easy”); Mqrris piano; Spar­ ton cabinet radio; Raymond drop-head sewing machine; electric ranigette with oven; china cabinet; dining room table andp 6 chairs; drop-leaf kitchen table and 4 chairs and buffet; 1 single bed, springs and mat­ tress ; springs cabinet; day bed; clocks; lamps; fernery; ironing board; library table; end tables; ■ 2 coal oil heaters; medicine. cabinet; odd chairs; Hawaiian” guitar; bedding, cush­ ions; dishes; kitchen utensils; Iawru mover; scatter mats, cur­tains"'and rods; cupboards; desks; child’s crib and mattress; rug; 2 floor polishers; settee; oil cloth; pails; shovels; ladder, and other (garden tools; coal scuttle, tea kettles; mops, brooms; garbage cans; boiler; wash tubs; kitchen stool; stor­ age box; screens; what-nots; crocks; flower pots; wheel­ barrow; silverware; pictures; electric iron; toaster; 50’ garden hose, etc. • TERMS: Cash. K. J. SIMS, Proprietor FRED DAWSON, Clerk FRANK ^TAYLOR, Auctioneer 1 three - quarter bed, and mattress; kitchen. 2 dressers; 4 rockers; Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery and Household Effects AT LOT 7, CON. 1, HAY TOWNSHIP 2 Miles North of Exeter on No. 4 Highway, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 at 1 p.m. IMPLEMENTS: Massey Harris 12-foot motor, 1952; John Deere baler (nearly new); ~ ' power spreader; power mower; delivery rake; furrow plow„ on rubber; combine (19 48) new" completely overhauled in John Deere B tractor; trol; John Deere tractor John Deere 7-ft. International side International 2- >' John Deere 8-ft. disc (new); 2-horse disc; Smallery grain blower with pipes; 6-section harrows; 3- drum steel roller; fanning mill; scales, 60 0 lb. capacity; pans and ■barrow; scuffler; ers with . . ... . .. __,. Royal Purple coal brooder,*’ col­ ony house; 15 range shelters; feeders; water troughs; snow fence; 40 rod poultry fence; new Woods electric grinder; set heavy harness; collars; Stewart electric clippers; %-ton Ford truck and rack; cross cut saw; Suede saw; large knife; electric fencer; 32- ft. extension ladder; 19 48 Hud­ son Commodore with radio, air­ foam cushions; Life Guard tires; 5 20 Red Sussex pullets, laying; Wingham Clipper stove, water front* (like new); 2 oak tables; chairs; chester- 2 bedroom suites; .1; single bed: 600 lb. buckets; spiles; grass seeder; 2 Jamesway oil pipes (nearly sap wheel- horse brood- new) ; WANTED SADDLE HORSES — Winter quarters wanted for two saddle horses, to be exercised and fed for winter for the use of. Phone 56, Exeter, Hugh Wilson. 9* WANTED TO RENT—Furnished apartment or two rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Apply Times-Advocate, 9 c WANTED—Three- or four-room apartment. Will pay up to $50 rent. Phone‘Local 336, R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia. Ask for Mrs. Jones. 9:16* WANTED —- International two- horse scuffler; 14-plate out- throw disc. Must be in A-l con­ dition. Leave address at Times- Advocate. 9* AIR FORCE Officer requires 1- or 2-bedroom apartment, unfurn­ ished. For occupancy Oct. 15. Apply Times-Advocate. 2:9c WANTED—Manure by the ton. Apply George Murphy, Delhi P.O. 2:9:16:23c DUTCH MAN With family to go in on shares on farm. Farm located between Lucan and Cen­ tralia on highway. Apply Times- Advocate, 25:2:9c i FOR SALE SEVERAL TONS of cob corn; will be picking in two weeks. Put in your order now. 9* NEW FOUR-ROOM cottage, ful­ ly modern, lot 160x120. Water­ loo and Carling St. or 307 Anne St. $1,500 will handle. 8-28tfc 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Pos­ session arranged. W. G. Pearce, 4-ROOM insul-bric cottage with room insul brie cottage, conveniences and furnace, sonably priced for quick sale. Other houses, stores and farms. —W. C. Pearcb, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-lltfc With rea- EXETER DISTRICT FARM, 200 acres of very productive land. Fine brick house with nice lawn. Large barn with silo. Hydro and water pressure. 45 acres freshly seeded. Fall ploughing done. Good bush. Located on highway close to school and store, This is a farm that you will be proud to own. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-lltfc AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALL of Household Furniture LUCAN on SATURDAY, OCTOBER II at 2:00 o’clock, the following: McClary electric range; Good Cheer coal cook stove; Quebec heater (medium); 8-piece din- “ —1,~- • * small and ma- ing-rbom chest of cushions; chine; 2 beds; 2 suite; ice box; drawers; couch Singer sewing dressers; 2 wooden bed springs; spring- hoe seed drill; scuffler; roller; plow; rows; wagon, sleighs; __ HARNESS: hand harness; suigie narness; horse collar; forks; shovels; log­ ging. chains; neck yokes; whippietrees and other articles. TERMS: Cash. HERBERT HARLTON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain and Household Effects on the premises LOT 16, CON. 3, STEPHEN TP. 15 miles south of Exeter, 15 miles west. