HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-09-04, Page 11THE TIMES-APVQCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1952 Here’s the dime he couldn’t stop on! z/ > Think you can stop your car on a dime? Don’t kid SrjUw yourself. Youngsters at play don’t always give you time to. Better slow down near schools and playgrounds. A dime’s a pretty small target. Psge 11 Be Careful—the child you save may be your own! Sponsored In the Interest of child safety by Phone: Office 24 Res. 162-J •’KING OF PAIN” What <do millions Exeter Radio Electric DASHWOOD Mr. J. Mervyn Tieman attend­ ed a Brotherhood Convention in Oakwood Park, Indiana over the ; weekend. Mont-1 Mr. A. Bills and Mr. and Mrs. a few Herbert Bills, of Detroit, spent Mrs. the weekend holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Laub and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. Koessel and daughters, Norma and Virginia, Of Lansing, Mich., were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Pfile and Mrs. Kuntz. Miss Luella Kuntz has re­ turned home after spending a week with her sister in Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Ness spent a few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Wal­ ter Ness, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- McCrae and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tieman spent a weekend motor trip to Tobormory, Sudbury and North Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans and family, of Richmond Hill, spent the weekend holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman. Miss Dorothy Kuntz, of Lon­ don, has returned to her home after spending two weeks vaca­ tion with Mr., and Mrs. Clayton Pfile and Mrs. Kuntz, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smythe, of London, and Mr. hagen, holiday Charles Mr. and Mrs. Ross Guenther are comfortably settled in their new home purchased estate. Mr. and and family, and Mrs. daughter, of London, were holi­ day visitors with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr. Elgin Schatz, of Toronto, spent the weekend brother, Mr. and Schatz. Mr. and Mrs. L. moved to their new was recently built ball diamond. Dashwood Band went to Sea­ forth on Sunday evening where they put on a program. Mr. Russel Hopcroft has pur­ chased the residence of Mr. S. P. Currie. Mr. and Mrs. Currie and family moved to Oakville last week. They have purchased a new home there. Mr. and Mrs. .Scott, manville, spent the with her mother, Mrs. E. stiver. Rev. and Mrs. Getz and have returned home after weeks vacation. Mr. Mervyn Stelck and of Bradford, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke, Donnie and Bob, of Detroit, spent the holiday with relatives here. Holiday visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac were: Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mclsaac and family and Mrs. M. Lang and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spear and family, all of Detroit. Their daughter Gail returned with them after spending the. summer with her grandmother. Mr. James Mclsaac also returned them. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. George of Toronto, spent the weekend holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Telfer and Robert spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller. • GENKRAI, WIRING « HOUSE AND OAR RADIO REPAIRS ELIMV1LLE Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling returned home Thursday from a motor trip to the western prov­ inces. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon de morency and family spent holidays with Mr, and Lloyd Bell of Toronto. Mr. Harry Sparling visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Sparling of Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Harry March, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDonald, of Owen Sound, spent the holi­ day weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Murch. Mr. and Mrs. James Sinclair and Kenneth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods over the weekend after returning home from a trip to the western provinces. Miss Donna Murch and Mr. Brian Middleton of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling attended Ryerson Camp for a few days at the end week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr, and Mrs. Reilly of visited over the holiday with Dr. .and Mrs. Reilly. Miss Hazel Sparling spent the weekend with Miss Donna Cow­ ard, of Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and family of Atwood, Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe and family of Anderson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Down, of Strathroy, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods. Mr. Elgin Skinner returned to Toronto after spending his holi­ days Mrs. • SOUND SYSTEM HOT, TIRED FEET? Soothe them quickly and effectively. Get fast-drying Minard’s Liniment—rub it on. Feel rhe coolness—get relief, quick! of last WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF A NEW FARMHOUSE? AN EXTRA ROOM? A GARAGE? A NEW ROOF? HOUSING FOR HIRED HANDS? Perhaps FIL can supply a good part of the necessary funds. Talk over a Farm Improvement Loan with your nearest B of M manager. TO A ItlUlOH CMADWtt The Insurance Man Bank of Montreal Insure the Co-Op Way and Save Auto - Life - Farmers’ Comprehensive Liability (including animal collision and tractor) Prompt Service On All