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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-09-18, Page 9
THJE TIMES-ADVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 Pw $ Uneasy lies the head that •wears the frown. Guaranteed O.K. and Trucks 49 Mercury Coach 48 Chev. Coach FJeetline, with Radio 46 Chev. Sedan 40 Chev. Coach 40 Dodge Coach 38 Chev* Coach 38 Hudson Coach 37 Chev. Coach 31 Chev. Coach —•— 52 Chev. Pick-up %-Ton Snell Bros. LIMITED Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE 100 EXETER Musser4"luxtabl« —-Continued.^ from Page 8 Best man was John Bother and Donald McCurdy, Harvey Pfaff and Clifford Penhale were ushers. Lawrence Wein played the wedding music and Maxine Reeder sang, The bride’s mother received guests at the reception held in the church halls. She wore a dress of mauve crepe with bro caded lace and navy accessories with a corsage of white car nations. Assisting, the groom's mother wore a dress of rust poodle material with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow chrysan themums, For the wedding trip to Flo rida, the bride chose a navy suit with white feathered hat and matching accessories. On their return, the couple will make their home in Exeter. Guests were at the wedding from London, Grediton, Dash wood and Centralia. Bride’s Slipper Bought At the reception, an old tra dition was carried out by auctioning off the bride’s slip per, for which the groom had to pay a handsome sum. As the couple came out of the church, the Canada Packer’s truck pulled up by the door and the gay wedding party was driven through town in the back of the decorat ed truck for all to view. Trousseau Tea A trousseau tea was held for the bride at her parents’ home September 6. In the afternoon, Mrs. F. Mitchell and Mrs. W. Huxtable, aunts of the bride, poured tea. Assistants in the tea room were Mrs. Clara Harris, Mrs. Mildred Jones and Mrs. Harold Penhale. Mildred Mit chell served and Maxine Reeder and Joanne McCurdy sho.wed the bride’s troussea. Receiving the guests and in charge of the register was Carol Ann McCurdy. Mrs. Elsie McCurdy and Mrs. Ethyl Reeder, aunts of the bride, poured tea in the evening. Claudette Blowes and Wilma McCoy served. Maxine Reeder showed wedding gifts and Muriel Wells showed shower gifts. Jo anne McCurdy and Dorothy Pfaff showed the trousseau and assist ing in the tea room were Mrs. Velma Carol, Mrs. Rona Dunstan and Mrs. Harold Penhale. Odd Bits —Continued from Page 8 U tsp. cayenne 1 tbsp, dry mustard 2 tbsp, pickling salt 3 cups white vinegar Heat to boiling point, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Boil gently, uncovered, stirring aften, until ketchup is thickened to suit you. Pour into hot sterilized bottles and seal. Cifvcn Circle A pot luck supper was a fea ture of the September meeting of the Caven Congregational Circle. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. George Datham, of Mitchell, members of the session, and the Board of Managers. Mrs. William Sillery intro duced the guest speaker, Rev. G. Latham, who gave a very interesting talk on some of his experiences while ■ serving his church on the east coast. CENTRALIA Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. George Martin. Mr. Stoneham and Mrs. Haw kins, of Toronto, visited Friday with Mrs. A. Proctor. Mrs. Mar tin remained for a short visit. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essery were Messrs. Jim Feeney and Will Lowen- burg, of Shedden. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Abbott and daughter, of Detroit, -were recent visitors with their aunts, Mrs. Parsons and Mrs. Ker shaw. Mrs. A. Harlton visited ovex the weekend with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin HarRon and family at Lobo. Mr. Jack Gates was holiday ing last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gates. F/O and Mrs. J. Andrew and family, of Fort Erie, were Mon day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hux table and Mr. and Mrs. George Baynhain are on a motor trip to Manitoulin Island, Sudbury and other northern points; Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Proctor and Doreen were Mrs. George Martin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Proctor and boys, of Clinton, and Mr. Douglas Wilson. Miss Rita Isaac is replacing Miss *Hazel McFalls on the Post Office staff, Mr. and Mrs.' W. Baker, of Grand Bend, are spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable with Master Billy while his parents are away. The annual Rally Day service will be held in tlid church on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. This is a combined Sunday School and church service. Special music will be provided by a Sunday School choir. Honor Bride-Elect Miss Hazel McFalls, bride elect, was guest of honor at the church Monday evening when a large number of ladies presented her with a miscellaneous show er. Guests were present from London, Lucan, Ailsa Craig, Exeter, Saintsbufy as well as the ladies of our own community. Numbers on the program in cluded