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 1:00 p.m. sharp HORSES: Standard bred mare years _old;_ Gippy McKillop,7 ... ____ _ bred to Ray Chicott; Tennessee walking mare, 6 years old, with suckling colt 4 months old. Eng­ lish saddle, and single harness. CATTLE: Reg. Holstein cow, Grendale Finderne Aristocrat, milking, due Mar. 10; reg. Hol­ stein cov, Braejarr Ann Abbekerk, milking, due June 20; reg. Hol­ stein cow, Spruceview Emily Sovereign, due March 19; Hol­ stein heifer, milking, due April 9; Holstein heifer, milking, due Feb. 29; Jersey cow, milking, due Dec, 8; Holstein cow, milk­ ing, due Feb, 5; 2 reg. Holstein heifers, 1 year old; 2 Durhams, rising 2 years old. These cattle are all fully T.B. i tested with no reactors and are1 the best of dairy cattle bred to high pedigree Holstein sixes. PIG; Tam worth sow with lit­ ter* of 9; York sow, due before sale date; ’Famworth sow, due AUCTION SALE of Real Estate and Chattels Under instructions received from E. K. FAHNER we will sell on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 1:30 o’clock sharp REAL ESTATE: Village Crediton off Main Street, storey brick house, seven rooms, one-quarter acre of land, three barns, 7O’x21’, 24’xl8’, 22’xl2’, can be converted into- a ,garage or nice location to build a new home; never-failing well. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. CHATTELS: One oak dining room suite, 9-piece; one exten­ sion table; one side board; one kitchen cabinet; 2 couches; 1 Clare Jewel cook stove; one Per­ fection oil stove and oven; an­ tique bureau; small oil heater; Beatty electric washing machine; fernery; 2-burner electric stove with oven; Simmons day bed, chesterfield; 4. wicker chairs, 6 rocking chairs; 2 long ladders; step ladder; bath tub; Cellar table;. 5 kitchen chairs with j leather seats; 5 wall mirrors; i Quebec heater and pipes; carpet rug 12'xl3’; carpet rug 9’xl2’; wardrobe; dishes; chairs; beds; crocks; toilet sets; mats; car­ pet; cushions; garden tools; pic­ tures and frames; dressers and stands; 2 tea kettles; 'lawn mower; orange crates; dinner set; number of kitchen utensils; hot water radiator 3’x2’; Cole­ man 3-btu‘ner gas stove with oven; 1 bedroom suite^ complete with dresser; single bed with springs and mattress; single bed; commode; tern stand; a small table; tapestry rug; Steel drum and many other miscel- of W drum and many laneous items. The real estate Christ Fahner. Chattels: Cask. of the late Real Estate made known day of sale. This sale Is on Saturday, October 18, calling for blds sharp at 1:30. A. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, Phone 7-7W Crediton E. SMITH, CLERK E. K. FAHNER, Administrator WM. dining room field suite; f kitchen buffet; ~, child’s steel cot; churn; mession settee; walnut table. TERMS: Cash. REG. KNIGHT, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk AUCTION SALE of Farm and Farm Machinery AT LOT 8, CON. 7 OF STANLEY TOWNSHIP 3 Miles South of Varna on MONDAY, OCTOBER at 1 p.m. MACHINERY: Massey binder; Massey Harris seed drill; dump rake; 27 Harris: 13-hoe mv/wil uump ictiW) riding plow; wagon; flat rack; set disc harrows; cultivator; 5 ton hay; set of double harness. Two tables; writing desk; 3 beds; 10 kitchen chairs, and some other household articles. PROPERTY: At same time- and place there will be offered" for sale, subject to a reserve bid, th& farm being Lot 8, Con.. 7, in the Township of Stanley,, upon which there is situated a comfortable house and a bank barn. TERMS: 10% of sale, balance Chattels—cash. Estate of ADMR. Robert Forest WILLIAM FOREST, Executor BELL & LAUGHTON, Solictor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer- E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk down on in 30 good date days. Registered SCOTCH SHORTHORNS The undersigned will sell for ROBERT C. MURRELL Lot 13, Concession 6. West Niss’ouri Township 3 miles east of Thorndale and miles south - 13 miles straight south of St. Marys * on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 at 1:00 p.m, sharp Four bulla around 1 year old cows, with calves at foot; 15 5 open 4 . . . bred cows and' heifers heifers. Herd fully accredited. Heifers calfhood vaccinated. ROBERT T. AMOS Auctioneer 9:16:23*