HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-08-21, Page 10THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST ?J, 195? i e Elimville Couple | At West Council! N<w Kiirlctpn Dam Almost Completed Only landscaping remains H done at the new Kirkton dam built by the Upper Thumt s Valley Conservation Authority. The dam holds back u t-mah , pond of about half an ame. Will. Fish Creek as its watei suv the pmd will be used fvr t mumty recreation purposes. 3 on the highway beside tht grounds Work at H a r r i n g t o n Shakespeare dams is well vaneod. Concrete pouring started at Harrington and : clearing for Shakespeare is most finished. .Al­ bas land ■ ul- Young People’s representa­ tives from Huron. Middlesex and Perth counties are attending the National Y.P.U. council at Mani­ toba this week. Harvey Sparling, of Elimville, .president of the London Confer­ ence. and his wife and Benson Sutter, Clinton, are representing Huron; Miss Alice Stanley, of Lucan, is attending from Middle­ sex and Miss Joy Greenwood, R.R. 1, Mitchell, is representing Perth. Purpose of the conference is ■to lay p^ans for future activities of the young people of the Vnited Church, to elect a new national executive and to sag- MOUNT CARMEL Andy Morissey and family, ot Paineourt, spent Sunday with Hubert Desjardine. Alex Voison has completed his threshing route for the season, Joe Regan, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother Hubert Carey has finished his two large barns. Winnifred Keough spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James McCarty. Mr. , . .Mr.gest methods of strengthening and locals, presbyteries and confer enee unions. i SECOND LINE B1DDULPH [ Steuer Relatives Meet For Annual Reynion | Some 75 relatives gathered at jEischerville Saturday * August 16 i for the annual ! which iheavy I hall. i Mr, ( Lloyd | Mrs. * spent Saturday night and Sun- [day at Fischerville j they visited with I Fischer and M r s I Snell's aunt, Mrs. of Cayuga. They also sent part of Sunday visiting at Dunville. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake, and Mrs. Richard Peckham, and Mrs. Joe Chillingsworth their families, Miss I Anne and Master Billie |C’urcheon, of London, Mr. ton Bice, of Ilderton, and Dorothy Fischer, of Lucan, Fischerville Saturday evening their homes. was rain held, , in Mrs. andMr. and Mrs. Allan Elston family attended the Hodgins family reunion at Springbank on ■ Sunday. An executive meeting was held on Friday evening at the . home of the president, Mr. Allan to make arrangements annual Armitage re- be held at Springbank Labor Day. Party M. H. W Be Closed during the week of AUGUST 25 TO 3© — i Elston, •« '■ for the union to j Bark on Surprise Mrs. M. H. Elston and Mrs. Allan Elston and family attend­ ed a surprise party held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, Woodham, on Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. G. Needham and Mrs. C. Fletcher. A very pleasant time ' was spent and a delicious lunch served by their families. Mrs. M. H. Elston visited with Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom­ as, during centennial week, and .US while there attended the magni- ‘ ficent spectacle which was pre­ sented each evening of the week by a cftgt Qf consisting Of | Exeter Salvage Co, | Phone 423 | FOR SALE S We specialize in the follow- = fug used items; Railroad = iron, angle iron, all sizes; = cables, all lengths and thick- | messes; chains, all sizes and | thicknesses; wheels, all | sizes, all kinds. Used tires. | Eye beams and all = beams; flat iron, = steel, all sizes and = messes. | AVE BUY = New and used feathers and = (feather ticks, scrap iron — | top prices paid. other plates, thlck- tableaux depicting the history of Elgin County with a splendid narration of the county’s story given by Larry McCance. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. : Cecil Skinner and Sam over the week were Mrs. Skinner’s sins, Mr. and Mrs. Emory and Leon, Joy and Dale, of ton. Mich.; also visitors them on Sunday were Mr. Mrs. Kenneth Mason and family, of Belgrave, Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ ald Denham and family, of ^Kirk­ ton, ~ Miss Mr. and , and cou- Motz Elk- with and Guaranteed 0 J. Used Cars and Trucks 49 Chev. Sedan Fleetline, Radio, Slip Cavers, Air-Conditionmg 49 Chev. Coach Air-Conditioned, Fog1 Lamps 47 Buick Sedan 44 Series, Radio, Air-Conditioned Steuer reunion, becouse of the the community and and Joyce William Snell, Chris Fischer, of Lucan, and of London, . On Sunday Mrs. Chris . William Katik Clark, Ruth Mc- Bur- Miss , left for Hand Mangled In Machine Melvin Durr, 55, of R.R. Parkhill, is in London hospital suffering from a badly lacerated thumb and index finger on his left hand. He caught his hand in some type of farm machinery, believed to be a thresher, but was able to stop the machine before fur­ ther injury was caused. 