Claims KIRKTON Ross Francis Local Co-Op Agent Phone 34-r-8 ONTARIO 3btiro Water ; DURO EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton • St. Catharines * Toronto • Sudbury • Winnipeg • Vancouver IN THE KITCHEN Fresh running water at turn of the tap . . . with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM ... get rid of Kitchen drudgery. on Tap the IN THE BATHROOM Protect the health of your family . . . add to the comforts qf daily living . . . modernize your home with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. IN THE BARN Saves LABOR and TIME watering stock with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM . . , greater PROFITS . . . besides, you have FIRE PROTECTION for your buildings. Buy the BEST... Buy a DURO « Phone or visit us today for DURO Pumps and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Write for folder. tings, • MF* , ' ' ' , •> A i FOR SALE BY and Fit- illustrated ECOP 524 Carr oil, Toronto weekend Sarnia, at by E. his his M. Crediton Bride-Elect Showered By Friends Mrs. Emerson Weiu, Mrs. S. Wuertli and Mrs. W. R. Gould­ ing, of London, were joint hos­ tesses at a miscellaneous shower in the former's home, when friends an,d relatives met to honor Miss Arliss Wein, whose marriage to Mr. William McKee will take place this month. A short program was given. Mr. W. R. Goulding played ait instrumental selection and, ac­ companied by Mrs. Goulding, favored with a piano duet. Read­ ings were given by Miss Ella Morlock and Mrs. Wesley Wein. The presentation address was read by Mrs. Lawrence Wein and shower of gifts was presented in decorated basket by Dianne Stone and Orville Wein. Arliss expressed her appreciation . A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses. Personal Items School re-opened on Tuesday with the following teachers in charge, Mrs. Molitor, principal, Mrs. F. W. Morlock and Miss Marie Synion. Mr. Calvin Fahrner, who has been holidaying home here, accompanied parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fahrner, enjoyed a motor trip in the U.S.A. They visited with friends in Detroit, Mich; son, Wis; Naperville, Sarnia on Monday accompanied by his sister Norma who has been engaged to teach in Sarnia school. Nor m- a taught very successfully in Crediton for number of friends wish success. Mrs. A, C. aid, of Nut have returned home after visit­ ing Mrs. Gray’s cousin, Mrs. Elmei’ Lawson. They were ac­ companied by Capt: R. A. Gray, who has completed a special course of training in Kingston. Mr, and Mrs. Lou Hoare and son, of London, spent the week­ end with Mr. ahd Mrs. Herbert Fahrner. Mr. and Ms Albert Ryall, of St. Thomas, were weekend visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swartz. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowe, of Clawson, Mich., visited Sunday with Mrs. Rowe's brother, Mr. Joseph Woodall, and Mrs. Wood- all. Miss Labelle Hill, who spent the past two months at Oak­ wood, has accepted a secretarial position in the office of Mr. Gerald Zwicker. Mr. H. C. Beaver returned from Victoria Hospital Saturday. His many friends are glad to note he is much improved. Miss Gertrude Beaver, of De­ troit, and Howard, St. Thomas, spent parents, Miss London, home of her grandmother, Mrs. G. Wein. •Mr. Robert Wolfe, of Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. Mrs. Albert Wolfe. F/S John Wade, who spent some time at Goose has been posted to Centralia RCAF station. Mrs. Samuel Lamport spent a few days last week in Detroit, Elkton and Flint, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. J. M’oir, of De­ troit, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser. Mrs. Charles Treitz, visited last Finkbeiner Mrs. M. Parkinson Thursday of last week in Kit­ chener, Preston and Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambie and son, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner. Mrs. Mary Wein spent Sunday in Exeter. Miss- Matilda Oestreicher, of Windsor, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Oestreicher. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Radford, of Blyth, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Carl- Radford. Mrs. Howard Renney and son, of Detroit, visited last week with Mrs. J. Hirtzel, who companied them to Detroit a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist Gregory, t.he weekend with Mrs. Faist. Madi- St. Paul, Minn; and Ill, Calvin left for a years, Her many her continued Gray and son Don- Mountain, Sask., the weekend with their Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaver. Marilyn Goulding, of visited last week at the and Detroit, week with Mrs. D. and other friends. Faist, Mrs. C. W. and family spent ac­ tor and of St. Thomas, spent M. . WINCHELSEA Mrs. W. F. Batten few days recently with in-law and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Sandra and day weekend with relatives at Whitby and Toronto. Miss Joy Whitlock returned to St. Thomas on Monday after spending the past two weeks with her sisters daughter, Armstrong, Mrs. Fred Judy, spent aspent her son- Mr. and Hensail. Walters, the holi- Mrs. Har:arry Ford and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Miss Betty Bailey returned home from the hospital Friday last following an operation for appendicitis. We wish Betty a speedy return to health. School reopened wjth Mrs. Harvey charge. Five new pupils went tripping off for the first time. and