HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-09-18, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 Doctors say that eight hours* proper rest in be-d will save 7,000 heart-beats a day.Announcements POP’S Taxi Service Phones; Exeter 357 and 515-r-3 ....... .................................. The South Huron Junior Farmers ere taking orders for Mail Box Signs Up Until October 1 Anyone wishing these signs should contact Glen Stewart, Bob Hern, Howard Pym, Doug May or any Junior Farmer. SIGNS ARE 750 PHONE STONE’S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED COWS-HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT > INGERSOLL 21 EXETER 287-W Are You Ruptured? Our Service Is Different We Sell You A Fit In Our Private Truss Room Trusses, Belts, Supports of AU Kinds SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Over 15 Years’ Experience Your Drugs At Robertson’s Phone 50 Exeter Save Time ------------------------WITH A------------------------ /T77---------------------1----.............................................. (IjrCLASlYjj CLOTHES DRIER see this sensational, new wife saver Thursday - Friday - Saturday OF THIS WEEK AT OUR STORE The Housework Twins McClary Clothes Drier and Never Before Priced So Low BIRTHS DYKSTRA—Mr. and Mrs. Stew­ art Dykstra, Exeter, wish to announce the birth of their ' son. Lowel, on Sunday, Sep­ tember 14, at the Uoopex* Nursing Home. JONGSTE—Mr. and Mrs. Maar­ ten Jongste of Exeter wish to announce the birth of their son, Maarten, on Septembei’ 17, at the Hooper Nursing Home. STATTON—Gib and Mabel Stat­ ton, Exeter, are happy to an­ nounce the birth of their daughter, Linda Gail, on Mon­ day, September 15 at the .Hoo­ per Nursing Home: a sistei' for Terry. SWAIN — Mr. and Mrs. Allan Swain (nee Edna Martene) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter (Linda Anne), at Victoria Hospital, September 5, 1952: a sister for David. DEATHS KRUEGER— At the Kitchener- Waterloo Hospital, Kitchener, Ont., on Saturday, September 13, 1952, Mrs. Henry Krueger (the former Elizabeth Miller), in her seventy-eighth year. ROWE—In Exeter, on Tuesday, September 16, 1952, Robert N. Rowe, in his ninetieth” year. Resting at the R. C. Dinney funeral home where the fun­ eral will take place Friday at 2:30 p.m. under Masonic aus­ pices. TREBLE—In Exeter, on Tues­ day, September 16, 1952, Miss Effie Treble, in her eighty- seconi year. Resting at the R. C. Dinney funeral home where service will take place Thurs­ day at 2:30 p.m. ENGAGEMENTS Flying Officer and Mrs. Jack Lowery announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Wilma Irene McCoy, to Murray Stewart Brintnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brintnell. The marriage will take place on October 18. c CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Norm Hockey wishes to thank her many friends for the lovely flowers and cards sent to her while in St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital and since returning home. Also many thanks to Rev. and Mrs. Holley for their many calls and kindness. 18c CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. L. H. Rader wishes to thank her friends, relatives and neighbors who so kindly remem­ bered her with treats, cards and visits while a patient in St. Jo­ seph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home. 18* Mr. W. H. Pfile wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered him in so many ways while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, and since returning home. 18c Mr. T. O. Southcott wishes to express his sincere thanks to the many who remembered him in any way while a patient in Vic­ toria Hospital and since return­ ing home. 18c IN MEMORIAM DfcSJARDINE—In fond memory of a dear mother, Mary Des- jardine, who passed away three years ago, September 16, 1949. In a land just back of the sun­ set, In a home so bright above, Lives dear Mothei- with the Sav­ iour, In the sunshine of His love. And we that know if we trust him Some day he will bid us come To be with Mother forever, In the Father’s home above. •—Ever remembered by her sons and daughters. 