HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-08-28, Page 6Page 6 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1952 Guaranteed O.K.Announcements Used Cars and 49 Chev. Coach Styline, Low Mileage 48 Chev. Coach Fleetline ; 47 Oldsmobile Two-Door, Low Mileage, Show Room Condition 40 Dodge Sedan 38 Hudson Coach A Cheap Car 31 Chev. Coach —®— 52 Chev. Pick-up Three-Quarter Ton Snell Bros. LIMITED j Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE 100 EXETER Highest Prices Paid FOR POULTRY ALL TYPES — ANY AMOUNT Weighed on Your Scales at Your Door Riverside Poultry Co. 1236 TRAFALGAR ST., LONDON London 7-1230 Phone Collect 680-r-2 Hensail Kirkton home Wednesday, A former reeve of Blanshard Township, Dr. Jose was an exe­ cutive member of the Upper Thames Valley Conservation Authority. He was active in the Kirkton Community Association, K i r k t o n Agricultural Society, Granton Masonic Lodge, Perth County Progressive-Conservative Association, and the St. Marys Rotary Club. He was a member of Kirkton United Church. Born at St. Marys, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jose. Only survivor is his brother, Dr. John G. Jose, St. Marys. He never married. Funeral services will be con­ ducted at Kirkton United Church Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. Our Hospital Now Let’s Furnish It! This Appeal Is Directed To: I.O.O.F. — Lebanon Forest Lodge A.F. & A.M. — Exeter Legion — Exeter Kinsmen — Huronia Male Chorus — Township Federations of Agriculture — Junior Farmers — All Service Organizations, Fraternal Societies, and Welfare Groups — Order of the Eastern Star — Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge — Beta Sigma Phi Sorority — Women’s Institutes — Junior Institutes — All Women’s Auxiliaries We’ve Built PATIENT ROOMS, THE RECEPTION ROOM, STAFF DINING ROOM, NURSES’ LIVING QUARTERS, ETC., MUST BE FURNISHED Particulars of requirements of these rooms can be ob­ tained from Ulric Snell, Chairman of the Building Committee.* BIRTHS | FISHER — Mr. ami Mrs. Glen i Fisher announce the birth of a daughter, Glenda Kathleen, on Tuesday, August 19, 1953, at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Ron­ don.HO VEST AD—Mr. and Mrs. Imke Hovestad. Exeter, wish to an­ nounce the birth of a son, August 22, at the Hooper Nursing Home. MANN—-Jack and Danno (Webb) Mann are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter, Cynthia Lee, August 7, 1952, in Toronto. MaeKENZIE—Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald MaeKenzie, Centralia, wish to announce the birth of a son, Paul Douglas, at the Hoo­ per Nursing Home, August 23. MARGISON— At Bethesda Hoss pital, London, on Thursday, August 21, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Mavnard Margison (nee Hazel Johns*, a son, Alan Ed­ ward: a brother for Bob and Barry.SCHROEDER — Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schroeder, of Exeter, wish to announce the safe ar­ rival of their daughter, Penny Darlene, at the Hooper Nurs­ ing Home, August 27. TAYLOR—Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Taylor (nee Elaine Coates) announce the birth of a son, Bradley, in Stratford General Hospital. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Joyce Lillian Reynolds, daughter of Mrs, William W. Wakefield, of Ottawa, and the late Dr. Milton H. Reynolds, to Peter Arthur Fraser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fraser, of Ex­ eter, Ontario. The marriage will take place in Stewarton United Church, Ottawa, September 13, at 1 p.m. 2Sc Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, Monkton, wish to announce the engagement of their only daugh­ ter, Alice May (Sally), to Clif­ ford Richard Scott, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott, Kirk­ ton. The marriage will take place Saturday, September 13. * Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, of Exeter, Ont., wish to announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Mary McDougall, to Beaton LeRoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Neal, of Richmond Hill, Ont. The wedding will take place in James St. United Church, Exeter, on September 20. c Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Huxtable wish to announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Lillian Marie, to Mr. William Herman Musser, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Musser, Dashwood. The wedding will take place in James Street United Church on Sep­ tember 13 at 3 p.m. 28c THIS IS A PLEA FOR HELP! ! Construction of your hospital is almost completed. > Now we must furnish it . . . and we need YOUR help. Some of you have already contributed the $600 ne- ; cessary to furnish a hospital room. In view of the |. need, perhaps you’ll furnish another. Those organize.