HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1952-08-21, Page 2Page 2 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21, 1952 This journal shall always fight for progress, reform and. public welfare, never be afraid, to at­ tack wrong, never belong to any political party, never be satisfied with, merely printing news. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST .31, 1952 Future Prospects "Too many of our younger men and women with farm experience are selling agriculture short as a means of attaining a successful and attractive living for them4 selves and the families they hope to estab­ lish," says The Farmer's Magaznc. “The shrewd farmers,” the editorial continues, “has found it paid him to in­ crease his holdings of liv< stock or acreage planted to a given crop when many of his neighbors were selling theirs or reducing their acreage. “Is the experienced junior farm of to­ day showing similar intelligence if he fol­ lows so many of his neighbors and turns his buck on the farm to take a factory or office job? These jobs look attractive but only because they are at inflated rates of pay, fixed by unions that have no means of maintaining those rates if demand for their product or services slackens off. Meantime their savings have been invested in an urb­ an home often at more than the price of a farm—a home that cannot produce wealth nr multiply itself as can good land and live stock. “The number of people on this con­ tinent who require food, but cannot them­ selves produce it in abundance for them­ selves, with a surplus for sale, is steadily increasing. “Most of the evidence suggests that the young man who knows the art of farm­ ing and can acquire land on which to oper­ ate might well take a long look at the 25 or 30 years of probably life ahead of him, and what he hopes to accomplish, before joining the Cityward band wagon.’’ Junior farmers of this agriculturally- rich district should take an extra-long look. * * * * This year is the one hundred and twentieth since the first settler, James Wil­ lis, came to this district. Next year, 1953, will be the eightieth anniversary of the in­ corporation of Exeter. Citizens of this community wish to thank The Atkinson Charitable Foundation for its generous contribution of $10,24-1 to our hospital. The contribution, announced this week, will purchase important equipment needs for the new building. Included are a sur­ gical light, minor operation room table, ob­ stetrical table, 10 bassinet units for the nursery and instrument sterilizers for the operating room. It is heartening to realize that an in­ dependent charitable organization of prov­ incial stature should so materially recog­ nize and aid our voluntary efforts to im­ prove the welfare facilities of our commun­ ity. It makes us feel better to know that others wish to share in our accomplishment. The grant serves to show us the great assistance being given to worthwhile en­ deavors throughout the province by The Atkinson Charitable Foundation. Estab­ lished by the late Joseph E. Atkinson, former publisher of The Toronto Star, the Foundation has helped many other com­ munities attain beneficial ends. It is one of the great philanthropic organizations of our generation. The community is also grateful to the Junior Red Cross for its contribution of equipment to the hospital. This welfare agency generously contributed a resuscita­ tor, infant incubator and invalid walker—a contribution amounting to almost $750. * * * * Tuesday Night The Huron Soil and Crop Improve­ ment Association is one of the most im­ portant organizations in our county. It is one of the few active promotors of our greatest industry—agriculture. Next Tuesday evening, August 26, the association will hold its annual twilight meeting at the local high school. Corn and soybean plots on the high school grounds will be inspected and ex­ amined. The meeting should be attended by all South Huron farmers and their wives. Exeter Man, Geo. Beavers Pioneers In Dental Plant (Reprinted from Canadian Machinery and Manufacturing News) Let’s Prevent Accidents Need Greater Penalties To Curtail Carelessness The most frequent convictions made by the courts for careless driving come under section 29 (1) of the Highway Traffic Act, which reads : “Every person who drives a vehicle on a highway without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration fox- other persons using the highway shall be liable to a penalty of not less than $5 and not more than $100, or to imprisonment for a term of not more than one month, and in addition his license or permit may be sus­ pended for a period of not more than six months*.’’ The $5 minimum penalty is far too low in the face of today’s highway destruc­ tion. It is not enough to impress upon the driver who is convicted the seriousness of his actions. A large percentage of the convictions made in magistrate courts bring fines of $10 and costs. To the persons who can af­ ford to own and drive a car, this is hardly a sacrifice. True, this fine is levied, in most cases, where no serious injury has been commit­ ted by the accident. On the other hand, the extent of injury is not always contingent upon the amount of negligence on the part of the responsible driver. The slightest carelessness on the road may bring death or severe injury while gross neglect may bring far lesser effect. The motorist whose action endangers lives on the highway should suffer a great- ex* penalty. There is no doubt that greater* care would result if fines were increased. One magistrate said recently: “Some of the penalties in the Game and Fisheries Act are greater than penalties to motorists who endanger human life!” Do we con­ sider wild life more valuable than human life. ? It could, be, of course, that the great number of traffic violations tend to mini­ mize their seriousness. If this attitude pre­ vails, we shall be a long time curtailing careless driving through the courts. Another attitude toward accident pen­ alty which is deplored was discussed by a provincial newspaper in connection with motor manslaughter cases. “Our difficulty is not with the. law but with juries. Jury­ men so often refuse to convict in motor manslaughter cases. Every juryman sees himself in the accused’s position. He might kill someone some, day, so takes a lenient view.” Human being must learn to use auto­ mobiles and the roads with safety. Our legislation must provide severe penalties for those who don’t. Exeter ®imes=&bbocate OfSmea Established 1873 Amalgamated 19S4 Advocate Established 1881 Published! Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario An Independent Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Mewspaper Association Member of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the CWNA Member of the Audit Bureau of Circulation „ . ..........Paid-in-Advance Circulation as of Match, 1952 2,534 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Canada, in advance, $3.00 n year —United States, in advance, $4.00 a year Single Copies 70 Each J. Melvin Southcott * Publishers - Robert Southcott SO YEARS AGO Mr. J. D. Spackman left Tues­ day for Germany where he will further his studies in music. He was accompanied as far as New York by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Spackman. Joseph Goutts, of Chiselhurst, had quite an experience Friday afternoon. He had purchased a swarm of bees from Truman Brintnell who was driving into his place to set it up. When go­ ing through the gate, the wind blew the hive against the wheel, and jarred the wheel allowing the bees to escape. They first made for Truman and the horse, stinging them severely. Truman jumped out and held the animal as long as he could, but the pain, set It wild and it got away. As it was passing, Truman threw the hive out of the rig and ran for his life. Mr. Coutts, who was about four rods away, was so badly stung that he fell to the ground from the effects of the poison. Mr. Brintnell, with other mem­ bers of his family, and with the aid of pails of water, succeeded in getting the bees -away from the old gentleman who was car­ ried to the house and placed in bed. 15 YEARS AGO A roaring cyclone passed over the Clandeboye district Tuesday at noon leaving destruction in its path. An electrical storm with wind and hail tore the roofs from barns, uprooted trees, disrupting the hydro lines and telephone lines a few miles south, of Exeter, During the electrical storm, a large bank barn on the farm of Mr. Sidney Wilson, sixth con­ cession, Usborne, was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire late in the afteroon. Thirty tons of hay, six loads of wheat and some oats as well as eight pigs were destroyed in the fire. •Mr. Borden Sanders, a fourth form pupil at Exeter H.S., is to be congratulated on the excellent standing he attained in the recent examinations. In all of the nine subjects he tried, he secured first class honors. The paving of the Blue Water Highway from St. Josephs to Grand Bend has been completed and workmen are now engaged in widening some of the culverts north of the Bend. 25 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Delbridge are leaving today for a trip to the Pacific ■ coast and Southern California. Mr. Delbridge will attend a convention of the Con­ federated field men at 'Banff the latter part of August. Misses Meta and Doris Salter are holidaying in London. Mr. I. R. Carling is having his residence on Huron St. re­ modelled and improved and when completed, will be an im­ posing residence A