18c Dashwood Man Fined On Driving Charge Carl Wein, 29, of Dashwood, was fined $10 and costs upon conviction of careless driving charge at magistrate’s court, on Tuesday. His car was involved in an accident near Dashwood on September 1. Leonard McLeod, of Stratford, was acquitted , of a similar charge. Elmer D. Bell, Q.C. was defence counsel. John A. McAndrew was fined $10 and costs for driving 60 miles per hour through a 30 mile zone in Crediton on August 4. A bench warrant was issued for Albert Vadzis, Rouen, Que., who is charged with both dangerous and careless driving as a result of an accident at Exeter north on August 14. Vadzis is in Victoria Hospital, London. Results Caught Easier Than A'Boyd' FOR SALE MOTORCYCLE — 1951 James, 2,500 miles. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 14:21uc *48 CHEV Club Coupe, excellent, all extras; terms. Also kitchen range and heavy duty electric stove. —■p.M.Q. 279 after 5 p.m. SIX PIGS, 7 weeks old. Apply Hugh Chunks, 40-r-7 Dashwood. _______________________11:18c SEW AND SAVE —New and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. - 3-20tfc SUNSHINE RANGETTE, in good condition, very reasonable. Ap­ ply P.M Q. 174, RCAF Centralia. 11:18* 1950 GENERAL ELECTRIC re­ frigerator, 9£ cu. ft., excellent condition. —Phone 347-r-14, 11:18* MODERN WOOD and coal range with high shelf, new condition. Can be seen at Hawkins’ Hard­ ware. 11:18c CALF — Phone 476 Exeter or see it .at the farm, 2 miles south and 2 miles east of Exeter. — Phone Kirkton 39-r-10. 9-lltfc PULLETS FOR SALE — Ready to lay. Vi-Cross. 20 weeks old Vi-Cross. 20 week old Rhode Is­ land Reds. •—Lakeview Hatchery Ltd., phone 7. 11:18c BUILDING FOR SALE — 20 x 30, two-storey frame, roll brick roofing, insulated, Would make good drive-shed. Apply Times- Advocate, 11:18c MEDIUM-'SIZED Coleman space heater. Reasonable price. Phone 31-W or 645 after 6 p.m. tfnc ELBERTA PEACHES, Bartlett pears, tree ripened. Market price, bring containers. Govenlock Or­ chard, half mile north of Forest on Blue Water Highway. 11:18* FINDLAY RANGE, coal or wood, in good condition. Phone Kirk­ ton 21-r-12. Bert Russell, R.R. 1, Kirkton. 18* WE HAVE for sale a quantity of five-gallon pails and one- gallon jugs. Apply Tuckey Bev­ erages. 18c 1933 SEDAN, heater. Also 1 set of scales, weighs up to 700 lbs. Phone 40 Hensall. 18:25* A NUMBER of young Holstein heifers. Apply Gerald Godbolt, Centralia. Phone 178-r-4. 18* FOR SALE'—Findlay circulating coal heater, mahogany finish, in good condition. At present equipped with oil burner. Will sell with or without oil burner. —Ewart Pym, Simcoe St., Ex­ eter. 18:25:2c APPLES — We will be picking McIntosh apples starting Sept. 19. Greening, Delicious, and Spies will be harvested later. — Andrew Dixon, phone 313-R, Ex­ eter. 18* PEACHES—Get your supply be-, fore the season is over. Mrs. H. Peterson, Dashwood, Ont., phone 31-r-15. 18* ’49 FORD half-ton pickup. Ap­ ply 406 Andrew St. 18* KITCHEN FURNITURE — Elec­ tric stove, wood range, kitchen cabinet, kitchen table. At Pine­ croft, plione 47-r-3 Grand Bend. 18c SEVEN CHUNKS, around 70 lbs. Apply Gerald Prout, R.R. 3, Ex­ eter. 18c SMALL KELVINATOR refrigera­ tor. Good condition. Phone 209- r-4. 18* THREE-BURNER electric stove, for heavy wiring, $10. One cot, ■adult size, $3. One rocking chair, $5. These articles can be seen on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday of this week in cottage across from Wni. Beer’s, Grand Bend. Also Fairbanks-Morse sto­ ker, used only one season. To be seen any time at Glencoe. Phone 26. Price $200. 