Mrs. Newton Clarke, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Morgan and Mrs. Archie Morgan, of Thames Hoad, en­ joyed a motor trip to Leaming­ ton and Point Pelee on Sunday, on Tuesday Sparling in Mr. On my vacation There’s just one blot The mosquitoes bite,. The fish do hot! with his parents, Mr, Everett Skinner, EDGEWOOD and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middleton returned home after spending their holidays up North. Mrs, Leslie Parnell was hos­ tess for a Stanley party Wednes­ day. Mrs. Victor Westman is able to be out again after having the mumps. Clare Sceli, who has been a patient in the isolation ward in London with polio, returned home this week, Doreen and Jack Garrett visit­ ed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Haysel and Mrs. Fred Neil, of Granton, left for a holiday trip to British Colum­ bia. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Dobbs and Phyllis, of Lucan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Armita.ge and family. Miss Eva Leslie Hilda Fairbank, of and Mrs. Frank daughters, Helen and Marg., of Sarasota, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leslie and Gordon. Mrs. Stanley Crawford and Edith and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell spent Saturday afternoon in St. Marys. Quite a few from the commun­ ity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Roy Sherritt in St. Marys Saturday afternoon. Mr. Don Middleton was guest, speaker in the United Church last Sunday. Don will enter Normal School at London this fall for a teach­ er’s course and from there he intends to extend his education in university. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrsv Roy Moore were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bendall, Darlene and Roy, of St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Foster, of the Mitchell Road; Mr. Keith Johnson, ol Ailsa Craig; Mr. Tommy Pye, of London, and Mrs. Alice Wiper, of London. School started Tuesday at Re­ vere With Mrs. Cecil Bowman teaching at Revere and Mrs. Lant Hardie at Fish Creek again. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Dunlop and family returned home after holidaying up north for a couple of weeks. and Mrs. Cleveland, Morris and BLANSHARD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thac­ ker, Orrie, Elizabeth, Linda and Catherine, Mrs. Fred Pattison, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Langford and John of Centralia were Sun­ day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thacker of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morgan and family of Guelph spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thacker. . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Langford and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson and family spent Sun­ day at Turnbull’s Grove. Mrs. James Mossey and Kath­ leen returned home on Saturday after spending the past week at Grand Bend. Mrs. Clarence Martin and Bet­ ty spent Monday with Mrs. James Mossey. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don King of Union­ dale. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Leibler, Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Sankei of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper spent Sunday at Spring­ bank. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rinn and family, Miss Lillie Thomson of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hoo­ per, Ruth, Clare and Veryl at­ tended decoration service at North Nissouri on Sunday later visited with Mr. and Kenneth Facey of Belton. Misses Marion Thomson, and Elizabeth Thacker attended the party held on Wednesday afternoon for Joanne and Janice Webb of Woodham, and Mrs. of Windsor, with Mr. Steinhagen. and Mrs. Czar Stein- spent the and Mrs. which they recently from the Wildfong Mrs. Melton Walper of Ingersoll, and Mr, Walter Fassold and with Mrs. his Vera haveG-ibson home which opposite the ;, of Bow­ weekend Klein- family a few Patsy, Ed, with Wolfe Wolfe, of people own that helps break traffic bottlenecks? Life insurance — because a large part of the money that people put aside in life insurance is invested in ways that help provide new roads and bridges ... as well as new homes, stores, waterworks, power plants, other aids to better living. aids science's battle against disease? Life insurance — through several important medical research projects which are supported wholly or in part by funds contributed by life insurance companies. As a result, chances of living longer, healthier lives are being increased for all Canadians. sends boys and girls to coSKege? This is another important job that life insurance does — while also providing money for family emer­ gencies. Some other important uses: retirement income, mortgage re­ payment, business insurance. representing one of the Canada strong? Again — life insurance! The money set aside by millions of policy- holders plays an important part in financing Canada’s industrial econ­ omy. And this, in turn, strengthens the nation’s defence program. A trained life underwriter mare than 50 Canadian, British and United States life insurance companies in Canada — will gladly help you plan for your family's security and your own needs in later years. Rely on him!L-4S2D THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA "It is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance Orrie