- I tions which haven’t contributed are asked to join in | this community project. All groups who make sub- • stantial donations are entitled to a recognition plaque, | Every organization should be represented. [ This is an excellent project for your organization ... a real opportunity for you to assist your com­ munity. WILL YOU HELP US? Talk it over among x your members and see if something can be done soon. South Huron Hospital Association ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Harper C. Rivers of Hensail wish to announce the engagement of their niece, Helen Elizabeth Roweliffe, to Freder­ ick William Tilley, son of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Tilley, of Credi- ton. The wedding will take place at their home September 20. c Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Pearl, to Ervin Glenn Koehler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koehler, Hen s all. The marriage will take place in Sep­ tember. 28* CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ford wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered Ronald in so many ways, while a patient in War Memorial Hospital, and since re­ turning home. 28c The family of the late Mrs. John Peart wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, neighbors and relatives for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad be­ reavement, for t h e beautiful floral tributes and to all those who helped in any way during Mrs. Peart’s illness. Very special thanks ^o Rev. H. Kendrick, the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, to the pallbearers and Dr. Fletcher. 28* Mrs. E. Amy wishes to thank the neighbors and friends who showed so many acts of kindness to her while confined to her home for several days. Also to the ladies of Main St. Church for the lovely bouquet of flow­ ers. 2S* Mrs. W. D. Mack and family wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, neigh­ bors and relatives for the kind­ ness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards. Special thanks to Major and Mrs. Bow­ ers and T. Harry Hoffman: also to the boys who donated blood. KIRKTON Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Copeland of Toronto visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone. Dr. G. H. Jose Active Worker Dr. G. H. Jose, V.S., 55, for­ mer warden of Perth County and prominent community worker, died of a heart attack at his WINCHELSEA Celebrate Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John Batten entertained at a family dinner on Sunday last in honour of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, of Exeter, who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on that day. The table was centred with the wedding cake and appropri­ ate decorations were used throughout the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Batten were presented with a silver cream and sugar set and an end table. Members of the family present were Mi’. and Mrs. Emerson Penhale, of Winchelsea; Mr. Bill Batten, of Exeter, and Miss Joan Batten, of London, Misses June and Wilma Wal­ ters, of London, spent the week­ end at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Clarke, of Farquhar, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Russell King, of Crediton, are, enjoying a motor trin through the States. Messrs. William Walters, W. F. Batten, Phil Hern and Wil­ liam Allen enjoyed a day’s fish­ ing at Auburn on Sunday. Mrs. Minor Dobbs. Crediton, •spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mrs. Isabel Sugden and Mr. Tennyson Johns visited on Sun­ day with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Sugden, of Detroit, at their summer home near Thorndale. Mr. and Mrs. Will Skinner and Mrs. Gladys Hodgins, of London, also Mr. Jim Skinner, of Lam­ beth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn during the week. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Skinner, of St, Pauls, Mr. Bruce Coulthard, of Conroy, also Mr. and Mrs. Lome Baux and family, of Southampton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lynn. Master Jerry Baux returned home with his parents after spending the holidays with his uncle and aunt and Master Larry Lynn. Mrs. John Batten attended a trousseau tea Saturday after­ noon last in honor of Miss Annie Jean Spence, of St. Marys, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Spence, Base Line Miss Spence’s marriage to Mr. Lome Johns, of Zion, will take place on Saturday, August 30. Mr. Ezra Willard and Mrs. Datars, of Mt. Pleasant, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten. _ Mr. Harry Cole, of London, visited recently with Mrs. James Home and Mr. and Mrs. Free­ man Horne. WHALEN Personal Ttehi* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire attended a family picnic at Pina­ fore Park, St. Thomas, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin­ son visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Blight, of Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire and Douglas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Lamond, Lon­ don. •Messrs. Wilfred Herbert, Russell and Glenn Parkinson were at Toronto on Saturday at the C.N.E, Miss Cora Carson, Toronto, is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. William Morley Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bragg, near St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin­ son and Glenn were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry White, London. Doreen White returned home with them for a week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Squire, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins, Lucan, were on a motor trip last week to North Bay and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern and family left Tuesday on a trip to the western provinces. Mr. Allen Scott, of Moores- field, a student at Waterloo College, was in charge of the service at the United Church on Sunday. Services will be with­ drawn next Sunday for the memorial service at Zion. W.M.S. And W.A. Mrs. Williaki Hodgson was hostess for the August meetngs on Thursday afternoon. Four­ teen members were present Mrs. Ronald Squire presided over the W.M.S. Mrs. Duffield, treasurer, announced that the allocation was in. sight for 1952. Readings were given by Mrs. George Squire and Mrs. Gordon Johnson. Mrs. Ray Parkinson was the leader for the W.A. The theme, “Our Witness and Example’’, was taken by Mrs. Stuart Thomp­ son. Mrs. Ken Hodgson led in prayer. Plans were made for the selling of a church calendar to raise money. The travelling apron came in and the enclosed readings were read by Mrs. Carter. A ten-cent tea was served. Mrs. Melleville Gunning and Muriel and Mrs, Frank Parkin­ son, also Mr. Wilfred Herbert and Mr, Russell Parkinson visit­ ed recently at Paisley with Mrs. Minnie Parker. Paisley was a former home of Mrs. Gunning. Mrs. Alice Gunning, Exeter, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques. Birthday Celebration Children and grandchildren gathered recently kt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder, Alisa Craig, to honor Mr, Schroeder on his sixtieth birth­ day. Present were Mr. and Mrs. S, Sell "Don't Wants" Here FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO. Tuned and reconditioned. Reasonable. Post­ ed — must sell. Apply P.M.Q. 337A, RCAF Centralia. 28* EASY SPINDRY — Spiralator washer, used once only. Special sale price. Come in and investi­ gate at Snelgrove’s. 28c LONG-PLAYING Columbia 33% record player. Ideal addition for outdated “78” equipment. Small, compact model. Best offer takes it. Apply Times-Advocate. tfn FOR SALE—Zinnia, asters, etc. Make youi* own bouquet; cheap for quick sale. —252 Thames Road. ___________________28c FOR SALE — Fifty Rock x Leg­ horn Pullets, started to lay; $2.25. H, Broeze, R.R. 1, Gran­ ton, phone Kirkton 35-15. 28 c. FOR SALE —- Black and white pups, reasonable rate. Place order now. Weaned in three weeks. Apply Warren Sanders, phone 106,______________________28^ FOR SALE — Barn, 24x36, timber frame, part in stable, make good stray/ shed. Apply Thomas Allen, Hay P.O. 28:4c IDEAL FOR CHILDREN — Lid­ less 78-r.p.m. Victor record play­ er attachment. A great phono­ graph for kiddies or any record collector. Light tone arm, Price $10 or best offer. Phone 31-W. 2 8 tfn FOR, SALE — Holstein heifer, due in a couple of weeks. Apply Alvin Pym, phone 32-r-22 Kirk­ ton. 28* FOR SALE — 1949 Mercury %- ton truck. Apply 322 Andrew St. 28:4* SPACE HEATER, like new, $60. Phone 602, Exeter.________28* SEW AND SAVE r-N e w and used sewing machines, fully guaranteed. Repairs to all makes and models. Singer Sewing Ma­ chine, Goderich. Phone 1135. . 3-20tfc FOR SALE—Wedding cake boxes at The Times-Advocate. MOTORCYCLE — 1951 James, 2,500 miles. Apply Exeter Times- Advocate. 14:21nc FOR SALE — Registered York hog, Orchard Valley Lad; 18 weaner pigs; 1 Deleval cream separator; also pulley for motor drive, $12.00. Apply Earl Neil, phone 145-r-12, Exeter.