stretch of road from Lucan to Clinton will be taken over by the Department of Highways. The road from London to Elgin- field is being paved this year an,d it is quite possible that the 30-mile stretch'from Elginfield to Clinton will be paved next year connecting with the high­ way at Clinton, which will give a paved road from London to Goderich. IO YEARS AGO Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin King, of Stephen, is confined to her home with her right leg in a cast, the result of the fracture of a bone above the ankle. The new Avalon Sandwich Shoppe has opened up this week. The building formerly (Joccupied by the Ideal Meat Market, has been remodelled and fitted up for a restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. V. Writhe, from London, are the new proprietors. A lien’s egg shaped in a near perfect V “for Victory” was brought into this office by Mrs. Orville Dixon last Saturday. The Post Office and rural mail carriers are cooperating in the drive for scrap rubber fom August 24 to September 8. Car­ riers will bring it to the post office and everyone having a rural mail box is asked to leave every scrap of rubber they can find at the mail box. In Exeter, citizens may take the rubber to the rear of the Post Office. At Morrisburg, Ont., on the St. Lawrence River, about 48 miles south of Ottawa, is the first and only plant in Canada to make a dental bur. There, too, is believed to be the first to manufacture a toothbrush in Canada. Both industries are owned by George E. Beavers, 43- year-old Exeter - born salesman- turned-industrialist who last January was ejected reeve of Morrisburg on his initial bow into politics, (George Beavers is the son of B. W. F. Beavers and brother of Reginald L. Beavers, of Exeter. He received his early education in Exeter schools.) The two plants are so relative­ ly small that you could place both of them in the corner of any large factory, but with their output of dental drills and toothbrushes running into the millions annually, the chances are that you have had one or both of these products inside your mouth in the course of a year. What is more unusual is the fact that these tiny dental drills are produced automatically on machines that were engineered and made under the same roof by specially emigrated German technicians who also make the tools that cut the burs. The story of the Beavers Dent­ al Products Limited is one of modern industrial pioneering in Canada, long dependent on for­ eign countries for many of its everyday needs. It was in 1940 that Mr. Beavers purchased from George H. Chailies, M.P., the C h a 11 i e s Tooth Brush plant founded by his fathex* in 1917, During the war, the Canadian army wanted tooth brushes for its soldiers but even more (hav­ ing 'been cut off from other sources by the hostilities) it wanted dental drills. Beavers, a graduate in Com­ merce and Finance from the Uni­ versity of Toronto was an ex­ perienced sales promoter but his knowledge of dental burs was limited to that picked up while reclining in a , dentist’s chair. Undaunted by this lack of know-how, he established facil­ ities in Morrisburg to make dental burs for the first time in Canada. Prior to the war, Germany was undisputed leader in the dental surgical instrument field and shortly after the war’s end, George Beavers was invited to investigate the dental bur in­ dustry on' behalf of the British intelligence. Back again in Can­ ada, Beavers had a better under­ standing of the dental bur craft. With Canada’s army scarcely de­ mobilized, he asked the Govern­ ment to let him bring to this country five skilled German dental bur technicians, under the British Government Darwin Plan, to set up automatic equipment to make dental burs in competi­ tion with the world’s finest. There was undisguised con­ sternation at first over the sug­ gestion that immigrants be brought to Canada from a re­ truck, A fourth passenger in the car, Mrs. Helen Buri'ield, of Toronto, is in hospital with severe head and internal in­ juries. Mr. Rice of the truck, was released on $5,000 bail pending trial. (Zurich Herald) Fund Reaches $14,500 The fund fox* installation, of an artificial ice plant in Clinton Lions Arena has now reached $14,544. This is an increase of $555 during the past two weeks. The Lions have high hopes that it will not be too long be­ fore the objective is reached and construction can be started. (Clinton News Record) cently conquered Nazi Germany, although dividends in industrial development later proved rich, One fine August day in 1947, Beaver’s plan 'began to unfold when three German master craftsmen arrived in Morrisburg. There were 6 3-year-old Rudolph Funke, Ernest Jacob and Wil­ helm J-Iandwerke who came from Dusseldorf, famous steel city in the heart