a duet by Master George Godbolt and Miss Kay Hodgson; reading by Mrs. Alton Isaac; a song by Misses Arlene Skinner, Maxine Godbolt and Marina Bowden; an instrumental by Mrs. Allan Elston, and a mock wedding with Mrs. McCurdy taking the part of the happy bridegroom, Mrs. Reg. Hodgson, the blushing bride, Mrs. Jack Essery as best man, and Mrs, Kipp as bridesmaid. Mrs. Ken Greb gave the bride away and Mrs. Elmer Powe performed the ministerial duties. A presenta tion address was read by Mrs. Gerald Godbolt. Hazel received many beautiful and useful gifts and expressed her appreciation in a few well- chosen words. Ice cream and cake were served. Centralia W.M.S. The September meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday evening. The theme was "Man of Grace." A pretty action song was sung by Catha rine Hodgins. A poem was read by Mrs. Fred Howe. The scrip ture readings were read by Mrs. Cred i ton Native Marks 100 Years Mrs. Lena Finkbeiner cele brated her one-hundreth birth day at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Fred Currey, in Sebe waing, Mich. The greater' portion of hei’ life was spent here when she and her many years miles west later moved she continued to live many years after the death of Mr. Fink beiner, Mrs. self on admits She has not lost her alert sense of humor. She recalls that a former Sebeaing minister once predicted she would live to be> 100. “He was right, althougn nobody thought so at the time,” she commented with a twinkle in her eye. Affectionately known as "Grandma Finkbeiner”, she has been a loyal member of Sebewaing U. B, Church and attended services until 91. She now listens to sermon each Sunday. Many friends called daughter’s home, where ily dinner was served. Her eight children are all living. They are: John and Miss Edna of Chicago; Mrs. Ida Leone Slotzer, Mrs. Laura B.C., has husband farmed for two an one half of Grediton. They to the village where Finkbeinej- prides her- a lifetime or work but her strength is fading. DASHWOOD Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Russel Tieman attended the wedding of a rela tive in Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ness and Mrs. Douglas, of Stratford, were weekend visitors with his mother, Mrs. Ness. Mr. and Mrs, Martin Laub, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willert and Mrs. H. Wein spent the week end in Port Stanley. Quite a number from attended the ball game in Rowan on Saturday. Ladies Aid and W.S-W.S. The September meeting of the Ladies Aid and W.S.W.S. held in church meeting Spiritual Mrs. 0. H. J, CORNISH & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H, J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST LONDON, ONT. •s B. she was a radio at her a fam- Mrs. ehewan, Westminster, Currey; children; and one She has ton who congratulations. Finkbeiner, Geiger and of Saskat- Miller, of and Mrs. 18 grand-She 24 great grandchildren great great grandchill, many friends in Credi- extend good wishes and Please, Mister, / We’re Only Kids, and Gee, Though Mom and Dad ICeeb Telling Us to Be Careful, We Sometimes Forget . . . Watch Out for Us, Mister, Won’t You, PLEASE? Four Good Rules For Near-School Driving 1. DRIVE SLOWLY ... ‘ Be doubly sure that you are in control of your car, able to stop on a split-second notice if a child should dash in front of you. 2. OBSERVE SIGNS . . . Head signs warning you where to-and-from school traffic is especially heavy; obey the signals of special guards at crossings. 3. NOTE THE TIME .... Remember that children dash to school in the morning, they dash from school in late afternoon, they dash around school during recesses and at noon. Watch out for these peak-traffic periods. 4. CHECK YOUR CAR . . . Take a little time now to have the mechanical condition of your c'ar carefully checked. Don’t let bad brakes., faulty steering or lazy wind-shield wipers undo your care ful driving. . . THE CHILD YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN!!! Sponsored In The Interest Of Public Safety W. H. Hodgson PHONE 24 EXETER “The Insurance Man” Crediton WAZ WMS Begin Fall Meetings Members of Crediton United Church Women’s Association and Missionary Society held the opening meeting of the fall sea son on Thursday of last week. The devotional period was led by Mrs. Robert Reid. A chapter in the study book, "United Church in Africa” was reviewed by Mrs. Sam King. Mrs. W. D. Mack conducted business for the W.M.S. when plans were made for the Thank Offering meeting being held early in October when Mrs. H. Snell, of Exeter, will be guest speaker. Vice-president Mrs. R. Fink beiner was in charge of W.A. business. Several letters of ap preciation were read and plans were made for the coming bazaar.The date for the bazaar was set for Saturday, November 1, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. H. Bocock and daughters, Brenda and Naomi, formerly of Parkhill, are now comfortably settled in their cot tage south of the village. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahrner of Sudbury, and son, Glen Fahr ner, who is attending college in Toronto, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Charles Fahrner, and with Mr. and Mrs Lorne Molock. . Mrs. Ernest Glanville Tena. Wuerth), of New minster, B.C., called on old-time friends in town day. She was accompanied by her brother, Mr. Alfred Wuerth and Mrs. Wuerth, of Exeter with whom she is spending some time. Miss Bernice Haist has re turned from a pleasant two week holiday spent at Niagara and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. K. Baxter daughter, of Belle Ewart, Mr. and Mrs. R. Blackwell sons, of Monkton, attended McKee-Wein wedding Saturday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. S Wuerth. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill and Roberta, of Detroit, visited ovei the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs. Garnet Hill. The sympathy of the com munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Radford in the sudden passing of the former’s' father Mr. Hugh Radford. Mr. Rad ford visited last week with his son here and returned to his home in Blyth Saturday night He died Sunday morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Vincent tof Detroit, spent the weekenc with Mrs. Samuel Lamport. Mrs. William Haviland attend ed a wedding last Saginaw, Mich., week attending a wedding in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fisher of Sarnia visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herber't Fahrner Sunday visitors with Mrs Annie Haist at Camlachie were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jones and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Pass- more, David and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Haist, Murray and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Well ington Haist, Maurice and Ber nice, Gerald Gaiser and Rod Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray Holtzman, of Ortenville Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mitchel and Elaine attended the funeral of Mrs. Mitchell’s sister in Mar mora last week. (nee West- many Sun week ii and is this BE CAREFUL .W. Skinner and Mrs. M. The new study book was up and a discussion on followed. The president, Mrs. Hicks, took charge for business period. A bale of usee clothing valued at $125 has been shipped for relief work. A temperance paper was read by Mrs. Elmer Wilson, A delicious lunch was af the close by Mrs. L. and Mrs. Davy. Elliot, taken Africa ker© Port was theThe the the here died K-W was Put FIL on the job, as thousands of other Canadian farmers are doing. Discuss a Farm Improvement Loan with your nearest B of M manager on your next trip to town. Louis returned to Brant- Mrs. Mar spent Sunday with Fenton Rumble at (kissing his wife on fore- "Good evening, honey.” "If you had kissed me KIRKTON and Mrs. L. Funnel' and spent Sunday with Mrs. the basement of Friday evening, was in charge of Life Committee with Snell as convenor. Com mittees were appointed for the anniversary supper to be held October -24. A box of used clothing is to be packed in the near future, Lunch was served by the committee in charge. Mrs. II, Kmegei* Mrs. Henry Krueger, 77, after a heart attack in the Hospital, Kitchener. She born in Hay Township. She and her late husband, who died five years ago, farmed there until retiring and coming here to live. She had lived in Kitchener with her ‘daughter since hei' husband died. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. William Zinkan and Mrs. Carl Piellusch, both of Kitchen er, and one sister, Mrs-. Miller, Hay Township. The body rested at Hoffman Funeral Home where service was conducted on Wednesday at 2 p.m. followed by a service in Zion Lutheran Church at 2:30 p.m. The Rev. T. Luft, of Hanover, officiated find interment was made in the Lutheran Bronson Line Cemetery. Mr. family Tufts. Mr.and Mrs.. Lorne Marshall, Bill and Ron Mr. and Mrs. Medina. Mrs. White ford on Sunday after spending some time with her brother, Mr, John Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk, from Hamiota, Man., and their daugh ter an<t son-in-law from Toronto, visited with their cousins, G. H. Burgin and Mrs. Ira sh all. Man head); Wife: like that ten years ago, you’d be single." Man; "Huh, now you tell me." AW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM — INSTALLED OR MODERNIZED? A MILKING MACHINE? REFRIGERATION? Bank of Montreal WORKING WITH CANADIANS imimmmimriiiriimmimmMmriiiiininiin IN EVERY WALK Pigs Can Still Be Profitable Save Between 1100 And 200 Lbs. Of Feed Per Pig! Hog Concentrate “NEW WONDER PRODUCT NOW AVAILABLE IN CANADA” Age 5 Months 3 Days, Weight 202 Lbs. Not The Exception - BUT THE RULE! See for yourself! All We ask is that you try it on two litters of pigs. Fed according to directions, the results will amaze you! It is the cheapest con* centrate you can buy, because it takes less concentrate and less feed to get pigs to market* Supper Grow And Vita-Tone Grow-Quik Hog Conditioner 35% Hog Concentrate Lome the served Hicks NOW AVAILABLE AT Whalen Corners st E