____21c FOR SALE — A baby’s crib, in good condition. Apply to Mahlon Ryckman, Main Street. 21:28* YORK SOW, first litter due Sep­ tember 5. Apply Reg Hodgson, Centralia, phone 477-r-3 Exeter. 21:28e PEACHES — Order your supply now. —Mrs, H. Peterson, Dash­ wood, Ontario, phone 31-r-15. 21:28:4* FOR SALE—M.H. one-way disc, 6-ft., 3 years old, in good con­ dition. Apply Eugene Dietrich, phone 31-r-5 Dashwood. 21:28c FOR SALE—A number of good used bicycles, ladies’ and gents’. Real bargains. —Glenn Brenner, phone 16 Grand Bend. 21:28c PEACHES — Yellow flesh, free­ stone, tree ripened. Bring con­ tainers. Govenlock Orchard, half mile north of Forest, Blue Water Highway._______________21:28* FOR SALE — About an acre of good land on Marlborough Street, suitable for cultivation and for lots on which to build. Other building lots also. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Salesman. 21tfn c WANTED WANTED — Coal oil hanging lamps; old colored glass.— Mrs. Ralph Bailey, Main St. 2-2 8 Ifc WANTED — Three unfurnished rooms, by a young couple. Phone 3 0W._____________________28c GOOD STUDIO couch and toys for boy of three. Phone 592-R. 28c FOR RENT BRIGHT UPSTAIRS apartment. Use of bathroom. Reasonable rent. Phone 70 Kirkton.____28c FOR RENT—Floor polishers and vacuum cleaners. Beavers Hard­ ware^_____________ ______5-8tfc FOR RENT—The office former­ ly occupied by Clerk C. V. Pic­ kard. Apply at Times-Advocate. 3-20tf* PERSONAL “SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, “get-acquaint­ ed” size only 60£. All druggists. Semple and family, of Byron; Mrs. M. Baldwin and Patricia, of London; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hewitt and Diane, of Strathroy; Mr, andt Mrs. B. Webb and Sandra, of Ilderton; Miss Wilma Schroeder, of Clinton; Jack and Billie Schroeder, at home; Russell, Kenneth and Betty Morgan, of Ailsa Craig and Norma June Hodgins, of Den field. TENDERS WANTED RE EXCAVATION WORK Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for ex­ cavation work on the Eagleson Drain. A cheque of $200.00 must accompany tender. Survey plans and report may" be seen at the clerk’s office. Tenders must be in the hands of the clerk on or before August 31, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. F. W. MORLOCK, Clerk. Township of Stephen. 21:18c MISCELLANEOUS ASK ANY SURGE USER why more farmers are switching to Surge Milkers—or contact Lovell H. McGuire, phone Wingham 593-W, Surge dealer; W. L. Hodge, sub-dealer, Crediton. 7:14:21:28* IF YOU GROW TURNIPS for table use, don’t take a chance on having water core when you can be assured of having them free of water core provided they are sprayed when they are no bigger than your finger. Call your local sprayer, L. V. Ho­ garth, phone 226._______7-17tfc NOTICE — Whitewashing and cleaning, arrangements can be made. —Bill Watson, phone 35- r-19 Dashwood._____6-18:ll-30c PAINTING & PAPERHANGING, kitchen cabinets, all kinds of built-in cupboards, and tile floors. —Thos. H. Walker, tele­ phone 553 Exeter. 4-10tfc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE — In Crediton, 7- room brick house with hot air furnace, pressure pump for soft water, barn, %. acre of land. Contact Mrs. Marie Brown, King- St. North. . 28* TWO BUILDING LOTS on Vic­ toria and Carling Streets, two small buildings. —J. W. Powell, phone 233 evenings. 28c NEW FOUR-ROOM cottage, ful­ ly equipped, lot 160x120. Water­ loo and Carling St. or 307 Anne Street. 28tfc 5-R00M WARTIME house, com­ pletely redecorated and modern­ ized. Immediate possession. Rea­ sonable. Phone 209-r-4. 28c IMMEDIATE POSSESSION—New frame six-room, one-storey home with full size basement and oil burning furnace.- Will sell cheap as owner has left town. Phone 684-J Exeter. 28:4* WARTIME HOUSE—1£ storeys, asbestos shingle exterior, good location. Recently redecorated interior. Grounds improved. Com­ plete with oil heat. Phone 429- W. 28* IN CENTRALIA — 5-room insul brick house. Three large lots, good garden, fruit trees, barn, •chicken coops, nice location; prices to sell. Apply Times- Advocate. 28:4* STOP! — If you wish to buy a new home in our town, see J. W. Hern, Sanders St.__________28* WARTIME HOUSE—Six rooms, oil heated, recently redecorated, reasonable down payment. Bal- alance $28.00 per month. Apply 726 Marlborough Street. 21:28* GRAND BEND, modern, new, winterized home, available Sept. 1. Good location, furnished. Ap­ ply Box H or phone 3-2 9 6 4-J London. 21:28* 3 - BEDROOM WARTIME house for sale. This home has been re­ cently redecorated. Also has neat workshop, nicely landscaped and large vegetable garden. Apply 713 Carling St.