8, Donald Vance, of ' Union, Aldeen Pym, of Elimville, and Mrs. John McAllister boys and Mr. Ern Hicks Mrs. Mack. THAMES ROAD Personal Items # Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller spent a few days on a trip to Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie and other points north, recently. Master Brian Miller spent a few days recenly with his grand- ■ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock, of Zion. Mrs. Shriner, of New York, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Allison, for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde and Jimmy, of Mitchell, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde. Mrs. W. J. Moores and Mari­ lyn are holidaying with friends at Paris. Misses Alma, Lila and Lillian f Borland, of Toronto, are spend­ ing this week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borland. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde and Douglas were Sunday eve­ ning supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. W i 11 i a m Thomson, of Woodham. Miss Nona Pym, of London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and away on a trip. Mrs. W. “ " vr Marilyn are attending Oaks Family Craft Camp at Paris. Mrs. Moores is taking a ’ ••nurse on young adult work and j will proceed from there to Alma College, St. Thomas, to attend the School of Leaders. '■ Mrs. William Monteith, Mr. and Mrs. George .Monteith, of Toronto, who have been holiday­ ing at Aux Sauble Beach, visited with relatives over the weekend. Mrs. Aimer Passmore held a her Mrs. Alvin Cottle are I J. Moores and daugh- i g the 5- j Family Craft Camp Mrs. Moores is taking 52 Chev. Pick-up Chev. Sedan Delivery Snell Bros. LIMITED Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Cars and Chevrolet Trucks PHONE 100 , plastic demonstration at home on Friday evening. Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Mabel Selves on Friday evening. Mr. Clare Vincent, of Londes- boro, and Mr. Arnold Alton, of Ash field Township, charge of the church Sunday. They are on Presbytery executive, cent was in charge of I and Mr, Alton was the speaker for the service. > Sunday services will be held ; at the usual hour on Sunday, :Rev. Clysdale, of London, will ; be guest speaker. ' Mission Band : The August meeting of the (Mission Band (basement on _____ t vice-president Carol Ann Hume ’in charge. ; Donna McLeod read the scrlp- ;ture lesson, t Margaret Ann Coward had ’ charge of the program which | consisted of a reading by Gerald | Gackstetter; piano instrumental ’ by Margaret Ann Coward /reading by Carol Ann /The offering was aken by I Ballantyne, followed by EXETER i by Mrs*. Melvin Gardiner. were in service on the Huron Mr. Vin- the service met in the church Sunday with the a Hume. Donald stories Lucan News Mrs. Frank spent Sunday Bob Coleman. Doreen and holidaying with their 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob man last week. Mrs. Fred Miss Margaret ter, called on Sunday. Mrs. T. D. Orme and Murray have returned home from a trip down the Saguenay, a week in a week in St, Coates, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. jack Garrett were grand- > Cole- and Exe­ Ellerington quinton, of Lucan friends on Toronto and Catharines. Among the . . the Reith picnic at Springbank this year was the Oscar Hod­ gins family. Mrs. Mary Armitage has re­ turned home after a week’s visit with London friends. Mrs. Fred Simpson is spending a week at Grand Bend, the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Keown. Master Ward Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgins, is holidaying with liis aunt, Miss Merle Law also Mr. and Mrs. C. Owen Foster, of London. Mr. and Mrs. John Park made a flying trip to Toronto on Sat­ urday. Mr. ford Grand Mrs. Elmer Davis and daugh­ ter Sandra, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. Ewen. Sandra serious heart ronto recently 0 who attended and Mrs. Harvey Lang- spent the weekend at Bend. Mrs. S. Stephen Dies In St. Msrys Mrs. Sarah J. Stephen, «<?, died at her home in St. Marys., Thursday, following a heart attack, Her, husband, James A. Stephen, died one year ago. She was the former Sarah J. Evans, and was a native of Blau- shard Township, She until moving to St. years ago. She was a the United Church. Surviving are three rence, Owen Sound; Marys; Rea, Blanshard ' ship; two daughters, Mrs, Carroll, Exeter; Mrs. Graham, St. Marys, one sister, Miss Annie Evans, St- Marys, and two brothers, Milton Evans, Blanshard Township, and Ches­ ter, Downi© Township. Services were held in the Ball funeral chapel, Saturday, and inerment made in Kirkton Union Cemetery. 63 lived there Marys five member of sous, Law- Jani es, St. Town- , Earl W. H. Polio Suspect, Seri oils Condition of an Thedford youth, victim of remains serious, Victoria pital, London, authorities Monday night. He is the only definite case in the hospital, although nine others are suspected cases. 