HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-09-18, Page 3THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1952 Skinny” Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now have nhnpely, attractive figures, No more bony fimba, ugly hollows, They thanls Ostrex. it pule flesh on bodies skinny because blood lacks Iron. Peps you up, too. improves appetite, digestion so food nourishes you better. Don't fear get Ung loo fat. Stop when you gain figure you wish. Intrortnrtory or ‘'get-acquainted” size only GOff. Try < ’sires Tonic Tablets for new pounds, ioveiy curves, new pep. today. Atal J druggists. jk ssga PREDICTS GREAT 'FUTURE — John Fisher, CBC roving reporter and commentator on Canadiana, prophesied tremendous growth for Canada when he spoke to press and radio representatives at Western Fail' Tuesday. Questioning “Mr, Canada” are I. H. Crosby, of The Tillsonburg News, left, and J, M, South cott, right, of The Exeter Times-Advocate, who this year will celebrate a half-century in the newspaper field and was guest of hon­ or at the Fair luncheon. —London Free Press Photo Used Cars ’51 ’51 PONTIAC 5-Pass. Coupe CH.EV Sedan H-P Baseball Among The Best; Three Teams In OBA Finals Ladies ’ Bowling Begins Tuesday Beginning next Tuesday wight, Exeter ladies will have a few still muscles for a while. That’s when league bowling begins ac­ cording to a decision made at the first meeting of the season held last Friday night. This year the ladies will bowl on Tues lays and Wednesdays to leave Thursday free for night school. The line-up of teams is pretty much the same with the exception of three new names where three were dropped. One major change resulted from the meeting. The two top teams in the playoffs will drop handicaps and play on their skill alone. With a good early start /ind not too much trouble in getting teams together, _ should be one of the best sea­ sons yet. Members of the executive Mrs. Harvey Pfaff and Mrs. Gord Appleton hope to have the sched­ ule out before too long. In place of the Pin Heads, Trailers and Crackerjacks, who have dropped out ” ‘ _ the Wee Hopes and the Jolly Six. it this year are the Skunks, ’50 ’49 OLDSMOBILE DODGE Panel, new con­ dition MODEL “A” FORD $45 South End Service Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER r SO YOU DID BUY IT OVER rYEAH, AND MAN! GOODYEAR SUPER SURE' WHATA DIFFERENCE’ GRIP TRACTORTIRES? * IFFtRENCt S________C^-7-i >——IN TRACTION Ic I KNOW NOW WHAT YOU MEANT WHEN YOU SAID GOODYEAR'S OPEN CENTER TREAD ! DOESN’T SUP, BUT REALLY PULLS J If fans in this district didn't realize it before, they should know now that the local Huron- Perth league produces some of the best amateur baseball in Ontario. For proof of this just .take a quick look at what's go­ ing on in OBA playdowns. All three division winners of the H-P loop are in the,thick of championship battles with teams from other parts of the province. Dashwood, local' “D” winners, have ousted Bothwell and are tackling Port Rowan in a best- of-three series. The “C” flag-bearers, Mitchell Legionaires, eliminated Durham and are currently clashing with Delhi in a five-game bout. St. Marys, the H-P “B” win­ ners, round. They cast and are battling Dresden. There’s other that local athletes aren’t taking a back seat to the rest of province in the ball world. Dashwood Juveniles are ranked top contenders for the OHA “C” crown. Exeter Midgets, of course, captured the W.O.A.A, championship but were eliminat­ ed in In tralia away men Clinton RCAF, Mt. Brydges and Sebringville. They are now en­ gaged in a tussle with Wiarton. Mitchell Behind In Delhi Series Delhi Tobaccomen defeated Mitchell Legionnaires 13-9 Sun­ day to take a 2-1 lead in the best-of-five series. Fourth will be played in Delhi on nesday afternoon. The Legionaires threw flingers at the winners to stop them but the Simcoe county crew clouted them all. Delhi had to use three pitchers to stop Mitchell, too. Aitcheson, starting pitcher for game Wed- three are also in their second Simcoe aside it out with evidence, too, the still the provincial playdowns, softball circles, the Cen- RCAF “A” team is well in O.A.S.A. finals. The air- have eliminated Seaforth, the Legionaires, hit a home in the second inning with on. Mitchell won the opening game 6-4 on their own diamond last Wednesday. Delhi tied the series in the second game on the Le­ gionaires’ field Friday by a 7-4 margin. run one AND THEY MAKE THE JOB EASIER YOU'RE RIGHT! I DO MORE WORK IN LESS TIME THAN EVER BEFORE. -SUPER SURE-GRIP^ K-54 FRED HUXTABLE PHONE: 153-W INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES & SERVICE SHIPKA Master Billy Finkbeiner is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis. Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Barbara and Ronnie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rundle, of Woodham. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamport and have returned from a vacation at Delutli and Sunday will be Rally the United Church ‘ attended last a t on Tom week’s vicinity. Next Day at School. Several from here the Brinsley anniversary Sunday. Rev. Smith of Grand Bend was the minister. Rev. Parrott preached Grand Bend United Church Sunday last. Jtfr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard •attended the Morrison-Paton wedding at Kirkton on Saturday. Mrs. Leah Keyes spent a few' days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner and family. Son: “Wliat’s puppy love?” Father: “Just a prelude to dog’s life.” a r REO GOLD COMET ENGINE GET THE FACTS AND FIG.URES ABOUT GOLD COMET TRUCKS FROM YOUR DEALER ? THAMES ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stone were guests at the McKee-Wein wedding on Saturday at Zion Evangelical Church, Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Aimer Passmore, David and Dennis spent Sunday with Mrs. Annie Haist, of Cam- lachie. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson, of Woodham. Miss Labelle Coward has com­ menced ljer duties at the Bell Telephone, Exeter. Quite a number are quite ill with the flu and jaundice. The sympathy of the com­ munity is extended to the family and relatives of the late Mr. Ed. Hocking, of Roy’s, who passed away on Monday. Mission Band will be held on Sunday during the church hour. Church services will be held on Sunday as usual; Sunday School at 10:15 a.m. and church service at 11:15 a.m. with the Rev. W. J. Moores in charge. Shower For Margaret Cann On Friday evening a large crowd of friends-, neighbors and relatives gathered at the church to honor Miss Margaret Cann, bride-elect of this Saturday. Mar­ garet was escorted to a prettily decorated chair. Miss June Cow­ ard was in charge of the pro­ gram which consisted of a read­ ing by Miss Doris Anderson and piano instrumentals hy Marilyn Moores. Miss Betty Mair, Exeter, read„_ the address and Misses Mabel Selves and Doris Elford carried in prettily decorated, well-laden baskets of many use­ ful gifts. After opening Margaret sent and trousseau afternoon delicious a social time was spent by all. Dashwood Loses Second Game Dashwood intermediates lost, the second game of their three- game series with Port Rowan Saturday when the lakeshore laddies produced a one-hit pitch­ er who nine, squared shutout. Carl Wein for the losers. Bob S t o r m e s , Dashwood’s pitching first-baseman, was nicked for seven safeties. ■ Deciding game of the series will be played in., St. Marys on Wednesday starting at 4 p.m. Centralia Advances To Meet Wiarton Centralia Flyers advanced the zone finals of the O.A.S.A. Intermediate Monday night as they ousted Sebringville, 8-4. The Flyers opened against Wiar­ ton at Wiarton, on Wednesday night with the return game of the series at Centralia Friday. Bill Smith sparked the win­ ners at the plate with a lusty homer in the six-run eighth, while Sharbonneau slammed a bases-empty four-bagger in the ninth. 'Grayer and Weinber; Gayle and Schmidt. Graham Arthur Studebaker and Reo Sales and Service PHONE 210 Expert Towing Service to stymied Wally Wein's The the Lake Erie series with hit the only- team a 5-0 single St. Marys Drops First To Dresden Nine St. Marys gave up four runs in the first inning to Dresden Saturday to give the visitors a comfortable lead which they ex­ tended to a 9-3 victory. Second game is in Dresden on Thursday, the third in the stone town Saturday and back in Dres­ den a week from Saturday. St. Marys ousted the strong Simcoe team in a three-game tussle last week. Goderich Ousts Dashwood Girls Dashwood Tigerettes were eliminated from W.O.A.A. inter­ mediate softball playdowns by Goderich Dodgers who won the semi-final series two games straight. The Dodgers edged Dashwood 7-4 Monday night, runs were collected inning rally, coming and an error. Goderich won the of the series 13-0. All seven in a fifth- on six hits first game i EDGEWOOD the gifts thanked all those pre­ invited them to her tea on Wednesday and evening. A very lunch was served and Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Allen Westman have bought a house in Lucan on Alice Street. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton spent Wednesday afternoon at London Fair. Rutliie Garrett and Barbara Zubal spent Saturday afternoon with Joyce and Marion Moore. Don Middleton started to Nor­ mal School Tuesday. Mrs. Harold Rathburn, of To­ ronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rathburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Garrett, of Windsor, are spending a few holidays with his brother, Mr. Kenneth Garrett Mr. and Mrs. had guests from Mr. and Mrs. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephens and Betty Ann visited on Sun­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Stephens, Woodham. Mr. John Kellett and Verda visited with Mr. and Mrs. George •Kellett, Thames Road, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Harry and Shirley, visited with Mr. and Cooper on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Earl London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wess Ven- ner, Roger and Murray, of Hen- sall, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. Mrs. George Crozier and Mrs. Marie Schoenle, St. Mary, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley on Sunday. of Zion, Mrs. Alvin Stoner, of slowdown ftr ChiM'e" ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO, H. DOUCETT, Minister and family. Joseph Zubal Forest Sunday. Clare Dunlop and Earl Middleton and Leslie Moore and Mr. Delmer left Sunday evening for koka district to build there. Mr. and Mrs. Victor attended London Fair. Mr. Leslie and Jimmie Moore and Trevor Foster, of the Mit­ chell Road, attended the stock car races at Nilestown Friday evening. Westman the Mus- a cabin Westman Fire Destroys Barn, New Building Complete Building a new barn is a large undertaking, an undertak­ ing in which no one wants to participate in more than once in a lifetime. Mr. Kenneth Garrett, of No. 7 Highway, near Edge­ wood solved this problem and saved much worry and work in a short time by letting the Pres­ ton firm build his 'barn. Today, after little more than eight weeks from the night of the disastrous fire, a beautiful steel hip roof barn, 36 by 9 0 feet, is erected. Already some second cutting hay has been put in and this year’s crop (earlier stacked with neighbors and thrashed this The Interior several hay chutes, sliding doors, granary and hen house. This was sampled last Wednesday night by a barn dance with about 700 people in attendance. The music was sponsored by CKNX. Very soon the cement work will be done ready for the livestock. the help of- the friends') is being week. is equipped with The Superior EXETER The superior /BARN PAINT-<g% Barnhide will protect your barns and out-buildings against the ravages of sun, rain, sleet and snow. De­ signed especially for use on old, weathered surfaces and over old dried-out paint. Easy to apply. Brush or spray. W. L. Hodge General Store and Hardware PHONE 7 CREDITON N ame Address Brush and Spray Painting a Specialty Mail This Coupon For Free Estimates WASHABLE Pinwale Cord uroy Fine washable pinwale cordu­ roy that makes up into such smart skirts, dresses, suits or especially smart for drapes. 36 inches wide .... $2.25 yard All-Wool Tartans In a fine quality for suits or skirts. Black" Watch, Craw­ ford, Hunting Mackinnon. 54 inches wide .. ........ $3.75 yard WASHABLE Rayon Tartans Fine rayon in authentic tar­ tans. Dress /Beatrice, Baby Stewart, Buchanan. 39 inches wide ........... $1.39 yard Grocery Specials For Thursday, Friday and Saturday Cover Floors Now WITH LINOLEUM Distinctive, Popular, Hard-Wearing Many Beautiful Styles In Stock CONGOLEUM Three yards wide Two yards wide . MARBOLEUM TILE INLAID LINOLEUM Two yards wide, 3-gaiige A-gauge .............................. JASPE TILE $2.70 per running yard $1.70 per running yard 200 each $3.80 running yard $5.90 running yard 240 each 420 Lifebuoy Soap, bath size .. Blue Ribbon Coffee, 1-lb. bag 990 Fig Bars, lb 320 Mother’s Jam (Apple and Strawberry) 34b. tin ...................................... 750 . 2/220 Kellogg’s Sugar Frosted Flakes of Corn 2 pkgs. . 280 Maple Leaf Salmon, 7%-oz. PHONE 16 I EXETER