HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-08-21, Page 11II T WHILE VOU, OR’ SOME OTHER.' ■ THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21, 1952 Lucan And District News King, of Rae Mrs. and Mrs. away so was their church ball grounds ball team to championship of efforts on Anglicans to Church team Clande- are to Braban, who has been Preece for Whitehead and Hodgins, son of Oscar Hodgins, for a two-month after a year in the John and her in Chat- Mrs. Bill Decoration services for Gran­ ton United Church Cemetery were held Sunday, August 17 at 2.80 p.m. Guest speaker was the Rev. Joseph A. Suggitt, of St. Marys. Music was provided by Clare and Melville Westman and C. W. Parkinson with Mrs. T. Gunning at the piano. Miss Gowlett retired from the Lucan Public School staff in June and will be married to Carl (■rocker on Saturday,’August ill in New St. James Church, Lon­ don. oSkiiwiy"6irls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. Naw Pep Thousands whe never Suili gain welKlit before, new have shapely, attractive figures. Mo more bony Htnba. ugly hpUawa. They thank oat,rex. It. puts flesh on bodie s skinny because blood lacks iron. Pepa you up, top. improves appetite, digestion ep food nourishes you better. Don’t tear getting lao tut. Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or •fget-acQuuIpted" size only GOjS. Try Ostrex Toulo Tablets lor naw pounds, lovely curvoa, paw ppp,, today. At all druggists. Personal Items Fifty-seven members of the Short family held their family reunion picnic at Springbank last Sunday. Among those pre­ sent were the V. G. Banting family of Lucan. Mrs. Ida McRoberts and Mrs. Edna Langford left last Tuesday for Vancouver to latter’s daughter, A number from ed the trousseau Miss Pat Gowlett of her parents in Stratford Monday. Her mother, Mrs. Gow­ lett. and Mrs. E. Crocker greeted guests. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Short, of Cleveland, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Bant­ ing and family. Mr. Alan Westman, who underwent a n operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, was far recovered that he brought home this week. Mrs. L. Hodgins, of Exeter, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and. other Lucan friends. Kenneth Garrett, whose barn was destroyed by fire six weeks ago, has commenced erecting a new steel barn. Guest speaker at the Granton United Church on Sunday was the Rev. Mr. Elson, formerly of the Bryanston circuit, now of Straffordville, He has been re­ lieving while the Rev. Mr. Ray­ mer is on vacation. Mrs. Robert Hardie and Mrs. Clare Westman sang “The Man of Galilee”, While in the west on business, Mr. Howard Kew saw the Cal­ gary Stampede, took a trip to Banff and Lake Louise, played the organ in Mt. Calvary Luthe­ ran Church during the absence of the organist, D. Stuart Ken­ nedy, and also gave a recital. Mrs. Roland Hodgins is on the sick list. Dr, E. R. Patterson is on holidays. At a meeting held this it was decided not to play the St. Pauls-Lucan ball visit with the Mrs, Hern. Lucan attend- tea held for at the home on Clandeboye W.l. United Church Team Meet For Picnic The August meeting of the Clandeboye W.l. took the form of a picnic. Mrs. Alex Macin­ tosh was hostess. Roll call was answered with a picnic lunch suggestion. During the business session it was de­ cided to visit the Old Vet’s Gar­ den in Strathroy on August 26. On April 28 and 29 a course in oven meals will be held. President, Mrs. Murray Thompson, was appointed to ob­ tain flowers for the deceased W. I. members at the decoration services. Winners, in the child­ ren’s races were: Jackie Wil- I liams, Elaine Hodgins, Donna Blake, Janice Macintosh, Gladys Carter, Jean Cunningham, Jimmy Thompson, and Billy Schroeder. Other wiiners were; Grand­ mother’s bean race, Mrs. Rae Hodgins and Mrs. James Rid­ dell; newspaper ad race, Allan Hill and Mrs. Murray Lewis; clothes peg and milk bottle race, Mrs. Louis Kilmer an.d Mrs. Arnold Blake; biscuit and whistle race, Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs. Allan Hill; lucky spot, Mrs. Alex Macintosh. Following the sports, lunch was served, Takes Ball Trophy Lucan United