18c Hay Township Plans New Datars Drain Business in connection with drains and weeds occupied most of Hay council meeting recently. In response to requests from Fred Haberer and George Bul­ lock, portions of the Haberer and Masse drains were ordered cleaned out. Plans and profile for the Da- tars drain "have been received from the engineer and council authorized a meeting of those assessed for Monday, September 15. By-laws 10 and 11, dealing With the widening of the high­ way between lots 21 and 28 in­ clusive in the ninth and tenth concessions, and lots 17 and 18, in the north boundary conces­ sion, were read for a third time. The clerk was authorized to collect the Dennis Charrette weed cutting accounts from the owners of lots in plan 19 as ordered by the weed inspector, William R. DougalL The ac­ counts will be entered for col­ lection on the 1952 Collector’s Roll. FOR SALE 18-FOOT INBOARD motorboat, Chev motor, freshly painted in­ side and out, 20 knots per hour. $200 cash. See it at Hugh Wil­ son’s, Huron Street, Exeter. 18c USED LADIES’ COM bicycle. In excellent working condition. Standard size- Apply at Tinies- Advocate, phone 31-W or 645 after 6 p.m. 18:25:4* DELUX SILVER folding go-cart in excellent condition, safety stand brake. Apply to Mrs. Clarence Reid, Hensall, phone 166.______________________18c BUY YOUR BEEF WHOLESALE —Choice quarters from year­ lings and two-year-old heifers. Front 35<f, hind 55tf. —Hardy Brothers, Lucan, phone 164-r-21 18c PLUMBS and GRAPES, Apply Albert Wydooghe, Parkhill. Tele­phone 605-r-6. lj miles south of Mt. Carmel. 18c A WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator and stove, in new condition, used only eight months. Apply PMQ 185A, RCAF Station, Centralia. 18* LONG-PLAYING Columbia 33% record player. Ideal addition for outdated “78” equipment. Small, compact model, Best offer takes it. Apply Times-Advocate, tfn PERSONAL “SKINNY” GIRDS’ GET LOVE­ LY CURVES’ Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, “get-acquaint­ ed” size only 60^. All druggists. HELP WANTED OPPORTUNITIES—Do you need money? Married women required for part-time employment (pre­ ferably evenings). Good remun­ eration for 8 to 10 hours a week of your sparetime. Will not interfere with household duties. No investments required. Apply Box W, Times-Advocate. 11:18c HOW WOULD you like to estab­ lish yourself in a business of your own with a real future? Sell our 250 guaranteed pro­ ducts to friends and neighbors. You don’t need capital or prev­ ious selling experience. Write for free catalogue and details to Fam ilex, 1600 C Delorimier, Montreal. 18c ■MAJOR OIL CO. requires farm agent for Exeter area. Excellent opportunity for aggressive man with desire to have own busi­ ness. Apply Box 181. 18:25:1:8* BOOKKEEPER WANTED, male or female. Typing a necessity. Apply Hensall District Co-op. ISc KITCHEN GIRL—from 9 to 4 to operate dish washing mach­ ine. Also experienced or inex­ perienced waitress. Apply Mon­ etta Menard, phone 88-R. 18c WANTED OFFICE SAFE, medium-sized, in fair condition. Apply in writing to Irving Keyes, Glamis, Ont. 11:18* GREY HOOD for Sunshine baby carriage. Apply Mrs. H.s M. Macks, Victoria and Carling Sts. 11:18* USED PIANO. Apply at Times- Advocate. 18* RCAF OFFICER and family would like three-bedroom house or aparcment. Best of care tak­ en. Please write Mrs. Burt, 375 Forest Ave., Orillia, Ont. 18* A USED PIANO. Apply W. Mar­ tin, Exeter south, phone 43. 18* TWO BOARDERS — Males pre­ ferred. Apply Times-Advocate. * WANTED TO RENT—Three- or four-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Apply D. Horn >at Brady Cleaners. 18c LARGE QUEBEC heater, in good condition. Apply Times-Advocate. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood._____6-18:ll-30c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H. Walker, tele- phone 553 Exeter._______4-10tfc WARNING—-Many turnip aphids around again! Watch your tur­ nips, and if they need spraying, call L. V. Hogarth, phone 266 Exeter. _______________9-lltfc FOR ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this farmer-owned, licenced, non-profit, growing, co-operative Association, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $25.00 for a life member­ ship, $5.00 per cow for mem­ bers, and $6.00 per cow for non­ members. Waterloo Cattle Breed­ ing Association, R.R. 1, Water­ loo, Ontario. For service, contact inseminator operating in your district: Harry Reid, Varna, Bay- field 27 (Huron County south of No. 8 Highway including Col- borne Township); William El­ liot, Parkhill 611-r-23. awtfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH WOMAN wants washing and ironing. Small or large washings. Apply Times-Advocate. 