18-year-old polio, Hos- said polio jB1 Insure the Co-Op Way and Save Auto ' Life • Fanners’ Comprehensive Liability (including animal collision and tractor) Prompt Service On All Claims KIRKTON Ross Francis Local Co-Op Agent • Phone 34-r-8 ONTARIO Hr We Are Buyers of: Timothy Alfalfa Satisfaction Guaranteed WE DO CUSTOM CLEANING Cann’s Mill Limited WHALEN CORNERS Phone Kirkton 35-r-15 to recovery. Mr. ana Mrs. Jack Graham, of Chatham, spent .the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Has­ kett. and Mrs. D. underwent a very operation in To- but is on the road Phone Granton 29-r-15 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Lowest-Priced in Its Field! . Chevrolet The Leader, is the lowest-priced car in its field. It's Canada's most beautiful low-priced car — and Canada's most wonderful motor car value! Illustrated — Styleline De Luxe 2-Door Sedan If:«• v Only Chevrolet the Leader gives you all these fine car features I Yes, Chevrolet brings you lowest prices on model after model... as well as these extra features for your extra pleasure, comfort and safety. Take a look at the wonderful new Chevrolets for '52! Examine their radiant new Royal-Tone Styling and ultra-luxurious Bodies by Visher, available in a wide choice of solid-tone and two- tone color combinations—most wonderful array of colors in their field. These cars bring you everything from thrilling new Centrepoise Power to fleet, spirited, thoroughly dependable Valve-in-Head engine performance; and from a new smoother, softer ride to extra-large Jumbo- Drum Brakes. Realize, too, that with all their finer quality the new Chevrolets are die lowest-priced line in their field, in addition to being exceedingly economical to operate and maintain. Come in .,, see and drive the new Chevrolet for ’52 . . . and let us show you how easily you can own one! EXTRA WIDE TREAD Chevrolet measures a full 58% inches between centres of rear wheels — providing a broader base to give you more stability on the road, less sway on the curves! Chevrolet’s Jumbo-Drum brakes with their big 11-inch brake drums, apply more lever­ age for more stopping power. Stops are smoother, safe, with less driver effort. Bonded lin­ ings last lip to twice as long. GORGEOUS NEW COLORS Choose from a wide choice of rich new colors and two-tone color combinations . . . the most wonderful in Chevrolet’s field. Distinctive new De Luxe interiors are color-matched to the exterior body colors for new color harmony inside and out. CENTREPOISE POWER Engine vibration and power impulses are “screened out” — isolated from driver and pas­ sengers. Engine rides flexibly suspended between new high- side mountings . . . centred, poised, cushioned in rubber. BODY BY FISHER Fisher Body sets the standard in the automobile industry y for styling, for craftsmanship,, for. comfort and convenience! And Fisher Unisteel construc­ tion guards you with the solid strength of steel welded to steel ... above you, beneath you, all around you. EXTRA LARGE BRAKES CAST IRON ALLOY PISTONS Pistons are formed from the same material as the cylinder block —- expand and contract at the same rate. This helps maintain a precise fit at all en­ gine temperatures — reduces piston wear and oil consump­ tion ! 4-WAY ENGINE LUBRICATION Chevrolet’s exclusive engine lu­ bricating system supplies exact­ ly the right kind and amount of lubrication to each moving part. It helps Chevrolet’s proved valve-in-head engine serve you better and longer for less I GM "SHADE-LITE" GLASS Reduces Glare, Hecit, Fatigue Chevrolet offers “Shade-Lite” glass with exclusive, shaded windshield-tinting for your extra protection. “Shade-Lite” glass all ’round reduces glare and heat, helps you drive more safely and comfortably, (Optional at extra cost). EXTRA-EASY CENTRE-POINT STEERING Control is centred between the front wheels instead of behind the left front wheel. This ad­ vanced steering geometry makes Chevrolet surprisingly easy to steer, manoeuvre and park. UNITIZED KNEE-ACTION RIDE Chevrolet’s famous Knee- Action ride is now even softer, smoother. New shock absorber action smothers bumps and jolts more quickly and effectively than ever. POWERFUL VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE Teamed with Powerglide11' is the powerful valve-in-head engine — an outstanding performer by any measure! This Powerglide engine’s Hydraulic-Hushed valve lifters arc another impor­ tant Chevrolet exclusive. *(Powerglide automatic trans­ mission available on De Luxe models at extra cost.) It’s an oil-smooth, oil-cooled automatic transmission. It's simpler with fewer parts to wear or require adjustment. It’s smoother because oil does it all without complicated intermedi­ ate gears. Optional on De Luxe models at extra cost, POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION C-IIS2B ....... /iLiiuraTOTOramra cwwolet%MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Phone 100 X