and Anglican. Churches got together last week for an evening of fun when each church produced a vie for the church ball cup. In spite the part of the victory, the United won the game. Anglicans met at and paraded to the led by a truck carrying a piano and a bass drum while support­ ers sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” In front of lie truck were two girls carrying the banner of the church team reading, “Anglican Irish Nine”. Girls dressed in .red and white costumes led by Heather Ache­ son danced to the music and Marion carried printed After Reeve cups to ning team, Fred Revington, first, a small silver cup, second a joke. Coursey led a goat and a sign on which was “We got your goat”, the game was over, Corbett presented two the captain of the win- the the Granton Housewile Shows Fast Recovery Mrs. Gertrude Wallis, 36-year- old Granton housewife, who amazed doctors with her re­ covery from a brain injury July 1, was successfully delivered of a six pound baby girl on Satur­ day. Both mother and child are in excellent condition. Mrs. Wallis was admitted to Victoria Hospital after a. blood vessel burst in her brain and was unconscious for more than two weeks despite an emergency operation. She regained con­ sciousness several weeks ago and her recovery since that time has been described by doctors as almost unbelievable. She was able to get around in a wheel chair and even walk a little. CLANDEBOYE Mrs. Aimer Hendrie and Miss McKenzie, of Chatham, and Mrs. Emma Neil, of Dayden, spent Tuesday in Goderich. Mrs. Aimer Hendrie guests spent Thursday ham with her daughter, Downing, and family. Little Miss Marlene Crediton, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Karl O'Neil. Jean Sigsworth is joining the Joseph’s week over game which was called on account of darkness. Lucan wouldn’t accept the cup under the circumstances so the cup has next year. Miss Bessie Mimico, spent her sister Mrs, Haskett. Miss Mabel Dezort and Rosalie Dezort left on Monday for couver where the former accepted a position. The Ladies Church grounds proved, a splendid success. Mrs. Mary Armitage and Mrs. Laura Blake accompanied Mrs. Ida Louch, of Court Land, on a motor trip to North Bay where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Sherman. Airs. Muriel Donaldson attend­ ed the Crocker-Gowlett wedding in London on Saturday. •been shelved till Foreman of Wednesday with Mitchell and Mr. Van- has thetea sponsored by Guild of Holy Trinity and held on the rectory on Friday, August 15, Former Lucan Boy Gets RMC Post Officer Cadet Peter S. Chis­ holm, of Lucan, has been ap­ pointed a cadet squadron leader, one of the top posts- for final year cadets at the Royal Military College, Kingston. With this appointment effective September 6 when a new term starts, he will be responsible for the dis­ cipline and turn-out of one of the three squadrons of Cadets. Cadet Chisholm, 24, is of Gilbert Chisholm, of Chisholm. He South and before enter­ spending the to 17 Works Lucan'Men At Calgary Rebuild Old Organ Ian McGugan and Howard Kew, of Keates organ factory, have returned home from Cal­ gary after seven weeks absence, While there, they rebuilt the organ of the Hillhurst Church and added a new consol. This is the first Keates in­ strument in Western. Canada. The specification for the rebuilt organ was Kennedy, laboration head of Lucan, D. Stuart in col- Keates, firm at R.M.C. and the late Mrs. attended London Lucan Collegiates ing R.M.C. He is summer attached Company, Royal Canadian Engin­ eers, at Whitehorse, Y.T. a son Lucan, drawn up by of Calgary, with Bert the Keates The organ has several new features, introduced for the first time in that part of the country. When finally completed the Hillhurst organ will be one of the finest and most up-to- date in Calgary. of Students Successful The following local Grade •Medway pupils were successful in their years work. Paul R. Kipp — Eng. Comp., Ill; Eng. Lit., C; Alg., Ill; Geom., II; Trig., Ill; Fr, Auth., C; Fr. Comp., C. Marie M. Lewis—Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit., C; Hist., C; Bot., IJI; Zoo., II; Chem., C; Fr. Comp., C. Joan McLean — Eng. Comp., Ill; Eng. Lit., C; Trig,, C; Bot., C; Zoo., C. Stanley G. Tomes — Eng. Comp., II; Eng Lit., Ill; Hist., 1; Latin Auth., C; Latin Comp., Ill; Fr. Auth., II; Fr. Comp., C. 13 Henry Henson, 80, World War Veteran Henry Henson, a veteran the First World War, passed away in Westminster Hospital on Friday, August 15, 1952 in his eightieth year. Mr. Henson was born in England but after the war came to Canada and has lived in Lucan since. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. J. H. Taylor (Eva), of London, and one son, John, at home in Lucan. He rested at the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home till Monday when he was Trinity Church for service at 2 p.m., the Rev. officiating. The pallbearers were Don Revington, George Paul, Harold Cobleigh, Harry Bond, Don Chown and Joe Horn. In­ terment was in St. James Ceme­ tery, Clandeboye. taken to Holy J. F. Wagland nursing class at St. Hospital this fall. All members of the boye Women's Institute meet at 1 p.m. August 26 at the home of Mrs. Alex McIntosh, when those with cars will take the members that have no way of going to Strathroy to visit “The Old Vets’ Gardens". Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall attend­ ed the wedding of Tommy Hall, the former’s nephew, in Detroit on Saturday. Mr. H. Pyke is driving a 1951 Prefect Sedan. Mrs. Mervin 'Carter and Mary, Mrs. H. Murless and Joan, Bev­ erly Cunningham and Carlyle Carter spent the weekend in De­ troit. Ian Carter spent the weekend with his cousin, Mrs. K. Smith, in London. Miss Stanley, of Lansing, Mich., is visiting with Mrs. Will Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Lewis and. Dorothy Ann spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Armitage, of Thamesford, with Dorothy Ann spending this week with her aunt and uncle. Mr. H. Murless put in a new cement walk at the entrance of St. Janies’ Church on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernol Cunning­ ham and Patsy, of Chesterville, are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil spent Sunday in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and Clare were guests on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Herman Powe of Exeter. Wilfred Bieber is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. B. Bendal, of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter at­ tended the decoration services at Granton Cemetery on Sunday. May we offer our congratula­ tions to Stanley Tomes, who passed Grade 13 at Medway High School, Arva. Also Ruth Sigs- worth, who passed Grade 12. She is joining the nursing class at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, this fall.Kay Fisher from K o m o k a spent the weekend with Joan Simpson. Personal Items Mrs. Wildern, Miss Dorothy Wildern and a friend spent last Friday with Mrs, Orme. Mrs. Wildern remained with her sister while the others went on to Chicago on Saturday. Mrs. visiting with Mrs. _ several' weeks, has returned to London. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Haskett and family are spending two weeks in a cottage at Ipperwash. Mr. Gordon Mr. Lawrence Mr. left on Monday trip to the West. Mrs. Jean Taylor and daugh­ ter Joan home Blair, home here, Ivan for Dr. Patterson: Mrs. Ada Walker, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry ” • Mr. Jack V •, M- “V. ~ M -V T , , V * Palm Beach, Florida, is spending three Glen Mrs. companied Mr. idan Revington Batavia and is daughter, Mrs. at St. Catharines. Mrs. John Hodgins is on the sick list. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Don Revington entertained nine children and five mothers in honor of Paul’s third birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc­ Naughton, of London, have taken a cottage at Grand Bend week. Mr. Archie Thompson the sick list and has been to the hospital. The Rev. E. M. Cook has pur­ chased the house vacated by the late Mrs. Michael Armitage. Bill Ball, one of " - - - players, Is ill in Hospital. Among visitors were Fred Revington. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plodgins spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mullins and family of London. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Young and Gordie ar holidaying in Toronto, friends of Mr. and Mrs. have returned to their in Nova Scotia. Mrs. Taylor worked in the Culbert grocery store and While Jack Dewey Hodgins. Dewey, son of Dr. and Mrs. Dewey, of weeks with his cousin, Revington. Wilbert Revington ac- and Mrs. Sheri- to the races at now visiting her Gayle Johnston, for a is on taken Lucan’s ball- St. Joseph’s his Sunday and LeRoy Miss Ida Toten, of London, spent last weekend with Mrs. Laura The Trinity August Hall on Monday, Mrs. Harold McFall’s group will be the hostesses. Blake, of Lucan. Ladies Guild of Church will hold meeting in the Parish August 25. Holy their It’s the world's largest Annual Exhibition, and this year it's going to be the biggest, most thrilling ever! Come one, come all to your C.N.E. See displays and exhibits of Canada's agricultural wealth... the richness and colour of the Automotive Show. Thrill to the colossal Grandstand Show "Canadiana”—with singing star Tony Martin... the mighty Marathon Swim... the screaming R.C.A.F. jet fighters. You’ll marvel at the hundreds of wonderful exhibits, the glamorous Fashion Shows. Don't miss “Canada's Year” at the world's largest Exhibition! Bringthefamily for a day full of fun, thrills, and excitement. FASHIONS ♦ SPORTS • EXHIBITS • THRILLS • MUSIC • FIREWORKS • LAUGHTER PRIZES • EXCITEMENT • SCIENCE • AGRICULTURE • FUNrGALORE J. A. Nor they, President Elwood A Hughes, General Manager ■ GRANDSTAND TICKETS AVAILABLE AT C.N.E. TICKET OFFICE 89 YONGE STREET, TORONTO OR CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TICKET AGENT CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION 4 9 Less Slip More Pull Mrs. widow were ■' . and Granton, north OfLONGER ■MllEACrr?’. .4 . Sufsm JOHN DEERE Dealer> OUAUTV FARM EQUIPMENTfor delivery, 4" to fvorti stock, small or orders for truck loads delivered,. MrS. Annie Revington Funeral services for Annie V. Revington, 63, of Benjamin Revington, conducted August 12 from the home of her daughter Mrs. George Ramsey, London, by Rev. Fred H. Jobblin, Wesley United Church, London, with interment in St. James Cemetery, Clande- boye. Pallbearers were Allie and Harold Hodgins, Derwin Carter, Harvey Langford, Frank Chap­ man and Clifford Hudson. Mrs. Revington was the daughter of the late Mr. Mrs. Joseph Beatson, and lived on a farm Lucan for many years. Survivors are three daughters, two brothers and two sisters. Purchases House * Mr. Eli Thompson has sold his house to Mr. L. Acheson and will make his home with his family. His neighbors, in particular, gret his having to leave village and Alice St. Lucan relatives and offer congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan (nee Shirley Cobleigh). Patrick James was born at St. Joseph’s Hospital on August 15. 195 2. flIf® 1 ULLII ilC c-tvne Tractor If you're looking for a tractor with sure-footed lugging ability combined with all-around economy, come in and See this "king of the lightweights." Whatever the season .,. whatever the ground Condition, you'll find the stable, sure-footed "MC" is a "pulling foot" With its built-in hydraulic control and quick, easy maneuverability, it's just the tractor for earth-moving jobs, excavating, manure handling, land clearing, logging, and many types of general field work. Regular equipment includes four for­ ward speeds, self-starter, adjustable air- cushion seat, power take-off, fenders, and sod-pan. There is a full line of hy­ draulically controlled Working tools, including two types of bulldozers. Come in and get the full "MC" story. There's no obligation. a PEDDLAR STEEL ROOFING All length of sheets from 6’ to 10’ FLEURY-BISSELL FARM IMPLEMENTS . . . . DISCS, PLOUGHS, LAND PACKERS, TILLERS, CULTIVATORS FIELD TILE All sizes amounts LUCAN Scott’s Elevator PHONE 63 NURSERY SCHOOL -— Eleven smiles reflect the happiness of Lucan nursery school children on the day of their clos- Back Row (left to Loraine Ward Hodgins. Front Row—-Judy Thomson, Nancy Lou Bobbie, Wayne Hod­ gins, Sharon Tigechlaar, Nancy Hasket. ing exercises for flic year, They are: right)—Carolyn Donaldson, Jean Marie Larskin, Morley, Gary Revington, Ken Genthicr, EXETER W. G. Simmons & Sons GODERICH |