____________28* HOMES FOR SALE—Now is the time to choose a home. We have comfortable 2-, 3- and 4-bedroom houses that we will be glad to show you. All have modern con­ veniences and several may be bought on very liberal terms.— C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont.____________7-17tfc DASHWOOD —We are offering one of the better homes in Dash­ wood at a sacrifice price. This property is in the best of condi­ tion and has a nicely treed lot. This is your opportunity to pur­ chase a modern home at a low price. —C. V.'Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 7-17tfc FINE FOUR-BEDROOM home with one of the most beautifully landscaped lots in Exeter., There is a very large living room with fireplace. Excellent Lardwood floors. Oil burner. Air condition­ er. Garage. —C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 5-22 3-BBDROOM COTTAGE, insulat­ ed, hot water furnace, 3-piece bath, kitchen modernized. Three lots, several fruit trees. Posses­ sion arranged. —W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Earl Parsons, Salesman, Exeter,_________________4-17tfc FOR SALE—Nicely located two- or three-bedroom cottage. This home has been redecorated throughout and has bright, airy rooms. Three-piece bath. Hot air furnace. Also well built building suitable for garage or workshop. Terms. Immediate possession. — C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 6-5t.fc LOST j LOST—American money in bills ' in Exeter Wednesday, August 20. Reward. —Sam Oestreicher, phone 57-r-23 Dashwood, 28* LOST—Near Elimville on Sun­ day, one white infant’s boot. Finder kindly leave at Times- Advocate. 28* STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all­ kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exe- ter._____________________l*tfc I ATTENTION FARMERS—Prompt tand courteous service on all dead or disabled farm animals. Phone Collect Ed Andrew, Sea­ forth 851-r-ll, Exeter 235, 5-1tfc Call Ontario Rendering Company foi’ dead, disabled animals. Satis­ faction GUARANTEED, Sanitary Removal. Special weekend and holiday service. Call COLLECT Exeter 158, or for fast service call direct COLLECT Hamilton 3-8656, the truck in your vicin­ ity will be notified. 6-19 tfc HELP WANTED GOOD WOMAN housekeeper for father and two children, two and five years. In farm home, three miles from Exeter. Most conven­ iences. No outside work. Liberal time off if desired. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1, Heusall, phone 177-r-4 Exeter. 21:28c WANTED — Typist-Bookkeeper and Office Clerk. Apply at Pub­ lic Utilities Office, Exeter, Ont. 14:21:28e HOUSEKEEPER and companion for elderly lady living alone in small new house. Phono 273-J. 28c SECRETARY required who can take shorthand and type, for of­ fice work in Exeter. Apply by typewritten letter to Box “BL”, Times-Advocate. 28:4c RELIABLE WAITRESS — also woman one day a week for cleaning. Apply Rether’s Coffee Shoppe.____________________28c YOUNG MARRIED MAN to clerk in Hardware Store. Apply Box “L”, Times-Advocate, 28c EXPERIENCED MALE typist for construction office at Centralia. A p p 1 y Cental Mortgage and’ Housing Corporation, RCAF Sta- tion, Centralia, Ont.________28c EXPERIENCED SALESLADY to take charge of drygoods depart­ ment; full time position. Phone 640-W Exeter._____________28c Girl Wanted FOR SHIPPING CLERK AND INSPECTOR Neat Appearance and Pleasant Manner Essential Good Wages, Steady Job For Right Person Apply at Brady Cleaners OR PHONE 136 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate On the Premises, NORTH OF ALDON THEATRE, Corner of Woodward and Centre Streets, Lot 211 and 212, in the VILLAGE OF'GRAND BEND The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 at 2:30 p.m. shaYp REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 211 and 212, corner of Woodward and Centro Streets, Village of Grand Bond, on which, is situated a beautiful two-storey solid cement block house with enclosed verandah in all around' new condition, equipped with bathroom, water pressure sys­ tem; also full basement and soft water cistern. Main floor has living room, dining room, modernized kitchen’ and utility room. Upper apartment has kitchen­ ette, 5 bedrooms, 2 closets and bath. There are also two small cot­ tages on the premises, fully equipped. All will be sold in one lot. This is an ideal property, very suitable for rooming or board­ ing. Situated in a fine location. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Estate of the late Joseph Wildfong, CLAYTON WILDFONG & GARNET WILDFONG, EXECVTORxS ALVIN WALPER, AUCT. 21:28c