of the Ruhr area. Once a half-hearted Nazi, Swiss- born Funke in 1938 was im­ prisoned with Pastor Nieinoeller and others for openly protesting the Nazis’ Jewish persecutions and other policies. During the war, millionaire Funke’s factory was destroyed by Allied bombers and partially rebuilt, only to be again lev­ elled. In Morrisburg, Mr. Funke and his helpers began working over their drawing boards, designing parts, making blueprints and patterns, machining the 2,000 parts that go into each machine no bigger than a portable sew­ ing machine. In due course, 30 automatic flute cutting machines were as­ sembled and operating two shifts daily. Today the plant turns out two types of burs, hand piece and right angle, in foui* shapes. Each type is made in eight sizes making a total of 64 different kinds of burs produced at the Beavers factory. Beavers’ manually operated machines turned out 1.25 million burs in four years whereas the Funke-designed automatic ma­ chines now produce five million burs in one year. These auto­ matically made burs are far su­ perior to manually made drills because of the uniformity of workmanship ensured by the newer machines. The first tooth brush made in Canada was produced in the Chailies plant in 1917 and was all h a n d - m a d e . Holes were drilled by hand, slots were cut in the bank by hand, bristle tufts ’ were sewn in by hand, sanded and buffed. Twenty em­ ployees turned out 5,000 tooth brushes a week. Today 10 peo­ ple using automatic machinery produce 50,000 tooth brushes a week. If you haven’t noticed the name “Chailies” on a tooth brush, it is because most of the firm’s output goes under the name of large distributors. The Beavers Dental Products Ltd.—burs and brushes—means considerable employment for Morrisburg people. More than 50 men and women earn good wages at the bur plant and 10 others enjoy similar conditions at the brush plant. Canada, before the war, was dependent on other countries for dental burs. Now Canada— thanks to the courage and dar­ ing enterprise of Morrisburg's George Beavers—is not only self- sufficient but exports 80 per cent of its dental bur production to' the highly competitive mar­ kets of th® United States and South America. It is currently engaged in the manufacture of dental burs for the United States armed forces, a large and most exacting customer. In front of the flower gardens on the grounds of the city hall in „a small western town a sign reads: “Love ’Em and Leave ’Em.”* * * Little Boy: “Poppa, please give me a dime. There’s an old man outside crying and I’d like to give it to him.” Pop: “Sure son, here it is. What’s he crying about?” Little Boy: “Oh, he’s crying, Popcorn, Peanuts, Popcorn, Pea­ nuts.” News From Our NEIGHBORS LAFF OF THE WEEK Junior Builders According to Arena booster Tom Pinney, Don Fletcher and his “junior arena builders” are back on the job at the new St. Marys Arena after a well-earned summer vacation. These junior builders who originally dug a lot of founda­ tion when the building was started are by far the best volun­ teer workers in town and under the leadership of Collegiate teacher Don Fletcher, they certainly work like demons. At present they are removing sur­ plus earth by wheelbarrow from the southwest corner of the ice surface area in preparation for the artificial ice pipe. (St. Marys Journal-Argus) Avert Danger. Quick response by the Sea­ forth Fire Brigade on Friday, August 1, averted the spread of flames from a burning shdd be­ hind Main St. to a whole down­ town business block. A burning trash heap was ap­ parently responsible for the blaze, which caught on a small outside structure behind a stor­ age shed containing grocery merchandise belonging to J. J. Cleary. When firemen arrived the small structure was ablaze and smoke and smaller fire had 'reached the shed. Damage to merchandise in the shed, mostly by smoke and water, was estimated at over $4,000. The small structure was left a useless, charred ruins. Dahiage to the shed itself is undetermined. (Huron Expositor) Mel Lavigne Canadian Fiddlers Champion Mel Lavigne, of Wingham, who won the Canadian fiddling championship at Shelburne on Saturday night, is a half-brothei' of Afchie Hubert, of Seaforth. Besides the trophy and $200 cash, he lias the honor to rep­ resent Canada at the U.S, fid­ dling contest at Louisville, Kentucky, in septemebr . (Seaforth News) To Stand Trial John Rice, Seaforth, charged with manslaughter after a triple fatality in gurburban Toronto on July 4, was committed for trial in New Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, M. Mclvor and Bertha Woods, 51, all of Toronto, were killed when the auto in, which they were riding collided with a What do yott mean, NICEj hard-working boy? I was « sailor once mysdf*