18* LOST STRAYED — White 2-year-old steer, on the 18th concession of Stephen. Apply Ervin Devine, R.R. 2, Dashwood. 11:18c LOST—Near roller skating rink, one man’s roller skate and shoe. Anyone finding it please leave at roller rink or notify 30-W, 18c STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE .MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe­ ter. l*tfc ATTENTION FARMERS-Prompt and courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-ltfc NOTICES THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND The Court or Revision on the Village Assessment will sit in the Village Hall on September 22, 1952, at 2 p.m. (Monday). HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, Clerk 11:18c TO THE RATEPAYERS OF HAY AND STANLEY TWPS. Owing to the fact that the Municipal Council of the Village of Hensall has given the Muni­ cipal Councils of Hay and Stan­ ley Townships ample time to come to an agreement over the matter of fire protection, and have been unable to get any satisfaction as regards the same from either of the Municipal Councils, therefore after October 1, 1952, no fire calls will be answered from either Township by the Hensall Fire Brigade and take notice that both Councils have been advised of this. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF TI-IE VILLAGE OF -HENSALL James A. Paterson, Clerk 11:18c REAL ESTATE NEW 3-BEDROOM cottage at Southcott a Pines, Grand Bend. Complete with fireplace, hot and cold water. Very close to lake. Apply R. E. Balkwill, Exeter. 18:25c NEW RED brick house on east side of Exeter. Three bedrooms, forced oil heat, 66-foot lot. Ap­ ply R. E. Balkwill, Exeter, Ont. 9-1 8tfc HIGHWAY 200 , fertile acres, good buildings electricity and other conveniences and addition­ al 150 acres if desired. Suitable for mixed farming or cash crops. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-18tfc QUICK SALE — Two - bedroom cottage, modern, full dry base­ ment, large lot. Call 427-M. 11* FOR SALE — About an acre of good land on Marlborough Street, suitable for cultivation and for lots on which to build. Other building lots also. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 8-21tfc NEW FOUR-ROOM cottage, ful­ ly equipped, lot 160x120. Water­ loo and Carling St. or 307 Anne Street._________________8-28tfc 3-BEDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece, bath, kitchen modernized. Pos­ session arranged. W. C. Pearce, 3-BEDROOM HOUSE with kit­ chen conveniences, 3-piece bath, stove heated, liberal terms. 4- room insul brie cottage, with conveniences and furnace, rea­ sonably priced for quick sale. Other houses, stores and farms. —»W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman. 9-lltfc EXETER DISTRICT FARM, .200 acres of very productive land. Fine brick house with nice lawn. Large barn with silo. Hydro and water pressure. 45 acres freshly seeded. Fall ploughing done. Good bush. Located on highway close to school and store. This is a farm that yOu will be proud to earn. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 9-lltfc EXETER HOMES—We are now in a position to offer you a good choice of houses for quick pos­ session. Several of these are newly listed and we are now offering them for sale for the first time. These houses range in size from two to five bed­ rooms and in price from $3,000 to $10,000. Liberal terms may be had on several. Do not put the matter off. Make arrange­ ments to see these properties at your earliest convenience. O. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex- eter. _______ _________9’-'11tfc Must Sell TWO-BEDROOM COTTAGE Modern •• Full Dry Basement Large Lot CALL 4 27-M FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT, share bath, separate entrance tq out­ side and bath. Occupancy Octo­ ber 1. Apply 21 Gidley St. 18c 3-ROOM UNFURNISHED apart­ ment, on ground floor,, heated, hot and cold water, share 4>a£h. Available October 1. —Penhale Apartments, phone 294-R, 126 John Street East.__________18* FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard- ware-____________________5-8ttc FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard, Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* FOR RENT — Two-room furn­ ished apartment, suitablo for business girls or working couple. Centrally located, reasonable, separate entrance. Apply Times- Advocate. 13c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM D. SANDERS, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William D. Sanders, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 9th day of August, 19 52, arc re­ quired to file particulars of the same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 20th day of September next, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter, Ontario 4:ll:18e AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Young Purebred Accredited Holstein Cows and Heifers on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 at 1:30 p.m. 4 fresh cows 4 fresh since June 2 due October 2 due November 4 yearling heifers 4 bull calves Overstocked, these must go to highest bidder. Terms December 1 on approved notes or 2% dis­ count for cash. SANDY ELLIOT 2 miles south, 2 miles east of Exeter This Saturday, September 20 ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 18c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Poultry, Hay, Graint Miscellaneous Items and Household Effects On the Premises, STEPHEN TP.. CON. 9, LOT 10 1-t miles west of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to, sell by public auction on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2 commencing at 1 p.m. sharp HORSES: Percheron work horse, sound and reliable in every way. CATTLE: Red Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, milking, due April 7; red Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, milking, due March 18; red Durham cow, carrying fifth calf, milking, due February 23; roan Durham cow, carrying third calf; milking, due on April 2; a red Dur­ ham farrow cow; 6 Durham steers rising 2 years old; 8 hei­ fers rising 2 years old; 5 spring calves. These are all choice qual­ ity Durham cattle, fully T.B. tested with no reactors. POULTRY: 50 New Hamp­ shire Rock pullets; 35 cockerels 4 months old. HAY & GRAIN: 600 bales of mixed nay, very best of quality; 450 bushels of mixed grain; quantity of treated seed beans. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: 40 feet of 3-inch steel piping suit­ able for litter carrier; Dearing 2-horse manure spreader; 5 cords of good dry wood; large iron kettle; sausage press and grinder; other butchering equip­ ment; cross-cut saw, grindstone, scythe; work bench; large chic­ ken shelter; colony house 10x12 feet; brooder stove; fattening crate; electric fencer; cistern pump; small Johnson gasoline motor; and many articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Good Cheer white enamel cook stove, in new condition; largo size Coleman oil burner, like new; dining room oak extension table; 6 dining room chairs with lea­ ther seats: buffet; various oak rocking chairs; kitchen table; 10 kitchen chairs; centre tables; dressers; dresser bed; commodes, wash stands; wardrobe; kitchen cabinet; couch: Sparton cabinet battery radio, like new; Aladdin lamp; baby crib; curtains; drapes; Coleman gasoline stove and oven; Coleman gasoline iron; gasoline lantern: sealers; kitchen utensils; churn; odd dishes, etc., etc. TERMS: Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. LLOYD GATSER, PROP. GLEN WEBB, CLERK ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 18:25c